Weirdest thing you have seen a Co- Worker obsessed with?

I knew this guy who was obsessed with Taylor Swift. He had 2 premium memberships to her fan club, always gets front row tickets, and I'm pretty sure he has the most Taylor stuff I have ever seen.

Got any co-workers who are obsessed with something that's just weird or is their obsession over the top?


Guns. I work with a guy who easily owns 100+ and carries two on him, including at the office, at all times.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Pump and Dump:
Maybe he's preparing for the day the tyranny government takes over.

We had that discussion once. He doesn't believe that he would be hilariously outgunned by the modern US military. For a guy who watches as many military videos on YouTube and Facebook as he does, you would think he would understand the capacity.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Pump and Dump:
Maybe he's preparing for the day the tyranny government takes over.

We had that discussion once. He doesn't believe that he would be hilariously outgunned by the modern US military. For a guy who watches as many military videos on YouTube and Facebook as he does, you would think he would understand the capacity.

That's assuming the U.S. military is unified, which is a pretty unlikely if a dictator took power.

Pump and Dump:
Maybe he's preparing for the day the tyranny government takes over.

We had that discussion once. He doesn't believe that he would be hilariously outgunned by the modern US military. For a guy who watches as many military videos on YouTube and Facebook as he does, you would think he would understand the capacity.

That's assuming the U.S. military is unified, which is a pretty unlikely if a dictator took power.

You're a complete idiot. The military wouldn't need to be unified (can't believe I had to say that). Any armored patrol vehicle that stumbles upon him and his 30 dithering buddies can turn them into a gyro/chicken combo over rice for vultures in minutes.

in it 2 win it
Most Helpful
Pump and Dump:
Maybe he's preparing for the day the tyranny government takes over.

We had that discussion once. He doesn't believe that he would be hilariously outgunned by the modern US military. For a guy who watches as many military videos on YouTube and Facebook as he does, you would think he would understand the capacity.

That's assuming the U.S. military is unified, which is a pretty unlikely if a dictator took power.

You're a complete idiot. The military wouldn't need to be unified (can't believe I had to say that). Any armored patrol vehicle that stumbles upon him and his 30 dithering buddies can turn them into a gyro/chicken combo over rice for vultures in minutes.

Of course, you know I'm not talking about this guy vs America. I'm talking about a revolution or civil war. The military is almost never unified in a revolution or civil war. I can give endless examples of this--the U.S. Civil War, the American Revolution, the Vietnam War (which was a civil war), Korean War, Syria, Venezuela, Soviet Union's fall, and on and on and on.


You're jumping the gun a little bit, why does the U.S military become involved? They would be against a police state which wants to control its citizens, but ultimately keep the country intact. This isn't a foreign power dead set on occupying a country and leveling it in order to cripple its defences.

We're talking unwarranted searches, light armoured vehicles, drones and helicopters not tanks, Aircraft carriers and F22s.


Every time I see someone use this argument it makes me think people don't understand shit about how a modern military works. It doesn't matter if you have all of the firepower in the world, if you can't get the firepower to where it is needed you essentially have huge hunks of scrap metal. Oil will be what makes or breaks a civil war in the US. Guerrillas are far more energy efficient than a large standing force is. All it takes to bring the US military to it's knees is a prolonged period of siege. Which it just so happens that small roving bands of guerrillas can do quite well. Blow up a few refineries, cut off energy to the neutral population and it will quickly spiral out of control of the government. Will every neutral join the government? No, but enough will blame the government for the predicament that no amount of government propaganda will overcome. Pro government propaganda only works when populations are relatively stable.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Do you work with Yosemite Sam? What would someone need two guns on their person for? Are they dual-wielding against an Al-Qaeda attack in their dreams?

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

Why not? I EDC a 9mm 2011 and a .380 micro. I think most people on this forum have absolutely zero understanding of firearms. Just like different shoes have different use cases, so do firearms.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Worked near a guy who wouldn't STFU about buying up as many ARs after Sandy Hook. Our training includes reporting people who are obsessed with weapons. Always wanted to see what happened to that guy.

