What a retard

Just got this PM from user Albert Obeng:

Dear Friend.

It is indeed my pleasure and honor to write you this letter, which I believe will be a surprise to you as we have never met before. My name is Mr.Smith Addo. I am the regional manager of Barclay's Bank of Ghana Ltd (BBGH) Tema Branch in the western region of Ghana. I got your information on a recent bank conference with other West African countries held in Lome the capital city of Togo in West Africa. I write you this proposal in good faith; I am 45years old married with two lovely kids. I am a devoted Christian and a man of peace.

I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit you and I, as the regional manager Barclay's Bank of Ghana Ltd it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each business year. On the course of the last year 2009 business report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made nine million united state dollars ($9,000, 000.00) which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of. I have placed this funds on what we call escrow call account with no beneficiary. As an officer of this bank I cannot be directly connected to this Fund, so my aim of contacting you is to assist me receive this Fund in your bank account and get 35% of the total funds as commission while 5% for any expenses. then 60% shall be for me.

There are practically no risks involved, it will be a bank-to-bank transfer, and all I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of the fund, who made the deposit with my branch so that my head office can order the transfer to your designated bank
Account. Hope to hear from you as soon as you receive this massage.

Get Back to us through this email for more clarification ([email protected]),

Thank you in advance and May God bless you and your family.

Yours truly
Mr.Smith Addo

Yeah, is that why your email is michael jackson?

If you also received this PM, ignore him.


If you're not gonna go for the opp please pass along my resume.

-------------------------------------------------------- "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcom

If your going to try to scam someone, the least one could do is put some effort to make it sound legit. These e-mails are written by a bunch of idiots. The E-mail was genius.


haha if you google the pathetic e-mail you get this:


It is my pressure to wroth this offer to you concerning about what you say, i got your contact at ( www.interspaaeker.com ) ,my name is Lilian Chris from USA,but i am in refegue camp in Ghana due to some circumstances with me,we are four in my family,unfortunately when we are in our house in USA our house collapse, every body in the house died i was the Lucky's one among them unfortunately i was rush to the hospital where i regain my health,After that my uncle stated treating me bad and collect all that belongs to me, what was only left for me is the money my father deposited in the bank,over $1,000,000 (one millone u,s dollar) ,where i am in rafregue camp i can not stand for the money,i have went to clime the money ,the bank manager said that i should go and bring a man that can clime such money not me and i don't have anybody to stand for me, that is whey i went you to represent me in the bank so that the bank can release the money ,And if no body go's their to Clem the money the money will lose their,and that is the only hope i have in my life.

please what i need from you is your personal information, e,g contact me at ([email protected])

your full name, your home address, your international passport or driving lenience ,if any 2 copy of your passport your working identity, And your banking information. scan them and send it through my email address,

one's i got this information i will now contact the bank manager and send it to hem,then the bank will now contact you for them to transfer the money to your account,one's the money is been transfer to your account you collect %40 (forty present) of the money and send me %60 of the money to me,Then we will now be frends or patiner


I should e-mail the scammer with the same scam but change name to Mr. Dumb Azz and my e-mail would be michael.jackson74ATgmail.com. I would be from a hut in Nigeria with 8 Kids, and also a devoted christian who fends off the 11 year old gorilla killas by "DOING GODS WORK"


[quote=CanadaBB]There is a community of people who go through elaborate lengths to make these scammers' lives miserable called 419 eater.

The link below is great, some guy gets a scammer to get a tattoo before he would send any information, which the scammer does...hilarity ensues.


haha thats genius. So smart so smart (Louis CK reference for anyone educated :)

http://convertyourbond.com Free market commentary and trading insights to help with interviews

You shouldn't nervous_nelly, they're criminals. These guys are raking it in off the stupid/naive/greedy/good-natured and deserve whatever comeuppance they get. Don't let the whole 'they live in Africa they must be scrapping by' mentality get to you. Whatever they make, isn't going to their fellow countrymen...

Some of these are pretty good. http://www.419eater.com/html/bigman.htm and there's another one where some guy had to rewrite a harry potter book by hand with a promise of $100 a pop

You shouldn't nervous_nelly, they're criminals. These guys are raking it in off the stupid/naive/greedy/good-natured and deserve whatever comeuppance they get. Don't let the whole 'they live in Africa they must be scrapping by' mentality get to you. Whatever they make, isn't going to their fellow countrymen...

Some of these are pretty good. http://www.419eater.com/html/bigman.htm and there's another one where some guy had to rewrite a harry potter book by hand with a promise of $100 a pop

Don't get self-righteous; the only reason people follow the law is risk aversion and because they have much to lose.

