Anyone see Black Panther? (Thoughts)

This was one of the most hyped films going into 2018 and as a superhero movie fan I had high expectations. I personally thought it was a really great film, one of my favorite in the Marvel Universe Films. Director did an amazing job, story was well written, all actors notably Michael B Jordan were great. The social commentary was also nice touch without being too in your face.

What was your guys thoughts for anyone who seen it?


Going to see it next week. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not going to go into it with extremely high expectations because I think it has been over hyped due to the inclusive and diversity aspect of the movie (which I really applaud).

OP, you should mention in the title and your post that spoilers are coming as the Star Wars: The Last Jedi thread had a lot of people discussing the movie assuming everyone reading the thread has watched the movie when there were some people like me who were just trying to gauge other people's opinions about the movie before watching it.


I saw Black Panther last night. It was a rock solid movie, highly entertaining.

Overall grade: B+

  1. Amongst the 18 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I rank it #3, behind Iron Man and Captain America: Civil War. It comes nowhere close to the masterpieces of "The Dark Knight" and "Logan."

  2. The visuals and fight scenes were awesome. Although there was plenty of CGI, I loved that there were plenty of hand-to-hand combat, which made the movie more realistic than a typical MCU movie. The duels between T'Challah and Killmonger were epic.

  3. The black female characters injected originality and dynamism to the movie in a way that is lacking in Hollywood. The general of Wakanda's army, T'Challah's badass love interest, and his brilliant scientist sister, were unique competent characters who stood on their own, rather than existing as ancillaries to the male lead.

  4. The movie surprisingly had nationalist themes that definitely resonated with me: love of country, no refugees and importing the world's problems, putting the interests of one's countrymen first, respect for positions of authority even if you disagree. At the same time, we see T'Challah's ideology evolving due to his experience with Killmonger, and by the end, we see a king who begins to embrace the international community and Wakanda's place in it.

  5. I thought Jordan's acting was far better than Boseman's, as he was more convincing in his role than Boseman was. I totally believed and felt Killmonger's raw anger and desire for a new world order while Boseman's portrayal at times seemed uncertain and uneven. There were multiple points where I was not convinced that he really was THE KING. I do wish Jordan had more speaking lines and a bit more interaction between him and the others, as his injection into the movie seemed abrupt at times.

  6. The beginning and the ending soared while large chunks of the middle dragged on. Some of the lines, although meaning to be funny, came across as a bit too try hard.

The movie was definitely overhyped by the liberal media due to the obvious cultural and identity politics reasons.


Gives movie a B+ but calls it "overhyped by the liberal media"... the metacritic score is 88 (B+).... haven't seen the movie so I don't have any opinion on it but, according to your score, it is properly hyped... you couldn't help but take a shot at the "liberal media".

p.s. Iron Man is significantly worse than GoTG Vol. 1 & Winter Soldier. Civil War was a waste of the source material, should've been the best Disney/ Marvel film by a mile but I'd rank it 3rd (behind GoTG and WS).

Gives movie a B+ but calls it "overhyped by the liberal media"... the metacritic score is 88 (B+).... haven't seen the movie so I don't have any opinion on it but, according to your score, it is properly hyped... you couldn't help but take a shot at the "liberal media".

p.s. Iron Man is significantly worse than GoTG Vol. 1 & Winter Soldier. Civil War was a waste of the source material, should've been the best Disney/ Marvel film by a mile but I'd rank it 3rd (behind GoTG and WS).

Wait, are you saying that the movie has not been overhyped at all, and that people are not talking about the political, cultural, and racial undertones of the movie? It's fine if you think the movie is amazing. I liked it just fine, hence why I give it a B+ (to be fair, I'm a tough movie critic). But no, I'm not going to give it an A just because of the hype.

Best Response
No, but I was called a racist for not wanting to see it. Apparently this is what race relations have devolved to in this country.

And here I was thinking I just don't like superhero movies...

The movie's core messages were laughable.

