This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. These flavored pods such as for juul are for ADULTS, they aren't for little kids who are underaged to buy them. Unfortunately, people will buy them for younger kids which is completely illegal. How can you ban something that is specifically stated that the product is for adults and it is not for children whatsoever.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"
Most Helpful

What the fuck did I just read lol

We live in America. People should be free to make their own choices, even if they're bad ones. That's part of life. Similarly I would say that they should then have to experience the consequences of those choices, which in this case is being addicted to fruity fumes. If kids decide to circumvent the law to do this (just like drinking) it should be on the parents, not the government to do something about it. Advocating for banning every vice is proof of a pathetic mindset because it just means you have no self discipline.

I would rather be a degenerate than a pathetic individual with no discipline.

What the fuck did I just read lol

We live in America. People should be free to make their own choices, even if they're bad ones. That's part of life. Similarly I would say that they should then have to experience the consequences of those choices, which in this case is being addicted to fruity fumes. If kids decide to circumvent the law to do this (just like drinking) it should be on the parents, not the government to do something about it. Advocating for banning every vice is proof of a pathetic mindset because it just means you have no self discipline.

I would rather be a degenerate than a pathetic individual with no discipline.

The issue is that the public ends up paying for people's choices. If more people ate healthy, we wouldn't have the same health care costs we do.

So yes, you should have the ability to make choices, but sin taxes aren't a bad thing. At least in theory, smokers pay for part of the cost the impart on society through tobacco taxes. But I dislike the fact that some obese person in Iowa can slurp down 72 ounces of soda every day and then make me contribute to their inevitable care requirements.


Ergo Clears, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no bananas, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Ergo Clears:
Totally BNR by Trump.

Smoking is for degenerates.

In case you haven't been paying attention for the past 20 years, people want freedom but can't handle agency.

Degeneracy begets degeneracy. People like to evaluate things in complete isolation. Sure, vaping isn't the worst thing in the world, but what does it lead to? Statistically, I'd wager that a population that vapes is more likely to have a greater % of degenerates and low-lifes than the population that doesn't.

See: slippery slopes

A good example is the transexual lobby and how any pushback whatsoever is ostracized. In a few years, we've gone from gay marriage being illegal to LGBT+ history being mandated in state public education. What does the future hold?

I repeat, slippery slope.

People have shown time and time again that they can't handle all the responsibility that comes with freedom. You're literally seeing this manifest before your eyes, but your inability to link things like vaping with the secular trend is pure cognitive dissonance.

Trump should go and ban porn too.

People want to smoke weed, have a ton of premarital sex, and colonize Mars. It's one of the other, folks. We haven't walked on the moon in half a century.

this guy's gonna fuck once his balls drop

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

I'm going to go ahead and assume you have a state-school education and are unused to debating. Your points don't follow from a set of factual predicates, so even if your logic were sound (and it isn't) your conclusion would be invalid.

What I think you're attempting to do (though you do so poorly) is link the decline of American religiosity with the rise of vice, and then attempt to link that rise with laziness, social decline and a decrease in our ability to colonize Mars? That's some lazy thinking that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, which is why I'm imagining you haven't had this discussion with a well-educated audience.

I want you to go check the percentages of the American populace who were smokers over the past century. I want you to do the same with drinking. In 1954, 45% of Americans smoked. That's 5 years before we landed on the moon. In 2018, that figure had dropped to 16%.


In 1954, essentially no Americans identified themselves as nonreligious. Today, that figure is closer to 20%.

