Graying and thinning hair at 21, what should I do?

I'm a 21 year old junior, I've never worked in high finance before but I have quite a few gray hairs with thinning hairs on the sides of my face, similar to a receding hairline. So at this point should I start picking the gray hairs out?

My hair is also quite long so I'm not sure what kind of haircut I should get, or what I should do to my hair. Should I be using some kind of product to slow down my hairloss? And what kind of haircut should I get? I feel like anything short will give away my balding patterns.

Also just in general, people say I look older than 21 (I get mistaken for an MBA student at info sessions all the time), is this more likely to help or hurt me when applying for entry level jobs?

Like this?

How do you post images big like you did?

That's just how big it was. I didn't change the size or anything.

stop worrying

[quote=rufiolove]When evaluating whether or not to post something on WSO, I think to myself, "would an idiot post this" and if the answer is yes, I do not post that thing...[/quote]

When you get graying hair at 21 you come across as an MBA student during undergrad info sessions.When you come across as an MBA student during undergrad info sessions, you get dirty looks. When you get dirty looks, you miss out on IBD recruiting. When you miss out on IBD recruiting, you kill yourself. Don't kill yourself, shave your head bald.

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This is a test and to the OP you have nothing to worry about. When people mistake you for homeless then you have a problem.

WTF does this car do when it encounters a speed bump???

Please do not get a hair transplant at the age of 21. It's a viable option for men who STOPPED losing hair and are in their late 30's or 40's because from a medical standpoint there is practically no risk of further loss.

As a 21-year old if you do this, and trust me your hair transplant surgeon/specialist will strongly advise against a transplant right away without trying other options, you will most likely continue losing some hair. Whether or not it stops in your late 20's or early 30's doesn't matter and is always different with people. What will happen though is you'll get a graft and it'll look great for two or three years, but because your hairline will most likely continue to recede you might end up with small bold patches, areas between the graft you got at 21 and the hairline you'll have in 4-6 years.

There is something out there, forgot whether its pills or a cream, that is widely used to regulate this, but from my limited knowledge its not for receding hairlines, but rather bolding spots. Almost non-existent side-effects, it's THE most effective way of stopping further loss and stimulating hair growth and it's recommended by pretty much the entire industry and world-renowened hair transplant surgeons. No, it's not some crazy Chinese bat guano or anything of that kind. Regular pills or cream, forgot the name, but there is a WSO-like website with a forum out there that provides real information and connects people with recommended surgeons as well as a wealth of other reliable and quality knowledge.

Of course, getting an army cut is the most cost-effective way of conquering this, but to each his own.

" A recession is when other people lose their job, a depression is when you lose your job. "
David Aames:
Whatever you do, don't go on propecia


I started losing it junior year, as well. Was on Propecia for a good 9 months ('05/'06) and I still don't feel the same. Just a very strange fog over my brain. Its definitely diminished over time, but its still lingering 6 years later. This is just my experience, though;the drug effects everyone differently.

Definitely buzz your head while you still have some good density up there. Wish I would've done this about 3 years earlier.


Who fucking cares about physical looks? How come can you rely so much on the way others see you? Are you mad or something?

A lot of girls (in their 20s) dig men with bald or thinning hair... srsly. If you walk around like something is wrong though, it will negatively affect you.

Really? Since when? I don't know any young women who could honestly say they prefer balding men. That said, women aren't as caught up on looks as men, so regardless of looks you can still pick up.

If you walk around like something is wrong though, it will negatively affect you.

This is true. Confidence is crucial.


That really sucks. Just dye your hair once in a while. Old women do this all the time. Don't worry about the hair loss situation until a couple years down the road.


Vitamin A, possibly E, Ginkgo Biloba and massaging your head frequently with shampoo in the shower, will slow down the receding hair line.

L-Arginine, accompanied by the massaging, will accelerate the production of blood flow to the skull and reinforce the nutrients which your hair needs.

I am not sure what you should to about the grey in your hair (maybe use Just For Men)?

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever."

Can I just say...I have grey hairs all over my head (started getting them at 20 and starting plucking them out!). I've learnt to not pluck them out but cut them very very short, so that they are hardly visible. I heard an old wives tale that plucking them only makesmore come about (which I still believe so I stopped).

Second, to stop thinning, dunno if this works but I do this everyday and since 20years old. Each morning apply extra Virgin olive oil to your head, massage for 3 mins so that the oil completely coats all your hair. I would advise you to take your shirt off before doing this as the oil might get on your face/ shirt. Then after applying have breakfast, then shower after. Oil should be in your hair for around 15 -25 mins, then wash twice with shampoo, no conditioner required but you can :)....

