HedgeCo LLC Overview

Overall Ranking (71%)

The Overall Ranking is a score from 1 star (very bad) to 5 stars (excellent) generated based on the Company Reviews of current and former employees at this company, taking everything into account.

The number you see in the middle of the donut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few reviews). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

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Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

HedgeCo runs the internets strongest database on Hedge Funds providing the place to search for Hedge Fund investments.

HedgeCo was founded with the goal of to encourage transparency and enable easy communication between hedge funds and accredited investors.

To further the goal of industry transparency, HedgeCo Networks created HedgeCo.Net, a free online hedge fund database. As hedge funds saw the value of a free database, the number of hedge funds that report to HedgeCo.Net grew, and HedgeCo.Net became the largest independant hedge fund database.

Funds that report to HedgeCo.Net are required to provide HedgeCo with their DDQ, Offering Documents and fill out the HedgeCo fund questionnaire. Hedge funds are required to report within 45 days of the close of each month to retain their listing on HedgeCo.Net.

To ensure that only Accredited Investors have access to the HedgeCo.Net database, our team of registered representatives call and screen each investor who applies for access to the database.

This confluence of fully vetted Accredited Investor user base, and a high quality hedge fund database ensure that both the investors and fund managers are able to get the most out of the time that they spend on HedgeCo.Net.

Over the years, HedgeCo has invested heavily in the technology which powers the HedgeCo.Net database. Our basic reporting tools were quickly replaced with an analytic engine that calculates over 150 return and quantitative statistics. Advanced search functionality was built to ensure that the high quality data that we gathered on the funds was easily accessible to investors who were looking for a fund that matched their investment profile.

To further use the data that is being provided to us, HedgeCo developed ten strategy indexes and a hedge fund aggregate index which is published on the third Thursday of each month.

To engage with interested parties who are not (yet) accredited investors, HedgeCo developed a hedge fund news section of the site, which is also free and available to the public. Over the years, the HedgeCo news team has published over 6,000 original stories. We started out with a weekly newsletter, but based on public demand, we quickly expanded to a daily newsletter, which has become a very popular publication.

Members of the HedgeCo team are often quoted in major publications as well as TV news broadcasts.

Over the years HedgeCo has grown into many different business, including our Technology division in HedgeCo Websites, hedge fund administration in G&S Fund Services, hedge fund startup consulting, prime brokerage consulting and other auxiliary products.

HedgeCo continues to grow and with each of our new products we make sure to remain true to the original goal; To create tools and services which help hedge funds communicate better with potential investors.


114 West 47th Street Suite 1725 , 10036 NY
United States
400 Clematis, 33401 FL
United States

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