In 1954, we invented the microwave. In 1955, the polio vaccine was discovered. In 1956, IMB released the first hard disk drive In 1957, Enovid--the first birth control--was approved by the FDA In 1958, the Boeing 707 becomes the world's first commercial jet liner. 1959: the integrated circuit was first created 1960: the pacemaker was invented 1961: cordless tools 1962: Telstar, the first communications satellite is launched 1963: Sketchpad, the precursor to all CAD programs was released 1964: Unmanned aerial vehicles are first used 1965: Kevlar is invented 1966: Dwarf rice increases worldwide crop yields by 20% 1967: The world's first coronary bypass is performed 1968: Integrated computer systems make their debut 1969: ARPANET, internet 0.0, is created 1970: Fiber optics are refined into usability 1971: Nike creates the first running shoes 1972: Electronic ignition switches are invented 1973: The MRI is invented 1974: The barcode is invented 1975: Scientists first start talking about 'global warming' 1976: The Cray-1, the first supercomputer is invented 1977: The first personal computers are sold 1978: The first GPS satellite is launched 1979: The Sony Walkman starts to miniaturize consumer tech 1980: Cobalt-oxide cathodes are invented for lithium ion batteries 1981: The first Scanning Tunneling Microscope allows for the creation of the field of nanotechnology 1982: Elk Cloner, the first computer virus, is created 1983: Microsoft Word is created 1984: Alec Jeffreys pioneers DNA Fingerprinting 1985: Polymerase Chain Reaction is discovered by Kary Mullis 1986: Eric Thomas creates the first listserv 1987: Prozac is approved by the FDA 1988: The first internet virus, the Morris worm, makes its debut 1989: The world wide web is created 1990: Photoshop hits the market 1991: Linux makes its debut 1992: IBM introduces SIMON, the world's first smart phone 1993: The first 0-emission fuel cell cars are created 1994: The RQ-1 predator drone has its first testflight 1995: HIV protease inhibitors are approved by the FDA--HIV is no longer a death sentence. 1996: The DVD is created 1997: The gas-electric hybrid Prius hits Japanese markets 1998: The first module for the international space station is launched 1999: Bluetooth 1.0 first enables wireless mass communications 2000: GPS goes mainstream and text messaging comes to the US 2001: Wikipedia is launched 2002: IEEE 802.16 creates wifi on steriods for whole metro areas 2003: The Human Genome Project is founded 2004: Facebook is founded 2005: Google Maps 2006: The Nintendo Wii sythesizes real a virtual worlds like never before 2007: iPhone invented 2008: Large Hadron Collider opens 2009: Bitcoin is created potentially moving humans to a digital future 2010: Siri 1.0 is created 2011: The Curiosity Rover lands on Mars 2012: Google launches its machine learning project 2013: CRISPR first used for gene editing 2014: The hemopurifier allows for the cleaning of blood to combat Ebola, hepatitis and cancer 2015: SpaceX works out the kinks with reusable rockets 2016: Oculus Rift mainstreams virtual reality

This list is far from complete and certainly not the best invention in every year, but we've come a long way. To imagine that technological progress has slowed in any way as a result of increased secularism simply isn't supported by the data. It's important to note as well that a huge portion of scientific and technological discoveries and advancements have been made by secularists. In fact, only about half of American scientists and less than 10% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences believe in God at all. You are able to scribble your drivel on this forum due largely to the inventions and advancements of agnostics and atheists.

As you can see, smoking has declined precipitously from its zenith while secularism rose from its nadir. American alcohol consumption peaked in 1830 at 7.1 gallons of ethanol per capita down to 2.3 gallons per capita today. Americans were all far, far more religious in the 1830s than they are today, but were essentially a bunch of alcoholics back in what I am guessing you (wrongly) imagine were the glory days of American virtue.

My point--just to hammer home the point--is that you don't know what you're talking about in the slightest. If you're going to say something inflammatory, you have to be able to back it up. Otherwise, you expose yourself as an ill-informed, poorly-educated simpleton.

Go read a bit, come back with a well thought out argument supported by data (your opinion is insufficient to hold sway), and I'll help you refine your point of view to something more defensible. I'd help make the argument for you if you had spent even the smallest amount of time considering what you wrote before you chose to evacuate the bowels of your mind on the internet.

This is why you don't send your kids to public school.


Hey man while I agree with what you have said to a large degree you do sound a bit off a hard ass. I would assume a lot of people on WSO have rags to riches background (including the rich to "richer" who think life was hard for them). But my point is you can belittle the "Handmaid's Tale" speech guy above without making people feel bad about going to public schools or state colleges. For a lot of us it wasn't a choice we had. Public / private school doesn't really apply to me as I'm from another country and it works differently there but the point being as a debater attack the opponent and don't hate the crowd. you know...?

Ergo Clears:
Totally BNR by Trump.

Smoking is for degenerates.

In case you haven't been paying attention for the past 20 years, people want freedom but can't handle agency.

Degeneracy begets degeneracy. People like to evaluate things in complete isolation. Sure, vaping isn't the worst thing in the world, but what does it lead to? Statistically, I'd wager that a population that vapes is more likely to have a greater % of degenerates and low-lifes than the population that doesn't.

