Why do people hate President Trump?

I don't see the issue with deporting Illegal Aliens or excluding groups of people from countries that are known for producing terrorists. I don't see the issue with dismantling the H1B program and putting Americans at work. Not importing people from India and China, pay them for cheap labor and ship them back when their Visa expires. I don't see the issue with verbally degrading (CENSORED BY WSO) countries which chop a kids arm for stealing candy or stoning a man in public.

Can someone please explain why they hate President Trump when his goal is to help American citizens? Ones who pay taxes for this country, are law abiding citizens and are proud for what this country stands for?


Really.....?? Like "Middle Eastern countries which chop a kids arm for stealing candy or stoning a man in public." it's all that u see....lol,,,,God bless America and no where else-explain everything


Always insult low IQ people unless they vote Dem.

Reality is globalism has pros and cons and the middle class of this country has been gutted.

I can't wait for the candidate who runs in another decade. Angry people will support a whole host of things we would find shocking.

Most of the "high IQ" peoplenive met are a buck fifty, soaking wet. Cry about intelligence when some jacked dummy is dragging you out of your house.


I love it when some moron writes some type of "Traits Intelligent People Have" blog and he writes the most generic stuff in there that literally applies to everyone and these "highly intelligent individuals" that you mentioned start boasting on Facebook and LinkedIn about their newly discovered intelligence. If you really have to point out to people that you are intelligent and no one has noticed it so far on their own, you really gotta rethink things through


I don't agree with his views on trade at all, imposing tariffs on imports from Mexico will just do further damage to the economy. Although I do support tax cuts for whichever reason possible and whenever possible, it does not seem as if he plans to cut spending just as much, so that will be a problem. If there has been some development in his spending cuts that I didn't read, please feel free to correct me. I also do not support his, nor any other politician's view on drugs. All drugs should be legal, its your choice, if you would like to mess up your life with crack or whatever, you should have the freedom to do so

I do support his views on deregulation, the government should do as little as possible in the economy and I think he has been doing a good job so far in that aspect. I already said that I support his tax cuts - provided that he takes adequate spending cuts as well. He also seems to have a sincere interest in helping veterans and I support that as well

As far as his personality goes, he's simply a troll and he knows that he's fucking with you and the more you fall for it, the more he will do it. However he has acted very professionally when he went abroad on diplomatic missions, regardless if it was in the Middle East or in Europe


Selective tariffs work. I simply believe it is the duty of the American president to do what he can to help the middle class. We need a manufacturing base. Outsourcing has boosted profits, shareholder value and CEO pay. It hasn't helped those laid off.

The elitism and classism that people pull sounds nice and funny until people realize that might makes right. And a bunch of angry, well armed people aren't going to be dissuaded by a bunch of thin, vegan liberal scoffing at them.

I'd happily pay more for goods and services to see Americans working. This of course is what liberals say only when it's helping some organic, gluten free kale producer. God forbid they cared about hard working Americans.


I fully understand where you are coming from with that argument however I believe that this will hurt American workers in the long term and won't make them as competitive on the global scale

If certain additional changes are made, the American worker could become more productive, despite Asian countries still having a cost advantage. Here is what I think would be a better way to bring jobs to America without imposing any tariffs

1) Deregulate the economy to the bare minimum. This will keep costs down and allow companies to compete with each other and thus offer a better product to the consumer. Companies themselves will figure out cheaper ways to produce goods and overall offer new, improved goods to the consumer, which will be better than goods from Europe which would increase demand for even more workers to respond to the demand 2) Set the corporate tax rate to zero, have a flat tax rate on all income of 15% (even lower if possible). There is no such thing as a corporate tax rate anyways, the building in which the corporation is in does not pay taxes, nor do the legal papers that state that it's a corporation. At the end of the day, people pay corporate income tax. A lower tax rate will lead to more tax revenues (which was the case in Cowperthwaite's HK) and have people invest even more. There is often an argument that cutting costs is "trickle down economics", but look at it this way - when a greedy billionaire decides to open a new factory for his business, who gets paid first? The workers who built the factory, the architect who designed it, the sales department that is selling his product and only after the factory turns a profit (which may be even years) does the greedy billionaire gets to see any return from it 3) Introduce school vouchers to improve the school system and privatize the school system in the long run. Public high schools are complete shit in every country, however school vouchers will entice competition among schools and even high school students will be coming into the labor market with more skill, since the free market will provide what they are looking for and as a result workers will be more effective and companies won't have to spend as much on training. The man behind the public schooling system in America was Horace Mann, although surely he had the best interests in mind at the time, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and public high schools have failed in every country in the world 4) Set the minimum wage to $0. There is often an argument that states that the minimum wage should be at least 1$. Although I highly doubt that even in practice anyone is making less than $1 in America, the principle of this is the issue. As soon as the government starts meddling with one aspect of the economy, they will begin messing around with another part of the economy and before you know the minimum wage will be $15 and Americans will be jobless Also, suppose that you are looking for a job and currently have no skill but you are willing to learn. You'd ask the employer to work but for a very low wage, if not for free, until you learn the needed skills. However, with a minimum wage, which is intended to help those poor unskilled workers, you are effectively denying them the right to learn and to get out of the misery in which they had the misfortune to be born in

