Anyone Play Videogames?

Hey everyone, I've seen the discussions about cars, bikes and watches so wanted to bring this up considering I think these are pretty popular. Unfortunately, I think the gaming industry has really been quite lackluster in the last decade or so, pretty much like the film industry.

Most of the new releases are add ons to existing franchises that mostly just water down the original storylines/concepts. Anyway, I figured I'd give my personal favourites and biggest busts to get the conversation started.

Personal Favourites (No particular order):
-Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2)
-Far Cry 3 (Xbox 360)
-Skyrim (Xbox One)
-COD Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360)
-Assassin's Creed 2 (Xbox 360)
-Gears of War 1 (Xbox 360)
-Pokemon Gens 1&2 (GBC/GBA)
-Mario Party 2 (N64) (Perfect drinking game)
-Super Smash Bros Melee (Game Cube)
-Battlefield 1 (potentially, lots of things i like about its back to basics approach)

Biggest Let-downs:
-Pokemon GO
-Destiny (Xbox One)
-Pretty much every COD in the recent past.
-Pretty much every Assassin's Creed game after Brotherhood; AC3 and Revelations definitely get a dishonorable mention.


As strange as it sounds i've heard of prop desks that actually value gaming experience at high levels becuase apparently it shows "competitiveness and advanced situational analysis", i'd take that with a grain of salt though haha

Depends on what type of games you're talking about. If my friend's telling the truth, Jane Street has a bias towards poker and various chess variants. Not to mention Starcraft 2 (but that could be just him and a few others).

That being said, the IB/PE guys I lived with were FPS junkies and race car driver wannabes. As for myself, I'll just stick to my Age of Empires, Rise of Nations and Skyrim.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Won't touch a video game unless I can play against someone. My opinion: No point in playing if you can't win(or lose).

**How is my grammar? Drop me a note with any errors you see!**

Hahaha, I had a similar situation. I was in the top 1% for League of Legends and was wondering how attractive/impressive that is to an employer. Put it on my resume, at the very bottom, had got a few questions about it. My reply was, it took 3 years to achieve this goal as well it is the most played online pc videogame in the world with 68MM actively monthly players in 2015 and that number is much higher today. I had to also mention it was probably equivalent to being a D1 athlete.

Employers were actually impressed at the amount effort and dedication shown by myself to just improve at the game.


Pffft top 1% ain't shit. That's like mid-diamond trash.

I peaked at D1 when I was at my rock bottom. Played against pros all the time, including Bjergsen, Hai, Sneaky. Supported Hi im Gosu, beat Goldenglue on his Azir. Even pulled off an epic counter gank when Lourlo and Dardoch were both on Team Liquid and they were duo queue'd.

Even had an interview with the Team Liquid CEO and founder to see if I could fit in somewhere in the org. Ended up not really going anywhere though.

I still really want to get into streaming, I think I could pull off a popular entertainment/education/personality stream.

"I did it for me...I liked it...I was good at it. And I was really... I was alive."

I was in the challenger series, established one of the first Riot partnered league communities at my university, and captained my school's team to a Top 8 showing. A lot of the BB IB's thought it was cool when I ended up explaining my involvement.

Why get your own coffee when you can get an intern to do it for you?

Battlefront 2 on PS2 to this day is the funnest game I have ever played (Probably because I was 6 when I played it)

I would then say Battlefield 3 was pretty awesome as well, I spent pretty much a whole 8 weeks playing multiplayer running around in a Abram. Fun times

I don't know if it counts but Flight Simulator is also pretty dam cool.


I still play RS from time to time. Very infrequently but probably every 9-12 months I'll get my membership back for a month. Not the same since they did the update several years ago.... Most of the old feel is gone. Kind of sad actually.

"Successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others". - John Maynard Keynes

I don't think Destiny was a half bad game, problem was it needs lots of social time in order to get through the content. Once you start working you don't exactly have 4 hours to dump every other day. One of my friends is top 1% in the world, it is just insane watching him play.

