NSFW Episode 30: Oslo Bombing, Amy Winehouse

NSFW Episode 29: Phone Hacking, Debt Ceiling
NSFW Episode 28: DSK for President, Lagarde Rocks
NSFW Episode 27: How To Ruin Your Life
NSFW Episode 26: Groupon, Bilderbergs, #Weinergate
NSFW Episode 25: Crapture, LinkedIn Lunacy, Gunning for Goldman
NSFW Episode 24: DSK, Coffee, Near-Term Euro
NSFW Episode 23: bin Laden, Silver, Dunkin Donuts
NSFW Episode 22: Welcome to Man Week
NSFW Episode 21: The Drinking Episode
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NSFW Episode 18: Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami, Tax Policy with Bill Gross, NFL Lockout
NSFW Episode 17: #Winning, Strategic Default, Cyber Security
NSFW Episode 16: Libya, Wisconsin, Wealth Gap
NSFW Episode 15: The Donald, Goat Poo, Interview Swagger
NSFW Episode 14: Atlas Shrugged, Bonus Hedging, Skipping College
NSFW Episode 13: Egypt, Internet Kill Switch, NASDAQ Hacked
NSFW Episode 12: The Energy Rodeo
NSFW Episode 11: Groupon, Google, State Bankruptcies
NSFW Episode 10: Barclays Layoffs, Arizona Shootings, $100 Crude Oil
NSFW Episode 9: Bonuses, Facebook, National Debt
NSFW Episode 8: The Christmas Special
NSFW Episode 7: All-Nighters, Bush Tax Cuts, Crash JP Morgan
NSFW Episode 6: Burnout, Bailing Out Europe, Wikileaks
NSFW Episode 5: Lehman Bankruptcy, TSA, Black Friday
NSFW Episode 4: Silver, Welfare Reform, Winter Inflation
NSFW Episode 3: Day Trading, Estate Taxes, Prop 19
NSFW Episode 2: The Euro, Prop Trading, Technology
NSFW Episode 1: QE2, Housing, Commodities


Congratulations on 30 episodes!

Honestly, jumping to kneejerk conclusions about the Oslo bombings is nothing new. In the 90's, a bunch of black metal musicians burned down a group of churchse all around the country and were plotting to blow up the main cathedral in Trondheim. Everyone was screaming about it forever; I wonder how long it'll take the media to bring black metal into this...?

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In the words of Norm MacDonald, "RIP Amy Winehouse. We lost a true heroin addict today."

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
In the words of Norm MacDonald, "RIP Amy Winehouse. We lost a true heroin addict today."
'They tried to make me go to rehab, I said No No No'
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Best Response

The difference between Islamic terrorism and "Christian fundamentalist" terrorists is actually sanity, which, besides sheer volume, is fundamental in describing the difference between the two. The Oslo terrorist, for example, is more like a Charles Manson type than an Osama bin Laden type; he believed, insanely and completely irrationally, that murdering a bunch of people would spark a European civil war that would last for decades. That's irrational, delusional, and it marks him as borderline criminally insane, like Charles Manson a la the Helter Skelter and the looming "race wars".

Islamic terrorists, on the other hand, while possessing irrational belief systems, such as murdering innocent people will give them eternity in heaven, have a logical agenda behind their acts: to intimidate a populace into surrendering or exiting the stage (see the Spanish train bombings and Spain's exit from the "war on terrorism") and to hold out long enough, wearing down the enemy, letting them deplete their financial and human resources in chasing "ghosts", which was the true success of the 9/11 attacks.

I think Eddie's comparison of Islamic terrorists to so-called Christian terrorists, therefore, is comparing apples to oranges, especially given the fact that "Christian" terrorism is 1) a statistical anomaly, 2) is universally condemned by the Church worldwide, and 3) is neither financed nor supported by nations or by a nation's people.

Besides the loss of human life, the greatest tragedy of the Oslo shootings is that it allows the politically correct crowd to point to this statistical anomaly and say, "See, the TSA sexually abusing elderly women and toddlers is necessary because terrorists come in all forms." When, in fact, a rational and inexpensive method of fighting domestic terrorism would be to call a spade a spade.


The guy is nuts, I downloaded his manifesto to see how f*cked the guy was... the book is HUGE and rambles on about how everyone is a communist, that we should remove imigrants etc etc. From page 1414 to 1472 he describes his journey, how he planned the attacks etc etc. He started planning the attack since almost 10 years (!!!)

