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Monkey to Millions | John (Session 5) - Opening the Funnel + Time Running Out - Jan 13, 2020

Monkey to Millions


In this session, we learn that John decompressed over winter break and was dealing with some family issues. We talk about rebooting his job search which is now coming down to the wire with graduation just 6 months away. I encourage him to open his applications to several other relevant finance careers and push him to get me his homework assignment that will make a big impact on his behavioral interviews.

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WSO Podcast (Episode 5) Transcript:

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:04] Well. Hello and welcome, I'm Patrick Curtis, chief monkey of Wall Street Oasis, and this is monkey to millions. A show where you get a front row seat as I mentor young students and professionals to try and help them break into their dream jobs in the first cohort. You'll meet four students, all preparing for intense job interviews while trying to also balance a personal life and schoolwork. The goal of this show is to shine a light on the struggles of trying to break into competitive positions with a non-traditional background and to give you a roadmap for your own success. My hope is that as you get to know these four impressive students, you're inspired to dream big. Remember, these are real people, and this is their true story. Let's get to it. In this session, we learn that John decompressed over winter break and was dealing with some family issues. We talk about rebooting his job search, which is now coming down to the wire with graduation just six months away. I encourage him to open his applications to several other relevant finance careers and push him to get me his homework assignment that will make a big impact on his behavioral interviews.

John : [00:01:29] Here I am. Hopefully, if I don't get kicked out of this room. No worries.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:34] Yeah, if you do, we can just pick it back up. I can stop the recording, but listen. What is this session five session for something like that?

John : [00:01:39] I think so.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:41] For almost a year. How are the Lakers looking?

John : [00:01:44] Oh, we're looking great. Know, I think the Celtics

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:47] Find them in the power rankings.

John: [00:01:50] Are they? Is it? I haven't checked. Yeah, I know we're up there with the Clippers and the Bucks, but we haven't been doing so hot. Yeah, we have been doing so hot against teams above five hundred, but did beat the Mavericks Saturday night. But other than that, I think I

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:07] Think LeBron is probably just coasting, you

John: [00:02:09] Know, regular? Yeah, having. They are having a do and do all the work until

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:15] He's old man, a

John: [00:02:17] Lot more years, couple more years, and hopefully

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:21] It's going to be really interesting anyways. So yeah, let's talk a little bit about I haven't seen any updates from you. So I got to get it's OK. I just got to get the update from you. What's going on? Since last time we chatted,

John: [00:02:35] I was going to actually message you over break because I was going to help for something that one of the banks I'm interviewing with was going to have me do, which is a writing assessment. But then you're your Skype said. Like, Do not message

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:48] Or Oh man, that don't listen to that because I just I put that on for like a podcast recording to always feel free to reach out and you can text me to, OK, got it. I just I forget, I forget. I turn that on. I just looked at it and it says, Do not disturb it. I just looked at it now.

John: [00:03:04] Yeah, I was just like, Dang, this would have been a prime moment to hit a Patrick, but it's cool. I think it will affect me.

Patrick (CEO of WSO) [00:03:11] I mean, I don't know promises I would have been able to do anything because I was traveling with kids and stuff, but. Mm hmm. So, yeah, tell me what happened. Was it with one of the those are the ones to you?

John: [00:03:20] Yeah, it's the middle market bank in San Francisco for the health care group. I had an interview with the MD. And then shortly after, she said she doesn't have me take a writing assessment the week after, and that's when I was going to hit you up to ask, like, what it possibly could be. It just turned out to be like a questionnaire, like 10 questions by word pertaining to banking. And then the other five was kind of just like personal or like trying to get a feel of who you were. And then she said that they'd get back to me the week of the 20th of January, since they're going to halt like recruiting or they're going to halt the interview process until then, because I said, it's going to be busy these next two weeks or next week at this point in time. So I didn't hear back from them, so we didn't hear back from the boutique in L.A. I had a second round with the principal right before break or shortly after I started break go.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:11] So it was the one where

John: [00:04:15] He tested me to failure. And yes, I did fail. I thought it went well, though I pretty much played it off as a curious George. Whenever I did stumble, it took it as a learning opportunity. So hopefully that went well on a personal level and more on like a behavioral level. I thought I did pretty fine. He was a great dude and hopefully, he thought the same of me. So hopefully when I did stumble, it wasn't too bad.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:39] Do you feel like you got through the basics in the technical? Hello. Yeah, are you there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was just saying, do you feel like you got through the basics on the technical, like the main stuff?