  • I think Overwatch is pretty decent, but it does lack variation in game modes which sucks.
  • WoW will always be a hell of game (so much variation in how it can be played).
  • StarCraft is awesome, but it has gotten way too fast for me to be remotely competitive anymore
  • FIFA will always be one of the best games to play with friends. Doesn't matter which year. -Pokémon GO was a let down I guess... but not sure what anyone ever thought it was going to be? Full fledged pokemon game for your phone

I guess I should have expanded on Destiny being a let down. I don't think its a bad game, the so called "seamless multiplayer" aspect was and is great: I can go do my own stuff and if I really feel like it join a party just like that. My personal problem is that the expectation for it was so huge that when it came out and it was so bare bones it was really depressing. Had they released it a year later with all the add-on dlcs that had been released at that point chances are I'd have a much better view of it. My other qualms with it are its repetitiveness and the fact that as you said, if you can't dedicate 4 hours to it a day then you just fall behind and there's no incentive to get back into it.


That's more of an industry thing now though. DLCs are becoming the norm, limited content at roll out then a greater expansion down the line. I think it allows them to manage players expectations / patches in a much better faction.


I hate it when Korean, Chinese and Russian players dominate the online scene in most games (AoE,, Starcraft, CS:GO, etc). Sort of makes a less enjoyable environment for casual gamers who just play occasionally and actually go to work, instead of sitting in their mom's basement (prison cell in China), and playing nonstop.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."
Frank Quattrone:

I hate it when Korean, Chinese and Russian players dominate the online scene in most games (AoE,, Starcraft, CS:GO, etc). Sort of makes a less enjoyable environment for casual gamers who just play occasionally and actually go to work, instead of sitting in their mom's basement (prison cell in China), and playing nonstop.

Think the other way round. For them it sucks because their servers are being trolled by all the noobs like you.

Frank Quattrone:

I hate it when Korean, Chinese and Russian players dominate the online scene in most games (AoE,, Starcraft, CS:GO, etc). Sort of makes a less enjoyable environment for casual gamers who just play occasionally and actually go to work, instead of sitting in their mom's basement (prison cell in China), and playing nonstop.

CSGO is anything but Asian dominated - EU runs that scene

Favorite games: Skyrim, GTA San Andreas & GTA V, Ratchet & Clank, Resident Evil 4, Far Cry 3, The Witcher 3, God of War series, NBA Street Vol. 2, Pokémon Yellow, Super Mario 64

Playing now: Mad Max (ik I'm super late but I don't game as often and it cost me $10), FIFA


I'm old school when it comes to video games, so the majority of my favorites are Pre-PS2 Era games. I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda (I've played all through Majora's Mask, but have a personal affinity for Link to the Past above all else), Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic 3 is the best, hands down), Super Mario Brothers 3, the entirety of the Lucas Arts Adventure Game library - I've beaten them all to the ground and think they are amazing games, especially Grim Fandango, which in my humble opinion, is the pinnacle of adventure gaming, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Final Fantasy 3/6, Chrono Trigger, NHL '94, Quake and Quake II, Super Metroid.

I think my all time favorite games, however, are Tetris and the Monkey Island Trilogy (The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge, and The Curse of Monkey Island). There is just something about being able to sit and play Tetris, without realizing it, spend hours playing because of it's simplicity. The Monkey Island Trilogy... that shit is just classic and still makes me laugh.


Yup. I've played the entirety of the LucasArts Adventure Game catalog. We're talking Sam and Max Hit the Road, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom, Maniac Mansion, Labyrinth, Zak McKracken and the Alien Minders, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, The Dig, all of the Monkey Island games (The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge, The Curse of Monkey Island, and Escape from Monkey Island, which lost some of its luster because it didn't have Ron Gilbert, Tim Schaffer, and Dave Grossman attached to it), In an interesting bit of history, all of the most prominent members of LucasArts Adventure Games team (Schaffer, Gilbert, Grossman, Sean Clarke, Bill Tiller, Steve Purcell, and Michael Stemmle) have continued developing adventure games. They are all fantastic games.


I very recently got back into video games. Played a lot as a kid and played way too much WoW. Still have an account on a private server where I fuck around if I’m feeling nostalgic (read: drinking). Haven’t touched that since I got an Xbox One though. I play a few hours a week and so far, I’ve finished Far Cry: Primal (enjoyed a lot) and I’m now playing the Mad Max game, which I’m having a blast with. I also started Shadow of Mordor and I’ll come back to it when I finish Mad Max. I’m mostly a one game at a time guy, especially since I don’t have much time to play.

