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WSO Podcast | E198: WSO's Finance Research Internship | Weekly Meetup #2

WSO Podcast


In this episode, I'll be chatting with WSO's new finance research intern team and answering specific questions about the internship itself and we talk about the biggest mistake of applying for job online.


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WSO Podcast Episode 198 Transcripts:

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:06] Hello and welcome. I'm Patrick Curtis, your host and Chief Monkey. And this is the Wall Street Oasis podcast. Join me as I talk to some of the community's most successful and inspirational members to gain valuable insight into different career paths and life in general. Let's get to it. In this episode, I'll be chatting with ASOS, new finance research intern team again and answering specific questions about the internship itself. This time we talk about the biggest mistake of applying for jobs online, so enjoy that. Everybody, welcome to week two of the internship. For some of you, you're starting this week or just started others will be starting soon or started a few weeks ago. I just want to welcome everybody again who is new here and then, yeah, just open it up to questions. Last week, Nabila and I worked on a video that was really geared more towards trying to help everybody get started. So kind of giving them a sense of how to kind of select a topic, how to actually start researching it, how to start kind of selecting h.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:17] Tos.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:18] For the subtitles and the sub headers for the article and for the research. And hopefully that was helpful to everybody. But yeah, in terms of just for today, for this call, does anybody have questions? First off, just on the internship or how to get started?

Intern 1: [00:01:36] Yes, I do. Hey, I'm sure I agreed to be here for this, so. Yeah, I'd like to get the link for that video. I think that's going to help me out a lot just to get started. I did go through all the documents, the PDFs, how to get it set up. I think that's going to clear it out for me.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:54] Sure. Yeah. It's in the Slack group near the top. There's. There's stuff that's pinned along the top, like the guide. There's one on the left. It looks like two little blue flags. It says how to start video. In the.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:05] General. You.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:08] If you actually go up and look there, I think you will.

Intern 1: [00:02:14] All right. Got it. Yeah. How to start video internship, guys?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:17] Yeah, it's about an hour long. You can. It's mostly just like framing. We chose a topic just to show, like, how we go about it. And so Nabeel kind of went through it, and I was like, Okay, what do we do now? And I think, yeah, it was an interesting topic we chose. It was cash conversion cycle and which is a very it's actually a very big topic. So hopefully it covers enough even for that one I think had. I don't know. What was it, like, ten to or 15?

Intern 1: [00:02:48] Yeah, something like that. Yeah. It's just a.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:52] Complicated article, just looking at like what other people had written about it and what the other top people that were performing on on Google had written about it. Even so much as like to define accounts receivable, accounts payable, days payable, outstanding stuff like that. So hopefully that gives you enough like some of the, some of the topics are much more straightforward than that. But hopefully seeing that more complex kind of version will allow you to see kind of how to how to structure and outline the research for the other topics.

Intern 1: [00:03:24] Thank you.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:34]You're welcome. Where in the world are you?

Intern 1:  [00:03:42]  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:29] Oh, very cool. Far away from us. Well, for me, I should say, my Saudi does have questions, so. Yeah, that video is really helpful. Definitely. Take a look through there. It's on Wistia, so you can listen to it at like two x speed, so it makes it much less painful. So Bill and I are like going through that. You can you can sprint through it and then slow it down when there's something like you're like, wait, wait. What was that like? That's that's important. You can slow it down and then just rewatch it whatever parts you want. That's a kind of more efficient way to get through it. And of course, feel free to track your time on that. That's part of the internship. You get credit for that, so make sure you're running your stuff there. Ideally, you know, you're spending a few hours reading through everything, getting set up, you're picking your first topic and you're giving it a shot at like outlining it, asking us any questions as you go. And then what we're going to do is we have somebody kind of going through looking at all the initial articles, making sure that everything's checked off on the checklist. If everything's looking good, then it'll get passed on to Nabila or one of our other editors. We'll start going through and giving commentary around like, Hey, let's flush this section out a little bit more. Let's this is too long or this is too repetitive or Hey, let's, this is too short kind of thing for specific sections and hopefully give you guys enough guidance to, to, to kind of improve as writers and as researchers throughout the, throughout the internship. But yeah, where is everyone else coming from? So we have right now U.A.E. represented us in California, West Coast. We have Saudi Arabia. Where else?

Arman : [00:05:09] London, also Kazakhstan.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:12] As I said. Hey.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:13] How are you? Nice background.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:16] And it looks nice. Like mine. My fake. My fake office.

