What Are You Old-Fashioned About?

What technological advancements or updated social norms are you not following? I like to think I'm a pretty forward-thinking guy but I still always prefer to pay with a card/cash, over using Apple Pay on my phone.

What are you old-fashioned about?

What technological advancements or updated social norms are you not following? I like to think I'm a pretty forward-thinking guy but I still always prefer to pay with a card/cash, over using Apple Pay on my phone.

What are you old-fashioned about?

Apple Pie

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Lloyd BIankfein:
I like my apple pie with a scoop of CRYSTAL METH

funny, I like my CRYSTAL METH with a slice of apple pie

because, 'murica|

together like .... apple pie https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/fbef41f1-ced2-49f5-82a8-51857b1fc34e

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
I still always prefer to pay with a card/cash, over using Apple Pay on my phone.

Im with you on that lol. I still roll with my iPhone 6s. I usually just keep the cheapest one as long as I can until it bricks. Dropping a grand on a phone isn't my cup of tea.

I open doors for people to be polite.

no humility though ... you just had to brag didn't you...

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Spreading comps. Don't give me any of that CapIQ/Factset BS, if you are my analyst I better know that you have gone through the Ks, Qs, Proxys, transcripts, and the CEO's garbage before you show me your multiples. I am also pretty demanding of having all backup printed, highlighted, tabbed, and compared against the prior Q and last year's Q. This way we can make sure numbers are consistent across the board. I also find it critical to make sure each company it set up so that things like proportionate ownership, pro forma historicals, accounting changes (e.g. lease accounting), pension liabilities, and cash vs. non-cash D&A and SBC and capex are all spread historically and projected because these things do have a real impact on financials.

It is pretty embarassing to go to a client and see 6.8x EBITDA for a number based on Factset and then you realize it should be 6.5x or something because Factset did not pro forma for a one-time charge, etc. or if the growth rates are not shown organic. It drives me absolutely crazy when I see a comp set with a growth rate of 5% for a company that organically grows 2% and just did a deal.

I find it annoying when people pull their phone out all the time at dinner, especially if it's to do something like use Instagram/Snapchat...


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

This is one of my two top annoyances. If we're in a meeting of any sort, that's what you're doing for that 30-minute window. People who can't go half an hour without satiating their phone addiction need therapy. And anyone who thinks the world needs or wants to see what they're wearing today or what food they're about to eat are too vapid for my taste. I'm an unrepentant narcissist and it's never occurred to me that anyone could possibly care that I was about to have some sushi. The vanity such an action implies is cringe-worthy. In that vein, I've never taken a selfie in my life despite the fact that I like to look at myself in the mirror at the gym. You know why? Because while I am vain enough to think, "Yeah--I'd fuck me." I'm not so desperate for others' approval that I seek public affirmation of that sentiment.

My second pet peeve involves carrying on conversations in a confined space where the audience within earshot cannot leave. It's rude. If you're in a car with someone, and they need to take a quick call to tell someone they can't speak right now, that's fine. But if they opt to carry on a long conversation to which you are not a party, that's rude. This applies to people sitting next to me on airplanes or the rude bitches who try to continue an ongoing conversation while entering an elevator. If there is no one in the elevator, knock yourself out, but if it's crowded, shut the fuck up.

This is one of my two top annoyances. If we're in a meeting of any sort, that's what you're doing for that 30-minute window. People who can't go half an hour without satiating their phone addiction need therapy. And anyone who thinks the world needs or wants to see what they're wearing today or what food they're about to eat are too vapid for my taste. I'm an unrepentant narcissist and it's never occurred to me that anyone could possibly care that I was about to have some sushi. The vanity such an action implies is cringe-worthy. In that vein, I've never taken a selfie in my life despite the fact that I like to look at myself in the mirror at the gym. You know why? Because while I am vain enough to think, "Yeah--I'd fuck me." I'm not so desperate for others' approval that I seek public affirmation of that sentiment.

My second pet peeve involves carrying on conversations in a confined space where the audience within earshot cannot leave. It's rude. If you're in a car with someone, and they need to take a quick call to tell someone they can't speak right now, that's fine. But if they opt to carry on a long conversation to which you are not a party, that's rude. This applies to people sitting next to me on airplanes or the rude bitches who try to continue an ongoing conversation while entering an elevator. If there is no one in the elevator, knock yourself out, but if it's crowded, shut the fuck up.

I was on Amtrak a couple weeks back and a lady one row over from me dialed in to a 30 minute conference call. Honestly it was more comical than anything because I just couldn't believe someone could be that dense.


I agree 100% - I can't comprehend those that simply can't grasp the concept of trying to err on the side of discretion when carrying certain sorts of conversations in public settings/especially when in tight proximity of others.

I can recall many instances, but specifically two extremes of being trapped into overhearing conversations that I didn't want to be privy to - and in both instances I didn't have headphones, whereas nowadays I travel with 2 pairs for the precise reason of shutting out others in public, LOL.