The current breed of open world games with level-up/reward point mechanisms and the reaction/timing based combat systems they tend to employ is new to me. I’m enjoying it though. I really love a good RPG too. Especially turn-based. Having a hard time finding modern ones though.

My favorite games are Star Wars: KOTOR 1 & 2 (GOAT RPGs), Star Wars: Battlefront 1 & 2 (still play with my brother maybe once a year when I visit), and Mass Effect. I just played the first Mass Effect last year and finished it. I’m half way through the second. I’m excited about the new one coming out and by the time I beat Mass Effect 3, I’ll be able to pick up the new one coming out on a Black Friday sale. I just wish I could/cared to follow the story since people say it’s amazing. But dude, I am not spending energy figuring out complex made up space politics.

I want to get a Kinect. I think that would be fun to do with the wife. And a Band Hero setup.

Edit: Just saw someone mention Ratchet & Clank and those games were great. I'll get a PS4 some day just to play the new one. I was feeling nostalgic and drinking one night and watched the first 10 minutes of the movie...

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

If you liked Primal you should play Far Cry 4, it isn't as good as Far Cry 3 but it is the same style and is also a very good game. Mordor is a nice play through but gets kinda boring, I am having a blast with Mad Max as well.


I hear Far Cry 3 and 4 are good and I almost wish I had played them before Primal. My one gripe with Primal is the lack of variety in weapons and how you do combat. But they did a great job given the setting. A caveman with an Uzi would be weird. Also, games like this have a reverse difficulty curve. Half way through, you can just run into camps and beat everyone to death without any kind of thought. You’re also able to tame a Sabertooth pretty early on that can pretty much solo the game for you. But the reason I say I wish I had played 3 or 4 first is because I’ve read that the maps and playstyle are very similar.

How far into Mad Max are you? I just finished the part where you do the Gas Town race (that shit took me 200 attempts to beat I swear, I was sitting there Sunday morning pounding Yerba Mate and chewing Nicotine gum, sweating yelling at the TV) and then fight the dude with the saw in his head after. Have you gotten the level 6 harpoon yet? Seems like a PITA.

I love the overall feel of the game and I love that I’m 130/1000 achievements. I’m not ready for it to be over. The details are amazing. What looks like a regular scrap site could turn into a little underground adventure. The characters are all human, but the game does a great job of making them look like monsters almost. Like what the fuck is that? Oh, that’s just a giant man covered in paint with saws for arms, coolio. The car combat is super fun. Convoys are super fun. Great game.

Honestly dudes, games are getting so fucking good. If shit ever hits the fan for me and I lose everything, I’d strongly consider just getting a job managing some Arby’s and play games all day.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

When primal first came out i was like whoa this looks dope so i bought a bundle that came with FC4. Decided to go chronologically so i stated with 4 and having now gotten through it, it looks like they basically took style of the Shanghai-La levels and expanded that into an entire game for Primal. I almost feel like Ive ruined it for myself.


From my Media spreadsheet (I'm into documenting shit):

Game Console Beat Halo 3 Xbox 360 X Halo Wars Xbox 360
Halo 3: ODST Xbox 360
Halo: Reach Xbox 360
Halo 4 Xbox 360
Halo: Spartan Assault Xbox 360
Gears of War 2 Xbox 360
Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360
Mass Effect Xbox 360 X Mass Effect 2 Xbox 360
Mass Effect 3 Xbox 360
Batman: Arkham Asylum Xbox 360
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 & Xbox One Dragon Age: Origins Xbox 360
Far Cry: Primal Xbox One X Destiny Xbox One
Ratchet & Clank PS4 Star Wars: Battlefront Xbox One
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Xbox One
Dragon Age: Inquisition Xbox One
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Xbox One
Fallout 4 Xbox One
Overwatch Xbox One
Xcom 2 Xbox One Turn-Based RPG Divinity: Original Sin Xbox One
Mad Max Xbox One

That's all the shit I want to play.

Also, who's played the new Star Wars: Battlefront? I think it's trash. I really want to play The Witcher 3 also.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

New Battlefront blows. Not sure why I bought it (graphics probably). Thanks for reminding me about the batman games. They are all great.

Haven't playedthe Witcher 3, but it is something I am going to buy for my PC instead of my Xbox. (I've got a GTX1070 w/ intel i7 6700, so I expect awesome visuals).