Arman : [00:05:19] Yeah, just simple.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:22] Very good. So, Connecticut. Hey, Rob. So good. Good. So, yeah. Any questions around? Oh, we got someone in Nigeria. So a lot of continents represented here, which is really cool.

Arman: [00:05:36] A very.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:37] Very global internship. I'd love for you guys. Maybe what we can do. Nabeel is just thinking off the cuff is we might be able to set up, like, a chance for just the interns to meet as well. And if they want to do like another group chat without us on it, where you guys can just network and talk to each other and give each other tips and stuff, I think.

Arman: [00:05:59] Yeah, that'd be pretty cool.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:00] Yeah, we could coordinate that because I think there's probably a lot of sharp driven people here because we're seeing a lot of people who have like master's in finance apply CFA CPAs. So like obviously a very motivated group that people who are willing to do this and improve their resume and improve their CV, that tends to be a good group too now. So I think exchanging information, connecting on like LinkedIn or whatever other way you want to connect with or exchanging WhatsApp contact, stuff like that. So whether you're targeting to move to London, to move to New York, Singapore or other finance hubs. Hong Kong doesn't matter. Like there's probably people in the group that are similar to you and can. Yeah, in that sense. So maybe that's something we can do. Maybe for the group.

Arman : [00:06:47] Yeah. Yeah, I'll get on that. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:51] Yeah. I wanted to open it up. So if there's no other questions on the internship again, just.

Arman : [00:06:55] Have some questions about the internship.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:57] Yeah, keep going.

Arman : [00:06:58] Should I email to Nabeel for to open the access to the Excel file. I mean Google spreadsheet file.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:08] I think you should I think it should be open, right.

Nabil: [00:07:11] Yeah. It's the link on the form. Is it not working. I could just send the link if you join Slack. Yeah.

Arman: [00:07:16] Could you please send. Because in the guideline I saw that the tab is locked with a password or something like that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:28] Arman Is that true. For the, the Google sheet at the top of the intern group it says SEO Project tracker.

Arman: [00:07:34] Is that. Yeah. I just saw from that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:38] It's closed for you. Okay. Yeah, we'll take a look at it.

Intern 1: [00:07:41] I had a question regarding the courses on the spreadsheet. Clicking on one of them, it says. It says Page not found on it or I need access to it. So. So how does how does the courses work?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:58] Which course was that?

Intern 1: [00:08:02]Just the course tab. Look on the. On the bottom of the silhouette. Where is it?

Intern 1: [00:08:04] On the.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:05] Spreadsheet?

Intern 1: [00:08:06]Yes, it's on the spreadsheet.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:08] You know it is being referenced?

Intern 1: [00:08:11] Nope. Of course. I'll tell you right now. Give me.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:16] Oh, I see. Courses. Oh, these are. Yeah, that's not where if you want to know what courses to get to, just go to the site itself. These are like this was like a section of like potentially we're going to change URLs for course where the courses sit and they're not actually live or done or anything like that. To see what courses you qualify for as you put in more time, just go to Wall Street Oasis and there's the courses menu at the top, just click courses and you can grab any courses as you put in time throughout the internship for free. You can you can claim those as you go. You don't have to wait till the end.

Intern 1: [00:08:52] Yeah, okay. Got it. Yeah. Good question. How does that work? We do like an X amount of hours and then we can redeem a course.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:00] Exactly. Yeah. So I think it's 25, right?

Intern 1: [00:09:03] Yeah. For 25. Yeah. Yeah. So predominantly we're going to be working on search engine optimization and writing. And so going through all of these articles, this skill page. Do we get a copy of it or on our own, like, do we make a copy of this? Like, I think that's what I was confused on because, you know, status, top pages, I'm looking at the skills page. Do we make a copy of this for our own record? Do we share that with you or do we edit this?

Nabil: [00:09:18] You could do either, to be honest, but if you if you make a copy and then upload your version, then you'd have to give us access and put a link in there. If not, you could just edit the one that's already there. We use a script and like generate it all of them, so it's easier. I think you.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:48] Just use the one that's there, the Google Drive link that's already there. Just make sure you're saying it's assigned to yourself. So I think when you watch the How to Start video, it'll become much more clear. But basically you'll be going in. You'll you can choose whatever topic you want in there. And the first few we're just really trying to guide you, make sure you understand, like, where are you falling short? Where do you need more help? Are you following all the checklist items that for all the things we're trying to hit? But yeah, I would just use the one, the Google Drive links that are already there. They should be open and allow you to start writing, creating the outline right there directly in it. Yeah. No worries. Thanks for all the questions. This is good because I'm sure everyone there's other people that have similar questions. Liam's been. Liam, you're a veteran, right? You've been around for a while on it?