Now lastly, you should have the right to purchase whatever you want from whoever you want. If you prefer American goods then you should have the freedom to purchase American goods. However, just because you prefer American goods does not mean that you have to force everyone else to buy American made products as well. I have two pairs of Made in America New Balances and the quality is wonderful on them, I've worn them for God knows how lon and they are still in perfect shape. However, maybe some individual would rather buy a shoe produced in China for $10, I have no right to ban him from doing so, I might tell him that the American shoe is of better quality, but at the end of the day he should have the freedom to choose. Again, I fully understand your arguments, however I don't think any tariff would be good for the American worker in the long run


We need to retrain people whose skills are no longer valued highly enough in this country. Used to mine coal? Sucks. Now get training to install solar panels. Used to make air conditioning units? Sucks. Now get training to work in digital media.

Plus.....with Trump's plan to boot out all the illegal immigrants out of the country, maybe the white middle class with a shrinking rate labor participation rate, nothing to do, and an incredibly high opioid abuse rate can start to pick strawberries and clean people's houses! But no..these people would rather vote Trump and then not take those open jobs, crashing our agricultural production (if immigrants are truly deported) because the white middle class are "above those jobs." Plus, they can depend on government handouts (funded by blue states) to survive! Trump is a scapegoat and you fell for it, TNA.

You really want the government to disrupt the invisible hand with tariffs and trade protectionism? What about free market capitalism? And why in the world would you want to pay more for something made in America? You sound like a socialist.


First it is politics as usual, plenty of people hated obama. Second, it is all being thrusted by the media and unless you go to right wing news sources it will be biased with a liberal slant. Third, Russia, they 'hacked the election' and 'Trump is Putins puppet.' Remember, 'hacked the election' was the wikieleaks saga. Apparently, everyone knew that Hillary was going to win and that there was zero possibility of Trump winning, so the election was therefore hacked after the emails were leaked (with Obama's NSA and FBI watching). If he did collude with anyone to have the DNC hacked then that is pretty fucked, very willing to call a spade a spade on that. However, investigation is on going so no one officially knows what took place, yet.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

the funny thing is Democrats made fun of Romney when he said Russia was our biggest threat, even Obama said it was 100% impossible to hack the election, then said that the election was hacked...

if the Democrats didn't want to impose sanctions and be so tough on the soviet union, Russia would be significantly weaker right now haha

they made the mess over partisanship and love of socialism now blame Trump for all of it, even before he was involved in politics lol


Who are you kidding? Trump was probably in on that with Putin. I wouldn't trust anyone one of them! They play with lives like it's some kind of game. I don't like them and I don't wanna know them!


I honestly think a lot of the US population doesn't actually understand why they hate Trump. It's almost like the left has half of the country brainswashed into thinking that anyone that doesn't support their cause is wrong and a terrible person. Modern Facism at its finest. And you know what, this time around, everyone said fuck you to the left. That's why Trump is in office.


Dudes rich, tells people to fuck off and had a hot wife. He's the biggest asshole on the planet. I know full well why a large portion of society hates him.

Cause they be thirsty.


Are you kidding me? It has nothing to do with politics, the guy is a horrible, egomaniacal POS. How can you look / read about things like the boy scouts speech and not think the guy is an insecure lunatic? Also, his very obvious attempt to cover up whatever it is with Russia by constantly undermining his own selected AG, firing / threatening to fire anyone who disagrees with him and his just general sleeziness with appointing his family to informal posts through his administration and people like the mooch. The guys definitely thinks he is way bigger than his office and he doesn't give a shit about the presidency. Then his stupid thing this week or last week about Trans people in the military. Literally, no one gave a sht about this but he had to piss people off just to distract people from the dumpster fire that is his presidency.

