Can Hollywood fuck off?

With the golden globes on, social media and mainstream media alike have been going off over Meryl Streep speech in regards to president elect Donald Trump.

Hollywood over the past election cycle were constantly undermining the America public and laughing off Donald Trump, in most cases without much substance, even some celebrities said they would move to Canada if Donald won and sure enough no one has moved yet... Hollywood did the most condescending shit to swing voters of Clinton and did the exact opposite of that

The thing that gets me is Hollywood telling people what to do, how to think and the belief are so holy and self righteous (much like the left) and there opinions are worthier over a metal worker in Detroit or a farmer in Texas.

Hollywood talk about how wrong Donald Trump's immigration policy (when in fact its only deporting the illegal aliens, common sense really).

But in reality all these supposed "hollywood stars" live in gated communities and would never want a refugee to live in their own home.

Fuck Hollywood


If you don't like Hollywood people acting like people are paying attention to them, then stop paying attention to them.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.
Best Response

100% agree. Probably why I haven't paid for a movie or song in ages. Liberals just don't get it. Real people, voting people, haven't seen their life improve, even though everyone sucks Obama off. Trump (and Sanders) were speaking to these people and finally, their voices were heard. Instead of realizing big city, rich liberals are out of touch, they simply double down. Before, you just had educated liberals in big cities shitting on everyone else. Now you have celebrities parroting this false information.

IMO, this election has been utterly damaging to the left. Media was finally exposed as being fake and in the pocket of the left. You have coastal liberals basically declaring war on normal people. Obama might have gotten away with his "clinging to their guns and bible" comment because the economy was so bad, but after 8 years of a bullshit recovery you have Hillary talking about a basket of deplorable's because they choose to vote for someone who talks about bringing jobs back and being pro union (historically a Democrat policy) and stopping the flood of illegal immigrants (typically a historic Republican policy).

In summary, fuck Hollywood.



"Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners and if we kick them all out, you'll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts,"

I think she means whites from various countries when she says outsiders and foreigners.

The irony here is that sports are much more diverse than the film industry, much more diverse. Just look at how "diverse" the Oscars were to get an idea of liberal Hollywood's view towards diversity.

I always found it bizarre that the same film industry that has for a long time almost exclusively given lead and desirable roles to white males while at the same time aggressively hitting minority groups with some of the nastiest stereotypes out there brags about "diversity" and acceptance. Some of the worst stereotypes about minority groups have come from the media and film industry, people see it and they believe it. Now Hollywood goes around preaching diversity to everyone after not only its racist history, but its currently not so progressive actions towards people of color.

Even a lot of actors from minority groups have complained about this very thing yet liberal Hollywood goes around preaching how tolerant, progressive, and accepting it is, truly a disgrace.

Hollywood is a true look into the mind of your elitist liberal. Talk about how great "diversity" is but in action but don't practice what you preach. Just like any movie, every minority is a stereotype and the second they don't act that stereotype, something is wrong with them (i.e.: minorities that decide to vote Republican). While doing all that, blame those small town bumpkins voting Republican as being the "racists".



who cares? Streep has a platform and is allowed to voice her opinions, same with Alex Jones. The amount of "give a fuck" you offer these people is your prerogative, I can tell you they won't be going away though.


Hollywood has always done this. Maybe you guys are too young to remember Iraq and all of the antiwar comments at the Academy Awards ~10-15 years ago.

The fact that Meryl Street- or whatever her name is- says something doesn't mean you have to either accept her comment or reject her.

The fact that these people are 30 years older than you doesn't mean you can't be more mature.

The fact that these people are in Hollywood and were more mature than you when you were 15 doesn't mean that they have to be your examples or your role models at 22, 25, or 30.

The fact that these people are probably wrong- and very loudly and angrily wrong- doesn't mean you have to be angry back at them.

The fact that Trump is president and that these people aren't in power ought not make liberals scared, confused, and angry, but I remember what it was like with Bush. It wasn't too long ago that liberals were calling Bush a dictator. And I was one of them. I was also a confused 20 year old.