Halo is one of the best game series of all time. Buy the Master collection or whatever it is called with all the games. You wont regret it


Total War series, been playing since the original Shogun game. Everyone knocks the complex mechanics but I love how deep it goes and re-writing history (in game). Only game where I've gone to sleep thinking about how to punish those Barbaric Gauls for raiding my territories, how to balance my budget, and whether spending several in game years researching new technology is better spent on agriculture and trade or military.


Dude who threw monkey shit at me for my opinions about video games? Out of all the absurd shit I post...

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Over the last month I have developed a crippling addiction to GTA 5, which when combined with my alcoholism, results in a catch 22-type situation for society at large. While GTA 5 keeps my drunken destruction indoors in the short term, it plants all kinds of problematic ideas in my head which may or may not result in blackout attempted b&e's and/or petty theft somewhere down the line


I have been playing games since 9 years of age. Categorizing which are the best is extremely tough, but here goes.

The current games I am playing (or at least trying to play in between school) 1. The Witcher 3 2. OverWatch (highest skill rating is 3530) 3. GTA 5 4. Stardew Valley 5. Civ 6

The games I would consider the best, off the top of my head: This list is not by ranking 1. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (1&2) (Apparently there's a revamp being made for better graphics(this is not an official revamp) 2. The Witcher 3 3. Runescape (before it got all dumb, so pre 2006) 4. Civ 5 5. Dark Souls (1&2, haven't played 3) 6. Mass Effect (1&2, haven't played the 3rd one yet) 7. Dead space (1&2, didn't quite enjoy the 3rd) 8. UnderTale

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I forgot to edit in, that I haven't played it yet. Thanks for pointing that out, my bad.

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I have been playing games since 9 years of age. Categorizing which are the best is extremely tough, but here goes.

The current games I am playing (or at least trying to play in between school)
1. The Witcher 3
2. OverWatch (highest skill rating is 3530)
3. GTA 5
4. Stardew Valley
5. Civ 6

The games I would consider the best, off the top of my head:
This list is not by ranking
1. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (1&2) (Apparently there's a revamp being made for better graphics(this is not an official revamp)
2. The Witcher 3
3. Runescape (before it got all dumb, so pre 2006)
4. Civ 5
5. Dark Souls (1&2, haven't played 3)
6. Mass Effect (1&2, haven't played the 3rd one yet)
7. Dead space (1&2, didn't quite enjoy the 3rd)
8. UnderTale

you must be 13yrs old.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

21 actually, but thanks for the guess

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

Pm me your steam, I would be down to play

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.
Best Response

Pretty much.

  1. Grinding skills that consisted almost entirely of clicking and waiting taught me tolerance for grunt work like nothing else
  2. Fighting that giant bird motherfucker in god Wars praying for an Amradyl hilt taught me perseverance
  3. PKing taught me attention to detail and organization. If your inventory wasn't organized AF or if you weren't paying attention in multi, you were fucked pretty quickly by those ice barraging assholes
  4. Trading / scamming taught me creativity and the importance of formatting. Gotta make all those words different colors and wave and shit to get people's attention in that crowded Fally park

Bunch of other shit but I honestly believe putting interns in a 10 week old school runescape grinding program will get them more ready for banking than whatever it is they do now


I totally forgot about Half-Life and Myst. Myst was a blast. The original Half-Life was honestly one of the best Single Player shooters there was. The story was brilliant and really drove the game. Plus, the expansions (Opposing Forces and Blue Shift) were both fun as hell. That kind of storytelling and game design is lost on today's gamers.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time (N64) Pokemon gen 1 + 2 as well (GB) Age of Empires 2 (PC) Halo 1-5 and Reach (xbox, xbox 360, xbone) Far Cry 4 (xbox one) Skyrim (Xbox 360) Assassins creed Black Flag + unity (xbone) Yearly edition of Fifa (console)

Let downs: Minecraft. No idea why it's hyped. Assassins creed syndicate. Halo wars 2. Just bought it and don't love it enough to have spent 50 bucks on it.

Looking forward to: Incredibly hyped for the Nintendo Switch. I will deff pick it up when its on sale this winter. Looking forward to the new zelda which gets awesome reviews. I'm incredibly hyped for Pokemon Stars though. If a "classic" pokemon game releases on the Switch I will not be able to leave the appartment. Pokemon on the big screen = the dream.