Intern 2 : [00:10:37] Yeah. Currently in week eight. So I was actually going to add something on to what you guys said. Is this just my personal suggestion? Something that I wish I kind of did was. I would say, if you're just starting for the first two or three articles, I would pick a topic that you're already kind of familiar with. This way you can kind of focus more on the right and part of it, because I remember like my first two articles in the bill kind of sent me back and had me redo it. And I think part of that was because I didn't fully know what I was talking about. That makes sense. So I would start with like two or three topics that you already have, like a good background knowledge in. So like you're less focused on like the research aspect of it and then more like the writing aspect of it. So that was kind of what I was just going to chip in on.

Nabil: [00:11:02]Great advice. Yeah, it's great advice. Telling people to do things they don't know. Well, yeah, I think that's that's good advice. Yeah. Probably should have them focused on something they know and then move to something they don't.

Intern 1: [00:11:23] So you know, how many how much time do you put in? I mean, I calculated it's like 2 hours a day. How do you how do you kind of schedule it out or piece it out for yourself?

Intern 2 : [00:11:32] Yeah, that's that's actually another thing that I was thinking about talking about was maybe talk about later.

Intern 2 : [00:11:46] But so like the 15 hours, it is a little bit difficult. I don't know. I don't know if you're a student, but I am a student and I also have like a part time job. So that gets a little bit to balance. But what I would do is try to like work at the same time as every week, if that's possible. If you're able to set like I can, I know like Monday nights are really well. So I usually do like two or 3 hours Monday nights and then I like Thursday afternoon, like I have nothing. So I usually do like 3 to 4 hours Thursday afternoon and then Sundays. I've really no responsibilities on Sundays. So that's like another day where like I do a lot. So I would just try to get into a habit because I've had like one or two weeks for like I haven't really done it well. And then Sundays, the last day of the week for me where I've had to do like five or 6 hours and it just kind of get stressful. So I would definitely say like find times, hopefully have a set weekly schedule and find time during the set schedule to do it. That my advice.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:38] So yeah, it creeps up on you. It doesn't sound that much, but it's it's a lot. It's a big commitment. And so like and the reason we do that is, is really because if we do five, 10 hours, it ends up being like it's it's a lot for us to to manage such a large group already. And so, like, we want to make sure it's people who are like motivated and committed to do it. And from this group we've Nabeel started off in this group and so I hired him full time just to help manage it because he was doing such a great time. We hired another. I think Josh is on here unless you can show your face and say hi. And I just I also hired a mesh full time to help with the team. So like we are looking at this group as well. I know a lot of you are still in university or in college and whatnot, but we are looking at this team as well for like potential talent for the for just full time as well. Although I assume most of you will be using it for resume builder. And by the way, that's why we changed the title of the internship for those Liam. When you started, it was like SEO or finance writer internship. We changed the title of the internship to make it more beneficial for you to be able to make it sound more finance? Finance Research Analyst Yes, you're researching finance topics, so it's much easier for you to like leverage it for a finance type role.

Intern 2 : [00:13:57] What is the new tool? I don't even see that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:59] What is finance research analyst internship? So yeah. And I think what would be cool in the bill, I almost want to create like a I'm going to create like a little section on a resume to show you how I would actually market this on your on your car to show you like, what's the best way to do it so that it looks really good. Like an example of, of what I would write upon successful completion of it to just to catch the eyes of recruiters and stuff.

Intern 1: [00:14:32] I have a question. Where does where did you get the name Wall Street Oasis? What's the what's the background on that?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:40] Good question. Well, back in 2006, when I founded the community, it was actually I banking oasis. So because it was just focused on investment bankers Oasis, the thought process was it was it's a really rigorous career. You're working 80 to 100 hours a week. And this was supposed to be an online community where you should go to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:59] Like.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:59] You know, get a break, talk to people, have fun and not be so stressed out in the desert. That is that is Wall Street or finance career. So it was a place where you could get some relief. And so that was the thought process of Oasis.