  1. So this precious metal allowed Wakanda to be the most advanced country in the world despite being totally closed off, no trade, no sharing of information with other countries. Let's translate this into the real world. Sub-Saharan Africa is abundant in natural resources, but the vast majority of the region is a shithole due to corrupt leaders who exploit their people and enact terrible policies. The notion that resources automatically translate into prosperity is a myth: Singapore and South Korea for instance are great counter-examples of this.

Also, did anyone else notice that for a super advanced civilization, their method of picking their king (via mortal combat next to a waterfall) is remarkably primitive?

  1. Another subtle message of the movie is that white colonialists are responsible for the misery of blacks worldwide, and without their interference, Africa would be super prosperous and powerful. Of course, slavery started in Africa long before white colonization, through the exploitation by Islamic nations. And as awful as colonization was, it was the European countries (and obviously the U.S.) that eventually ended slavery. For the record, there are still slaves in Africa TODAY, being held captive by their own people (there is a thriving slave trade in Libya, post-Gaddafi).

  2. Anti-U.S. military. Killmonger is a product of the military, where we are told that he just went around killing a ton of people, using his training to take on T'Challah. Only if Killmonger had been raised in utopian Wakanda, he would have been a good virtuous man, more like Martin Luther King!

  3. If there were no white people, and we just gave blacks more money, they would be super prosperous! At the end, T'Challah makes a donation to inner-city Oakland. Yeah, we have never tried that before (inner city school districts such as Newark has the highest spending per student). I'm sure just throwing money rather than fixing the culture, emphasizing education, stable 2-parent household, and getting rid of victim mentality, is the solution!


Zero chance I see the movie. Comic movies haven’t been good since the first X-men, early Spider-Man movies and Batman. Wonder Woman was great though.

And no shit this movie broke box office records as it was endlessly pushed and large blocks of tickets were bought by schools and social groups. I guess all these idiots forget about the Blade trilogy when they are blabing on about the historic nature of the movie.

Comic movies used to be fun. Now they are preachy piles of Bullshit. The actual Black Panther comic book was a small run and had mixed reviews. But I guess Hollywood needs something to gush over.

Zero chance I see the movie. Comic movies haven’t been good since the first X-men, early Spider-Man movies and Batman. Wonder Woman was great though.

And no shit this movie broke box office records as it was endlessly pushed and large blocks of tickets were bought by schools and social groups. I guess all these idiots forget about the Blade trilogy when they are blabing on about the historic nature of the movie.

Comic movies used to be fun. Now they are preachy piles of Bullshit. The actual Black Panther comic book was a small run and had mixed reviews. But I guess Hollywood needs something to gush over.

They even did voter registration at the theaters.

I haven't seen blacks this happy since Obama won. Lol.


1.) No shit the movie sold a shit ton of tickets, it's a marvel movie with maybe the best cast a disney marvel movie has ever had and the first marvel movie in the disney universe with a non-white individual as the main protagonist. I highly doubt schools and social groups made much of a difference, this movie was going to be huge regardless.

2.) There was actually a great article on how Blade set the stage on TheRinger, suggest you read it

3.) It's sad that a majority black major box office movie is even a story as it should be more commonplace. But until then, it'll be a topic of conversation, whether you like that or not.

Watch or don't watch bro, but coming here to whine about your political disposition to the movie is pathetic. The fact that people can't just post their respective reviews of the movie without resorting to the political whining is pathetic. At least Brady gave it a try, before his comments on the liberal media giving the same score for the movie as he did, thus "overhyping" it.


Sorry I don’t think a low level marvel character is a big deal. I said before I am sick of the whole comic movie thing.

The movie is being endlessly pimped on its social commentary vs quality. Let’s not pretend that any of the virtue signaling losers are going to review this unbiased.

Either way, fuck it. X-men and Batman are the best. This turd is further proof of why no money should be given to Hollywood and their agenda.

Can't wait to see the overseas numbers to get a better idea of how this movie truly did.…

Relevant excerpt: The King of Wakanda is king at the international box office, with a stunning $168.7 million in 48 markets through Sunday

No way the movie is killing at the box office, it's all because of all the white guilt people rushing to buy tix to feel better about themselves. No way it has anything to do with the fact that basically every Marvel movie makes a billion dollars now and people are in the disney/ marvel "ecosystem".