We will always have angry liberals screaming into microphones, and we will always have deranged conservatives promoting falsehoods-- especially when the other side is in the White House. My knee-jerk reaction is to get angry just like everyone else. But my knee-jerk reaction is usually wrong.


It's Streep. You know her name. But I get it - it makes you look like you couldn't care less.

So you are in favor of the Iraq War? Think it was a good idea? Think Hollywood was wrong on that one?? I was also a confused 20 year old during the Bush years, because I blindly supported him and only recently woke up to the absolute bullshit propelled by the GOP. Last night Streep said our President shouldn't bully the handicapped. This is a controversial subject why exactly? Oh right it's cause she used a platform she was given. I'm sure you guys are just as mad at Clint Eastwood when he goes on his Nobama rants, right?

I know this site will always lean right due to our high tax brackets, but for God's sake, we just elected a know-nothing, un-curious, dictator-loving, reckless blowhard with a limp dick Congress who will kowtow to his ever-changing belief system (funny how the GOP magically became pro-Russia on Election Day). These MAGA threads will age about as well as all those WSO economic predictions threads circa. 2007.

Illini - this isn't an attack on you, as we've met a few times and I found you to be a reasonable dude. I just don't understand how so many smart people on this site look at this guy and don't see through his bullshit. What am I missing?

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."


1) The USA loves dictators. We loved Saddam when he fought Iraq. We support the monarchy in Saudi Arabia that executes gays. We've supported countless South American dictators. So shove this hyperbole.

a. Putin isn't a dictator. Respecting and wanting to work with Russia =/= loving a dictator. We trade with China which is an actual Communist Totalitarian state.

b. Russia didn't hack our election. They did not hack our voting machines. Hillary is one of the most disliked candidates that the Dem's ran, but they pushed for her. Russia didn't make the DNC fuck over Bernie. Russia didn't make Podesta and Hillary collude with all the "real news" reporters.

c.Hillary was the one talking about enforcing a no fly zone in Syria, which would have led us to direct conflict with Russia. We, the USA, are at fault for destabilizing the Middle East. Obama, the inexperienced, no work experience, Messiah is the one who opened his mouth, talked about a line in the sand and then backed down, showing the US to be impotent.

2) Trump is a no nothing. Standard echo chamber shit. Trump went to an Ivy League school, which is the standard "i'm better and know everything" seal of approval for the left. Trump has built a billion dollar business. He's hired, fired, succeeded and failed. Sorry, but he has accomplished plenty.

3) If the politicians didn't want someone so radical, maybe they should have done something all these years. Instead we have $20T in debt (thanks Obama), no wage growth, jobs going overseas (but muh globalism is so great) and politicians fucking over the core of this country - the working class.

And let me be clear. The working class make up this country and they are getting fucked. If it wasn't for racist scaremongering and identity politics, you'd have a massive working class party running this country. Trump got a higher % of the minority vote because he talked about jobs, the actual only thing that will repaid and help the black community.

Smart people don't have a problem with Trump because there is no problem. This country has been run into the ground by "smart" people and technocrats. We finally have someone who wants to actually stop illegal immigration or bring jobs back to the USA, instead of groups of people who sell this country down the drain.

We had 8 years of a "smart" technocrat with no real experience running the show. Time to let someone who can actually run a business do things.

Go back to your safe space.



It's Streep. You know her name. But I get it - it makes you look like you couldn't care less.

Ok, you caught me. Street sounded more deliberate than the name I honestly sometimes confuse her with-- Meryl Screech. I'm not trying to insult her though-- she is a talented actress who I think has won dozens of academy awards over the years--just trying to point out that if you don't watch movies, she's kinda irrelevant, which make her bleeding heart political views even more irrelevant.

It's possible to like Meryl Streep without liking her politics or assigning too much weight to an actor's political views.