My first job out of college was doing bank examination alongside the FDIC. We were closing banks back then and about half of us carried. We would talk about guns but never disclose what or where we carried. Several of the senior examiners had been through robberies. I would feel bad for whoever tried to rob the bank when we were visiting.


I do kind of understand the fantasy. I was a bank teller in high school and in the back of my insane teenager mind, I wanted to be robbed in order to use the secret tracking procedures.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

Yeah, I had a colleague like that. Frankly, it was terrifying. He's a nice guy, but I saw his gun collection and it's nuts. Sniper rifle w/ trip and scope (and he lived in a high-rise apartment across the street from a school). Shotguns, about a half dozen high-caliber handguns, and a handful of fighting knives. Kind of makes you think twice before teasing him at work.


not an obsession but the weirdest thing about a co-worker is that he can't poop in public toilets. Hence, every time he has to poop, he goes home which is like a 30 min drive.

made new unrelated account - dont reply or message as i never use it. 
Pump and Dump:
Wait that's weird? I've literally NEVER taken a dump in a public bathroom, lol.

Your user name is fake news, bro

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Understand why he would avoid public toilets as I am also the same, but if you have to go, you have to go. I would not drive 30 minutes just to do number two comfortably.


Are you Jewish?

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Not really an obsession but my friend has a coworker that literally has to shit naked. He confirms this cus they live together and I saw it when i was visiting. Like a really chill guy and all but he would like be like "oh gotta take a dump" and like go in his room and come out in a towel, go in the bathroom and do his business. Like sometimes he'd even take a shower.


A girl I work with is obsessed with going on police ride alongs. Like she goes on one every single weekend. She was explaining to me how there is some policy (at least where we live) that requires the local cops to take you on a ride along if you submit a formal request. It's gotten to the point where she knows almost all the cops in our city on a first name basis.

A jersey chaser but with guys in uniform. Don't hate on their town bus

“Badge bunny” is the correct term

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

Someone I used to work with was a bit of a whack job and was obsessed with combat sports. I don't mean watching them, I mean training daily for them. And no, it wasn't in the sense where he took judo and did weekend competitions, where everyone goes out for beers aftwards - he was learning serious combat techniques. We all thought it was a little odd but then ..

He announced that he was going to Russia to train with some former Soviet special ops officer... To learn their techniques. I should mention that this little training session was 4 weeks long (I think he actually borrowed from future vacations or wasn't paid for it or something).. AND .. it was in Volgograd - formerly Stalingrad .. Which is basically like the Cleveland of Russia... except less advanced and more remote.


Had a coworker who was obsessed with In-N-Out. Like not in the way that I like Chick-Fil-A, but a much stranger, deeper affection for all things In-N-Out. Like I saw him in the bathroom one time with an in-n-out wrapper from one of the burgers. Made eye contact with him while he was coming out of the stall. There is no plausible explanation of why he was in there with said wrapper that would not be creepy. I never brought it up again because I legitimately didn't want to know.

"Who am I? I'm the guy that does his job. You must be the other guy."

I had a coworker who went to strip clubs constantly, despite the fact he was married with daughters. He said Chris Rock didn't know wtf he was talking about as he claimed he did whatever he wanted to in the Champagne Room.


Got the offer but decided to pursue other opportunities. The analyst himself was a pretty cool dude regardless of his fixation on various conspiracy theories (although it really weirded me out the first time we discussed them, I just sort of nodded repeatedly). However, the culture wasn't great overall. I believe he did indeed at least entertain the idea that 9/11 was an inside job.


Wouldn't call it an "obsession," but used to work with a guy who was super strict about getting his calories in each day. Used to sit at his desk with several pints of milk and nearly a kilo of nuts and smash his way through them each afternoon.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

One of my old bosses was fully convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. My father was an Admiral in the US Navy, and my boss wasn't American, so he constantly asked if I could opine on this particular conspiracy theory or if he could speak with my father when he came to London. He just wouldn't let it go no matter how clear I made it that I didn't agree with him, that my father wouldn't agree with him, and that I didn't want to talk about it anymore. He was obsessed.

This man is currently in the upper C-suite at a Fortune 50 company.

[Comment removed by mod team]


Shelves of succulents.