I have super glossy hair and thankfully no signs of baldness yet...and everyone always comments on how thick and healthy it looks....give it a try, after 1 day you'll see a difference, hopefully after 1 month you might see more thicker hair :) hope the best for you.


Don't sweat it. My nephew was completely bald by 30. Don't let yourself go, though. Like the above poster pointed out, fat guys can't pull off bald.

I'm a pretty husky dude and lost a bet to my buddy a few years ago, so he got to shave my head in his garage. Bald. Not a good luck for a fat guy. I was scaring little kids it was so bad.

And before you pricks start, I'm not morbidly obese or anything. I'm 5' 9" and go about 225.

Edmundo Braverman:
Don't sweat it. My nephew was completely bald by 30. Don't let yourself go, though. Like the above poster pointed out, fat guys can't pull off bald.

I'm a pretty husky dude and lost a bet to my buddy a few years ago, so he got to shave my head in his garage. Bald. Not a good luck for a fat guy. I was scaring little kids it was so bad.

And before you pricks start, I'm not morbidly obese or anything. I'm 5' 9" and go about 225.

Ok I apologize in advance. I know Edmundo is a "paid contributor" and a washed-up trader but I just can't resist not commenting on this one haha.

Lol, before you pricks start..not morbidly obese..5'9" 225lbs... lol

You must be almost as wide as you are tall. You are probably 5'9" by 5'0". It's no wonder why, at forty, you still log on here to harass 20-25yr olds... you want that r-e-s-p-e-c-t! Ok lol I'll stop.

Back to the subject, don't go bald.

Edmundo Braverman:
Don't sweat it. My nephew was completely bald by 30. Don't let yourself go, though. Like the above poster pointed out, fat guys can't pull off bald.

I'm a pretty husky dude and lost a bet to my buddy a few years ago, so he got to shave my head in his garage. Bald. Not a good luck for a fat guy. I was scaring little kids it was so bad.

And before you pricks start, I'm not morbidly obese or anything. I'm 5' 9" and go about 225.

Ok I apologize in advance. I know Edmundo is a "paid contributor" and a washed-up trader but I just can't resist not commenting on this one haha.

Lol, before you pricks start..not morbidly obese..5'9" 225lbs... lol

You must be almost as wide as you are tall. You are probably 5'9" by 5'0". It's no wonder why, at forty, you still log on here to harass 20-25yr olds... you want that r-e-s-p-e-c-t! Ok lol I'll stop.

Back to the subject, don't go bald.


lol 5'9 225??? bro that pretty 6'1 just under 205...for football around for the hair, does rogain not work? i have perfect slicked back hair by the way and wont be going bald anytime soon


I'll have to make sure I don't get fat. Balding is something you can't control -- therefore, it's not kosher to laugh at people about it. Being a fatty however, is well within most people's control, and it's fair game.

A note to the 5'9, 225 guy: I am 6'0, 200 and I consider myself a fatass who could stand to lose 20 pounds.


By the time you are in senior in college, everyone has somewhat of a receding hairline - that doesn't mean you are balding, just that you don't look like a 15 year old.

Propecia pretty much just stops balding from what I understand. You can get generics for really cheap. Just like you can from anything - probably a Dr. Reddy's shop or something similar.


Hey everyone, I just turned 21 a few weeks ago and noticed something weird in the mirror. Looking at the top of my head it looks like my hair is kind of thinning a bit you can see my scalp more visibly in one area :(. I dunno what's causing it. Could it be the fact that I shampoo every day drying out my head of its natural oils ? Or is it simply hereditary genetics ? Anyone got any ideas about this or how I can fix it ?

Really tensed after seeing the hair texture!!!


What's this hairline look like? Look up balding celebs and see how they rock it

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Buzz it down to a 1 or 2, own it, and move on. The guys that are on the receiving end of jokes are the guys who try to hide it.

Please don't quote Patrick Bateman.

I just feel like my face is oddly shaped for a bald head. Maybe I'm just being a bit insecure there though.

Also, how much do you guys spend on haircuts? Maybe my barber just really stinks.


At some point you're going to have to embrace the fact that you're going bald -- I'm assuming your hairline is changing, otherwise you probably wouldn't be asking this.

Just gradually cut it shorter until you're shaving your head.

At some point you're going to have to embrace the fact that you're going bald -- I'm assuming your hairline is changing, otherwise you probably wouldn't be asking this.

Just gradually cut it shorter until you're shaving your head.