John: [00:04:51] Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Definitely. Yeah, I think so. Or do you feel like

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:55] You feel like you need more reps with that? You're getting better?

John: [00:04:59] Yeah, I should. Well, in terms of it's like I feel have that down. It's just like when it gets into really deep, like maybe deep accounting questions or deep valuation or finance questions, I really need to step my game up. Like I said, like over this break, I really been out of commission. There was a lot that was going on back home, like personally within my family. And then also, I just took the time to like, decompress and decompress. Yeah, exactly. Took the word right out of my mouth, decompress from finals and all that stuff. I did pull away with some good grades. So other than that like that last week was pretty tough, especially with like I had two interviews that week on top of three other finals.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:35] So yeah, it was brutal. I remember that you were like, Yeah, leading up to that week, it was crazy. So, yeah, tell me a little bit about so you've had a couple of interviews. You're kind of waiting on one or you're waiting on two then.

John: [00:05:49] And then I also had I had like a couple of emails and then I had a hire of you with a bank on the East Coast kind of middle-market is for like the name of it is called like capital markets development program. So it's like a three-year program. They run you through three other groups. One of them is investment banking, so I thought that was pretty cool. And then the other two groups is like asana liability management, and they have like other ones like credit. I think so. I pointed that to Harvey. Yeah, it was PNC Bank. Yeah. So they have a capital markets development program, so I apply to that. Took care of you. So we didn't hear back. Actually, did Harvey like last Friday? So not too long ago?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:32] I don't know usually how long the higher you like it was like tell me about why you want to do this kind of thing like one.

John: [00:06:37] Yeah. It was mostly behavioral. Nothing about the markets, usually how hard these tend to go, right?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:42] Do you feel like the. The higher review, supposedly it's like the machine reading your facial expressions and shit like that.

John: [00:06:49] I hate that. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:51] You have to have like a genuine smile. You can't just be like, you

John: [00:06:54] Know, Oh, I hope, I hope real people actually do view it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:59] I've heard that it is reviewed by real people like Al Alagos will give a score like just based on like whatever, but people actually do. Look at it. Mm hmm. Yeah. So hopefully,

John: [00:07:11] Yeah, hopefully that goes well, but hopefully that goes away. And then and then I had a first round interview with a middle-market bank in Seattle last Friday. Where are you going?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:21] Where are you learning these through your networking?

John: [00:07:23] Yeah, through my networking. This one, this shop that I contacted, I contacted analysts like in the summer before I even started my Brailey internship. And just keeping that point of contact up until now and then he referred me to his VP and the VP reached out to me. He said it's a committee of like four or five VP, and they're leading the recruitment process. Ok, so I had the first round with him. It was strictly behavioral and he said, I have to talk to another VP and if that goes well, they'll bring me into like a full Super Day, which is probably going to be like four or five interviews plus a case study.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:56] But when's it when's the conversation with the other VP?

John: [00:07:59] I haven't heard back. I didn't. I didn't send a thank-you note, but I haven't heard back from the V.P.. You did. No, I did. I did. Yeah, no. The next day for sure. Yeah, yeah. I'm not going. I'm not going to leave that out. Okay. And then. Over break, I think over

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:15] Break of Girls is tighter or as tight as they could be. Like, I mean, like, are your stories, did you ever send me things with your stories and all that stuff?

John: [00:08:25] Yeah, I know that was right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:26] I've been harping. I've been harping on you for that because you do because I feel like it's underestimated.

John: [00:08:35] Like if you feel if you kind of go

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:36] At it as a little bit too nonchalant and you come at it with like a B-plus answer, like it's good enough to get by with school and whatnot. But like in these interviews, if they had any reason to deny you if you sound somewhat not genuine or anything like that. So just really tightening it up can actually make a huge difference in terms of whether you get that, I'll do. So like, I think it's worth just spending the hour, just even just tell me what stories, tell me what stories you're telling. So it's going to be like, Oh my gosh, that's a huge red flag. Don't do that.

John: [00:09:10] Yeah, I definitely won't. Yeah, I have a little more free time this quarter, even though I'm taking an extra class. But since I don't have the internship and I'm not as involved in

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:20] The you stop the internship like I told you to write.