Play religiously: Super Smash Bros (Wii U)

Play frequently: Overwatch (PC) Team Fortress 2 (PC)

Play occasionally: CSGO (PC) GTA V (PC/PS4) League of Legends (PC)


Most of the people here list so many games I have never heard of. Apart from browser-based strategy games I have this bunch of competitive games which I revisit whenever I feel like:

  • StarCraft2 / BW
  • Counter-Strike 1.6/Global Offensive
  • World of Warcraft
  • League of Legends
  • Dota2

It is funny to consider that I have over 20,000 hours played in the first three (technically, 5) on the list and have been professional/semi-professional in two of them. Would have probably kept doing that if the gaming industry was as good 6 years ago.

And to those who wonder whether they should have any high-end experience in a competitive game listed on their resume - it has only helped me and will stay there until something major takes its spot.


Most of the people here list so many games I have never heard of. Apart from browser-based strategy games I have this bunch of competitive games which I revisit whenever I feel like:

  • StarCraft2 / BW
  • Counter-Strike 1.6/Global Offensive
  • World of Warcraft
  • League of Legends
  • Dota2

It is funny to consider that I have over 20,000 hours played in the first three (technically, 5) on the list and have been professional/semi-professional in two of them. Would have probably kept doing that if the gaming industry was as good 6 years ago.

And to those who wonder whether they should have any high-end experience in a competitive game listed on their resume - it has only helped me and will stay there until something major takes its spot.

This is pretty dope, I played SC2 at Masters and GM level back in 2010-2011 (fuck time went by so fast) and did a few tournaments. I probably wouldnt put it on my resume considering I have a FT job now with some deal experience, but I am curious as to how you phrased it.


The game I have put on my resume is World of Warcraft. I have several bullet points emphasizing on the fact that I have been among the top 0.5% for about 5 years and have won a tournament in the 'discipline.'

Basically the whole idea there is that a interviewer for example might ask me what I have gained in terms of experience, etc. And I utilize it as a door opening towards explaining that competitive gaming has taught me one very important thing: "If you truly love what you are doing and put enough time into it - you are bound to become good and eventually excel at it."

I realize that this sounds cliche as hell, but this is my strategy in Trading right now and it seems to be working out. Something like the 10,000 hours rule, if you are familiar with the concept.

Last but not least, thumbs up for your achievements in StarCraft. I played on Diamond/Masters level and quit about 2 months after the game came out because I decided that it will be a "go pro or go home" thing (and going pro with all the Korean monsters out there is poor in terms of risk/reward).


Just to clarify, I am based in Europe.

I have an "Activities" section (a total of 4 lines), where I have emphasized on the key points - being top 0.5%, tournaments, etc. It is right under 'Work Experience."

Actually the 'beta' edition used to involve cliches like 'Leadership' and so on, as I had my few months of leading cutting edge content raids in WoW, but it was simply too hard to explain to anyone not familiar with the game.


I'll also add in Xcom to the list. I so badly want that supersonic VTOL aircraft.

That being said, I'll follow Vaas Montenegro's definition of insanity when it comes to gaming these days.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Do you have it on pc by chance?

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I traded bad grades for sim racing time at Georgia Tech. Shit throwers take shit out of context. I don't do it because it is too addicting and find new vices the place the old.


Used to be a console guy. Halo, CoD, Elder Scrolls, Fifa, NBA2k, Overwatch, and Destiny.

Ever since playing CSGO I haven't touched my Xbone. That game has ruined all other videogames for me, I love it.


Haven't played any games in months save for Super Mario Run, but off the top of my head, these were some of my faves...

Doom, Tribes and Tribes 2, Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy 7, the first 3 Crash Bandicoots, Tekken 3, Gran Turismo and sequels, Super Mario World, Jet Set Radio Future, any GTA, COD4, Quake 3, Deus Ex, Left 4 Dead 2, PES 2-6...

edit: forgot Freelancer and Dragon Quest 8, incredible games.


If you have a good PC start playing CS GO, competitive as hell and has a very steep learning curve in terms of skill. Once you get into it there is no going back

Skyrim is one of the all time best games to play and relax while enjoying a cool story


Control + F.... can't find Metal Gear, Splinter Cell or Hitman anywhere in this chat. I'm actually disappointed.