Don't get self-righteous; the only reason people follow the law is risk aversion and because they have much to lose.

Uh, some people also have personal morals, ideals, and dignity - following the law is a coincidence to those standards.

Only a minority of individuals who have a tendency toward crime display sociopathic behavior, which is what you are describing. Who are you to categorize all humans as sociopaths? That's a massive chip on your shoulder.

I believe that at their core, functional human beings are good - they may be mistaken, ignorant, indoctrinated, or manipulated - but they are still biologically/psychologically different from pure psychopaths (Patrick Bateman).


WOW.. I seriously wonder if Okorie ended up getting murdered? He did say that he had to front the money for the passports and tattoo and I'm pretty sure he bribed someone at the hospital for the letterhead. He also started sounding really desperate towards the end of the emails.


I have a buddy who set up a dummy e-mail account just to toy with some of these fools. His normal shtick would be to agree to enter into an agreement with them and offer to wire them the money they asked for if they would first wire him a nominal amount as a gesture of good faith.

This would drive them nuts. They would bombard him with different proposals. It was as if they could see their dinner, but they just could not get there. Passing around the transcripts of his conversations with these little starving conmen was pretty funny for awhile. If any of you are bored at work, consider this as an interesting diversion.


Yah that site was funny but that guy might be in some serious shit now. I was hoping that HSBC would report him to authorities and he'd be arrested, so at least we'd know he wasn't killed by someone he owed money to (unless he didn't really owe money to anyone)

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?
Best Response

You're mistaken, I'm not being self-righteous, I'm raising awareness. Certainly there are some that scam because they have a lot to lose, but the end doesn't justify the means. Also, you think it's always just one odd guy running these scams? No - scams nowadays are run by criminal syndicates.

Note that people that get scammed could be losing anywhere from a small fortune to all of their life savings. Some of these people, out of greed or desperation actually fly out to Africa or wherever the 'meeting place' is and they get beat, tortured, ransomed, and maybe killed. And even if it doesn't go to those extremes, people that fall pray to fraud suffer a lot of psychological damage. Like... people around them showing indifference like 'oh, you were stupid and deserved it' or they suffer in silence out of fear, or lose the ability to trust in others again, paranoia, self doubt and despair could lead to suicides.

It could very well be that some of these guys that got reverse-scammed are totally fu*ked though... so these 419 guys might have indirect blood on their hands... So as per the above poster, I would prefer it if these guys just send the proof to the police or something, as opposed to getting them ship artwork and such.


It could very well be that some of these guys that got reverse-scammed are totally fu*ked though... so these 419 guys might have indirect blood on their hands...

Serves them right. You think the Nigerian police are gonna care about some dude scamming Americans? They have murders and rape to worry about.

My feeling is that anyone who can scam someone and destroy their lives for greed doesn't deserve an ounce of my sympathy if he gets completely screwed in the process.

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

It could very well be that some of these guys that got reverse-scammed are totally fu*ked though... so these 419 guys might have indirect blood on their hands...

Serves them right. You think the Nigerian police are gonna care about some dude scamming Americans? They have murders and rape to worry about.

My feeling is that anyone who can scam someone and destroy their lives for greed doesn't deserve an ounce of my sympathy if he gets completely screwed in the process.

Sounds like Wall Street.

Edmundo Braverman:

A pickpocket snatches watches...

Lmao ^
Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

i gotta say, if he's really from ghana/nigeria/niger, i'm pretty impressed by his english. either managed to learn decent english (and at the same time thought up hare-brained schemes) , or somehow managed to convince someone who can speak english to help him in his hopeless scams

i also think chris hansen should go after this african guy and track him down

That would be awesome. He could bait them in using emails and instant messages, then get them to meet him someplace to get the money. Once the scammer comes in and sits down, the cameras would roll out of the adjoining rooms and Chris could deliver his standard lines.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

When I read/hear some of these stories, I can't just blame the scammers, I blame those who don't take two seconds to put two and two together. The woman who wired 7 grand to Nigeria as a deposit for winning the Australian lotto she never played. The other woman, who over the course of 2 years, wired over 50 grand to her rich entrepreneur bf. Who told her he was Russian and lives in Russia, yet she also was wiring money to Nigeria. The best of all stories I heard was the blond haired/blue eyed white woman of swedish decent wiring like 12 grand bc she found out she was nigerian royalty and the entire royal family had died and left her everything.

(@ZBB You might want to google Ghana, Nigeria and Niger. Contrary to what you are thinking, they aren't a bunch of jungle tribes chanting like in Disney's Jungle Book. Majority of them speak English, French and tribal dialects.)