John: [00:09:24] Yeah, yeah, it was like mutually like at that point. Yeah. So, yeah, now since that's done and I'm not as involved in the on-campus groups I am right now for this quarter since I'm trying to focus on recruiting specifically. I can. Link it to that as soon as possible. Well, I'm going to get to you, I'm going to get it to you this week.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): 00:09:47] I'm the stuff I'm pushing you to do is the most important stuff for your future. So I know that's all. I'm the most important course.

John: [00:09:57] I'll put it right here. I even like as soon as I pulled it up, like my notes from our last conversation, the first thing at the top was stories big bullets. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:07] So like in the star in the star framework, right? The situation tactic action result. Those because. You know, even if you strike out in these last few, I'm hoping you land one of these offers like the PMC or these other ones sound like there, but there's no super days coming up right now.

John: [00:10:25] No, not as of right now.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:26] If we could tighten those before any potential super days because one of these may result a Super Day in the next few weeks. So even if I could just go back and forth with you on Google Docs? Yeah, that sounds good to try and tighten those up. I think it can make a big difference because I spoke with Andrew. A lot of his stuff was there was a lot of this kind of vague kind of generalities as well, and I like pushed him to actually get more specific and tell his story because he had some pretty interesting stuff. And so he's gotten a lot better at telling his story. It's worked, he's gotten offers now. That's awesome. Yeah. So I think if we can do that, I feel like if in terms of the networking, so are you able to kind of pick pack pick that back up as well and kind of give that 10 hours a week?

John: [00:11:13] So yeah, I definitely can. I also wanted to ask you in terms of networking, I know you mentioned TASS. But are there any other like groups or maybe positions that you'd want me to look at as well? I spoke to somebody else and he told me to look into corporate rankings, and they deal with a lot on the debt side. And that's something that can be transferable.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:32] Fdp programs, financial leadership development programs.

John: [00:11:35] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:36] Fortune five hundreds have a lot of like you'll go like work at a GE for lack of a better one. But like, there's a lot of these programs that I'll take, you know, high performing students and bring them through, and you get to see a bunch of different divisions in terms of how they work from the financial side. And they can be a great place to start. A lot of times these large companies will like room these kids to kind of be future leaders for the company. And it doesn't close a ton of doors. It's not like. It's not like you're jumping to private equity right after that or anything like that, you're probably banking first.

John: [00:12:15] But it's well,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:15] It doesn't close a lot of doors. It gives you it's, you know, gets a good well-respected name on your resume. Your first couple of years. And you and you build a lot of good relationships for the people who go through the program with you.

John: [00:12:26] Makes sense. Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:27] So I'd look into that. There was actually we used to have a course or a guide on flW. I'll dig that out and send it to you. We even sell it anymore because it's just a little dated, but I'll dig that out and send it over to you.

John: [00:12:41] Ok, sounds good. So I felt like I said something about corporate banking.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:48] Yeah, corporate banking tax, any sort of corporate finance role. Ok, if you can get into a corporate finance role, maybe from a private equity backed company where they're going to actually have standards and push and be pushing the company makes sense that probably a lot of those core fin roles a small companies they'll have like. You know, one head of Corp Fin, and they'll have like the CFO, basically, and then they'll have like one person underneath them and typically that person underneath him has like experience already got it accounting or something. So that's tough as an entry level. But anything with corporate finance, anything with you could also cut your teeth. If you really want to suffer and hear rejection a lot, you could go to do some sort of sales role. Corporate Development WebDAV Corp. Deb, you could do that. I mean, there's a lot of times I thought when I talked to people that are 20 years in the industry, 15 years of like, man, that corp general was pain or that sales role was a pain. But looking back, that was like the most valuable skill set I felt.

John: [00:13:51] It makes sense. Yeah, I've definitely heard that sales is a valuable skill set. I really haven't looked too much into it or thought about it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:59] Yeah, it might be an idea, just an idea. If you're like limiting the number of applications you're sending out because you're like banking your bust, I think at this stage you should definitely be taking more reps with like anything.

John: [00:14:09] Yeah, makes sense. Oh, also, I got in touch with his MD from Wolfe Research for an equity research position. We've been trying to we've been trying to schedule a call for, like the past week and a half, but either he's like late to the call because he's had a meeting like, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, or the dates that he's suggested just don't match my schedule, vice versa. So I wanted to like hear about that. When you think about equity research. Probably not as transferable to banking, right?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:42] Um, it is I mean, it's good, I don't know too much about Wolf Particular, but I think it's good in the sense that you're looking at, you're evaluating companies, you're probably doing some valuation work. So yeah, I do think it's pretty. I do think it's pretty applicable, actually. If you could get that an equity research role, just if it's at a respected shop, I don't know much about Wolf, whether it's respect or not versus like some of the more mid-market banks and stuff. Is it a pure research shop like that's all they do.