Intern 1: [00:15:18] Yeah. I'm glad that part of it because I'm in Saudi. A lot of sun. You complete it. So you need.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:24] It more than other people. Yeah. To be able to, especially especially in the summer. Liam, thanks for that. Those comments. That's super.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:34] Helpful.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:36] And yeah, so I'll do that. I'll put together like a little mini mini resume section for you guys because I think I think it'll be really useful to highlight how best to market it for you when you start applying. And then we'll try to get you we'll try to get some more networking events for the whole team together. I think it would be cool maybe. Nabeel We have like a sheet of people who are going through it, but maybe we have like in location, maybe we have like a separate sheet somewhere that shows like everyone can have access to it. And so, you know, people who are open to networking and talking with other people, they could mark they could mark something down like, yes, and I'm trying to target move to London or I'm trying to do this. And I think it'd be helpful. Like just with all the visa issues, Nabeel is even talking about this potentially moving to Canada or London eventually and how we can help him get there.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:34] For.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:34] Banking and stuff.

Nabil: [00:16:35] So. So yeah, I could probably put a form and like ask people to fill it out like have where they're based off because I think the form we have isn't like properly done. So sometimes we'll just put different locations, but that's not where they're based off. So I'll circulate a formula and then people fill it out and then we could probably organise something around that, if that makes sense. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:00] That's not good.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:01] Yeah. Cool.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:03] Any other questions? Where is everybody in the world? What's what are people doing? I know Liam's in school. Are you in school? Is it?

Intern 1: [00:17:10] Sure, sure. I just graduated. Pandemic. Covid 19. Graduation of social distancing. So you already know. My graduation took place online on Skype, which I thought was so disrespectful considering four years of scrutiny. But, you know, a minor setback for a major comeback. You know, it's a bit hard here in Saudi Arabia, post pandemic, everything going on. And, you know, I think reality is going to be a major hub in the Middle East. I know Dubai is over and I think world is going to be a big one in the next five or ten years. So there's a lot that's going on here. So yeah, I mean, that's where I am right now. I'm like actively applying here and there. Linkedin, you know, day in, day out.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:58] What are you. Targeting?

Intern 1: [00:18:00] So my background is economics and business. So I'm literally financed like I saw this and I read everything and I'm like, check, check, check, check, check, check, check with I'm like, boom, maybe like Wall Street, like, you know, from Wall Street, Oasis to Wall Street, New York, one day, you know, that's the goal. So, you know, you know what they say, right? Like success doesn't demand a price every step forward pays a dividend. So, you know, that's that's why I'm here. I expect to buy results. Yes, sir. You love it?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:30] I love it. Yeah. Well, I mean, the good part is, you know, you don't just get the experience, you get the skills to if you actually take the courses seriously. So hopefully you guys will take advantage of that because we put a.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:42] Lot of work into.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:43] Those, a lot of time and effort. And I think they're they're taught by top bankers, top finance pros all around the world. So they're really well done. And I think they give you a lot more than your school will give you in terms of like actual practical knowledge, because you actually be doing you'll be doing actual cases like real deals and stuff like that rather than, you know, theoretical economics. I was an economics major, too, so I know how how little I use it in the real world. But good to hear now. That's awesome. So. You're good. You graduated undergrad? It sounds.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:19] Like. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:21] And so any prospects right now, anything going on with interviews or.

Intern 1: [00:19:25] I have this one at an investment firm and I'm in the in the middle of it. It's in October next to Dubai. Yeah, it's kind of on the East Coast. So hopefully that one comes out, you know, knock on wood, like I got my fingers crossed, you know, that's that's going to be a big one for me. In the meantime, I am just like focused in on this one I'm honing in. And, you know, I know at the end of 12 weeks, I'm going to come out a different man, you know. So for me, yeah. And I. Monkey Nation.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:19:58] How about you, Gaurav? You said you're in Dublin. What's going on with you?

Gaurav: [00:20:04] Yes. My drinks. First of all, thank you so much for this call. It really helps to, you know, get to know you and Nabila and, you know, just put a face to the names and the photos, which you can see on the groups and things like that. So that's great. So I've recently come to Dublin for my Masters in Post-Graduation in MSC in FinTech. So I have around seven years of OCS prior to this, mostly into the finance field and the technology side of it. I have been working with companies like BlackRock, Jp morgan and even Accenture and in these kind of fintech projects. But since I'm here in Dublin and I'm just, you know, pursuing my masters, I thought this is a great opportunity to, you know, to learn something new, because at times it happens that, you know, when you just take a break from your practical career side of things, it tends to happen that you kind of move away from the academic or the theoretical things. So I think this internship opportunity helps me to keep in touch with the topics. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:15] And what are you trying to do after? Yeah. What are you trying to do after the master's?

