Don't think he was ever IN the running

No one but Romney can take the nomination

The Republicans would be absolutely moronic to even try another candidate

the consensus is that he handled the the situation very well.....
The fact that he was IN that situation at all kills his shot at president. Point blank: he's officially done. A supreme court justice can make this fly, but women will not vote for him in a general election.
...he was Never IN the running
fixed that for you

He's there to help the GOP get some street cred, just like Michael Steele used to be. End of story, next topic.

Get busy living

cain isn't my preferred candidate, but the consensus is that he handled the the situation very well.....

"considering the pressure he is under, the performance was quite remarkable actually" - some WSJ journalist who i was watching not that long ago


He isn't out because of this. His past at Aquila bothers me a lot more, along with all his flip-flopping and lack of consistency.

"There are only two opinions in this world: Mine and the wrong one." -Jeremy Clarkson

He had his greatest campaign day since the news broke, getting $250K on Monday. I would've said he has arrived because a scandal has followed him but the way he handled it...jeez. He had an opportunity.

The man seems a bit unstable to me. How he can't follow a train of thought, a conclusion he reached to the end is beyond me.

He picked Alan Greenspan as his model Fed chairman, that's about all one needs to know about him.

Cain obviously isn't bright enough to know about monetary economics. Naming Greenspan will have no effect on the 999 addicted proles who support him, but will be a death blow to libertarians who often vote Republican.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

He was never a likely candidate, but he has served to spur conversation within the party. He also forced Perry (the only credible threat to Romney imo) to put out his own, surprisingly decent, tax plan.

The sexual harassment charges are probably bunk. Even if they weren't, it wouldn't much affect his candidacy. Obama has way worse stuff in his past (Reverend Wright, ACORN), and he managed to downplay it. Moreover, I doubt anybody that is pro-Cain would be swayed by a sexual harassment charge.


I think that it will get a lot harder for Cain as time goes on. He was one O'Reily tonight and said that the 9-9-9 actually has 5 taxes in it. His inconsistency will come back around to get him.

In all honesty, I liked the guy when I heard his speech at CPAC (this past one) It was very inspiring and well done. However, since then he's said quite a few gaffes and flip-flopped a ton. His complete lack of foreign policy knowledge is what really gets me.

"There are only two opinions in this world: Mine and the wrong one." -Jeremy Clarkson

Cain will not get the nomination, but he will get a cabinet position. The guy is enthusiastic and a future leader in the Republican party.


Dude you think Perry's plan was good? I like Perry and I thought it sucked. I'm not a huge fan of 9-9-9, and it prob has no way of passing. His foreign policy experience seems laughable as a qualification...what foreign policy experience has any President since like JFK had?

The Greenspan thing is well...idiotic. I'd say the model Fed chairman would be Paul Volcker, but Greenspan is like a trigger phrase for middle America- WE KNOW THAT GUY!!!! He was also a fed governor when the cult of Greenspan was in full effect.

I still like Cain, but I want him to get some stuff in line. I hope that if he is elected, his 9-9-9 fail and he either just lowers the corporate tax rate or tries a FairTax. I think that as a whole, Cain knows how to run a business and whole have no qualms about cutting where and when it was necessary- ad that's what I like about him.

Also, wtf is this sexual harassment charge? To one woman he said "You're around the same height as my wife". He didn't like put his hand down and motion for having her on her knees giving him a blowie, it was just a passing reference. This is why sexual harassment laws are crap.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Proof that American media is full of hyped crap

Nobody wants to work for it anymore. There's no honor in taking the after school job at Mickey D's. Honor's in the dollar, kid.

Herman Cain is more qualified today to be President than the sitting President. Even at this point Obama is inexperienced. The man has literally done dick in his entire life. I'm a Romney supporter, but Cain and Romney are among the most qualified people to ever run for office. Talking about "foreign policy experience" is an absolute joke. Since Dwight Eisenhower, who has had legit foreign policy experience?