I posted a Forbes link showing how the these numbers are being inflated through social groups.

Compare this movie with all the other marvel movies, adjusting for the long weekend and then tell me it’s not because of social justice pushing.


I will almost never pay my own money to see a comic book movie in a theatre, simply not worth it. However I would like to see this at some point, if only as an interesting data point for analysis

I was expecting to hear that it would be a bunch of soft, prog-y nonsense, and seems like it's not, which is good. I think the tide is starting to turn in the African American community, perhaps the time allotment the left had on their auto-vote from this group is coming to an end. One can only hope. Of course, I'd love if both political parties were burned at the stake, but I try to keep my expectations realistic. I do think that the fact that this film turned out differently than expected is a very, very good thing.

Now, imagine if you made a tribalistic, nationalistic ethnostate-ish film about white people...wonder how well that would be received...

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

1.) White dudes wrote this comic

2.) It speaks to the sad state of affairs back then that it was impossible to write a black comic book character without his race being an integral component of his character, shit this might still be the case today.


Here's the thing - I don't care if someone wants to be proud o where they're from, or their group, that's fine. In fact, I sure think it's better than continued self-flagellation. However, within reason of course. Accomplishments and incentives still come into play at the individual level, no one should be forced to pay for the sins of someone who shares their genetics, nor should they be allowed to take credit for the accomplishments. However, a sense of pride is hardly a bad thing.

In our new hyper-polarized ID Politics hellhole climate that politicians have been cooking up for decades, now seemingly the only choices are Race supremacist or Race apologist - common sense is gone.

As for white dudes having wrote this comic originally, that's neither here nor there, all my points stand alone.

I'm strongly anti-collective, anti-forced-association with any group. But I'm also anti-forced disassociation as well. Let people make their own decisions about what groups they'd like to interact with based on who they feel they fit in best with. That may or may not have anything to do with race or genetics. Quite a few people I know whose viewpoints I share are about as genetically different from me as one human can get from another. Quite a few people I know who disagree with me on nearly everything are about as genetically identical to me as is possible. Point being, the idea that one should be forced to either take on or disown a group identity due to external pressures based solely on feelings, emotions and frankly, political pressure is one of the most hateful facets of our culture today.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

I don't usually watch Marvel movies, and this will be no exception. Looks kind of stupid tbh. Throw monkey poo at me if that makes you feel better

I would happily go see another Dark Knight sequel if Nolan made one, and even a Watchmen sequel. I'd also consider other movies from the DC Comics side of the aisle, though Wonder Woman was ultimately disappointing net-net

Aquaman could be good, especially given it's slated for a December release this year

I loved Wonder Woman! Loved the historic aspects of it. Thought it was overall solid.

It fell below my expectations, which were high. The first half was good when they were exploring the backstory and setting up the plot, but the second half devolved into too much mindless CGI. I would have preferred more intelligent dialogue, less obvious CGI and a much darker overtone, a la Dark Knight

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:
I don't usually watch Marvel movies, and this will be no exception. Looks kind of stupid tbh. Throw monkey poo at me if that makes you feel better

I would happily go see another Dark Knight sequel if Nolan made one, and even a Watchmen sequel. I'd also consider other movies from the DC Comics side of the aisle, though Wonder Woman was ultimately disappointing net-net

Aquaman could be good, especially given it's slated for a December release this year

There's massive variance within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some are dreadful while a few are pretty good (Iron Man, Captain America: Civil War, Guardians of the Galaxy 1, Black Panther). But yeah, none of those come close to Dark Knight or Logan.


Hey guys! Let's rush to quote and cite each and every talking head on the internet that writes something asinine as if what they say represents some sort of norm or as if they hold any authority. Honestly, what was the point of this post? I've never even heard of this site.