Generally I think people trump more for the type of offensive person he is rather than his policy decisions as frankly he doesn't have much substance in terms of policy. The entire world thinks Trump is a joke and by extension he is sullying the reputation of the country but hubris would seem to dictate that no one in America seems to care.

There's absolutely no way Trump wins that election against anyone but Hillary who was probably the least likable major party candidate in some time. She makes Romney seem gregarious and down to earth.


So you're saying the world hates him because what he thinks and does is politically incorrect? I'd say that's 100% percent correct. But you know what, fuck being politically correct. At least Trump says what he wants and does what he wants. That's how you live life dude. Instead of preaching this fantasy of social indebtness why don't you just do what you want and say you want regardless of what people think. I promise you, you'll feel more liberated than you ever have. That's why I like Trump, he's defying everything the Facist Leftists have preached to and forced upon the citizens of this country.


hey man at least he gave a boy scouts speech! Obama was busy on the fucking view "The View" yes with those retard flat earthers and whoope goldberg and that's so raven -- that view!

but yeah you are right everyone thinks exactly the same as you do on all that other stuff, having a different view will hopefully be hatespeech soon lol!


Oh, I understand why I hate him and all of them since George Washington. He is an immoral, lying piece of human trash! I wish the same for all of them. Who are these people? Who do they think they are that I need them? A dog would be a better president and if a dog were president; the National Debt would disappear because everyone from around the world would want to come here just to see him or her!


Are you kidding me? Hillary was no better and Sanders was a traitor for dropping out. They are all scum! In my opinion the only two people I can name in our history that were decent was Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin. Other than that they were all no good!


For a lot of people that are moderates, it isn't so much his actual policies, it's more his general lack of critical thinking skills. It was assumed that he would surround himself with the best/smartest advisors, but this has turned out to not be true in the majority of cases.

In general, I just want the President to be someone that has integrity and can make logical decisions, even if I disagree with the policies themselves.


Tillerson for state. Cohen and Munchin (I can't spell his name). Bannon, love or hate him, is educated and skilled. Trump nominated a great SCOTUS pick. Mattie is a great sec defense. Sessions is a great AG.

Most of his people are really good. Who are the idiots he surrounds himself with.

And yeah, Trump isn't eloquent. But who cares. How many "liberal elites" on the coasts who loath Trump for being an idiot probably couldn't assemble A piece of IKEA furniture.


Sure, you listed some good ones. On the other hand there are some choices in his cabinet like DeVos and Perry. Don't get me wrong, Perry seems like a cool dude, I would love to grab a beer with him, but he is absolutely not qualified to be the Secretary of Energy. Call me elitist if you want, but I prefer that position to be held by a brilliant scientist.

Outside of his cabinet he often makes head-scratching choices. For example, given how much money he has he can afford to hire the absolute best lawyers in the nation, but then he settles for someone like Jay Sekulow. How does this make any sense?

For a lot of people that are moderates, ***it isn't so much his actual policies, it's more his general lack of critical thinking skills. It was assumed that he would surround himself with the best/smartest advisors, but this has turned out to not be true in the majority of cases.

In general, I just want the President to be someone that has integrity and can make logical decisions, even if I disagree with the policies themselves.

100% sums up my reasoning when I voted for him.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

I actually don't support Trump I just wanted to see how many idiots they're on this forum. Are you really going to turn a blind eye to all the nepotism and cronyism? Looks like the White House is a family business now, lol!


Did you vote for Susan rice? Did you vote for Ginsburg?

You vote for the president and he appoints who he wants. And what power, other than suggestive, does Ivanka and Kush have? Can ivanka pass a law? No.

Learn what a banana republic is. Than come talk to the adults.


Yeah, all they care about is selling their stupid products. Even Hillary, when she running was marketing something stupid. I don't remember what it was.


But hey I don't support either party. Libertarian ftw. They support free market capitalism and let people decide who they want to be with no government interference. Or you can just stick to the war mongering Republicans and Democrats.


The problem is that, after a long stressful economical and social time like the last 10 yrs, specially n the US, people got frustrated. and when ppl get frustrated they end up believing in the quick fix...like diets! lol I don't think Trump is the solution for anything. His policies and ways to approach things seem really "self business" and not really thought through. And the problem is that no one can say otherwise or oppose as America is America, and they are allowed everything. He smart enough to take advantage of it. Where else in the world a "Muslim Ban" would have been ..ok...? Nowhere in Europe that could have been gone through.


