+54 I love this so much, I wish I worked with him Works at Morgan Stanley
+54 you have some horrible taste in hip hop bro Assistant in Non-profit
+54 It's not my best memory in a traditional sense, but I always come back to it as a prime example of the absurdity of my time in IB. CharlesCheese
+54 Associate 1 in PE - Other
+54 Tell me you’re selling an audax portco without telling me you’re selling an audax portco  Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+54 You guys know what you have to do. When HR investigates this do not hold back. If there is legal prosecution do not hold back. Make these people pay for what they did. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+53 many similar threads on wso - assuming this isn't a troll, i'll bite. can't speak for others, but my reasoning below - everyone's utility curve is different. Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+53 This is why you take kids from state schools Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+53 Those are the kind of colleagues I wish I had. A dude who talks about poop vs. someone chewing you out and backstabbing - take your pick stickychicken
+53 Yeah an 80k car is probably stupid af, but it also could be sick. Zyn_God98
+53 I don't give a shit about the podcast but I'd cancel his interview based on the font and emoji choices.  Director in CorpStrat
+53 Most will exit to corporate (think Trader Joe's, Kroger, Aldi, etc.) and work at the bakery section in-house. Associate 1 in IB - Cov
+53 Happened while I was an intern. I went out with the MD for drinks, and he and I got sloshed. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+53 Dude. No one is reading that.  Works at Morgan Stanley
+53 The only way this stop is if the Bankers themselves are held personally liable. Not the bank. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+53 You lost me at consulting man Intern in IB - Cov
+53 This. Good times create weak men...don't be a weak man at the first sign of tough times in 15 years. brosephstalin
+52 be bottom bucket when banks are looking to shed headcount, brilliant advice Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+52 Nah hinge dates never worth it. Girls will respect you more if they see you ignoring them during dates, and getting the coveted top bucket status (they know your fingers flow smooth on that keyboard) Intern in PE - LBOs
+52 This sounds like a HireView response Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+52 If only their placement was on par with their sorority chicks lilsaucy
+52 God forbid a non-target can do the job better than a top 25 school student! Analyst 1 in CorpStrat
+52 no shit, 99% of us will never intern at rothschild or socgen in paris. just cause 2 banks in 1 specific office do it doesn't mean its normal. tf is your comment? Works at Morgan Stanley
+51 woman ceo ITNAmatter
+51 Blow him Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+51 That's why no one will write about you on WSO in 20 years Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+51 I had an MD who was obsessed with The Smurfs. That sounds harmless enough, and I guess ultimately it is, but he’d get really weird with it. VP in PE - LBOs
+51 Add shadow to all the shapes / icons / boxes - every time my MD asks for this I add shadows everywhere, wait three hours, and send it back and then he always says it looks good Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+50 Lol to a fellow south asian - if you read this forum too much, your conclusions from the commenters would be something like: Balindia
+50 How do y’all come up with this shit lmao VP in PE - LBOs
+50 Figure it out yourself wtf. How would we know Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+50 you sound like a dork not gonna lie hegelian01
+50 BigTyee777: Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+50 Sounds like you care more about your dates than the Client. Let me know your bank so we don't hire you on our next exit. Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+50 I picture them doing some gay arts and crafts bullshit while their wife bitches at them to go get a real job and make more money, then I laugh my ass off.  VP in IB - DCM
+50 Congrats on the sex Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+50 My pronouns are sell/side silly_goose69
+50 Shut the fuck up you stupid kid. You act like you're some special 1-in-a-million amazing hard-working talent with a chip on your shoulder when you ended up at penn fucking state. The wrong Penn. Analyst 2 in IB - Restr
+49 Yeah obviously do not do this unless you want that to be your widespread reputation... work is tough and anxiety is 100% real but an internship is literally like 8 weeks. You will face much harder things in your life. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+49 Are you starting at this MF in 2025? If so, I wouldn't prioritize keeping the offer over your own well-being. It's a resounding answer here that PE won't be better, and I tend to agree unless you are at a unique fund. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+49 happy it went well, but you need to chill on the addy bro Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+49 FT Partners. Already an EB, why not BB. Also, 140k base btw. Corporate Monke
+49 Let me try and help you out.  Regardless of what you're reading on here, it just simply doesn't matter.  Targets hate on non-targets because they think non-targets aren't as smart, otherwise they would be targets.  Non-tar CharlesCheese
+49 A certified MD classic Intern in Legal
+49 I respectfully disagree. Your assertion that being in high finance “…significantly increases your odds of “failure” outside of work e.g. divorce,having kids late…” is just as applicable to men as it is to women. Principal in HF - Other
+49 Maybe this is just martyrdom, but I think we as a community owe it to this guys’ family to not let this thing just fizzle out like everything else that happens. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+49 I consider myself mentally retarded and it is not too hard and I managed to get an internship at a decent MM shop. Intern in IB-M&A
+49 yeah feel free to get started on that  londonlunatic
+49 Man discovered work involves working and decided it wasn't for him. + Bonus: Further proof that product management is a made up job for people who want to pretend to work. Pump it more JPow. Research Associate in ER