John: [00:15:13] Yeah, yeah. So it seems like they're pretty respected, just like so and cool. I mean, other forms online.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:15:20] Cool. Yeah. So I think, yeah, I mean, if you can get it, I mean anything where you're doing actual evaluation work, you're researching companies, you're looking through 10Ks 10 cuz you're on phone calls and learning about. How to look at a company to evaluate a company, I think is definitely transferable. They just the issues, if you were to transfer to banking, you'd have to start at year one again.

John: [00:15:46] So, yeah, you do

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:15:47] Like a U-turn, if you didn't, you're in equity research, but that's the same as you want. Transaction advisory services, if you want equity research or you want anywhere, it's tends to be. I mean, what's going to be most important is like you try to get into a place. Obviously, you want to get to a place that has like the best exit ops, right? But you also want to get to a place is like that. You're going to learn a lot.

John: [00:16:07] That's also true.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:08] It's about like finding like, who are you going to be working with directly? Well, who are you going to be working with directly at PNC, who are going to be working with directly at like all these places? Middle market banking S.F. and the small one that boutique in LA? Really. Ask yourself those questions, because who's your direct report? And like who? You're going to have to actually deliver work product to. There's a lot more important than you think. Got it, got it, it's like they could totally just be jerks and make your life absolutely, absolutely miserable. Or they could be the type of people that are like, they like mentoring people and showing you the ropes and they're a little more patient.

John: [00:16:44] And that's something I definitely ask when they say, do you have any questions for me? What are you going to do? Who am I going to be reporting to you directly? Or I mean, what is the mentorship look like or what is the learning process look like for first-year analyst like new hires? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, sometimes a lot for a lot of the smaller ones. It's kind of just like you learn on the job. But I mean, yeah, as long as I mean, you're learning on the job next to

Patrick (CEO of WSO): 00:17:11] Even Wall Street or even Wall Street is even we have a process processes in place and process where we train that we're trying to get better at it. But yeah, even we have that for our customer

John: [00:17:21] Service, people and stuff. So it should be a standard for sure.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:17:23] Small. Come on, these banks got to get it together. Gotcha. But yeah, I think. I'm trying to think like you should open, yeah, I definitely open it up to any equity research, any banking, any FDP programs, corporate finance, I'd say Corp Dev, there's some even these small little private equity analyst jobs there's there was one up in. In the Bay Area pays really low, I think they want an experienced banker, but like if you logged your hat in the ring, maybe you'd get interview

John: [00:17:58] And for like these LDP programs or corporate-like. Would you say that? I mean, networking is a huge thing, too, for one of these corporate jobs.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:18:11] They're a little more structured, but I mean, given how late you are? Yeah, that's probably just going to be like one of these one-off seats opens up for whatever reason.

John: [00:18:19] Yeah, that makes sense. Would it be? Would it be smart to just reach out to the hiring manager or the person in charge of hiring? Or should I just hit up somebody on the team first?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:30] Either both, I think, okay. I think just being around the hoop and talking to people and learning, just learn more about epilepsy that different firms see. If it's something that maybe interests you. Because each one's pretty different with how they structure it and like what desks you actually see or what groups you actually rotate through.

John: [00:18:51] Mm hmm. That makes sense.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:18:52] I think it's like a two-year program, typically, and it's like you can go through like each six months you go through a different thing, which is pretty cool to me. I think is your first as your first job out of school. It's kind of an awesome way to see different how different groups work.

John: [00:19:05] Mm hmm. I know Disney has one for like a business rotation program. It's just like when I was there, that's all like the kids are older than me talking about. Yeah. So it's time to apply. Yeah, yeah. And it's not easy. Yeah, no. Definitely not easy.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:20] So I wouldn't rule those out, and it's a good place to start. And by the way, you're not going to be working like 100 hours a week. You'll probably working like 60. Hmm. Yeah. So it's like if you want to keep recruiting, you can keep networking. Yeah. There's nothing stopping you.