Quote: "I have just completed the “explosives research phase” and have summarized several new chapters for the compendium. My rifle application came through and I have now ordered a 800 Euro silencer specifically created for automatic and semi-automatic rifles. The Ruger Mini 14 costs about 1400 Euro including a customized trigger job from the gun smith. I will have to buy a new stock with picatinny rails (400 Euro) and 30 bullet factory mags (60 Euro per mag) from a US supplier. I have now cleared out all of the information (evidence) from the previous phase and changed my hard drive once again. I am now ready to start the chemical acquirement phase…!:-)"

The guy is nuts, I downloaded his manifesto to see how f*cked the guy was... the book is HUGE and rambles on about how everyone is a communist, that we should remove imigrants etc etc. From page 1414 to 1472 he describes his journey, how he planned the attacks etc etc. He started planning the attack since almost 10 years (!!!)

Quote: "I have just completed the “explosives research phase” and have summarized several new chapters for the compendium. My rifle application came through and I have now ordered a 800 Euro silencer specifically created for automatic and semi-automatic rifles. The Ruger Mini 14 costs about 1400 Euro including a customized trigger job from the gun smith. I will have to buy a new stock with picatinny rails (400 Euro) and 30 bullet factory mags (60 Euro per mag) from a US supplier. I have now cleared out all of the information (evidence) from the previous phase and changed my hard drive once again. I am now ready to start the chemical acquirement phase…!:-)"

I read the planning phase of his manifesto and I was shockedby the sheer coldness of his observations. This guy was acting like he was buying eggs from Stop & Shop.

He isn't nuts, not by a long shot.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P
Virginia Tech 4ever:
The difference between Islamic terrorism and "Christian fundamentalist" terrorists is actually sanity, which, besides sheer volume, is fundamental in describing the difference between the two. The Oslo terrorist, for example, is more like a Charles Manson type than an Osama bin Laden type; he believed, insanely and completely irrationally, that murdering a bunch of people would spark a European civil war that would last for decades. That's irrational, delusional, and it marks him as borderline criminally insane, like Charles Manson a la the Helter Skelter and the looming "race wars".

Virginia Tech, I would advise you to actually read his manifesto. This guy is nothing like Charles Manson and is far more akin to Osama Bin Laden or a war criminal. Read the planning phase of his manifesto. He wasn't hearing voices or seeing dead people. He set a goal and methodically carried it out. His lawyer already admitted that his client understood the gravity of his actions. That isn't a crazy person.

Osama wanted to kill Americans on 9/11 so we would invade Afghanistan and be defeated. Not entirely crazy given that the Mujahideen forced the Soviets out of Afghanistan. This guy wanted to assasinate the government and wipe out the next generation of Labor Party Leaders so social conservatives would take power. Not exactly crazy.

How is he criminally insane for thinking that a small action could lead to a civil war? A small action lead to World War 1 (the shot heard around the world). This guy isn't insane. He is antisocial and obviously very callous. That is a far cry from being insane.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P
Virginia Tech 4ever:
The difference between Islamic terrorism and "Christian fundamentalist" terrorists is actually sanity, which, besides sheer volume, is fundamental in describing the difference between the two. The Oslo terrorist, for example, is more like a Charles Manson type than an Osama bin Laden type; he believed, insanely and completely irrationally, that murdering a bunch of people would spark a European civil war that would last for decades. That's irrational, delusional, and it marks him as borderline criminally insane, like Charles Manson a la the Helter Skelter and the looming "race wars".

Virginia Tech, I would advise you to actually read his manifesto. This guy is nothing like Charles Manson and is far more akin to Osama Bin Laden or a war criminal. Read the planning phase of his manifesto. He wasn't hearing voices or seeing dead people. He set a goal and methodically carried it out. His lawyer already admitted that his client understood the gravity of his actions. That isn't a crazy person.

Osama wanted to kill Americans on 9/11 so we would invade Afghanistan and be defeated. Not entirely crazy given that the Mujahideen forced the Soviets out of Afghanistan. This guy wanted to assasinate the government and wipe out the next generation of Labor Party Leaders so social conservatives would take power. Not exactly crazy.

How is he criminally insane for thinking that a small action could lead to a civil war? A small action lead to World War 1 (the shot heard around the world). This guy isn't insane. He is antisocial and obviously very callous. That is a far cry from being insane.