+49 so basically you didn't take the SAT and accidentally put 1600? then you randomly had the urge to check your application after the fact and magically caught the error? wild stuff man must be a huge "accident" Intern in IB-M&A
+49 Upcoming: my bank On the downtrend: your bank Incoming Analyst in IB - Gen
+48 Associate 1 in IB - DCM  LSE first year student here Intern in IB - Cov
+48 My friend - I have felt what you are feeling many times over. Firstly, I want you to take a deep breath right now. Everything will be okay, even if you walk out tomorrow and never look back. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+48 this is why you don't make those cringy ass linkedin posts Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+48 Funny as hell lmfao but be careful Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+48 Both are good schools, but here is my hot take: decline both, go work as a janitor for MIT while studying economics in your free time, challenge a famous tenured professor in the middle of his lecture regurgitating Gordon Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+48 I never understand these posts - yeah, finance has some nepotism and it's just part of it. Same with any other job. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+48 Doesn’t matter tbh not like they are gonna fire you for it Either they r conservative and think it’s dope or they r liberal. If they r liberal then who cares what they think Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+48 Good morning -- I am a New York Times reporter working on a story about this. I am looking to speak with anyone who is participating in this work action -- if there is one. emilyflitter
+47 2 words: Only fans salesandtrades
+47 HelloWorld8
+47 Why do we need to know your group? Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+47 Rent and entertainment will increase once you start getting bitches. Get a gym membership as well. Too many fat fuck no-bitch-getting analysts these days. lemickey
+47 Animations on the shapes (fades, zooms, etc.), Smart Art, 3D Shapes. Go get ‘em tiger. kellycriterion
+47 To be fair I don’t think it takes staying until midnight to understand how marinas are valued. How is that market deep enough to warrant its own boutique? chromium73
+47 Merry Christmas.  We are in interesting times. I’ve been saying, view your real estate experience as a skillset, not necessarily a career.     odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+47 NYU Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+46 My boy posted a whole constitution joejoejoerogan
+46 Natixis usually is on the mandate of the biggest tech deals in some capacity Intern in IB - Restr
+46 Do we count FT Partners as a sweatshop? 140k base btw corrido
+46 Where do all the fit hot men/chads exit to?  I want to exit with them (completely heterosexual post by the way) VP in IB-M&A
+46 Religion and my community at church. Analyst 2 in IB - Restr
+46 Same reason why no one in the NBA is on r/basketball or Basketball Oasis trying_my_best
+46 Public markets are gay johnny-mnemonic
+46 This is your MD. Don’t forget double meat and hot sauce. Treat yourself to some baklava on me young gun. masterg
+46 5-7 times a day?  HODL
+46 Try Jesus.  Intern in IB - Gen
+46 LBO his company and make him a synergy Synergy_or_Syzygy
+46 Rumor has it Apollo is asking for your max bench… don’t be fooled, it’s a trick - they ding you if it’s above 135 Prospect in IB - Cov
+46 you dont have to do multiple rounds of interviews and a superday at the end of an internship  Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+46 Usually a couple hundred per week during the courtship period before having "the talk." Then after we are officially a couple, we split everything and when she realizes how much dinner costs, we go out less as she is payin Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+45 I’m at a top EB Works at Financial Technology Partners
+45 ECM bankers need to be studied Assistant in Non-profit
+45 It is not always an ego trip. Many people are struggling to find jobs and need to try to make their profiles stand out. Smoke Frog
+45 people from Estonia Restless
+44 Teller in Non-profit
+44 There is no upside to the action you are considering - just focus on yourself Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+44 Has to be O&G IB james55
+44 We had a group meeting today in the conference room with HR and media people in the room to help us. They said that the best way to honor his memory is to “continue to work hard like he did.” Pretty funny  VP in IB - Cov
+44 Private Equity. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+44 You don't need to be grandiose. A few nice words in a concise, handwritten note is as much as he'll even want from you. Kinda weird when juniors get all sappy when they leave, honestly. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+44 Got $50K and some change post-tax my last year in IB, which was high for an Analyst 2 (Was for FY 2021). Associate 1 in PE - Growth
+44 Such is the life in IB. Keep your mouth shut, head down, keep up the good work and look for lateral opportunities. Retaliation will just end up making you worse off. Sucks, but life unfair. LeviedArmory
+44 I think this behavior is 100% unacceptable. An MD pulling this shit on an analyst is really offside IMO. I don't think I need to go into the creepiness given the power dynamic. rabbit
+44 Yes this is normal. JulianRobertson
+44 Could not have came up with worse advice. Thank you, Intern. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+44 Congrats on the MS Menlo rejection Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+44 He probably had a lot of good points - the student orgs are largely a big networking circle jerk and most grads realize this.   Would still interview him regardless of what he said  Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+44 Apollo will definitely help you get fucked  Analyst 3+ in HF - RelVal
+44 Alright, as a POC, here's my two cents. I don't know what exactly was said, but I'd rather be called a useless sack of shit for example rather than be called a slur or be insulted in some other discriminatory way. Associate 1 in IB - Gen