John: [00:19:34] That does make sense. That does make sense. Ok, cool.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:37] And then specifically, like the I'm trying to think what else like? Yeah, just the story's main. Because even for non-banking interviews, just having those stories now, it's all the same behavioral stuff. It's like trying to show them why you're a hard worker through your stories, trying to show them why, how you resolve conflict and teams through stories showing them how you like what you're working on and where you feel like your weakest. Hopefully, it's not a critical weakness for what the job is. I'm not very analytical. I'm not very good in Excel. So that's I think I think that's a good place. But any questions about specifically like where I can help, where can I help you kind of in this because this is like the stretch run man you're like five months away from graduating?

John: [00:20:29] I know. Yeah, that's it's really stressful. Like thinking about it every day.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:35] A blanket, it'll be over. So what is this? When is this semester? Is it trimester? Are you on trimester system?

John: [00:20:44] Um, yeah, it's trimester or quarter system, fall, winter and spring and June, June like middle of June, June 12th. It's late. I think that's the date. Yeah, it is a little later than most a lot of the jobs that I've looked at start either end of June or middle of July. So that's good with my schedule. I'm not too worried about that in terms of, I guess, like what I'm doing right now in terms of aside from baking is kind of just shooting my shot anywhere and everywhere else like anything that I see interesting. Like, I even looked at a couple of like real estate like analyst jobs or positions. Yeah, my shot, they're

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:23] Looking at your connections. How high are you now?

John: [00:21:28] I am. Yeah. Like, like

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:29] Like in terms of connections,

John: [00:21:31] How many connections or connections? Oh, I am close to nine hundred, I believe. Nice. Ok, so that's fine. Yeah. And I've been studying networking messages on LinkedIn and not so much as I should be via email, but a lot of them have been LinkedIn. Like I messaged somebody from a small, not really small, but a start-up here in Irvine. Acorns, somebody. That is working with a. Like, regroup. Yeah. And then something that was like asset management, just kind of like dip my toes here and there with other jobs as well in terms of like the more corporate structure jobs that like I just mentioned a few minutes ago and that you kind of talked about what I've just kind of just been shooting my shot via the black hole just because I didn't think that networking was going to do too much there. But since you said, give it a go, I'm definitely going give it a go.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:29] Yeah, you're not going to get in. You're probably not going to get many first rounds if you're just shooting it through online.

John: [00:22:35] Ok, sounds good.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:36] And I have to be through calls and meet-ups and all that stuff.

John: [00:22:40] It's like going back to square one.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:42] The way, though, I mean, don't it doesn't mean you should stop your banking ones.

John: [00:22:46] No, definitely not. I'm definitely going to keep going for this.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:48] Yeah. So it's just more like. Yeah, you should start now, because even those are super tough. And so what we don't want to do is we want to make sure you have some safeties and some reaches and all that good stuff, but we got to like, make sure you have an offer.

John: [00:23:07] Yeah, no. That's number one priority for sure.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:11] So let's focus on that, I think. Yeah, I mean, the way you're going to get an offer in the way you're going to keep it, I mean, you're getting interviews, which is good. I just I want to make sure that your story is super sharp. Almost all these are behavioral, right? Because you're not even you're not at the Super Day. So I just want to make sure those are really tight right now.

John: [00:23:28] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:29] Sounds good because I want to make sure you're getting the final rounds almost every time.

John: [00:23:34] Okay, makes sense.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:23:35] Yeah, I'll definitely get. You may only have like before the end of year, you may only have like three or four more first rounds.

John: [00:23:42] Mm hmm. Yeah, that's true. Hopefully, more like a pretty slim,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): 00:23:44] Hopefully more like 10.

John: [00:23:45] But hopefully, but like recruitment is looking pretty slim right now for that. So, yeah, I'll definitely get sharing those stories this week. Cool.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:23:54] Yeah, OK. Anything else I can help with?

John: [00:23:58] And as of right now, no, not really. How have you been

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:24:02] Doing all three kids are sick.

John: [00:24:05] Now it's been going around, that's for sure. Three out of the six

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:08] Kids, three to six ears are infected.

John: [00:24:11] This isn't opera at all. You probably been.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:17] Yeah, not sleeping enough, you know the usual.

John: [00:24:20] Have you been able to fix the employee situation that you had last month or. Yeah, we got somebody.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:27] Yeah, we got some again, which has been great.

John: [00:24:30] Awesome.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:31] Never fun. When it doesn't work out, man, it creates a ton more work.

John: [00:24:37] I believe it, but I

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:39] Believe all business problems, small problems. Yeah. But yeah, now things are on the up and up to where we're always looking for good, talented people. That's good. How about I think we've got a good one now, but I think in terms of your stuff, so what about like at B. Riley? Did they say anything on your exit like, hey, come back to us, maybe there's a seat at some point?