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Herman Cain is more qualified today to be President than the sitting President. Even at this point Obama is inexperienced. The man has literally done dick in his entire life. I'm a Romney supporter, but Cain and Romney are among the most qualified people to ever run for office. Talking about "foreign policy experience" is an absolute joke. Since Dwight Eisenhower, who has had legit foreign policy experience?

Well this makes zero sense. Cain has had no experience whatsoever in politics. On the other hand, Obama was state senator prior to taking office. Granted he hasnt done much, but Cain is certainly not more qualified.

Frankly, he's a fucking babbling moron, incapable of coherent thought.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Herman Cain is more qualified today to be President than the sitting President. Even at this point Obama is inexperienced. The man has literally done dick in his entire life. I'm a Romney supporter, but Cain and Romney are among the most qualified people to ever run for office. Talking about "foreign policy experience" is an absolute joke. Since Dwight Eisenhower, who has had legit foreign policy experience?

Well this makes zero sense. Cain has had no experience whatsoever in politics. On the other hand, Obama was state senator prior to taking office. Granted he hasnt done much, but Cain is certainly not more qualified.

Frankly, he's a fucking babbling moron, incapable of coherent thought.

So by your rationale a mayor of a small town is more qualified to be President because he has political experience? That's ridiculous! Cain is among the more successful businessmen in the United States--he was CEO of major food brands and, by all accounts, did an amazing job. He was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Kansas City. The guy has more knowledge and experience in his pinky than Obama gleaned in his entire life as a "community organizer"--whatever the hell that means.


VT Forever, what do you think of Huntsman since you said you're a Romney supporter?

"There are only two opinions in this world: Mine and the wrong one." -Jeremy Clarkson

I detest Jon Huntsman. I'm like the British with Benedict Arnold--you're a traitor against my enemy. Ok, you're still a traitor.

His position on global warming nullifies any support I could ever have for him. It's not so much that he believes it's settled science, it's that he so arrogantly says so, particularly when there is so much nuance to the debate (are temps warming? If so, how much? Is it at dangerous levels? Are benefits greater than dangers? If not, why is this happening? If it's humans, how much is human caused and how much is natural?) Any man who is dumb enough to alienate his base in one fell swoop has no business being president. Same thing with Rick Perry. He calls me heartless because I think it's an insane policy to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. At the very least let's compromise and let them in with out of state tuition paid. But no, that's too rational--according to Perry I'm heartless. Well Perry's an idiot.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
I detest Jon Huntsman. I'm like the British with Benedict Arnold--you're a traitor against my enemy. Ok, you're still a traitor.

His position on global warming nullifies any support I could ever have for him. It's not so much that he believes it's settled science, it's that he so arrogantly says so, particularly when there is so much nuance to the debate (are temps warming? If so, how much? Is it at dangerous levels? Are benefits greater than dangers? If not, why is this happening? If it's humans, how much is human caused and how much is natural?) Any man who is dumb enough to alienate his base in one fell swoop has no business being president. Same thing with Rick Perry. He calls me heartless because I think it's an insane policy to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. At the very least let's compromise and let them in with out of state tuition paid. But no, that's too rational--according to Perry I'm heartless. Well Perry's an idiot.

Good article in Rolling Stone about Perry. Paints him as all sorts of bad.…

FinancialNoviceII][quote=Virginia Tech 4ever:
I detest Jon Huntsman. I'm like the British with Benedict Arnold--you're a traitor against my enemy. Ok, you're still a traitor.

His position on global warming nullifies any support I could ever have for him. It's not so much that he believes it's settled science, it's that he so arrogantly says so, particularly when there is so much nuance to the debate (are temps warming? If so, how much? Is it at dangerous levels? Are benefits greater than dangers? If not, why is this happening? If it's humans, how much is human caused and how much is natural?) Any man who is dumb enough to alienate his base in one fell swoop has no business being president. Same thing with Rick Perry. He calls me heartless because I think it's an insane policy to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. At the very least let's compromise and let them in with out of state tuition paid. But no, that's too rational--according to Perry I'm heartless. Well Perry's an idiot.