One instance, a woman was on her phone talking to a friend, giving her a long-winded, drawn-out explanation of her cat's urinary tract infection. I mean from kitty not looking well to vet visit to the subsequent days of giving meds to checking the kitty litter. Lady, i did NOT need to know that amount of detail about your pet's problems and I'm pretty sure even a close friend doesn't want or need that level of blow-by-blow!

Second instance, a man was apparently talking to his lover and she must have said something to the effect that her SO knew or at least suspected she was stepping out. The guy obviously had a bad connection and/or we were traveling through a dead zone so he repeatedly asked the same things "Do you really think he knows? Do you really think he knows anything? Can we still meet tonight? But how about tonight? Did he say something? Did he say anything?"

All I could think of was, "Dude, you're on a city bus, you are not in your living room, this is not a conversation to have in a public space. And how good are the chances you could be overheard by someone that actually knows you and possibly your own SO?"

Don't get me wrong. I love my phone, it facilitates sooooo many things whether for work or play... but the ubiquitous-ness of being able to talk anywhere/anytime has really tarnished civility and manners in a lot of ways.


I read an interview in Vanity Fair with a designer and he noted it was his job to observe other people and that taking his phone out during mundane things (standing in lines, etc) was common. I think about that a lot.


I’m still all about old school Wall Street. Lines of coke at the desk on fridays, strippers for your birth day, banging interns, $800 wine bottles at lunch, banging hot secretaries etc.

I’m sick of the “PC” Wall Street. Everyone is too serious

Fuckin my way thru nyc one chick at a time

I try as hard as possible to not look at my phone when in conversation with someone, I only pull the phone out when they start staring at their phone. Also opening doors for others, it feels obligatory to me at this point.


i just don’t really give a shit about most new applications (social media, payments, etc) that make rote parts of every day life slightly easier in exchange for letting Silicon Valley gather and sell your data. I find it somewhat grubby the way the public is led to believe all these things are provided to them “free of charge””, and sad that most people failed to learn “nothing in life is free” before hitting “I Accept” on the T&C’s they didn’t read.

I also think a lot of this tech, combined with human nature, encourages our most vapid and vain qualities. Social media in particular is something that I see impact most of my peers negatively. Just another way to make the joneses feel good and their wannabes feel inadequate.


I still prefer reading books in print over audiobooks/e-books. There's just something about the smell of the paper I like. Also, being able to turn the pages and see progress gives me the feeling I'm accomplishing something. lol

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Will Rogers
Tycho Brahe:
This. I've never read an e-book or listened to an audiobook in my life. Can't see myself changing. I love reading actual print books.

Same. Also, as others have mentioned, same goes for the newspaper (when I have time).

Maximum effort.
I still prefer reading books in print over audiobooks/e-books. There's just something about the smell of the paper I like. Also, being able to turn the pages and see progress gives me the feeling I'm accomplishing something. lol

Agreed. Love the feel and weight of a proper book in my hands. I'll read news on my desktop, laptop and phones, but anything beyond article-length, I really prefer a book, not a screen.


Abortion. I'm liberal on every social issue except this one, where I'm unsure where I lie, but I just think it's annoying that everyone automatically defers to: "It's the women's choice," even though the child is going to affect the father in the form of child support.

Abortion. I'm liberal on every social issue except this one, where I'm unsure where I lie, but I just think it's annoying that everyone automatically defers to: "It's the women's choice," even though the child is going to affect the father in the form of child support.

Then shouldn't your issue be with mandatory child support?


I don't think I'm old fashion, but I feel like I have a big list:

  1. Technology-How far the IoT will/should go. I know it will have some great advances and really help, but on the flip side I question what it can do. For example, do we really need smart coffee makers or fridges that tell you the weather. It's kinda like facetime, it has a good purpose, but I see far more people using it for random conversations just to do it.

  2. Spending- Feel like people people waste money on too much shit or spend money they don't have. Trips, clothes, restaurants, cars; I just feel it's all for IG.

  3. Relationships, mainly people living together who don't really know if they will get married or not. I have a lot of friends who have/are doing this, and they ether waste time trying to fix a sunken ship or get engaged when they probably shouldn't.

  • Pencil/pen and paper over computer (unless typing long essay)

  • Social media is trash

  • Prefer old-school gym with rusted equipment to new gym with squeaky clean equipment and a billion machines

  • I think people are right when they talk about "kids these days"

  • Phones have had a significantly negative effect on society

  • Generation-by-generation, pampered Americans are losing the grit that our ancestors brought aboard the Mayflower


I think you should take a trip to the holocaust musem goyim! It seems like the psychological trauma that exposing you to violent imagery at a very young age when studying the Holocaust is beginning to slip! Maybe you need to think of the 60 billion of my people that were killed in the shoah. Do you remember Eli Weisel's, "Night?" Required reading for 6th graders - as it should be! Towering infernos from Three story high furnaces expelling green fire as Germans literally shoveled and pitchforked wheelbarrows full of BABIES into. THAT HAPPENED. DON'T FORGET. The FIRE was GREEN - okay bigot?.