The man suffers from malignant narcissism. He's a compulsive liar that flip-flops on everything, and is too unpredictable and unreliable for presidency.

The more you read into his history, the more you realize that he has all the qualities of a grade A+ scumbag.


Narcissistic and liar. Sounds like every president.

at least Trump didn't hang out with Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright. Or lie and pass a tax as a "fine". You can keep your insurance.


I am starting to like Trump honestly. His utter inability to accomplish anything on his agenda (an agenda that I disagreed with) is beautiful to watch. The current situation in the white house (lol @ Scaramucci) is high comedy, Colbert doesn't need to satirize it, it satirizes itself. I wonder how long Sessions and Priebus will last, my money is on Priebus resigning and Sessions being fired - which will of course work out about as well as the Comey firing.


Obamacare disaster is slowly moving forward. Trumps EO's and cabinet picks have unwound most of Obamas crap. He picked a great conservative SCOTUS.

You realize it took Dems about a year to pass Obamacare. Yet you expect republicans to fix it in 6 months.

Get informed and then speak. God damn.

I wonder how long Sessions and Priebus will last, my money is on Priebus resigning and Sessions being fired - which will of course work out about as well as the Comey firing.

One down, one to go.


Recent poster, long-time lurker here: The unraveling and radicalizing of TNA over the years is a powerful reminder of what happens when ideology consumes identity-- You lose all ability for skeptical inquiry and genuine discourse.


Sick burn bro. My stance has been rather consistent for years. Sorry, but Obamacare is a disaster. Illegal immigration is illegal. Corporate taxes are a pass through and make the US uncompetitive. And 1% GDP growth after the unprecedented fiscal and fed stimulus is pathetic.

I suppose I should embrace Hillary. Her foreign policy didn't create the migrant disaster. Obama and Bush didn't create these waves of illegal immigrants. Obamacare has made insurance cheaper and given consumers more option. Bush made the right choice with Iraq. Cheaper T shirts offset losing well paying manufacturing jobs. Increased taxes are always the solution.


Trump's foreign policy is so incoherent it may as well be nonexistent. Illegal immigration decreased under Obama, and Bush actually wanted to work with Dems to create comprehensive immigration reform, Sessions (yea, the guy Trump wants to boot out of office) led the charge against that idea. Obama-care made insurance more available, and the expansion of Medicaid did make insurance cheaper for millions. Trump supported Iraq as well, although he still lies about that despite recorded evidence. Manufacturing is a dying industry, automation is what killed it not trade deals, we should likely focus on advanced manufacturing and improving the quality of service jobs. Decreasing taxes are always the solution.


I probably agree with roughly 50% of Trump's agenda. My gripe isn't just with the 50% of his policy I don't like. My primary issue is the way in which he represents the office of the Presidency with absolutely zero class. As I'm sure the arrogant POS hasn't learned yet today after John McCain just mud stomped the repeal of Obamacare, words have consequences. You can't just go bloviating off at the mouth, pissing off people left and right for a few applauses at his next live speech. The Presidency is a job to run the most powerful country in the world. It's not a platform for a reality TV show to get ratings. And if Trump fires Mueller, he should be impeached and removed from office. If he isn't, we have someone no different than a dictator sitting at the helm.


He can't fire Mueller, which is why he is trying to degrade Sessions out of office. He wants to appoint an AG that hasn't recused himself from the Russia situation who can therefore fire Mueller.


Read that on Vox.

The USA should only elect losers who have never created jobs or made money outside of politics. A global real estate developer has contact with Russia or Russian people.


Oh shut up. Bill Clinton got blown in the Oval Office. Obamas loser wife Said she wasn't proud to be american until recently.

McCain is a traitor and should resign. Words have actions? You mean like Republicans spending 8 years talking about repealing Obamacare and then failing.

This is 100% a failure on Republicans and shows how worthless congress is.

Russia. LOL. Anyone who actually believes this is a joke. 6 months and nothing. Still waiting on a crime. Oh, Trumps team met someone from Russia. Oh no. I didn't realize the USA talked with Russia.

Putin actually defends and loves his country. Unlike the majority of Republicans.


why didn't words have consequences when obama was president? remember when he made fun of the special olympics and no one cared? if trump even does something close to that he gets called "literally hitler", just look at the lying tweets from jk rowling and how many people are going to think that shit is true when it's just an edited video, about how he wouldn't shake the hand of some kid in a wheelchair when he obviously did

words never mattered until trumpy dumpfy hurted the medias feelings :( wahhhhh

but yea you are right trump is a dictator, not the guy who weaponized the IRS to target private citizens so they couldn't oragnize in dissent of him!


hey i didn't even vote for trump, but we all know why he won... here is a good homegrown WSO examples!