Good article in Rolling Stone about Perry. Paints him as all sorts of bad.…]

That article is awesome. "I feel like a high school cheerleader who just had her leg jizzed on in the back of a convertible".


Maybe I haven't been following the news enough but it seems like Romney has been pretty quiet in the past few weeks. Possibly because he knows he's against fuk ups and that he's the best chance the Reps have against Obama? Full motion once he wins the nomination?

On the other hand, Obama was state senator prior to taking office.

lol, is this a serious comment?

Reality hits you hard, bro...
On the other hand, Obama was state senator prior to taking office.

lol, is this a serious comment?

No, it has to be a joke...the funny part being he barely did his job as a senator. What were his votes like...'present'?? Ohh, okay, thanks for showing up and not having an opinion.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

So by that same strain of thought, you would rather get advice from a biographer (politician) than the living subject (businessman)?

Reality hits you hard, bro...

I hated Cain as soon as he put out the shitty "9-9-9" plan, not only is it most regressive tax plan, where did he get those #'s come from? No supporting research or accountability. Just plain shitty

Herman Cain can run 400 Burger King franchises, but he has no political experience. When was the last time a businessman without a significant political background won the presidential nomination?

And then his ludicrous campaign video? (I still refuse to believe that it was real... shit like that shouldn't leave the campaign office) I just can't believe Cain's leading the Republican polls, first it was Bachmann, then Perry, and now Cain! It just seems like a premature anyone-but-Romney rally.

Republican polls, first it was Bachmann, then Perry, and now Cain! It just seems like a premature anyone-but-Romney rally.
It seems they're going down the list in order of the people they like the most, moving towards the most electable candidate. Electability: Palin
Get busy living
Newt Gingrich, just wait.
Someone slap me, but he looked like the fucking voice of reason at the last debate. The rest of the field came across as a bunch of mildly retarded simpletons by comparison.
Get busy living

No wonder your SN is "FinancialNovice". These are among the dumbest statements I've ever heard in my entire life. To even imply that Obama was more qualified than Herman Cain totally laughable. Obama was an Illinois state Senator with few accomplishments to his name and spent his entire 4 years as a U.S. Senator campaigning for President. Other than that, Obama wrote a book about himself.

I support Mitt Romney for President, but Herman Cain could run circles around Obama in terms of experience. Cain was actually born into Jim Crow laws. Unlike Obama, Cain actually has REAL degrees--a BS in mathematics and an MS in computer science from Purdue. Cain absolutely tore it up at Pillsbury and was appointed Godfather's Pizza CEO where he saved the company. Then he sat on the freakin' board of Directors of the KC Fed and became its chairman. Cain was CEO of the National Restaurant Association and sat on the board of directors of 5 major food businesses.

Barack Obama was a no-name state senator who wrote a book about himself. His ONLY private experience was when he clerked at a law firm. This is the moron we have who is spending our nation into bankruptcy. How anyone can say with a straight face that Obama was more experienced than Cain is a delusional village idiot.

Anyone think the Republican rivals had anything to do with this coming out?
ENTIRELY possible. It's also very possible that the Dems are encouraging Paul, in the spirit of the GOPs back door support of Nader in 2004 with the intention of siphoning general election opposition votes to a third party. This election strongly reminds me of the 2004 election, but this time the GOP is on the weaker side....politically speaking. In 2004, the democratic candidates did so much damage to each other, and the primaries were such a shit show, that by the time of the general election they were barely credible.