So you are in favor of the Iraq War? Think it was a good idea? Think Hollywood was wrong on that one??

I've always thought the war was a mistake. I still do. But now that I am older and wiser than my 20-year-old self, I realize we were wrong for running around calling our troops nazis and claiming Bush was a dictator. It's possible to disagree with someone on policy but still root for the country and root for their policy to help the country. (CC Obamacare, Tea Party) What good did it do to accuse people of being war criminals, and who's side were we on? And sometimes being a quiet, friendly moderate gets you further than being an angry liberal (cc the 2006 midterms). There's a way to do constructive confrontation and positive dissent. Jeanette Rankin was the perfect example of it-- she cast the sole dissenting vote against WWII. She summed it up beautifully: "I wish to stand for my country but I cannot vote for war." She lost the next election in a landslide, but she will go down in US history as a patriotic pacifist.
I was also a confused 20 year old during the Bush years, because I blindly supported him and only recently woke up to the absolute bullshit propelled by the GOP.
It's ok, you're allowed to be wrong twice. When you get it right the third time, we won't hold it against you. :-) To be absolutely sure, there's a lot of bullshit artistry going on in the Republican Party. Climate Change denial, evolution denial, there are kooks out there who claim tax revenues will go up if we lower tax rates to zero. There are still Republicans who believe I'm gay by choice. They're wrong, and the smarter ones know exactly what they're doing and the damage it is causing the Republic. Perhaps the biggest bullshit artist is Ted Cruz, although Ed Markey or Claire McCaskill can be almost as damaging on a bad day (in fairness I'm not always sure McCaskill knows what she's doing).
Last night Streep said our President shouldn't bully the handicapped.
To be sure, she goes a lot further:
And this instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kinda gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose. O.K., go on with it. O.K., this brings me to the press. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call him on the carpet for every outrage.
I guess, my question is, the man isn't even president yet and he's being accused of abusing presidential power and committing outrages. (OK she doesn't say that explicitly but you really have to listen very closely to that sentence to avoid coming to that conclusion, and I give Streep credit as a smart lady who prepared that speech and knew how it would come off.) Streep accused Trump of bullying a reporter and basically called him a violent man because of it. But Trump used words-- not threats, not incitement, not government action, just words. Ok, Trump is pretty darned immature and adults don't behave that way. I'm not sure how much of an adult Streep is, either, or what she's trying to accomplish. This all looks ugly, but I think Streep might have hurt herself more than she hurt Trump, and I think she is contributing to this narrative of Trump Derangement Syndrome more than she is being effective at casting Trump as Secret Hitler.
This is a controversial subject why exactly? Oh right it's cause she used a platform she was given. I'm sure you guys are just as mad at Clint Eastwood when he goes on his Nobama rants, right?
I was too busy being confused by the empty chair, scratching my head about a claim the sitting president was born in Kenya, and wondering why Romney's smile looked just like Cruz's, Clinton's, and Nixon's.
I know this site will always lean right due to our high tax brackets, but for God's sake, we just elected a know-nothing, un-curious, dictator-loving, reckless blowhard with a limp dick Congress who will kowtow to his ever-changing belief system (funny how the GOP magically became pro-Russia on Election Day).
To be sure, this site leans towards Trump not because of the tax brackets or the tea party idiots who almost destroyed the currency with a default a couple years ago, but probably because it's majority male. I personally cast a protest vote, but I have a lot of friends who did vote for him. And I don't think they're the typical Republican moral majority sheep who always fall for the abortion and socialism red meat.
These MAGA threads will age about as well as all those WSO economic predictions threads circa. 2007.

Illini - this isn't an attack on you, as we've met a few times and I found you to be a reasonable dude. I just don't understand how so many smart people on this site look at this guy and don't see through his bullshit. What am I missing?

