What weird version of history do you subscribe to?

It's entirely possible that I'm just a weirdo, but there are some things I choose to believe or to not disbelieve due to how some facts line up. Examples of my own personal version of history:

  • I think LBJ was in on the JFK assassination
  • I think NK strategic command is seizing the opportunity to have more mercurial US leadership (Trump) take out Kim Jong Un by misleading Kim on what the international community will accept
  • Suge Knight killed Easy-E (do not dispute this)

What are some of yours?


Humans are way older than most of academia thinks. Also we're living in a simulation.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Makes me feel better about my ego. Like of course you're a fucking golden god dude this is all your world.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Oh yeah I'm not sold on evolution either. It exists, but I think there's more to the story.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

It's likely there was an intervention between homo erectus and sapien. I believe most of what Sitchin wrote about this. Basically the iterations he postulates are: Adamu & Ti-Amat (likely neanderthals), Adapa & Titi (biblical Adam and Eve), Ziusudra (Noah, product of a god mating with offspring of Adam & Eve). Lost Book of Enki *and *There Were Giants Upon the Earth are both excellent reads on the subject.


Not really alternative, but check out the politically incorrect guide to the Great Depression.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

It is a book, sorry, I should have made that more clear. Price setting by drawing numbers out of a hat. Destroying livestock and crops to artificially inflate prices and so forth. Just a different look at the Great Depression.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

Why doesn't someone man up and pop Suge once and for all? He has a bullies demeanor while living the thug life.

26 Broadway where's your sense of humor?

yeah I guess i shouldn't have jumped straight to these Masters/Ph.D. level conspiracy theories. For the conspiracy 101 I'd still probably start with a steady diet of 9/11, JFK, school shooting false flag type stuff. (Side note, anyone else notice that the mass shootings thing has completely gone away under Trump... guess he's not as big a fan of using our intelligence assets for theatre production).

After you get over these basic ones, you'll begin to accept that your government is capable of lying to you and you can then tackle the bigger issues like the ones I outlined above. For sure the Great Pyramids of Giza issue and the Pizzagate conspiracy are advanced topics that cannot possibly be covered with any level of rigor on an internet forum. Each of those took me the equivalent of a CFA level worth of work to accept as reality.

As for why it's worthwhile to research this stuff (e.g. thebrofessor question) - I think first it is useful to have a more accurate worldview than the average American. Frankly I think this makes me a better investor since I find it easy to look through the obvious false flag type stuff (Boston Marathon bombing for example) and just focus on the underlying agenda. But you're right, at some level this all starts to feel really futile. I felt very depressed when I was actively working on the pizzagate stuff and ultimately had to abandon it for my own sanity... once I grew certain that it was real it was so disgusting to me, and it was frustrating that the media would immediately move to distract from the actual evidence. That is very isolating to be in that position where you know a truth that the rest of the world accepts as "fake news", and I'm sure I lost a couple irl friends over it. Oh well, small price to pay in my book.


I'll give you pizzagate... 1 out of 4 ain't bad.

Associate at Family Office "Investing is not a game of Possibilities but of Probabilities."
Best Response

I don't understand stuff like this. the people that say 9/11 was an inside job, that the illuminati is real, new world order, and so on, what's your point? even if you manage to get some shoddy proof of these conspiracy theories, what are you going to do about it? buy some gold, put on your tin hat and get ready for the apocalypse? I'm genuinely curious, what are these people going to do about it? I think life's too short to get preoccupied with stupid shit like this.


I have this argument with my buddy all the time. He thinks the world is ending so he buys gold. I'm like bro, if you believe that shit why aren't you in the woods with an arsenal just waiting.

That being said, I do believe a lot of what we currently think is half truths or crafted. Most people only care about high level facts so things are too dumbed down to hold any real truth.


I completely agree and I pride myself on my free thinking abilities. Half the shit's probably based in reality but so what, you only have so much time and energy. I'd rather pursue shit I know is real.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

i suspect a lot of unfettered nepotism goes on at those establishments

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Agree with this. Some of the theories own their own seem to make sense on the surface, but they all inevitably end with Jewish global banking conspiracies and other dumb shit which completely discredit the original theory.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw
I don't understand stuff like this. the people that say 9/11 was an inside job, that the illuminati is real, new world order, and so on, what's your point? even if you manage to get some shoddy proof of these conspiracy theories, what are you going to do about it? buy some gold, put on your tin hat and get ready for the apocalypse? I'm genuinely curious, what are these people going to do about it? I think life's too short to get preoccupied with stupid shit like this.

the same thing religious figureheads do...fuck bitches-get money.

look at joel osteen, creflo dolla, alex jones etc.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

I think Pac had a lot of demons that led to his own destruction. Suge then had some goons kill Biggie while he was in LA because he's a dope and doesn't think clearly in the head. He really believed in his own BS crafted story about Biggie.

I think a lot of what happens is basically like the telephone theory. Everything that we hear, unless we're directly involved in the situation, gets told to us but in a slightly more distorted way each time, until we can no longer tell the original story back to who the story originated with. I think when we witness something from the third person, we only know half of the truth because there is always more context to the time and place in which a specific event takes place.

So, I think there are a lot of alternative stories out there, mainly because there are multiple first-person perspectives that can ultimately tell the story. What I don't believe in is conspiracies, because just as Brofessor said, who cares and has time for that. Besides, any truth can be real if you believe it enough.


New Coke was never meant to be a permanent replacement for regular coke. Coca Cola intentionally created a poor-tasting New Coke in the 80s as a cover for switching from cane sugar to corn syrup in regular coke.


He's saying that agriculture led to humans becoming weaker in every way, but allowed us to populate the earth in huge numbers. The individual human is definitely more healthy living as a hunter-gatherer. But we probably never would have gotten to the point where we can land shit on Mars and whatnot doing that.