Again, I'm looking at the structure of the political positioning and not the content: one does not win a chess game by pronouncing that one piece or another 'should' have different capabilities, but by realistically looking at the board. At this point, Roger Ailes is the kingmaker in the GOP and he's keeping out of it.....the GOP needs to focus on WINNING, and not on debating the irrelevant minutae of pointless topics such as who sits on the Fed board. The simple fact is that prosperity, peace, and smaller government were ultimately not delivered by the Bush administration, for whatever the reason, and the same party lines WILL NOT WORK in the 2012 general election.

The issue is marketing themselves. Romney is the only one right now that Dems look at and say to themselves "I could see that guy as president". All he has to do is come up with an offence that promotes him while at the same time putting aside any bogus charges of business 'misdoing' or whatever he's being accused of by the left.

Get busy living
Anyone think the Republican rivals had anything to do with this coming out?

It said that the offices of Rahm Emanuel and Rick Perry were the ones who brought this out. So yea, at least half of it. lol

Reality hits you hard, bro...

It's actually helpful to Cain that this was brought out now and not in January or October 2012. These things tend to blow over (look at Bill Clinton in 1992). After a few weeks this stuff will blow over and if someone brings it up in August people will say, "Oh, this is old news. This has been dealt with. Nobody cares."

Virginia Tech 4ever:
It's actually helpful to Cain that this was brought out now and not in January or October 2012. These things tend to blow over (look at Bill Clinton in 1992). After a few weeks this stuff will blow over and if someone brings it up in August people will say, "Oh, this is old news. This has been dealt with. Nobody cares."

you realize Iowa and NH are in a "few weeks" this will play for at least all of November and for someone like Cain he need momentum going into early states, or he will be left along the wayside

that being said, I don't think the presidency is where you want someone like him sitting. Like someone else, give him commerce or even treasury.


Yeah, I'd rather have a guy who has the record for casting "present" votes than the guy who has run major corporations, understands the ins and outs of central banking, and has sat on the board of directors of major corporations. Yep, the state senator is more experienced.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Yeah, I'd rather have a guy who has the record for casting "present" votes than the guy who has run major corporations, understands the ins and outs of central banking, and has sat on the board of directors of major corporations. Yep, the state senator is more experienced.

Jesus Christ, do you honestly believe Cain knows anything about monetary economics? The man says Greenspan, the person who was responsible for easy credit, would be his ideal candidate for Fed chief. He also is pitifully dumb. Also, how can anyone say someone is prepared to be president. Bush was a two term governor and former businessman and he will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.

How, can any alleged right leaning person vote for anyone besides Ron Paul?

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P
Virginia Tech 4ever:
Yeah, I'd rather have a guy who has the record for casting "present" votes than the guy who has run major corporations, understands the ins and outs of central banking, and has sat on the board of directors of major corporations. Yep, the state senator is more experienced.

Jesus Christ, do you honestly believe Cain knows anything about monetary economics? The man says Greenspan, the person who was responsible for easy credit, would be his ideal candidate for Fed chief. He also is pitifully dumb. Also, how can anyone say someone is prepared to be president. Bush was a two term governor and former businessman and he will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.

How, can any alleged right leaning person vote for anyone besides Ron Paul?

Yeah, why would a former Fed regional chairman know anything about monetary economics?

I'm a conservative Republican--Ron Paul's views are contradictory to virtually everything I believe, from his views on the monetary system to his views on immigration, Israel, and Iran. THAT'S why I don't support Ron Paul. If YOU support Ron Paul, more power to you, but you DON'T speak for the conservative movement, with all due respect.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Yeah, I'd rather have a guy who has the record for casting "present" votes than the guy who has run major corporations, understands the ins and outs of central banking, and has sat on the board of directors of major corporations. Yep, the state senator is more experienced.

Jesus Christ, do you honestly believe Cain knows anything about monetary economics? The man says Greenspan, the person who was responsible for easy credit, would be his ideal candidate for Fed chief. He also is pitifully dumb. Also, how can anyone say someone is prepared to be president. Bush was a two term governor and former businessman and he will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.