Asian chics are the only race of chics in America to be on the record that they prefer another race of male (white). I think many races that aren't black basically perpetuate white supremacy without even knowing it (even a lot of black people do). Their family would be aghast at a black guy dating their daughter but may roll out the red carpet for a white dude. In Thailand that shit was prevalent, there was even a book on Thai/ Western relationships but it was all in reference to white male/ thai female. Never the other way around and never any acknowledgement of westerners of other hues. It isn't surprising that in such an environment it rubs off on these chics, although I've smashed quite a few Asians I've only seriously dated one, and she was half white.

p.s. Russian/ Filipino is a nice combo

dating white people as a minority is an act of white supremacy!!!!!

what a charlie sheen wannabe.... WINNER WINNER SHEEEEEEEN DINNER

lol... "I like... WINNING"

http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.

Yeah, she does not let him get away with the usual tough-guy crap he pulls. He's so beyond full of shit, and she absolutely calls him on it again and again.

I guess he figured that since Murdoch owns the WSJ, they'd give him a soft-ball interview and suck on his cock like the idiots on Fox & Friends.


I really like Trump; it boggles my mind how bad some of you speak of him.

Trump himself has never been bankrupt and has a good business track record. Bankruptcy is a commonly used tool, especially in real estate. I'm not an expert on Trump, but I doubt he ever had any sort of personal guarantee on any real estate deals, so he himself would never go bankrupt even if a property became totally worthless.

The guy is a non-bullshit guy. He bluntly says the Iraq war is about oil, which while 100% true, no politician ever admits. I applaud him for that. For example that dipshit Romney would probably say "oh but it's about the FREEDOM!!!"...freedom my ass! You know how many non-oil rich countries need "freeing"? Why did we choose to "free" the most oil rich one of them all? Wake up people... This country needs a non-bullshitter; unlike Obama. The Republicans need a good salesman; Trump is the only one that comes close to Obama as far as that.

I think if Trump runs he will have a very good chance of winning.


Btw, OP, I don't see anything in the video that makes me (or any objective person), think that Trump is a "disgrace".

Can someone please give me some coherent, intelligent argument as to why Trump is a disgrace? All I ever hear bad about him on these forums is that he is a shameless self promoter (umm...it's called marketing...he's obviously good at it...try turning your last name into a top luxury brand) or that he is or was bankrupt (which again, is not true). I also think comparisons to Hilton, Kardashian, etc. are totally unwarranted; Trump actually became famous via his real estate dealings, not the other way around. So what is it...why is he a disgrace, troll, douchebag?????

So, in summation, i can only conclude that detractors of Trump are pretty braindead; at least if I'm going to diss on some candidate, I can back it up with facts. Can anyone actually provide me with facts for why Trump would be bad?

Btw, OP, I don't see anything in the video that makes me (or any objective person), think that Trump is a "disgrace".

Can someone please give me some coherent, intelligent argument as to why Trump is a disgrace? All I ever hear bad about him on these forums is that he is a shameless self promoter (umm...it's called marketing...he's obviously good at it...try turning your last name into a top luxury brand) or that he is or was bankrupt (which again, is not true). I also think comparisons to Hilton, Kardashian, etc. are totally unwarranted; Trump actually became famous via his real estate dealings, not the other way around. So what is it...why is he a disgrace, troll, douchebag?????

So, in summation, i can only conclude that detractors of Trump are pretty braindead; at least if I'm going to diss on some candidate, I can back it up with facts. Can anyone actually provide me with facts for why Trump would be bad?

I agree with most of what you're saying, but how do you defend the Obama birther bullshit?

Btw, OP, I don't see anything in the video that makes me (or any objective person), think that Trump is a "disgrace".

Can someone please give me some coherent, intelligent argument as to why Trump is a disgrace? All I ever hear bad about him on these forums is that he is a shameless self promoter (umm...it's called marketing...he's obviously good at it...try turning your last name into a top luxury brand) or that he is or was bankrupt (which again, is not true). I also think comparisons to Hilton, Kardashian, etc. are totally unwarranted; Trump actually became famous via his real estate dealings, not the other way around. So what is it...why is he a disgrace, troll, douchebag?????