ZBB is probably a kid who has never set foot out of middle of nowhere Iowa and is ignorant. English is the primary language spoken in Ghana and Nigeria and majority of them probably speak better English than ZBB.

Needless to say, I agree with Moneyneversleeps2, I dont know why people today fall for this crap. If you can be so gullible to send money to someone you dont know in a different continent, then maybe you deserve to get scammed.

ZBB is probably a kid who has never set foot out of middle of nowhere Iowa and is ignorant. English is the primary language spoken in Ghana and Nigeria and majority of them probably speak better English than ZBB.

Alreadyrich, I don't understand why one is "ignorant" if they don't know these facts. I'm well schooled in global issues that directly relate to my business or education interests. If I was interested in working in Ghana then I'm sure I would know that. Maybe this was taught in Intl Relations or World History in hs, but who was really paying attention? Good for you if you were.

I didn't have any idea that English was the primary lang in Ghana or Nigeria, nor do I give a fuck. I'm sure that ZBB doesn't give a fuck either.


Reminds me of the West African gentleman who wanted to buy my watch off Craigslist, and then wanted me to send it to his "brother in West Africa." He swore up and down that he sent me the money via PayPal and-- get this-- even sent me several confirmation emails from-- get this-- [email protected]! And then, after he "sends the money" and a "confirmation," (and after I see its clearly a scam) I get this email:

"what are you going to do with the money i have payed you,please i beg you in the name of God to please ship that item because i have made the payment for you. if the watch is no longer available,find another one thats its equivalent to my money that i have payed. i hope we are clear,be honest with your self,and do yourself a favour by sending the item i have payed for."

I couldn't believe this scumbag actually said "i beg you in the name of God please ship the item." The guy's name is "Vincent" and the email address is "[email protected]."

Next time someone tries to scam me like this, I swear I'm gonna Drop a Burly Deuce in an Express Mail envelope and send that motherfucker to the perp.


Nigeria has had a culture that elevates those that can make money for free for over a century. Con artists regularly receive "chiefdom" titles because of their parasitism. I agree singularity, these problems are a problem of primitive tribal cultures that have standards that come in direct conflict with secular progress, economics, and science. Even those African men that gang-rape 8 month old babies do so in the retarded pagan religious belief that it will cure AIDs - not out of sociopathy.

Also, singularity, you seem to have a problem with manipulating these low-lives into getting a taste of their own medicine, why is that so? Calling people self-righteous? It's all fair game by your satisfaction-seeking philosophy on human behavior. Just as I would enjoy baiting the next idiot that tries to scam me I would enjoy shooting a carjacker in the face. All fun and games, not our fault - we're just products of Nigerian scam culture and Western vigilante culture - everything's natural.

Nigeria has had a culture that elevates those that can make money for free for over a century. Con artists regularly receive "chiefdom" titles because of their parasitism. I agree singularity, these problems are a problem of culture. Even those African men that gang-rape 8 month old babies do so in the retarded pagan religious belief that it will cure AIDs - not out of sociopathy.

Also, singularity, you seem to have a problem with manipulating these low-lives into getting a taste of their own medicine, why is that so? Calling people self-righteous? It's all fair game by your satisfaction-seeking philosophy on human behavior. Just as I would enjoy baiting the next idiot that tries to scam me I would enjoy shooting a carjacker in the face. All fun and games, not our fault - we're just products of Nigerian scam culture and Western vigilante culture - everything's natural.

It's part cultural and part lack of institutions necessary to maintain a civilized society; as we've learned over history, having food, work, and something close to laws makes people less likely to turn to barbarism.

As for why I have a problem with manipulating the lowlifes, it's mostly because vigilante justice is barely different from the scams these Nigerians perpetrate. From a social planning perspective, it's incredibly stupid to have people organizing reprisal scam/assaults/murders as opposed to creating institutions that can adequately deal with issues. Just because I'm a cynic about people's motives (and I definitely merely called people self-interested) doesn't mean I'm short-sighted and obsessed with hedonistic satisfaction. Nice straw mans and non sequiturs btw.


Fuga quis vitae qui nam perferendis esse. In sed voluptatem hic aperiam laborum neque quo. Est ipsam est tempore provident.

Vitae dolorum debitis quia facilis. Voluptas sit ut quis. Dignissimos ratione quam dolor fugit voluptas.

Consequatur a dolores vero ut. Ducimus qui ut nihil pariatur est nisi. Sed eaque vel dignissimos. Vitae fugit qui rerum est quam deserunt molestias quis. Quia commodi est est consequatur suscipit.

Provident rerum voluptate exercitationem veniam maiores. Optio dolor rerum consequatur ut ut eos mollitia. Quisquam consequatur et necessitatibus sunt est laborum distinctio nobis.

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