Mad respect for Star wars battlefront 2 though, that game was ahead of it's time.

Absolute truths don't exist... celebrated opinions do.

No particular order:

Halo Pokemon Blue Pokemon Leaf Green and Fire Red Zelda Super Smash Bros Melee Mario Party 2 and 4 Mario Super Sunshine Crash Bandicoot Sonic Starwars Battlefront

Have to give a separated s/o to had me super definitely depends on the type of gamer you are though.


Almost the only game I've been playing for a few years now is League of Legends. Not too good but I guess 0.58% rank is not bad either. Surprised almost no one mentioned it here, it's like one of the most competitive games right now


I competed professionally in World in Conflict and World of Tanks actually. I still have some connections who continued within the esports scene and have been contemplating potentially getting into the investing scene at some point in the future as I think there's a pretty big gap between sophisticated investors and people who understand the scene and evolving trends within the industry...or even how to communicate with the up and coming players and managers of professional teams and all the adjunct offshoot industries.


Listen here you little shits, you merely adopted video games. I was born by them, molded by them.

Here's my rankings of greatest games of all time, controlling for time period:

  1. Super Mario 64
  2. Guild Wars 1
  3. League of Legends
  4. Call of Duty 4/MW2 (both are timeless classics)
  5. The Witcher 3
  6. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
  7. Fallout: New Vegas
  8. GTA V

League is my number 1 right now. Playing any other game just has too much of an opportunity cost -- why would I spend an hour to do one or two quests in an open-world RPG when I can play one or two complete League games? League is just the ultimate in competitive gaming. You want to see how low human beings will go, you look at League and what people who are upset will flame about. Hell, I'm guilty. As my post above illustrates, I was top ranked at one point and got to play daily against professional players. Now I'm trash sadly, feelsbadman.

The Witcher 3 is synonymous with Game of Thrones as a video game. Just fantastic story, great characters and dialogue, phenomenal lore and universe, and fun actionable content to go with it (Care for some Gwent? d:^) Probably the greatest single player game of all time not controlling for anachronisms.

Lesser known titles: Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Fallout New Vegas are both way better games than their more popular counter-parts, Skyrim and Fallout 4 respectively. Those latter two games were dumbed down for casuals (I'm sure many of you are casual plebs yourself but eh)

Guild Wars 1 and those early modern warfare CoD's hold a special place in my heart. Dropped 4k hours on GW1 and hundreds on CoD. Believe it or not, I bought the ORIGINAL Call of Duty (NO NUMBER!). Man, I was like a 14 year old kid but imagine if I could have invested in Activision after playing that game and knowing it was gonna be a huge franchise. I really need to get into the video game investment banking business.....

"I did it for me...I liked it...I was good at it. And I was really... I was alive."

completely disagree that Oblivion is better than Skyrim. If anything Morrowind has an argument but not Oblivion. Your list is pretty nice though. I am not really into WoW, Runescape, League of Legends type games. Too much of a time sink and I grow bored of them really quickly.


Liked RPGs and played a couple of the JRPGs during Super Nintendo, PS1 and PS2 period (final fantasy, chrono chross, xenogears, wild arms 2, etc). Also liked Fallout series, though I feel like I've missed out on great western RPGs in the last some odd years due to work and not having much time for it these days.

There was also metal gear series (didn't play all of them sadly), resident evil series (same as MGS), grand theft auto.


I do indeed play video games, and I will do an AMA on xbox live with anyone who is not a prospective monkey or a "corporate analyst". DM me your gamer tag and info. If you're an intern or just really interested in hedge funds I may consider tho.

I only play Infinite Warfare however. So if you don't have that we can't play.

Overwhelming grasp of the obvious.