So, in summation, i can only conclude that detractors of Trump are pretty braindead; at least if I'm going to diss on some candidate, I can back it up with facts. Can anyone actually provide me with facts for why Trump would be bad?

Where to begin on Trump, let's see, while he did not personally declare bankruptcy, two of his hotels did, pushing him personally to the brink of bankruptcy. He clearly has no understanding of foreign policy, for example, he said he would just take Iraq's oil without in any way explaining how he would do this. How would he do it, nationalize the oil industry in Iraq? An act which he would not have the power to do. He talks imposing tariffs, which is blatantly anti-free trade, and attempts to cover himself by saying he's pro-free trade as long as it's quote "fair", without realizing that with true free trade one side might come out ahead, he comes off sounding like a very confused protectionist.

The fact that he legitimately gives credence to the idea that Obama was not born in America further makes him sound insane. Yes Donald, Barack Obama ascended to the top level of the American government without actually being born in America, apparently conning people at every level of government into trusting a forged or non-existent birth certificate, because it's just that easy, no one every verifies that your birth certificate is real, or better yet, you are never asked for one.

He represents everything that is wrong with big-government conservatism, and would be a repeat of the Bush years. He supports further government intervention in our economy and social lives by re-introducing tariffs, disallowing gay marriage, attempting to repeal Roe v. Wade, and some sort of undisclosed plan to take all of Iraq's oil, all of which would be further encroachments of the government into our lives.


I like Donald Trump as a business man, but like she said he's going to F up the republican party by splitting the votes.......And when it comes to foreign policy it seems like he's going to be a disaster, judging by the interview.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Trump is no less qualified than Obama. As far as the birther issue, I have a fcking idea...show us your birth certificate (not just a cert of live birth - short form) rather than spend $3mm+ trying to conceal the information.

While I do not think that Trump is well-versed on all of the hot button issues I do find his candor refreshing. You can all criticize him for being a self-promoter, which is ironic given the fact that many people on this board work or wish to work in an industry driven by self-promotion.

I would vote for anyone (Trump included) over Obama.

Whyyyyyy does Ron Paul have to be so old...

He is who I want in office!!

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.
Seriously, Romney is the ONLY credible alternative to Obama, no one else has a legitimate shot. He has his flaws like everyone else but I can live with them.

Romney wouldn't beat Obama. He'd be like Kerry in '04; would be portrayed as a flip flopper and too removed from the common man. I don't think the Republican base goes out for Romney and I don't think the moderates go for Romney either.

Obama will be very, very, very tough to beat. The midterm elections don't mean jack; the Dems are always underrepresented in those because the Dem base usually doesn't vote in the midterm elections. Obama is much stronger than most pundits suppose, especially when you consider demographic trends only keep tilting in his favor and the fact that he is working with the Republicans makes him look good. I would vote for Obama over half of the Republican candidates, and I'm technically a Republican.



Haven't almost all of the oilfield purchases in Iraq after the invasion been sold to foreign oil companies? http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1948787,00.html[/quote]

Yes, it's all about political correctness for now. In times like these, we can't do it because the public support isn't there in the US (ie. all the idiots on this board saying "how would we take the oil?"...like you really can't conceive of how? you pump it, you pipe it to the shipping terminal, and put it on a tanker, and you don't pay the iraqis a royalty...wouldn't be the first time oil gets stolen from a country). Wait 10 years for when gas is $15/gallon; we'll be stealing that oil as fast as we can pump it out of there.


Great candid interview. It's clear Trump is a serious d-bag; having said that, he is right in saying that he hasn't been bankrupt himself. The comparison to Jobs and Gates isn't fair, they too would declare bankruptcy in a second if it benefited a takeover/acquisition. The interviewer is ballsy, but kind of a dumb bitch. I wouldn't vote for the guy, but we need someone with business experience and a pair of balls (man week!) in office. If only Mitt Romney didn't believe that his savior was an womanizing alcoholic miner...jeez...


I call it ballsy that he'll run as an independent without the GOP vote.

I'll wait till he puts his money where his mouth is, however.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

.....wow good find King just another reason why he needs to go do something with this life other than be on tv.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
Hmmm... Yes... He panders to the stupid right wing christian base then why does he support:

Legalize Mary Jane? Yes. Let states decide same sex marriage? Yup In favor of using the morning after pill? For Sure Against the patriot act? Mhmmmm Against US bases overseas? Yeahh Complete overhaul of medicare / cade? Yess sir. Would have voted for the Iraq War? Nopee

Oh I forgot, the Tea Party likes him so he has to be a wacko. Every one of those above goes against what the 'stupid right wing christian base' would support

i wasn't referring to Trump, but basically every other potential republican presidential candidate. i just dislike Trump as a person but he is basically unelectable.