I've been cutting it shorter for awhile now gradually. I just don't like it at all.


Well, again, what people usually make fun of is comb-overs and the like. Once people get used to seeing you shaved completely bald for a while, they'll get used to it.

Just be proud and self-confident. Think of Yul Brynner, Telly Savalis, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, etc.


I guess the best thing would be to go to a barber who actually knows what he's doing. Will probably have to spend a lot more than I usually do.


Jump on in man, the water is fine. Started buzzing mine at 19 cause I didn't like my hairline, never looked back. Wahl 8110 Balding clippers are a real good pair of clippers to transition with. The length would be similar to about 2-3 days after a straight razor shave


This industry is worse than most, however, genetics also play a role. I have a few grays starting to show up but most of the men in my family are salt and pepper by mid to late 30s and that's just the way it is. I have friends outside of finance that are the same age as me that look at least 10 years older -- several of them have grey sideburns, etc. Ironically, none of them do anything particularly productive or stressful in life, that's just the way they're made.

Lifestyle stuff has all been said before, exercise, drink lots of water, eat right, don't smoke. Everyone knows that, few people do it. It's up to you.

Most stress is brought on by the individual more so than the environment or the workload. It's all about perspective. Maybe there is something wrong with your thinking process? If it truly is the environment and you work for assholes and you're beyond the first couple of brutal years of breaking into the industry, maybe you should think about moving on. It's not worth it to work for some shithead when there are plenty of other firms that pay similarly and are managed by better people.

The plus side in finance is that there's a really good chance you'll be able to retire by 40 if not before, and you can't say that about many professions. It depends on how much money you want to make of course, but $10 million provides a great lifestyle and it's definitely achievable for many people by 40 even if you're not a superstar.


I'm 25 and I'm already starting to see the grey hairs pop up and the dark circles under my eyes. My dad is 50 and has very few grey, and neither do most of the other men in my family.

I attribute it to stress. Whether its purely environment or self-inflicted is arguable.

"They are all former investment bankers that were laid off in the economic collapse that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have no marketable skills, but by God they work hard."

Gray hair and hair loss can be caused due to stress and the best way to overcome it is to reduce stress. You can also use the natural haircare products for your hair or you can even use hair extensions to hide the gray hair and hair loss.


Hair loss problem is facing by men commonly in this day. This problem is easily skip by using the medicine and also natural remedies. But now a days many men are following the medicine treatments for good results.

Healthy natural food diet also supports to increase the hair growth. But it takes more time to gives good results.

The best solution for men hair fall

Cum aliquid vel ea quia voluptas unde. Repudiandae et odio ea voluptatibus ut repudiandae libero. Qui dolorum harum distinctio dolor. Earum sapiente officiis ab molestiae cupiditate enim dolore. Cupiditate modi eum optio eos et ut harum amet.

Don't listen to anyone, everybody is scared.

Hic molestiae adipisci et asperiores et porro voluptates. In dolorem et perspiciatis dolore enim repellendus vero porro. Distinctio labore est sunt tempore eum quaerat. Qui pariatur nihil voluptas quia ut laborum magni deserunt. Alias quisquam rerum qui beatae voluptatum occaecati. Saepe rerum voluptatibus non corporis voluptatibus quo et quibusdam. Aliquid rerum minima omnis consequuntur quia magnam rerum.

Voluptate quidem quia non voluptatem. Quia et sed qui. Quia sit aut sed iste eum. Cum quidem libero ab minus sed temporibus. Enim consequatur aut blanditiis officiis neque est occaecati minima.

Odio ab aliquid sit veritatis cumque eum. Maiores sequi ut facere temporibus deleniti quo perferendis. Sint vel similique odit voluptas sit odit incidunt dolores. Consequatur sint quidem occaecati ut deleniti ut ut quod. Corrupti maxime sit et maxime illum minus.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..
Best Response

Error quas excepturi quae. Dolorum voluptatem dolores dolore qui tempore dolor.

Assumenda architecto enim et nihil quis reprehenderit ea. Sed deleniti aut delectus amet corporis repellendus tempore. Voluptas voluptatem debitis rem placeat.

Hic est necessitatibus delectus qui eligendi neque veritatis. Vero voluptatem id possimus quo quia est rerum. Quia autem voluptates quo. Magni saepe qui et illum vero fugiat. Consectetur aperiam deserunt omnis ullam nesciunt.

Et illo voluptatem cupiditate voluptas eligendi hic et. Et saepe dolorem earum esse culpa deserunt rem. Quia voluptatem voluptas perspiciatis.

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