How, can any alleged right leaning person vote for anyone besides Ron Paul?


cain was rather charming in the beginning but when he started opening his mouth i grew doubtful. and when he listed greenspan as his fed exemplar, i nearly fell out of my chair laughing. greenspan is the biggest fuckup in the fed ever. completely over-rated self-promoter who fucked up every major call as an economic forecaster when he was in the private sector. but he knew how to suck up to the right politicians and voila, fed chairman extraordinaire, who pumped up two of the most destructive bubbles in american economic history.


If we're seeking someone who is more worthy then Obama, it certainly is not Cain. I like Mitt Romney. I think he has the credentials, good orator and has good policies. Which Cain has none of. Did you see him flip-flop when answering those harassment allegations? Dude is stupid.

Anyone arguing for Obama after what he has done is a moron. That is all.


I dont understand this Cain is a businessman so he would be better. Bush left a major problem when he left office. A bigger economic problem then now but are you telling me that if a businessman was better equipped then McCain or Obama the last time? If so, why wasnt he/she put forward for the nomination?

The whole issue is overblown.

I do agree that being a President is like running a business but wasnt W a businessman? What happened there? If anything, I would take Bush over Cain.


The emphasis placed by voters on oratory ability never ceases to amaze me. A soft skill with absolutely zero correlation to good governance and managerial skills. On the other hand proven, repeated and abundant success in the dog-eat-dog world of the C-suite executive is somehow deemed "inexperienced."

Luckily with Obama's amazing technicolor dream prompter we don't have to let bothersome facts such as

--spent one year in Washington as Jr. Senator before leaving to campaign on the coat tails of not having enough legal experience to be named partner or even try an actual case at his Chicago law firm--

influence our decision making process at all.

After all... Obama talk good. Cain smile funny. Me liberal smart.

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
The emphasis placed by voters on oratory ability never ceases to amaze me. A soft skill with absolutely zero correlation to good governance and managerial skills. On the other hand proven, repeated and abundant success in the dog-eat-dog world of the C-suite executive is somehow deemed "inexperienced."

Luckily with Obama's amazing technicolor dream prompter we don't have to let bothersome facts such as

--spent one year in Washington as Jr. Senator before leaving to campaign on the coat tails of not having enough legal experience to be named partner or even try an actual case at his Chicago law firm--

influence our decision making process at all.

After all... Obama talk good. Cain smile funny. Me liberal smart.

Bahaha. That's great.

I have to say I'm with you on this one. Much to TheKing's chagrin...just kidding..I grew up going to church and I've heard truly great speakers all of my life. Obama doesn't even register on the scale of decent speakers. When I listen to him it is readily apparent they has no clue what the next sentence might even be. This implies that he doesn't know the content or purposes of his speeches (maybe not all of them) and that he is basically 'Siri' trying to spit out a bunch of canned responses that have essentially been programmed into him, except instead of pulling from a database, he is pulling from a teleprompter.

I know people will think I am foolish for discrediting his speaking abilities but I just don't see it.

I would truly love to see Obama and Gingrich in the Lincoln-Douglas style debates where they just talk back and forth and challenge one another's ideas. No predetermined questions, no canned responses...just simple, uninhibited intellect dissecting the issues.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

I would truly love to see Obama and Gingrich in the Lincoln-Douglas style debates where they just talk back and forth and challenge one another's ideas. No predetermined questions, no canned responses...just simple, uninhibited intellect dissecting the issues.


Gingrich would get owned.

Gingrich is just as big government as Obama. Gingrich said that we should invade Iran and North Korea. That isn't a small government person.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

Obama has good oratory skills when he's giving a stump speach. A stump speach is one that is repeated over and over again--perhaps several hundred times--to the point where it's memorized. Most politicians are good at their stump speaches. I've yet to see a single Obama speach that is actually quality that he's given one time.