Michael Bloomberg is NOT a "moderate Republican". He was a lifelong Democrat who chose to run as a Republican because in NYC winning the Democratic nomination is almost like winning the general election--if you get the nomination and Giuliani isn't running then you are a slam dunk. So Bloomberg ran as a Republican where he faced virtually no real primary challenger and then he used his vast wealth to drown out his competitor in the general election.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Michael Bloomberg is NOT a "moderate Republican". He was a lifelong Democrat who chose to run as a Republican because in NYC winning the Democratic nomination is almost like winning the general election--if you get the nomination and Giuliani isn't running then you are a slam dunk. So Bloomberg ran as a Republican where he faced virtually no real primary challenger and then he used his vast wealth to drown out his competitor in the general election.

Well he is a fiscal conservative, better?


I was referring to your comment about Rand Paul. Not sure how he panders to the religious nutjobs. Really, the only stance socially is abortion; and he is still for the morning after pill which is a big no no in that world.

I would not consider Rand Paul a potential presidential candidate. Unfortunately no Republican candidate stands a chance unless they pander to the social conservative base, it really holds the party back.

Seriously, if you are not anti-abortion, anti gun control, and anti same sex marriage you don't stand a chance. Those are the three hot button issues, there is little flexibility. The Dems have a more diverse voter base to play with and it makes their candidates more interesting most of the time.



All this is why this country is heading toward utter disaster...

It's 2+ years later and we are still talking about the FUCKING birth certificate of the POTUS,

and Donald "I'd Take The Oil" Trump is considering himself a legitimate candidate for the presidency.

God (or whomever you believe in) help us.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
^ ^ ^ ^

More wiggle room, really?

You think anyone would be get the nod from the left base if they supported closing the borders, supported the war on terror, supported cutting social programs, or supported any sort of pro life bill?


And using your logic, I can say we all know Democrats have to be pro abortion, pro illegal immigration, pro terrorists, and pro coddling the poor in order to be elected.

Um, no you can't reverse the logic because its not true. Obama is not pro same sex marriage (or at least did not campaign on it), not pro late term abortion, and no democrat is suggesting that we have open borders or cease the war on terror.

No democrat voter is going to shun a candidate because they are against same sex marriage or is strict on border control, but the republican base will never vote for a candidate that is pro abortion, for gun control, or for same sex marriage. The dems do have more wiggle room with regards to where their candidate can be ideologically.


I think what awm55 is getting at is that the Republicans have a very small tent and the Democrats have a bigger tent. It's tough to be a pro-choice republican and win office, for instance. Even though I believe there are a lot of socially moderate / liberal Republicans out there in society. Though, maybe they're just independents.

I think what awm55 is getting at is that the Republicans have a very small tent and the Democrats have a bigger tent. It's tough to be a pro-choice republican and win office, for instance. Even though I believe there are a lot of socially moderate / liberal Republicans out there in society. Though, maybe they're just independents.

Exactly, no matter how ideologically moderate a republican candidate truly is (McCain), he will be pressured to be as socially conservative as possible in the presidential race.


"Who are the rebels? I hear they have ties to Iran, ..." , "I'm only interested in Libya if we get the oil."

And he begins the interview by saying his primary purpose for running for President is because the world does not respect America.


"Who are the rebels? I hear they have ties to Iran, ..." , "I'm only interested in Libya if we get the oil."

And he begins the interview by saying his primary purpose for running for President is because the world does not respect America.


All he's saying is that all decisions can be made like a business decision. Why go to Libya and waste our resources and money if we do not get anything in return. In fact, what usually happens is that the U.S. becomes more hated. What he should have said was if foreign intervention is not in the US' economic interest, it should be left up to the UN. The US should continue to support the UN, but they should not spend anywhere near the trillions spent in Iraq, Afghan, Libya, etc... Or sacrifice 1/100th of the lives that they have without benefiting. I don't understand why certain parties have such a hard time understanding this concept.

No matter if its economic or political. You must demand some sort of return on your invested capital.


If he makes it to the real debates, he's going to end up looking like a Sarah Palin with a shitty hair.