To be sure, I was one of the more pessimistic people in '07. (Not that it would be THAT bad, just that a bigger recession than '01 or '91 was coming and energy prices wouldn't help)

I worry about a war with China, I worry about Trump's business relationships and conflicts of interest, and I was worried about the Constitution, although I'm a bit less so right now with Trump's appointments. But the US needs to retain its national identity, and liberalism visavis NAFTA, TPP, and various refugee and migrant situations has placed the needs of foreigners over the country's fiduciary duty to its citizens. We need a president who will (within the bounds of ethics) prioritize the needs and rights of US citizens earning $10-20/hour over Chinese mercantilists, illegal immigrants, and Syrians. There are a lot of sad things happening in the world, but we have to take care of our own house first before we can help our neighbors.

In 2004, the sheep were all Republicans and the religion was conservative evangelical Christianity. In 2016, the religion is identity politics and internationalism. Civil rights are one of the most important things in a society, but if they conflict with the deontological rights recognized by the constitution, they might not actually be rights. I don't have the right to force an evangelical Christian photographer to attend my gay wedding ceremony-- or any religious-like ceremony he disagrees with. When I tell liberals I'm gay but it's totally unfair for me to do that to someone and that other people have rights too, they get angry at me. I'm getting the cognitive dissonance from liberals that I did from conservatives when I explained Swedish brain scans demonstrated the physical sciences had demonstrated homosexuality was not a choice. It's not easy to forgive the people who turned you into a political football in 2004, but if you've been on the losing end of a moral panic, they become easier to spot and you don't want it to happen to anyone else. Liberals are supposed to be open-minded but I think they are more closed minded than conservatives right now.

And we need internationalism to stand up to tyranny- but that only works when other countries pull their weight. We can't forget the lessons Germany taught us in the run-up to WWII, but we also can't forget the lessons the news out of Germany, Belgium, and France is teaching us today.

My view is that the this country has changed religions, and hence, it's possible the sheep and the moral panic may be different today. Regardless, even if I don't like all of the policies being implemented, I'm going to stand with my country and with our constitutional democracy.


Alright, let's just look at the world that we live in today, before we make all of these baseless claims. I think the media, Republican Congressmen, and cultural dynamics are influencing everyone to be too extreme right and too extreme left. The country was never meant to be divided by political affiliations, so I've grown up and stopped being swept away by political pundits.

The Great Recession

First and foremost, Obama didn't inherit a normal economy, so the country that he was leading at the time of his presidency was very different than most other US presidents. People actually praise and consider Roosevelt and Truman to be two of the greatest presidents in American history for what they were able to accomplish during the Great Depression and WWII. It was 2011 when I first went off to college. Taking my first economics and finance classes, everything they said made 100% sense. But there was one thing that never added up and something I can't remember ever being talked about--deleveraging. This is something that Ray Dalio has explained really well, and I actually had to do my own research to find this out.

We came to the end of a long-run credit cycle, where normal monetary policy just stopped working, and so did the economic machine. We needed president Obama, because if we got one of those 'end the fed' hacks, the normal people Trump likes to say he's all about, would have been mowed down from their debt levels, company debt levels, and by bank's inability to fund their liabilities. It's important to note that the Fed is not free market capitalism, given that it's basically centralized capitalism. But the problem is, we don't have a better mechanism to fix a broken market at the moment. I liken the Fed to building in a circular switch into my model so that before it fails, I can switch that on and off to control the way it works, and be ahead of having to rip through the entire thing to get to the problem (arghhh!).

But President Obama was also very moderate. His healthcare bill was essentially the same thing that republicans had come up with, chosen over a real universal system (I appreciate this) and I think the republicans are having a terrible time finding an improved solution. I'm sure that they want to rip out the premium control stuff, so we'll see what they come up with.

Globalization's Influence

I've heard that President Obama has had to spend an increasing amount of time on cyber security and is something Trump will have a heavy focus on, which makes sense. Global internet users are growing much faster than in the US, tech as an industry gets the majority of their sales dollars from around the world, ~60%, the majority of growth in population and economic activity happens outside of the US and in Asia, so we're looking at a rapidly changing world. If we don't plan for this rapid change in the world, what type of world do we want to live in, after just waiting around while everyone else passes us. It's unrealistic and nonsensical to think that any adoption of the world that has passed, which is currently and continuously changing in ways we've never seen, can lead to higher growth and better prosperity.