I prefer FPS; COD mainly (they ruined the new stuff so since the IW came out all I've been playing is MW which came with it)

"I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing. " -GG

GTA III NFL Street Need for Speed Hot Pursuit II Medal of Honor Rising Sun Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

"He was an idiot! He was a bouncer who got his Series 7" - Josh Brown

Reading these comments got me thinking back on the good 'ole days:

  1. Yahoo! Chess: Orange-rated blitz chess player, boosted to 2200 and bailed. This translated to running my elementary school tournaments, then local tournaments and then state tournaments. Good times.
  2. Yahoo! Pool: Boosted accounts to 2100+, sold them for rarez, created bot farms to boost others. Got into a lot of illicit stuff here like password cracking, gambling on games and some fake credit card generators for software licenses that I needed.
  3. SC / SC Broodwar: Played a ton of default, clanned up and played "Snipez" on user-defined settings. Someone mentioned it before but the people who were good at default, were too good to be caught up to.
  4. RS Classic, RS: Scripted for SCAR in Delphi to build auto-miners, racked up a lot of gold + rares, was a Moderator on real-world trading website "Sythe" and had a lot of fun running a small e-business with sketchy, unverified paypal accounts that would get frozen when you're trafficking $1000's of dollars from equally sketchy paypals. Too many accounts to name; Skillers + pker's, some legit, some botted and some bought.
  5. CS 1.6: Played a lot with a buddy in a public library, made it to Cal-i tryouts, didn't make the cut, my buddy did. I still remember watching him play on DirecTV channel way back in the day.
  6. GunZ: Very good on NA Servers, k-styled with archetype's configuration to make my shitty comp decent for clan wars. Would always be in Top-5 clan with heavy W/L ratios.

And then high school, freshman year hit and my parents really wanted me to develop myself socially and get involved in scholastic activities. I changed literally that year and have never been the same.

The internet sucks now. It's so commercialized and mainstream. I'll always cherish the golden age and my adolescence.


I like to imagine that some gamer once told a girl he has a party hat in RS to get her to go home with him.

"He was an idiot! He was a bouncer who got his Series 7" - Josh Brown

Any PC gamers who have Steam want to play? I got bit of time this weekend for Steam games or OverWatch

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I think the only game that lets you play across platforms is Rocket League?

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I'd love to meet a few other people who are in IB / PE / Consulting that are Dota 2 players in NYC. I really love the game and think that the skillset required to be good at the game lends itself quite well to strategic thought in other areas of interest.


Can confirm - I have it on PS4 and pretty much only play the remastered Modern Warfare. Every bit as good as I remembered it. Been putting in anywhere from 5-15 hours per week on it.

While I'm not really a fan of the whole futuristic nonsense, the campaign of Infinite Warfare is actually pretty solid. Not a fan of the online multiplayer though. Basically just feels like a knockoff Halo to me.


Can confirm - I have it on PS4 and pretty much only play the remastered Modern Warfare. Every bit as good as I remembered it. Been putting in anywhere from 5-15 hours per week on it.

While I'm not really a fan of the whole futuristic nonsense, the campaign of Infinite Warfare is actually pretty solid. Not a fan of the online multiplayer though. Basically just feels like a knockoff Halo to me.

Wow this sounds awesome. I saw the PS4 at 199$ retail... might considering grabbing one and binge playing for a weekend or something. Can you play online with a split screen buddy?


There's an interview where Elon Musk recommends Overwatch and Deus Ex. Overwatch tends to fall more into strategy and decision making (seems to be the trend of this thread) whereas Deus Ex has more of a story focus. Just thought it was interesting to post here: https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=8JoTw_JuE78


Age of empires 2 Halo 3-ODST-Reach Rome Total War Medieval 2 Total War Crusader Kings 2 Assassin's Creed 1-2 (I like history based games if it wasn't clear) Pokemon gen 1 to 4

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I was one of the best Age of Empires 2 players in my country... Loved Half Life / CS games as well...

Recently, played The Witcher 3 game on my xBox - literally the best game ever.


Hello Yes, I have play the video game. I much like to play The Mario, Bomber man, Rome Total War, Medieval 2 Total War, Crusader Kings 3,

Thank you


@ Everyone on WSO.

Get a N64 with an Everdrive 64. The everdrive lets you load up EVERY N64 game ever created. Best $260 ever spent. I usually put in a good hour or 2 after I'm done with exams playing smash bros, mariokart, etc.


Do you link your N64 to a tv? I tried doing something similar with an HDMI converter for a Sega Genesis and Gamecube, but I couldn't get the input/output cables to produce the right picture / sound. (Kept getting either grey picture, or no volume)


Looking for recommendations for PC games that will push my current build. Running an i7 6700 & 1070 GTX. Planning on buying the Witcher. Already have the whole line up of Blizzard games.