See: slippery slopes

A good example is the transexual lobby and how any pushback whatsoever is ostracized. In a few years, we've gone from gay marriage being illegal to LGBT+ history being mandated in state public education. What does the future hold?

I repeat, slippery slope.

People have shown time and time again that they can't handle all the responsibility that comes with freedom. You're literally seeing this manifest before your eyes, but your inability to link things like vaping with the secular trend is pure cognitive dissonance.

Trump should go and ban porn too.

People want to smoke weed, have a ton of premarital sex, and colonize Mars. It's one of the other, folks. We haven't walked on the moon in half a century.

Damn bruh. You drinking that whacko koolaid hard


If by made money you mean bankrupted two casinos then yes he made money

Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career.

This is just another example of why I no longer am a republican. I just have no interest in moralistic or paternalistic policies (Christian Conservatives, Bloomberg, are known for these). Especially those focusing on the "think of the children" narrative. If the kids aren't vaping, they will just smoke cannabis, cigs, drink alcohol, etc. You can try to suppress vices until they are blue in the face it won't change a thing. Also I think childhood obesity is a much bigger issue but since it seems like there are more overweight people in America than healthy we have already normalized that.


Overweight kids won't be addressed because it is a slow moving problem. Politics cannot solve slow moving problems (like climate change). It's hard to show a photo of a fat kid without people saying there are numerous contributing factors or getting pissed for you messing with some kid's self esteem and "fat shaming". Nobody cares that this kid's lifespan will just shave off years and years at an accelerated rate, they care about following social norms.

Vaping for years has a direct effect on some people (collapsed lungs and whatever else they're seeing). It's easy to point the finger. Big bad vape company.

Harder to point the finger at complex social issues (like poor areas having a difficult time finding healthy food options), the amount of sugar in every single thing we consume, no regulations to keep kids from being fed Big Mac's 7 nights a week, etc.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

I agree with your sentiment and I agree that is why they are going after vapes instead of obesity. It is also easier to see dramatic changes in peoples vice of choice that makes the person who banned it look great if it is presented properly.

Politics has nothing to do with science or logic. It is really a game of emotions. People get emotional about their children using vapes. Politicians see a spot they can look good and as you mentioned they can do so quickly. Politicians just need to read their email to see what it rubbing people the wrong way and if it is an easy target they will go after them.

Malta Monkey:
Overweight kids won't be addressed because it is a slow moving problem.

I mean, strides are being made. Awareness that fast food and soda are really, really bad for you. Banning hydrogenated oils helps. An awareness and desire to bring fresh produce and other, healthier food options to food deserts. They may be little things, but they help. Some of that is government, and some is social change, but it happens. It's easy to forget it, but the research being done on these issues is funded in large part with government dollars, so while legislatively there may be little the government can do to solve major issues, there are other ways of moving the scale. It's one of the reasons that (mostly but not entirely) right wing attacks on science and fact-based policymaking is so harmful in the long run - proving the smoking is horrible for you, or that certain foods are objective awful for one's health, are some of the many ways in which scientific consensus has benefited society. As that trust is eroded, the ability of modern science to make helpful impacts on humanity erodes as well.


The issue with vaping and kids isn't the damn flavors. It's the fact that you can vape in your room without your parents even having a clue.

Back in the day when I was in high school, nearly everyone smoked and got busted by their parents at some point because we all reeked of tobacco. Then, you could have a conversation with your parents about it which was not all too pleasant. With vaping, it's much easier to get away with a serious habit in your high school years. Ok....I'm going back to my rocking chair you damn whipper snappers....


Everyone my age does it. What amazes me more is how much money people are okay wasting! If people spend money on weed they are going to get the benefits of THC, but what the heck is the point of nicotine?! Makes no sense to me.


Doubt a ban of this magnitude would actually passed. Sounds more like posturing from Trump’s side than anything else. If people are gonna be so reckless they get sick from vaping, idk if there’s a policy solution to such bizarre behavior.


Historically speaking, pushing a regulated product underground tends to decrease prices slightly in the short run and overall decrease safety significantly.

I'd look at differences in recreational drug quality and prices between countries based on legislation (NL, Portugal for open examples). Contraband cigarettes is an obvious example as well, although the technology for traditional cigarettes is much more accessible than vaping pod technology.


I'm not a fan of this, but I get why Trump did this politically. He is probably not going to give in on guns since doing so would result in his base abandoning him in 2020. At the same time, he wants to give crumbs to the college-educated white suburban women who vote based on whether a President talks like Jed Bartlett and makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Given the wide usage amongst teens, this is a way to placate them, so they can STFU and vote based on actual policies.