"The bark doesn’t just have to be a counter for useless words, either. A wayward white hand reaches for your hair? WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! A group of white people huddled on a sidewalk refuses to step aside when you attempt to walk past them? WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! "

"Which is why, today, I’m announcing the opening of the M’Baku School of Wakandan White Silencing"

This is who you're citing bro, shit reads like a joke.

Hey guys! Let's rush to quote and cite each and every talking head on the internet that writes something asinine as if what they say represents some sort of norm or as if they hold any authority. Honestly, what was the point of this post? I've never even heard of this site.

"The bark doesn’t just have to be a counter for useless words, either. A wayward white hand reaches for your hair? WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! A group of white people huddled on a sidewalk refuses to step aside when you attempt to walk past them? WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! "

"Which is why, today, I’m announcing the opening of the M’Baku School of Wakandan White Silencing"

This is who you're citing bro, shit reads like a joke.

At what point did the author say that his article was purely satire and that it should not be taken seriously whatsoever? I must have missed that. Usually, when the author is being clearly satirical, he would note such a disclaimer or the article would be published on a site where it is clearly not meant to be taken seriously (e.g. Onion). The Root is a very popular site that discusses issues related to African-Americans.


Wow, shocking article followed by even more shocking comments. I was planning on seeing this movie soon but it sounds like it’s some sort of cause celebre for ethno-nationalists who believe that cleansing black societies of white influence will result in prosperity for the former.

Wow, shocking article followed by even more shocking comments. I was planning on seeing this movie soon but it sounds like it’s some sort of cause celebre for ethno-nationalists who believe that cleansing black societies of white influence will result in prosperity for the former.

Although that message is not spelled out explicitly, it is communicated in a very powerful and subtle manner. Basically, Wakanda is super advanced and centuries ahead of all other nations because of access to a super valuable mineral and lack of interference from white people. It is so absurd that I couldn't contain my laughter.


Dude do you not know what Black Panther is? That is how the comics were written. BTW, Wakandans, according to the comics, are a closed off society to all other nations. Not just white ones. Ofc Idk how the movie handles it versus how the comics does since I haven't seen it. This basic premise is the backbone of BP as a character so idk why people are on here feigning indignance.


Black Panther was really cool. I didn't know you could make an all black cast movie with it actually being a characteristic that is relevant and important to the movie.

This is a story that needs to be told and I thought it was nicely executed. In terms of its merits as a Marvel film, it was very good because the underlying story was so strong. Though, I'm a little uncertain how the series will play out with the way it ended.

I usually tune out in fighting scenes because that usually bores me, when often the fight scenes are just because the movie needs action. The fight scenes in this movie had me on the edge of my seat cheering for one side or the other. There were also so many surprises with the unexpected cast member that was the technology. It was like watching James Bond films in the 70s or 80s: so many things seemed possible, although I had never imagined them.

Definitely my top 1 or 2 films of all time.

EDIT: @TNA" sounds kinda weird that you automatically write it off bro. Either you're a try-hard or a racist. It's a movie for everyone with it being a Marvel film and a good one at that, just look at the reviews.


Keep throwing that word around. It’s worthless now. Trump is Hitler, I don’t like Baby Ruth which makes me a racist, water is wet, blah blah.

1) I am over comic book movies. Marvel buttfucked it.

2) I am not seeing a movie with advertised political agenda.

3) me shitting on a comic book movie that has an agenda makes me either a douche (correct) or an asshole (also correct), but not a racist (weak form bro).

I’ll see the movie, but I will pirate it as I don’t give the parasites in Hollywood a penny more than I have to. It’s a small print comic and character (fact) and Marvel is overplayed (also fact). I love Blade and plenty of other black main actors.

So in conclusion. Shove your garbage racist claims up your ass and I hope you enjoyed your shitty movie.

Keep throwing that word around. It’s worthless now. Trump is Hitler, I don’t like Baby Ruth which makes me a racist, water is wet, blah blah.

1) I am over comic book movies. Marvel buttfucked it.

2) I am not seeing a movie with advertised political agenda.

3) me shitting on a comic book movie that has an agenda makes me either a douche (correct) or an asshole (also correct), but not a racist (weak form bro).