No bully goyim, but you need to PAY UP. That $40 BILLION you gave to Israel last month when you passed the budget only brought my families standard of libing up to $75,000 a year. That is hardly sufficient wages to study the Talmud and fund migration from the middle east into Europe to make way for greater Israel. Oy Vey why do you puysecute me so. Why do you want my people dead.

You are worse than an racist. you are an ANTI SEMITE - okay goyim?

Everyone's obsessed with Pelaton bikes these days - including my manager. What are everyone's thoughts on them? Where are the days of riding a real bike outside? Lol

Just another way to make housewives spend money

Commercial Real Estate Developer

doing shit around the house on my own as opposed to paying someone to do it.

understand that some people just dont have the time to invest in house projects, but the satisfaction I get from it is unbelievable.


On behalf of everyone, thank you. I've often wondered how fucking lazy someone has to be to literally lift them up and down potentially dozens of times....but then no bother to pick them up one last time and put them away.

Get busy living

I work out either really early or really late. I was at the gym late one night and all the bars were racked out of order.

So here I am, a gym-goer but by no means "jacked", super sore post workout, trying to lift well above my weight class to re-order weights I wouldn't even lift when feeling 100% fresh.

Had to give up and let front desk know some jerk didn't re-rack their weights. I tried, couldn't cut it.


What am I old-fashioned about?

  1. Picking up the phone to actually call someone
  2. Printing and paper hard copies
  3. Drawing, sketching or writing ideas by hand instead of tech
  4. Sending kids outside to play and do "risky" things like long bike rides, hikes and going to the amusement park or pool alone, just as we used to do all summer. Good thing I don't have kids I guess as nowadays it's considered neglect!

My cash. I don't trust the banks and I hide my physical money. Cash is king for a reason in my view and when there's a run on the banks I won't have to worry because I'll have my most liquid asset right where I want it to be.


Ex autem similique tenetur reiciendis. Asperiores nobis ducimus libero et. Eveniet ullam voluptates consequatur exercitationem molestias fuga. Modi laborum eum ut accusantium. Odio consequatur perspiciatis placeat ullam nisi. Explicabo dolores similique alias iste tempora molestiae voluptas. Cupiditate animi consequatur ipsum aliquam.

Ut labore est exercitationem nihil. Placeat illo ullam reiciendis eius. Aliquid facere sit qui ducimus aperiam dolor. Similique eum maxime dolore pariatur in.

At rem iure repellat illum quo omnis aut iusto. Est nobis dolorem esse omnis sunt qui aut. Quaerat qui omnis voluptatem necessitatibus ut dicta. Earum sunt eos eligendi saepe dolores ducimus.


Quis consequatur aliquam saepe rem unde quas. Perspiciatis quam reprehenderit voluptates et ducimus reiciendis assumenda. Quia occaecati est quod odio aspernatur et.

Sed corrupti dolorem reprehenderit omnis ratione voluptatem. Nulla fugiat nam placeat neque sit maiores. Libero iusto omnis id dicta dolores repudiandae saepe. Rerum et aut reprehenderit id quam ex eum. Numquam aliquam libero impedit autem saepe. Quam voluptatibus sed et alias.


Eum quia aliquid nobis voluptatem ratione. Quia est similique quisquam. Ut aut repellat cupiditate quo fugiat ipsa. Necessitatibus et cumque eum.

Magnam ut vel voluptatem dolores qui culpa. Ipsa molestias voluptas suscipit illum aut molestias sunt. Harum dolorem ut perspiciatis autem unde.

Molestiae minima adipisci cupiditate quam nobis iste similique inventore. Soluta velit dolorem fugit. In possimus perspiciatis delectus. Asperiores voluptas exercitationem et voluptas alias sit enim.


Facilis ut iste quo. Voluptatem consectetur minima qui totam quas sint ducimus. Nemo similique omnis repellendus laborum. Numquam non nam at ab pariatur autem optio quibusdam.

Vero in veritatis repudiandae laudantium neque mollitia optio. Aut iusto accusantium ipsum. Ea ad sint et. Unde hic placeat qui fuga itaque aut delectus.

Qui velit aut ut et dolores officiis ut. Natus ullam quia nihil quo molestias nihil. In nobis unde quo enim.


Deleniti aspernatur omnis molestiae ab porro sed ut. Pariatur veniam beatae ipsa iste vel a. Natus et temporibus odit consequuntur dicta ex.

Ut aspernatur autem id voluptatem quas ut temporibus. Eos aut inventore similique voluptatem excepturi reprehenderit voluptatem. Ut quos et aut eum fugit impedit minus. Nesciunt non unde blanditiis et et voluptatem voluptates eius. Optio quibusdam debitis rerum dolores molestiae repellat.

Career Advancement Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 03 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (87) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (66) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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