Best Response

If you think Iran is a "rational" nation then that just goes to show how little you understand about the world. Iran is a Shi'a Muslim country--it's a strain of Islam that believes in the return of the 12th Imam who will return when there is a global war. Iran's leaders, who are conservative Shi'a Muslims, fantasize about bringing this war on the world. Unlike the Soviet Union, which was a secular atheist regime, the Ayatollahs are not afraid to die. They believe when the 12th Imam returns their version of Islam--which about 10% of the Islamic world believes in--will enforce Islam on the world and will eradicate the Jewish people. Iran is NOT run by rational people. It's run by people who have an end-times view of the world. To ascribe the mutually assured destruction worldview to Iran shows the depths to which the Ron Paul people know not what they speak.

By the way, you know why I oppose a Fed audit? Because it would serve no purpose AT ALL other than to make sure economic illiterates like Nancy Pelosi and Emanuel Cleaver are influencing Fed policy. It's FAR better to have Bernanke operate the Fed in relative secrecy--which is a myth--than to have the Fed open in public with the media and with congressional leaders pressuring board members. Once again this is another irrational policy of the Ron Paul people. Not to mention that the United States unilaterally entering into the gold standard would single-handedly crush the American economy. If you don't get this--which most 21-year-old Ron Paul supporters don't--then you really have no business even voting.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
If you think Iran is a "rational" nation then that just goes to show how little you understand about the world. Iran is a Shi'a Muslim country--it's a strain of Islam that believes in the return of the 12th Imam who will return when there is a global war. Iran's leaders, who are conservative Shi'a Muslims, fantasize about bringing this war on the world. Unlike the Soviet Union, which was a secular atheist regime, the Ayatollahs are not afraid to die. They believe when the 12th Imam returns their version of Islam--which about 10% of the Islamic world believes in--will enforce Islam on the world and will eradicate the Jewish people. Iran is NOT run by rational people. It's run by people who have an end-times view of the world. To ascribe the mutually assured destruction worldview to Iran shows the depths to which the Ron Paul people know not what they speak.

Va Tech, show me one credible source of this. You just get BS off some less than questionable source and parrot it. Ascribing to all Iranians, or their leadership for that matter your BS shows how brain-dead neoconservatives are. What you just posted is propaganda. Iran is run by a guardian council and a parliamentary system called the Majils. The army has far more control than the ayatollahs and the president. Iran is far more secular than Pakistan and Saudia Arabia, countries we give welfare to.

Also, I see you didn't have the gall to talk about your support for welfare to Israel.

The neocons, like Newt Gingrich, want a war because they are sociopaths.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P
Virginia Tech 4ever:
By the way, you know why I oppose a Fed audit? Because it would serve no purpose AT ALL other than to make sure economic illiterates like Nancy Pelosi and Emanuel Cleaver are influencing Fed policy. It's FAR better to have Bernanke operate the Fed in relative secrecy--which is a myth--than to have the Fed open in public with the media and with congressional leaders pressuring board members. Once again this is another irrational policy of the Ron Paul people. Not to mention that the United States unilaterally entering into the gold standard would single-handedly crush the American economy. If you don't get this--which most 21-year-old Ron Paul supporters don't--then you really have no business even voting.

The Federal Reserve is a government entity that serves not even an iota of national security interest. That very fact should open it up to timely audits. Your point that some people would be able to pressure fed staff is RETARDED. What would they get pressured into doing that they aren't already? Giving money to foreign countries? Loaning money to housewives?

I am curious, how would entering a gold standard hurt America's economy? Most people who oppose the gold standard are incapable of enunciating a reasonable opinion about it. The gold standard would force austerity on the government. This is the reason why people are for it. Economic arguments fall on there face given the fact that the Swiss had a gold standard up until recently.

Depending on the amount of gold per dollar, the dollar would either fall in value or rise in value. The American economy is the end result of 320 million plus people.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

eokpark, you're being totally absurd.