Lots of mass companies have taken the initiative to reach out to him on gun laws and there is more publicity now than ever. WalMart, Walgreens, Banks etc. I wouldn't be surprised if something on this front was done. Probably not enough, but even something menial is expected. I definitely see your point of bringing this to focus instead though over the gun laws.

I'm not a fan of this, but I get why Trump did this politically. He is probably not going to give in on guns since doing so would result in his base abandoning him in 2020. At the same time, he wants to give crumbs to the college-educated white suburban women who vote based on whether a President talks like Jed Bartlett and makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Given the wide usage amongst teens, this is a way to placate them, so they can STFU and vote based on actual policies.

Do you think a single suburban mom is going to change her vote because Trump...banned vape pens? If anything, this probably moves a few thousand votes against him from Juul diehard 18-year olds. The amount of 3D political chess people continue to ascribe to Trump amazes me - he has no idea what he is doing.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/valuation/free-cash-flow-to-equity-fcfe>FCFE</a></span>:
I'm not a fan of this, but I get why Trump did this politically. He is probably not going to give in on guns since doing so would result in his base abandoning him in 2020. At the same time, he wants to give crumbs to the college-educated white suburban women who vote based on whether a President talks like Jed Bartlett and makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Given the wide usage amongst teens, this is a way to placate them, so they can STFU and vote based on actual policies.

Do you think a single suburban mom is going to change her vote because Trump...banned vape pens? If anything, this probably moves a few thousand votes against him from Juul diehard 18-year olds. The amount of 3D political chess people continue to ascribe to Trump amazes me - he has no idea what he is doing.

Don't know for sure. But "soccer moms" are less ideological and care a lot about "mundane" issues that affect their kids. Bill Clinton introducing mandatory school uniforms back in 1996 is one example of this. Not saying that virulent anti-Trump voters will vote for him because of this, but it could have a marginal impact. Who knows.

Yes, Trump has NO idea what he is doing. That's why he is the 45th President of the United States who pulled off the most shocking upset in American political history. He is a total moron! I mean, anyone can get lucky and become POTUS!


I never understood vaping if you have never smoked but it seems more teens vape now than smoked when I was a younger. I thought the point of these was to get off cigarettes? I always ask my friends when do you wean off vaping?


I think middle schoolers and high schoolers think it looks cool (god knows why).

I picked up my friend one day and was driving (I was in the front seat with another friend and she was in the back). I had never seen a JUUL before, plus she never smoked cigarettes and randomly she blew out a bunch of smoke while I was driving. I yelled WTF WAS THAT!? I just saw a bunch of random smoke in the car and I was so confused.

It was such an addiction she didn't even think to ask to smoke in my car, or mention she was taking it out and blew smoke into the front seat. It has been 3 years and she is still addicted. To me it is just pointless.


Party of limited government strikes again!

I'm cracking up thinking about all the MAGA frat vape bros hearing this news.

Vapes have killed 6 people, all of them on a black market version. Guns kill 40,000 Americans a year. Yet the GOP can't even muster enough courage to pass universal background checks.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

That's because most gun deaths are suicides.

Second most are drug related.

Funny how you didn't identify any cause, just a symptom.

Unless of course you can explain how background checks will prevent these.

Fyi, they won't, see Asia for gunless suicides and Chicago for gun control.


Party of limited government strikes again!

I'm cracking up thinking about all the MAGA frat vape bros hearing this news.

Vapes have killed 6 people, all of them on a black market version. Guns kill 40,000 Americans a year. Yet the GOP can't even muster enough courage to pass universal background checks.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

Thanks for the monkey shit, i knew you couldn't come up with an actual response.

looking forward to you crying again on re-election day.

Party of limited government strikes again!

I'm cracking up thinking about all the MAGA frat vape bros hearing this news.

Vapes have killed 6 people, all of them on a black market version. Guns kill 40,000 Americans a year. Yet the GOP can't even muster enough courage to pass universal background checks.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

I have to admit I find it very surprising there are this many people advocating this is a good thing. Your FEELINGS about It shouldn’t override a person’s right to choose. I don’t like or do a lot of things, but I don’t think that puts me in a position to govern their actions. It’s government overreach, plain and simple.