Unfortunately, we can eliminate globalization for America, Europe, and every other developed country, but China is still mostly independent, as well as Russia, smaller countries require large accounts to buy their exports, and either way, any country that is as large as China, Russia, or even other Asian countries, have the ability to go into these places to take what they want. Obama's dovish attitude to steering foreign policy, as well as our inability to make decisive policy is contributing to this phenomenon right now in Syria where US is absolutely uninvolved in a cease fire during a conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands. Essentially, our world influence will continue to decline, or at least be complicated if Trump enacts half of his policy stances, or remains Twitter heavy. Son of Softbank and Taiwan, seems like a mixing up of Trump's dislike of China. It looks like though we'll have some influence in Asia, it will be very tightly threading through China's course and then similarly with Russia's in the ME. That means more volatility.

Politics is stupid!

At the end of the day, Trump should be able to easily achieve 4% growth, so it's not a surprise that's his target. Deleveraging is winding down, and it's a really good time to begin enacting very economic friendly policies. It's going to be different than what we've seen, and very volatile, as well. But, ultimately it's a good thing to have had President Obama during the 2008 to 2016 period, given the nature of that period. Trump is inheriting healthy payrolls, strengthening labor market, healthy debt levels, and all he's got to do is think about raising incomes. The American people might not know shit about policy, but overall they're very in tuned with what's happening, electing Obama and now Trump.

I definitely agree that there's reason to advocate your stance, for very specific reasons, such as immigrants might have the skills needed to run your company right now, or ACA has a lot of annoying little quirks. But overall, there's no real difference from a very broad stance in ideals. The ideals with the most weight and power succeed in our great democracy, and that's what ultimately matters. Political ideology is just something to do, but it doesn't mean anything. I'm just hoping to have an awesome 2017, and watch this pretty predictable super bowl that's almost here!


Well said. What degree of Trump achieving 4% growth do you think could be attributed to the scenario he is inheriting vs enacting his own policies? (In reality, not what he tweets)


Not sure what great scenario Trump is inheriting. If Trump can pass corporate tax reform along with reduce or eliminate all the regulation that Obama has put in place we could have serious, real growth. Remember, Obama has "achieved" his growth through endless QE and financial manipulation. Companies are not investing, wages are stagnant, low paying service jobs have replaced higher paying manufacturing jobs and we've achieved all this "wonderful" low GDP growth while doubling the national debt in 10 years.

Trump is a jobs President. I frankly find it sickening that both sides keep talking about Russia instead of talking about lowering taxes, bringing jobs back to the US, making the US a more business friendly country and avoiding more costly foreign intervention.



Why does this make people so angry? Who gives a shit?

Turn off the golden globes, turn off cable news, and do something enjoyable instead

Commercial Real Estate Developer

If Hollywood had any relevance, political or otherwise, in 2016... they now have far less. I don't think they've come to grips with the fact that the far left liberal elite went from having some power and influence in this country to none overnight, and this is how they are dealing with it. Let pin heads be pin heads because honestly what movie have you gone to see in a theater in the last year ..or two (if at all) that wasn't a sequel or remake?

PS they hate us because why wouldn't some idiot who was busing tables last week and then one day gets a mansion and a rolls royce only to find out they're not that smart, powerful, important, or even rich hate us?

Overwhelming grasp of the obvious.

Ratione id eos quidem harum. Expedita aut nostrum asperiores minus. Doloribus assumenda quo voluptatem et. Voluptates blanditiis nemo at qui.

Doloremque autem dolorem facilis unde. Quas officiis est vitae et culpa. Sapiente nulla repudiandae aut eligendi tenetur. Suscipit animi eos magnam et aperiam sint.

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