Huh? Dude, what are you talking about? Charles Manson based his cult on the idea of Helter Skelter and the coming race wars. The very point of murdering white people was to spark the inevitable race war between whites and blacks. Manson and his followers knew full well what they were doing, too, which means they're not legally insane, but merely insane by a common person's standards. In the same way, Brevik was well aware that he was murdering people but that doesn't discount his irrational delusions that by murdering a bunch of kids that a civil war in Europe would be sparked. What I'm saying is that Islamic terrorism has rational reasoning. In fact, Islamic terrorism has quite rational and proven reasoning. As I've already pointed out, they were correct in their calculus with Spain and they were correct in much of their calculation with the United States--and if your irrational goal is a global caliphate then wearing the world's sole superpower down and intimidating and wearing down the western world, a rational scheme, well financed, well supported scheme has been put into place for achieving a long-term goal.

The World War I comparison is absurd! We're talking about the assassination of a foreign head of state (by all measures an act of war in any age), not the murder of 15-year-olds by a fellow citizen. There's no logic in it. There's no rational thought to it. Comparing Islamic terrorism, which has the support of tens of millions of people, financing of governments and a rational, long-term goal, to acts of a lone nut job is poor at best.


prior to this posting I actually respected the posts you would make on the political topics, but I have to say the above post is by far one of the most disappointingly ignorant things I have read on the internet and I’ve read msnbc’s comments section. Both Osama Bin Laden and Anders Behring Breivik share a delusional mindset revolving around one disgusting act of terrorism inciting a global revolution that fit’s their respective opinions and perspectives. The fact that one man’s perceived strategy is more effective than the other has nothing to do with the fact that both ideologies are completed demented. Eddie’s comparison is actually spot on. It isn’t a statistical anomaly, the vast majority of acts of terrorism are not committed by Muslims, most are committed by Hispanic Americans, followed by communists with even Jewish extremists ranking higher than Muslims.

http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terr… http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/01/06/muslim.radicalization.study/ http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/


[quote=down on the upside]prior to this posting I actually respected the posts you would make on the political topics, but I have to say the above post is by far one of the most disappointingly ignorant things I have read on the internet and I’ve read msnbc’s comments section. Both Osama Bin Laden and Anders Behring Breivik share a delusional mindset revolving around one disgusting act of terrorism inciting a global revolution that fit’s their respective opinions and perspectives. The fact that one man’s perceived strategy is more effective than the other has nothing to do with the fact that both ideologies are completed demented. Eddie’s comparison is actually spot on. It isn’t a statistical anomaly, the vast majority of acts of terrorism are not committed by Muslims, most are committed by Hispanic Americans, followed by communists with even Jewish extremists ranking higher than Muslims.

http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terr… http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/01/06/muslim.radicalization.study/ http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/[/quote]

What you're saying makes absolutely zero sense. Eddie's comparison was to say that Christian radicals are just as dangerous as Islamic radicals. While that may be true in a one to one comparison, the fact is that so-called Christian terrorists commit terrorism in statistically anomolous numbers. You can count the number of non-abortion related "Christian" terrorist attacks on one hand in the last 20 years. You could count the number of Islamic terrorist attacks globally on 1 hand from the last 4 weeks. I'm sorry that you have to point to communist/jewish terrorists to refute my point about comparing white Christian terrorists to Middle Eastern Islamic terrorists.


The real travesty is that it took police 90 minutes to do anything. On top of that, the parasitic anti gun groups are going ape shit using this as a way to push their agenda.

It is hard as hell for law abiding citizens to own guns in Norway and even most police are unarmed. Yet this stuff still happens.


Yeah, but notice that absolutely no zionists, conservatives, Christians, anti-Marxists, etc. actually agree with what he did. Yes, he is with the Zionists and against the Marxists. Fine, I'm with him in words. But no one--NO ONE--would endorse killing a bunch of kids or blowing up parliament. There's no basis in what an average person would call "sanity" in that. You don't see a single person dancing in the streets. This is why Islamic terrorism is so much more dangerous--it literally has the moral support of tens of millions of people, if not hundreds of millions of people. Breivik might have the moral support of a few thousand people, if that.


Eddie, I don't know what the timeline is regarding the article you read that mentioned Islam/terrorism (don't recall which one) but I was under the impression an Islamic organization claimed to have detonated the bomb. I don't know if that occurred before or after the article you read was written but I thought it's worth noting.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

@cph You are correct, some al Qaeda-sounding group did claim responsibility early on. But the Journal article came out after it was clear who the perpetrator was, and it didn't blame Islam or any Islamist groups. I just found it curious and somewhat disheartening that Islam was mentioned so many times in the first couple paragraphs when it was clearly some crazy Norwegian guy who did it by then.


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