The opiod problem is beyond rational. Generally, people are prescribed these drugs for pain management. Unfortunately, then people start can slowly taper off it. People then start turning to other pills such as Oxys, Lean or Heroin to fullfill their addiction. The whole lawsuit with Johnson and Johnson is a complex mixed salad of opinions. Three drugs you should never touch, Opiods, Meth and Cocaine. 100% I recommend not using any drugs besides a pint of beer.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

You mean crack, not cocaine.

The opiod problem is beyond rational. Generally, people are prescribed these drugs for pain management. Unfortunately, then people start can slowly taper off it. People then start turning to other pills such as Oxys, Lean or Heroin to fullfill their addiction. The whole lawsuit with Johnson and Johnson is a complex mixed salad of opinions. Three drugs you should never touch, Opiods, Meth and Cocaine. 100% I recommend not using any drugs besides a pint of beer.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

Numquam libero quis recusandae commodi rerum. Amet et eum tenetur sint error ratione. Et aperiam consequuntur id. Minima est id vero molestiae. Fugiat maiores sed quo nostrum eligendi.

Accusamus esse provident vitae quo est. Sequi recusandae eos consequatur quas officiis atque. Et blanditiis voluptatem quae sit porro ducimus ex eos. Sunt laborum debitis accusantium ut voluptatem numquam. Repellat qui veritatis velit repellat cum. Earum sed vero provident.

Deleniti sed fugit nulla nemo molestias reiciendis saepe. Est fuga non voluptatem dolor mollitia error voluptates quia. Dolorum eos pariatur blanditiis enim ea. In facilis enim consequatur expedita. Perspiciatis necessitatibus quia deleniti suscipit saepe qui nemo nihil. Et explicabo est dolore quia.


Laudantium consequuntur voluptas reiciendis ipsum quia excepturi laboriosam. Autem sed quasi suscipit distinctio quos error. Praesentium soluta in odit voluptas. Necessitatibus ducimus corporis iure dolorum in quam adipisci est.

Quae rem dicta placeat corporis voluptatibus officiis rerum. Soluta quos minus iure. Harum voluptas et quae incidunt doloremque ut itaque.

Minima aut atque cumque asperiores nihil atque et. Aspernatur non praesentium ut sed distinctio laboriosam harum. Aperiam ut labore ea.

Ea consectetur occaecati sunt non incidunt omnis ea. Cumque eum at pariatur quis doloremque. Ea veritatis similique blanditiis iusto. Et ab natus repudiandae ducimus. Nulla nemo corporis saepe id. Itaque ratione error eligendi dolor consequuntur a.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Sapiente corporis vero architecto ut deleniti quisquam. Magnam perferendis est voluptatibus repellendus accusamus. Dolorum et repellat aut cumque sit. Porro ut ipsa odit id.

Molestiae exercitationem totam dolore et. Dolore recusandae inventore sed laudantium. Reiciendis esse ab ad quia modi voluptates. Eum veniam adipisci voluptatem temporibus.

Et consectetur enim repellendus voluptatem. Quibusdam at molestiae aut necessitatibus distinctio alias repellat. Voluptatem alias cum dicta qui saepe. Eos praesentium magni voluptatem consequuntur ut doloribus. Nesciunt quia sit error voluptatem perspiciatis eum.


Ad natus rerum incidunt iusto ut. Accusantium dolorem sit minus quidem. Quae ut deleniti pariatur labore qui. Ut minus qui iste hic itaque. Quos dolor neque et mollitia quia.

Qui voluptatem et natus. Itaque provident officiis ut qui eligendi. Illo eaque doloremque voluptate voluptas voluptas. Incidunt qui sint quasi aliquam vero aliquam enim. Omnis repellat rerum deserunt dignissimos laudantium libero rerum. Et provident rem dicta molestias itaque recusandae.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Quo iure consequatur ut qui aspernatur et est. Molestiae autem necessitatibus et rerum. Aut voluptatem voluptatem quaerat voluptates natus eum vel. Aut dolores nihil consectetur eaque sit doloremque excepturi. Iure in et accusantium laborum quidem.

Vel fugiat vero labore qui. Quo doloribus velit et velit reiciendis eius voluptatem. Hic laborum enim vel sint. Tempora saepe rem consequatur deserunt voluptates. Aut fugit numquam in ut quae. Eaque temporibus eius consequatur neque saepe distinctio iste odit. Tenetur nobis velit accusantium vel reiciendis.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

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