He's an idiot. "We don't need China" Yeah they only hold 20% of outstanding US Treasury Bonds. If they decide they don't want to re-finance 5% of their holdings, President Donald J Trump himself will be lapping their balls to get them to buy our shitty paper.

Also classic line "No, I'd take the oil"... what would you stick a hose in the ground and use your mouth to siphon all $15 trillion of it into red gas cans and take it home?

What a fuckin joke. I'd vote for a Lohan/Sheen ticket before I voted for this ass clown.

Alexpasch strikes me as a huge Pailin supporter.


Aperiam sint ut perferendis esse. Minus consequatur inventore iusto odit libero consequatur. Eos qui ab animi consectetur.

Occaecati sequi labore qui in consequatur. Earum molestiae esse dolorem aut dicta. Doloribus ipsa ullam ut reiciendis laudantium laboriosam. Delectus laudantium eius animi qui. Et ipsa amet alias. Sed minus quam dolor commodi. Voluptas iusto odio in quibusdam vero.


Et sapiente est laboriosam nisi quaerat. Amet vero possimus non aut voluptatem temporibus sed ea. Explicabo nisi qui sit voluptatibus ab rerum itaque voluptas. Quia doloribus adipisci quo commodi voluptas sapiente. Voluptate rem nisi eaque.

Iusto cupiditate consectetur blanditiis id illum voluptatem rerum ducimus. Aut ipsum at pariatur aut. Est quae ex pariatur dolorum. Repellat consequatur a maxime neque occaecati. Officiis veritatis eligendi fugiat consequatur pariatur ratione. Maiores accusamus sit ullam voluptatem. Dolorem eos et similique suscipit quidem dolor.

Qui quisquam impedit ea mollitia. Ipsum veniam error qui quia iusto. Expedita rem aperiam deserunt similique quis saepe sequi. Qui veritatis fugiat amet. Iusto sapiente unde vero aut minus et ex nulla. Ad dicta eius quidem quia unde voluptatem numquam.

Laudantium omnis doloremque illum vero aut. Dolorum accusantium et voluptatibus iure ratione et accusantium repellendus.


Pariatur recusandae adipisci quis voluptatem dolore eligendi. Cupiditate quo modi eius amet dolor voluptas soluta. Deserunt facere qui nisi voluptates voluptas quia.

Quis voluptatem omnis magni veritatis odio itaque quo. Quas vitae qui quia sed possimus magnam et voluptatem. Velit sit adipisci ea odit magnam itaque. Perferendis et fugiat accusamus similique tempora.


Exercitationem cupiditate hic magni eveniet et. Sunt nam sunt veritatis consequatur et. Eum fugiat quam et.

Facere dicta aliquid quaerat consequatur omnis ut repellendus. Ipsam totam aliquid aut voluptas quas. Dolor quos odio autem quas. Similique occaecati quidem quasi commodi illum eum praesentium culpa. Amet repellat dignissimos possimus corrupti.

Qui facere explicabo aut sed. Doloremque eius quae ducimus ratione. Ducimus sed omnis minima qui quod recusandae. Pariatur numquam nihil magni quaerat aut ex facere debitis.

Qui itaque eos cum tenetur. Voluptas dolorem veritatis est ullam.


Quibusdam eveniet cumque iure provident qui. Distinctio nisi similique quo fuga voluptatem autem est sit. Qui iusto numquam dolorem odio. Tenetur animi cupiditate illum molestiae. Enim ipsum ut fuga omnis voluptatem aperiam debitis.

Nihil sit officiis mollitia praesentium quae sunt architecto cupiditate. Quidem quo qui qui veritatis ut amet recusandae. Ipsum voluptas labore sunt et sint. Non aperiam voluptatum molestias eveniet officiis.

Et tenetur voluptas expedita non. Est quisquam dignissimos minus eum. Doloremque blanditiis omnis nesciunt sit veniam.


Nulla earum consequatur quia tempore eum maxime. Reiciendis porro non deleniti in reprehenderit aliquam architecto. Assumenda voluptatem voluptas officia assumenda architecto quis. Omnis rerum ea perferendis.

Similique laboriosam consequatur laudantium consectetur debitis dolor. Eligendi et officiis numquam esse fugiat. Quia molestiae non aspernatur est. Aliquam tempore consequatur fuga est molestiae. Sunt iste neque voluptatum sint perferendis. Fuga assumenda excepturi esse eum dignissimos maiores. Doloribus incidunt ut laudantium cum voluptatum.


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