John: [00:25:03] No, they didn't say that exactly. Just because at that office I was working out. They don't offer full time like returning offers to their interns, but

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:14] Don't they usually have to hire? Like, don't they have an exit from an analyst at some point?

John: [00:25:18] I mean, the team is pretty slim. They only have like one analyst, one associate, yeah, one VP, and then like three MDS. What about the L.A. office? L.a. I looked online and there weren't any openings. I've been asking the guys in custom-Made, so but they don't even know. So it's just a matter. I guess it's like cold calling the guys up in L.A. and seeing what's going on. Yeah, I'd be surprised if you could tell that's looking.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):: [00:25:46] If you can get on the phone with it might be surprised because you did work for the Customize office, so like you should be able to at least get a five-minute call.

John: [00:25:53] Okay, sounds

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:54] Good. Hey, what's it looking like? You know, even talking to the analysts like, Hey, do you think you're going to be around for a while?

Speaker2: [00:25:59] Mm hmm. That makes sense,

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:01] Because if he's leaving, they may not even know they need an opening. Yeah.

John: [00:26:05] They could be

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:06] Announced. Yeah. Obviously, you would want to blow up his spot, obviously, just if he says that it's something you can be ready to jump right when they find out he's leaving, you'll be like, Hey, I'm here.

John: [00:26:20] Hey, I'm still here. What's going on? Yeah, yeah. No, I can definitely do that. I know he was just hired this past summer, so I don't know what the chances are of him leaving. Yeah, within the next year, but we'll see. Yeah, no, they are doing like a huh?

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:26:34] You never know, though, because he could have been continued to interview at like larger shops and stuff.

John: [00:26:39] That's true. That's also true. Yeah. You never know. They've been giving. Um, they are one of the VP that I was working with at B. Riley did introduce me to an associate who was a previous intern at B. Riley up at the shop I'm interviewing in Seattle. So he made the warm introduction via email, and hopefully we can get on-call later this week. So they are helping me out, however, which way they can. The associate that I was working with gave me a list of banks to reach out to. Not that I already don't have one, but it's nice like they're trying to help me out. And then when I did have my interview at A&M, they sent an email after my Super Day. So and they'll continue to send like referrals or emails when they can.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:30] That ain't giving you any more feedback. Remind me what they said.

John: [00:27:34] No, that is kind of just like, yeah, I was really competitive, there was only five of us in the Super Day and they only took one of us. So, yeah, brutal, dude. It's tough. Yeah, it's all right. It's all right. We've been moving on.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:49] All right. Well, hopefully one of these breaks, I think we just got to build the top of the funnel again. Mm hmm. You know what I mean? Like, think of it as like a sales function like this and like right now, I can't even do it. Let's see like that right now. It's like, it's more like this. You need to go like this. You get real wide.

John: [00:28:12] Oh, OK. Yeah, no, because

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:15] Like but not in such a way of like just blasting your resume everywhere. Yeah, I do that. That's great. And you may get an occasional bite from it, but you're probably going to get less. You're trying to get like point three percent response rate on. So take it like three hundred applications to get like one or two responses.

John: [00:28:31] Yeah, that's

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:32] Online, which is kind of a way it can be kind of. It sounds like it's easy to apply online, but when you take into account those numbers, it's actually probably more efficient just to talk to people.

John: [00:28:41] Yeah, definitely. Definitely. That definitely makes more sense. Yeah. Coma, yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO):  [00:28:47] I appreciate it. I'll look out for the stories, and then as soon as I get that, I'll try to turn it around and get you some feedback and then maybe in the next session next month, we can kind of just do it quickly. Behavioral interview around. Because my guess is like either before next session or soon after. My guess is you're going to at least have one Super Day coming up.

John: [00:29:09] Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, hopefully. Fingers crossed. Sounds like a plan for spring break before spring break. You know. Yeah, no. I'm hoping to have something down by before spring break.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:20] So yeah. Fingers crossed. Yes. Well, if you can help in any other way, just don't hesitate to reach out and yet ignore my Skype status.

John: [00:29:30] Okay. Yeah, we'll do that, too. All right, I'm going.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:34] And thanks to you, my listeners at Wall Street Oasis, if you have any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to send them my way. Patrick at Wall Street Oasis dot com. And till next time.