Cubicle was like walking into the nursery at Home Depot.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Shhh, take your common sense out of here.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Anime. and not like your typical "hey I watch anime" dude. Man literally has fucking anime characters decorating the entire cubicle, brought his own anime gaming chair to the office, wears anime cufflinks (apparently they make them), cannot stop talking about how great anime is and gets triggered if people call them cartoons.

When life gives you kefir and flour, make some blins.

Wait this is me but with Gudetama.

Look it up.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

There is an associate I work with who only eats animal products. On Sunday's he makes five ribeye steaks and eats them cold at his desk every day..... He's been doing this for six months.

Tell him to mix in some animal crackers

This is such fake news! I can't imagine why people really think they are actual animals. They are cookies!!! They aren't even crackers!!!!!

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

One of the junior analyst LOVES to air drum on his desk which is fine if he didn't actually bang the desk or the floor. But he gets REALLY INTO IT like no joke he would start headbanging like a mf while i hear a faint noise of death metal from his earphone. He is also a huge Whitechapel and Parkway Drive (both metalcore/death metal band) fan and sometimes sung the growls within the song which creeps one of our team's associate because one night he growled "There's nowhere left to run" while walking from her desk


Eos est et reiciendis est. Quia necessitatibus quia nobis ipsum aspernatur. Temporibus nihil ut ut consequuntur sunt sed est. Similique dicta non et quod exercitationem officia.

What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent feat. Nickelback.

Itaque aut doloremque ea ipsum voluptate. Et doloremque voluptas porro exercitationem rem quis iste. Itaque velit est et amet voluptatem provident voluptatem. Doloremque aliquid aliquam rerum quod sunt dolores. Nam aut beatae error non esse quos nemo. Cum vero numquam exercitationem aut.

Ipsa quaerat labore est. Similique nam reprehenderit vero sunt. Soluta omnis eum temporibus nemo. Exercitationem deleniti rerum quod ut vel dolor.

Eos minus quasi repudiandae illo saepe. Sit illum et qui debitis rerum. Distinctio ipsam et in ut voluptatem nam minima consequatur. Velit sint voluptate atque aut aliquid natus. Eos quo sed ut quibusdam.


Possimus amet dolor dolores dignissimos magnam illum. Voluptas commodi a facere a possimus exercitationem quis. Cupiditate sint reprehenderit sunt et asperiores voluptatem quidem dolor.

Consectetur qui maiores animi ut corporis consectetur. Amet voluptates excepturi quis laudantium. Et perferendis quia reprehenderit excepturi.

Omnis eos autem sunt id. Facere vel cum dolore iste aut. Corrupti tempore neque sapiente odit et at. Autem sunt et nihil tempore suscipit qui nihil. Error ducimus voluptatem quo asperiores corporis in.

Voluptatem id voluptas illo. Vero reiciendis quis molestias. Illo delectus est odit voluptatem eos qui eum. Repudiandae ducimus veniam dolor ut. Nisi laudantium animi laborum reprehenderit perferendis.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

Repudiandae ut doloremque est laboriosam dolorum alias voluptas. Perspiciatis perspiciatis ut voluptatum quis voluptate sint illum. Id nulla vero enim veniam consequatur ducimus sed. Iure illo excepturi in et officia.

Sed cum sunt aspernatur inventore. Eaque et nemo rerum commodi eum neque nam.

Natus cupiditate modi commodi eos qui. Distinctio quibusdam delectus unde rerum eligendi sunt perspiciatis.


Unde illum corporis doloremque quia. Assumenda numquam amet quas qui. Molestias nobis nisi esse at.

Animi repudiandae laudantium adipisci. Est ea et voluptatem atque inventore tempore incidunt deleniti. Odit earum vel alias voluptatem similique. Minus consectetur perferendis eveniet dolores voluptas id harum qui. Rem quibusdam voluptas ut modi. Debitis consequatur quaerat fugiat doloribus eius alias.

Officiis est natus tenetur numquam. Aut fuga dolore distinctio voluptas. Quasi hic iure ipsa at. Perspiciatis magnam et voluptas. Dolorum aut esse molestias qui maiores.

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  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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