Ok, try to think about this--we have $15 trillion in national debt. All the gold dug up in the history of mankind is valued somewhere around $3-5 trillion. If the United States went to a gold standard there would not be enough gold on earth to pay back its debts without violating its contracts. Secondly, if the United States unilaterally entered into a gold standard the value of the USD would soar in comparison to all other nations. The United States already has a $500 billion trade deficit. Our trade deficit would be even futher exacerbated as the cost of American goods would be exorbitant compared to the cost of goods in other nations. Third, the gold standard has many problems on its own including deflationary bias during times of recession, e.g. nations that are going into recession tend to have higher valued currencies (flight to safety for investors), thus pushing up interest rates and making it extraordinarily difficult for a recessionary nation to come out of recession.

There are all kinds of reasons virtually everyone in the world has gotten off the gold standard. It doesn't take a "retarded" person to see the issues. By the way, if you knew anything AT ALL about Herman Cain you would know that Cain has said that he supports the gold standard in principle but that the implementation at this point would prove very difficult, if not impossible, for the reasons noted.


Va tech, a gold standard would guarantee a holder of dollars a number of ounces/grams of gold for each and every dollar. We would pay back our liabilities in dollars that are backed by a commodity, not the commodity itself.

All of your arguments are refuted by the fact that one country, Switzerland, had a gold standard until recently. But why are we even debating a gold standard? I am fine with fiat currency as long as the government, at the behest of banks, doesn't persecute me for competing with the dollar with gold, diamonds, bitcoins, etc.

Va Tech, governments get of the gold standard because it forces austerity upon the government. Our country got off it because it would have been impossible to wage our war of aggression on the Vietnamese people with it.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

Everyone is looking for their 15 minutes. Funny how someone could remember meaningless details from 12 years ago!

I hope Cain sues the shit out of that idiot bitch. So what if he put his hands up your pants? Did that somehow endanger you? Did your life end? Did you lose the ability to earn an income?

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

Everyone is looking for their 15 minutes. Funny how someone could remember meaningless details from 12 years ago!

I hope Cain sues the shit out of that idiot bitch. So what if he put his hands up your pants? Did that somehow endanger you? Did your life end? Did you lose the ability to earn an income?

Well, I agree with you on the first part. I think the woman is lying through her teeth and if it is even possible, Cain should go ahead and get a lawsuit going for defamation, possibly after Reps nominate Romney/Perry.

I do, however, believe the first 2-3 women and don't believe that we should have a horny old man who lacks in the character department as not only our leader, but the most powerful man in the world.

Lastly, for Cain supporters - Cain preaches on his LEADERSHIP ability that he obtained through running a pizzaria and also has answered difficult questions with something along the lines of - "I would surround myself with experts who would present the facts and allow me to make a decision". The past 2 weeks has really shown us what sort of LEADER Cain is (isn't) and gives an idea of what sort of people would be advising him on the areas that he lacks any real knowledge (almost everything)...I mean for christs sake, his lean economic advisor works in PWM!!!


Dude, I love the lawyer for this chick.

The lady asked Cain for a job. "Then Mr. Cain offered her a different kind of stimulus package"

And apparently Cain felt up her leg, then moved up to her panties while at the same time moving her head towards his dick. lol. Sounds like this chick watches too much prono.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

MMBinNC, you aren't familiar with Gloria Allred? She is the scummiest person on earth. Worse than Sharpton and Rev Jackson. I have no idea why anyone would want her to represent them.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

This is getting ridiculous... I'm inclined to believe that Cain DID sexually harass at least one of these women. It's what, 4 women who have now come forward?

This is getting ridiculous... I'm inclined to believe that Cain DID sexually harass at least one of these women. It's what, 4 women who have now come forward?

No, 1 has come forward and 3 are anonymous. As far as I know, no police reports and nothing on paper, you know, proof. I see it being a huge smear campaign against him and will ruin him. I won't be voting for him, but feel bad for the guy if nothing materializes with these "harrassed" women.