I’ll see the movie, but I will pirate it as I don’t give the parasites in Hollywood a penny more than I have to. It’s a small print comic and character (fact) and Marvel is overplayed (also fact). I love Blade and plenty of other black main actors.

So in conclusion. Shove your garbage racist claims up your ass and I hope you enjoyed your shitty movie.

It's really not that political within the scope of art and film. Logan was about being a better dad, X men is usually about family, Spider man is about taking responsibility when you have power, Civil War was about revenge and infighting, whatever.

The Godfather was even about power and the fragility of social economics. I, personally, see a line through every book, film, or even photography. Ayn Rand said that she is a novelist but that philosophy gives her a reason to write a novel. I remember some liberal on the subway saw me reading Atlas Shrugged and got immediately upset, saying she was, "full of shit". It's all the same shit, going one way or the other.

Yeah, you're definitely pretty douchie, just like that lady on the train. It's a lot of that these days.

Black Panther was really cool. I didn't know you could make an all black cast movie with it actually being a characteristic that is relevant and important to the movie.

This is a story that needs to be told and I thought it was nicely executed. In terms of its merits as a Marvel film, it was very good because the underlying story was so strong. Though, I'm a little uncertain how the series will play out with the way it ended.

I usually tune out in fighting scenes because that usually bores me, when often the fight scenes are just because the movie needs action. The fight scenes in this movie had me on the edge of my seat cheering for one side or the other. There were also so many surprises with the unexpected cast member that was the technology. It was like watching James Bond films in the 70s or 80s: so many things seemed possible, although I had never imagined them.

Definitely my top 1 or 2 films of all time.

EDIT: @TNA" sounds kinda weird that you automatically write it off bro. Either you're a try-hard or a racist. It's a movie for everyone with it being a Marvel film and a good one at that, just look at the reviews.

Are you saying that Black Panther was a top 1 or 2 MCU movie? Or top 1 or 2 movie of ALL TIME? If the latter, then you really need to re-assess your taste in movies.


It's a Marvel movie, of course it's shit. They have continued to degenerate the entire film genre for the last decade. Black Panther is yet another movie in their collection. I can't blame them, promoting and advertising movies to kids and people born with one chromosome too many has proven to be a successful recipe. And, in this world of ever increasing idiocracy I am certain they have bright future as well.

As for the movie, it's as one dimensional, uninteresting, simply written, bad CGI effects, black and white characters as all of rest. But however, on a positive note, I glad black panther was made and the effect of it. Any movie which further affirms the racial differences and polarize the opinion is welcomed. In the sequel they'll hopefully have a white antagonist attacking Wakanda through the judiciaries.


Reading through this thread, this thing is all over the place with just your "alternative" facts. Facts that are completely wrong as if people didn't actually watch the movie, and instead held their breath with anger until they could come here to shit all over it.

The movie does not present an "ethnostate". The Wakandans have no real issues with whites. The idea in the movie is simply that Wakandans did not get colonized like the rest of the continent. The fantasy is that vibranium doesn't even exist in the real world, but it is the basis of this fictional nation's entire existence, giving the nation advanced technology beyond any other country, since no other parts of the world have access to the metal. The nation is so advanced that they have hid themselves using tech and their entire city is powered by vibranium.

White people aren't viewed as lesser, just potentially dangerous giving the record displayed around the world, and because they are "outsiders". In fact, Klaus was somehow brought to Wakanda as evidence by his key and repairs to his arm with technology from Wakanda. Later, the Black Panther saves the white CIA officer to heal him with Wakandan technology, and the sister makes a joke about healing him, referencing Klaus, saying that this CIA agent was like another Klaus who needed to be healed. Even Kilmonger who was not raised in Wakanda was viewed as an "outsider" and he's black with Wakandan blood.

These are the only main white relations presented in the movie. There's no reference of superiority or of hate, especially when excluding the whole fantasy, since vibranium isn't real, and if you consider the presentation of Wakanda is that it is not known to the world. It was a good movie, clearly people need to go see it again and get their facts straight, or maybe it was just too complex for fragile minds.


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