In a world devoid of challenge and struggle, man must seek it out. For the nature of existence is suffering and one can choose to face it head-on or to shrink from it in order to escape. Most choose to shrink, but escape is impossible through this path; it's an illusion. Those who choose to face it head-on are those who matter.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

not really a theory, moreso a fact. but again, it depends on your definition of being unhealthy. agriculture has allowed us time to pursue other things, like invention, modern medicine, and so forth. the problem is most humans don't make the necessary effort to keep themselves healthy, challenged, and grateful, and therefore, you have pieces of shit people everywhere


I also believe in Ayn Rand's theory that there is a class of people that all share similar ideas of strength and aren't afraid to be a little anti-social, like Zuckerberg, who built a social network site because he was very anti-social. But I think this is true without it making one a socio-path. I believe in guys from the story like Hank Rearden, Francis D'Anconia, and John Galt. But I don't think it's something that is linear. I don't think there is some race or heritage applied to it, like white people do, or black people, or Asians. I think there are people who were born with gifts and are able to do more than others, but who also have that courage to not be scared of being viewed negatively by society for working hard. I don't believe in rich entitled people, I don't believe in poor entitled people. I prefer to stay away from those who are similar to James Taggart or Rearden's wife. I actually think I'm a moderate only because of how many people I view as not really deserving of a chance to live on this earth. But, I also hold a lot of sympathy for all of the people that I would place into this class, since a lot of them are in my immediate network of friends and family. And, I believe in capitalism because if gives me a reason to want to live, besides the few friends I view as worthy of my time.


Not at all dinging your comment, or trying to sidetrack, but I've always found it amusing this notion of "richest person in the world." As if there's some law that says wealth must be disclosed if you're X rich. It should be "richest person whose wealth can be estimated by public holdings" or something. Sure, the net worths of guys like Zuckerberg can be accurately estimated due to the bulk of their wealth being comprised in public equity. But they aren't the only players. Cash/equivalents, commodities, RE, trusts... can add up easily, and aren't (required to be) disclosed, unless you're a politician.


No real disagreement from me... just think this might be more applicable for determining wealth at say the 100m to 1 or 2B level. Can someone with 15B really hide their wealth? My understanding is that at this level, "wealth" simply refers to equity ownership of a given company. Is is feasible to hold 4B in real estate or something without anyone knowing?

Then again, Putin must be able to hide his wealth somehow if this theory is true...


Sorority girls don't poop and every whore I bang out was a virgin before me. I haven't even read the title of this thread by the way, I just thought I would share these true facts with you all.


Melting point of structural grade steel > temperature at which jet fuel burns (in a pure O2 environment, let alone natural air).

Life is a simulation.


Any conspiracy theory involving the U.S. federal government is almost certainly wrong. People have a very flawed view of who populates the federal government, and I've got news for you--it's not the best and brightest. And, by the way, few secrets can be kept, let alone huge secrets involving hundreds of people committing mass murder (i.e. 9/11), requiring dozens or hundreds of sociopaths with no conscience about murdering innocent people.

The capabilities of the CIA, NSA, et al are also grossly misunderstood/exaggerated. These agencies have a bizarre mix of the most advanced technology of the day and 30-year-old equipment that barely works. Remember how the FBI got out-teched by Apple and had to make a big public stink about it? Yeah, that's normal. Also, their ranks are populated by normal human beings with normal problems.


To be fair, I didn't point fingers, only stated indisputable facts. I'm not saying the gummunt did it, or even that any nefarious entity did. Just that more than a damn commercial airliner dropped it, from a physical standpoint. Whether it was a safety issue and needed to be controlled, I don't know. Insurance simplification (cheaper to rebuild than repair), maybe.

But in the history of modern construction, do you know how many steel-frame buildings have collapsed due to fire? Three. And one of them caught fire from "debris" from the other two, not jet fuel.


Exactly, anybody who has to engage government agencies on a regular basis would understand this is categorically true. The idea that there is some omnipresent, omnipotent cabal of government actors conducting massive conspiracies is absurd. The government is a dragon with no head that operates in fragmented, often redundant, black boxes. These are institutions that cannot account for billions of dollars and lack the coordination and concert to pass a simple audit.

Never attribute to malice what can easily be explained away by incompetence.


I was just there 2 weeks ago. My uber driver was telling me how the Airport is a military base that the US would use to defend the country from the middle, interesting ride.

26 Broadway where's your sense of humor?

Ultimately, as the US become more powerful over the last century and in the world, and the American people have been moulded to think and believe certain things (see MK Ultra & Project Mockingbird) in order to cement more power in the world (military industrial complex). False flags are real, gov becoming more and more powerful is real its just hard to see all of this and have a positive view of the world. What can I do about it? I just focus on living my own life and remaining a positive influence to friends and family while also remaining skeptical about what I see and hear.

Everything in media is disgustingly manipulated. We are so focused on playing "Republicans and Democrats" American politics has become sports-like in nature. Divide et impera!


I think most conspiracies are bullshit, but I do believe we didn't evolve from Neanderthal's or whatever species before Homo sapiens. I think it's more possible that we were dumped off here, or were created by something be it another species of humans or some sort of higher being. Consciousness just seems too unlikely to develop out of nowhere through evolution to me.


Surprised no one mentioned it: NBA and MLB championship series are intentionally drawn out to as many games as possible. Don't think they can do much about the NFL.

26 Broadway where's your sense of humor?

surprised no one mentioned this; i pretty much agree that the nords / vikings discovered America prior to columbus. there's some archeology discoveries to back it up iirc


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Ut quisquam sequi et dolorem. Iste est molestias ut autem a et earum. Nihil atque cumque aut aperiam modi.


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