This is getting ridiculous... I'm inclined to believe that Cain DID sexually harass at least one of these women. It's what, 4 women who have now come forward?

No, 1 has come forward and 3 are anonymous. As far as I know, no police reports and nothing on paper, you know, proof. I see it being a huge smear campaign against him and will ruin him. I won't be voting for him, but feel bad for the guy if nothing materializes with these "harrassed" women.

^ Agree. He's had decades to find a way to get ahead of the PR regarding A) allegations of harassment or B) actual harassment, but either way he's toast. Half of all presidents have cheated but I think he just might be the first to hamstring himself before he's even elected. He's a smart guy and would make a good appointee, no doubt about it. But this whole thing just says to me that he's just not politically savvy, and he doesn't react well A) in real time and B) to any criticism / questioning....VITAL skills in politics.
Get busy living
I really hope Herman Cain bows out of the race. The guy was never a serious candidate for the presidency; his ignorance of domestic and foreign policy are quite staggering.

thank you for pointing out the obvious. and while we love the idea of supporting a black conservative to prove that we are not racists, we cannot get past the fact that Herman Cain is a fucking idiot.

Billy Dee Williams would make a better president. and since outside-the-beltway cred is all the rage this year, let me point out that he was the first black man in space.

I really hope Herman Cain bows out of the race. The guy was never a serious candidate for the presidency; his ignorance of domestic and foreign policy are quite staggering.

and lastly, his deep-throating of the usual interest groups with their usual strangleholds on DC politics was most inspiring. thank you koch brothers.


out cuz of sexual harassment allegations? Were Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger "out" too? Frankly, I think this guy has the best shot at the GOP nod. When a candidate is resilient enough to withstand such allegations, he rarely loses. If you look at the men who've won the nominations and elections since 1964, when LBJ, known for extreme dishonesty and election rigging, Nixon, or Tricky Dick got elected twice, when Reagan, thought to be an idiot, Clinton the philanderer, Bush the rich-kid coke head, and Obama the Muslim/Terrorist/UnAmerican blah blah sought the nominations and won them, they won the elections.Cain has the support of the Tea Party, which only with Cain can shake its racist image, he has the business experience to at least take on Romney, and lacks the Mormon stigma of Mitt. Nonetheless, I'll sadly be voting for Obama again, although I'd have preferred Hillary's re-election to be this year.


Highlights of Herman's day:

Summary of his presser discussing allegations: Untrue, I dont know this woman but I dont remember anyone anyway.

He actually says the following: "I believe there is an element in this country that doesnt want to see a businessman suceed".

More allegations. Tried to pick up women in Cairo. Egypt. A Muslim country. Wow.

Jonathan Karl asks about foreign policy; asked about Iran having nuclear weapons and how he would respond, Cain says he'd go for ... energy independence. But what if it's your first day in office, asks Karl? I'm not going to wait until my first day in office, responds Cain.

The he refuses to answer questions because they are hypothetical.



In his presser, they ask him about the claims of the "Democratic Machine" he was referring to, who is wrecking his character. His answer was that he had no definitive proof and can only infer. So let me get this straight he can infer/accuse the Democrats of a conspiracy but inference is not good enough for the women in question.

What a colossal fucking moron. I cannot wait for that presser when he has to acknowledge what we all know right now.


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Provident non eveniet et voluptatem. Et animi consequatur aliquam commodi labore. Soluta suscipit sint consequatur voluptas est. Odio velit provident cumque quis vero occaecati dolores. Culpa quisquam architecto ad autem est et.

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Aperiam molestias vel id libero ut. Non est atque deserunt ipsum neque esse. Et quas omnis minima cum dolorum ut voluptatem repellendus. Consequatur labore fuga iure et. Quidem qui quia odio corrupti vel sapiente. In beatae ut corrupti reprehenderit.

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