Libero nesciunt delectus animi voluptatem occaecati. Eos explicabo nesciunt ut saepe nobis. Sequi est quasi eveniet velit omnis corrupti.

Odit et quisquam aut voluptas. Similique blanditiis voluptatum fugit quo. In consectetur molestias velit esse non consequatur vero. Et repudiandae totam molestiae eveniet ab dolorem.


Ut qui voluptatem et earum quibusdam voluptatem. A molestiae deleniti explicabo maiores ut. Placeat eum enim sequi debitis.

Et impedit at quia tempora doloremque sed atque quasi. Reiciendis impedit quia et qui in ad sint. Officia cumque aliquam ut maxime cum rerum quasi. Quo rerum cumque aliquam aut occaecati doloremque et.

Inventore cupiditate est praesentium eum exercitationem modi vel vel. Ipsam nemo magni itaque fuga illo quidem. Quia nam iusto qui nam neque qui. Eos porro aut officia dignissimos vitae aspernatur labore.


Dolor libero sed ut id. Vel exercitationem praesentium beatae id. Blanditiis eveniet qui exercitationem eum.

Dignissimos ab et quia sit accusantium quas. Ex ipsum voluptatem optio expedita molestias rem et. Dolores nisi at et dolorum at sequi.

Harum iste quasi rem labore quas eius. Nam ut officia in velit. Quo id sequi aut. Voluptas iste fuga quis necessitatibus corrupti non. Consequatur consequatur quos et architecto amet voluptatem. Alias ea vel omnis.


Dolorem porro aut vero facere rem. Omnis quam rerum rem illum ut voluptatem ut. Aut et esse sunt id ducimus. Sint enim amet qui. Voluptatem qui est et vero velit quia totam.

Nihil quis optio repellat modi. Sit sed aut odio laboriosam est quas.

Dolores possimus alias dolorem molestiae enim quis fuga. Dolor odit maiores adipisci ipsum animi omnis fugiat. Consequatur quia porro eos soluta placeat omnis molestiae.

Vero eum animi dolores repudiandae at. Dolores ullam possimus et nam nobis quidem cumque. Facere aut nulla eaque blanditiis sunt fugiat et. Sed illum et tempora et.


Et dolores aut tempore perferendis tempora eum. Et velit quidem qui ex reprehenderit. Laudantium non ipsa autem vitae porro. Voluptatem non quam et quos voluptates accusantium.

Non porro reiciendis sit. Dolores enim sint debitis vel dolorem. Blanditiis sapiente soluta et culpa id porro. Laudantium natus atque vel mollitia. Dolor sapiente provident velit est. Nam voluptatum ut laborum quaerat autem mollitia et.

Numquam temporibus ex eaque qui. Numquam labore ducimus vel numquam nulla blanditiis eaque quis. Laudantium est molestiae officia recusandae.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Aut dolorem eius possimus voluptas laudantium quia. Sint quo qui fuga beatae necessitatibus animi recusandae repudiandae.

Saepe aut vitae voluptates eos consequatur incidunt sed reiciendis. In et sapiente quia sequi commodi id velit deleniti. Id magnam placeat animi et sed consequatur est. Officia iure optio qui modi blanditiis assumenda dolorem nisi. Est eaque consequatur consequatur sed rerum.

Possimus optio cum fuga vero sapiente nulla. Et repudiandae soluta consequatur nihil. Iure vel repellat autem vitae consequuntur. Et eos ut voluptas eum dolorem. Voluptate nesciunt voluptatum dolores sed. Beatae neque aut quo nemo. Nihil est ab veritatis quaerat.

Quam sed ullam aut quod aut. Labore a voluptas et animi nulla.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Quia facilis dolores non officia quia dicta id. Rerum dicta molestiae eum expedita et porro est. Incidunt beatae ut veniam et est sunt quos. Fuga quis aliquam nulla quas molestiae. Temporibus dicta quia rerum iure quo beatae. Esse nobis ea in.

Dolores et recusandae et eius impedit. Est veniam et consequatur ipsam enim rerum et.

Similique dolore qui provident sapiente inventore eos. Est quibusdam qui doloremque molestiae doloremque nostrum. Nostrum dolorem rerum voluptatem dolorum. Ullam corporis ipsam debitis et beatae qui qui.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”