Gaurav: [00:21:19] Yeah, so? So that's what I was just getting an idea.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:21] All right. Yeah.

Gaurav: [00:21:22] I'm. I'm kind of betting on this to be a gateway for me to just get some experience in Dublin while I'm studying one thing. Second. Second would be like, you know, as I already connected with Nabila, as was previously is I would also like to, you know, work full time with you guys because what initial research and the initial understanding of of this organization, which I have acquired, it's it's just amazing what you guys do. It's quite innovative and refreshing. And it's to be honest, it's a bit different from the typical Wall Street vibe. So so that's great. You know, that's difficult to achieve, you know, in these times. So that's great. So I'm hoping to, you know, join you guys full time after this internship.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:09] Okay. All right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:11] Let's see. We're looking.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:12] To see the.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:15] Gauntlet has been thrown. Just kidding.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:18] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:18] Great. No, we love that. We love the motivation and the effort. So, yeah, for sure. We are always looking for. For great people to help. Join us. Anybody else? So we've got Dublin, we got Saudi Arabia, we've got Connecticut. We've got we're all over the place, California, UAE, all months. And as a Kazakhstan.

Gaurav: [00:22:40] Kazakhstan. Yeah, because of Kazakhstan.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:43] So. Yeah. Anybody else? Any other questions? Rob, where are you at? Hamzah, how about you?

Rob: [00:22:51] Actually, I have a question.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:52] Yeah, shoot.

Rob: [00:22:53] So I've kind of just started like the recruiting cycle for like the 2023 summer analyst position. So like, I just kind of started to send out applications to like the big banks.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:03] First off, I hope you're not doing interviews with the Wolf of Wall Street poster behind.

Rob: [00:23:06] You know, I study things. I go to do all this. Yeah.

Rob: [00:23:14] But I just, like, wonder if you have, like, any advice just because, like, it's such a it's just, like, so competitive nowadays. And, like, like, even like, I kind of applied to a bunch of stuff for this summer, but like, I didn't really hear back. I have, I'm probably going to end up working like at a small wealth management firm over the summer just to have some experience under my belt.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:32] But I mean, what year you are first?

Rob: [00:23:34] I'm I'm a sophomore right now.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:35] Your sophomore. Did you do anything freshman summer?

Rob: [00:23:38] No, I didn't really like I didn't really know it was an option. Like my I started kind of working with our career center here in the fall. And then.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:46] And you you're at a not target, right? I remember. You're like.

Rob: [00:23:49] Yeah, Fairfield University.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:50] Yeah, Fairfield. Okay. So, yeah, it's going to be like an uphill battle. Is your GPA high?

Rob: [00:23:54] At least I have a37.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:57] So it's good. That helps. If you had been three, two or three one, it would have been even harder. So. So you have that have you started kind of talking with people on LinkedIn?

Rob: [00:24:09] Oh, yeah. Like we have like the one like thing that kind of like tries to sell and it's like their alumni network and like, we're starting to like break in to like, I know like we have a strong presence in UBS and I know they're having like some event here, but I've like started kind of talking to people and going on calls and like so like and that was kind of in the fall and I've still been doing it now. I just spoke to someone in private equity because like, I'm kind of up in the air. Like, I want to like I kind of want to go into investment banking to get the experience because like, if once you're in there and then you have that under your belt, you can kind of pivot wherever you want. So that's kind of what I want to do. Yeah. So I just because like all the apps just start like I know Goldman just opened today. I applied to mortgage early.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:49] It's so early, it's crazy.

Rob: [00:24:52] So it's just like it's such a, it's.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:53] It makes it harder for people like you from like a non target background. I think what I'd say is like. Have you if you want to go banking. First off, I would say forget Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs. These are the places you could get it. But unless you're talking to people already there and, you know, bankers and you can namedrop and they can pull your resume out of the pile, a 37 from a Fairfield. You're just not going to get picked.

Rob: [00:25:19] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:19] Because they can load up they can load up from kids from the Ivies and the semi targets. Right. Like Fairfield, you have a little bit of a little bit of presence, like you said and like a UBS. But like realistically, like I'm not going to sugarcoat it. You're not going to you're not going to get like interviews. Like it's just not going to happen unless you're talking to people. So I would say, like you should be aggressively going after like sophomore summer if you can get any, like any banking internship or even if you're pitching the whole summer and it's like not even a good bank, but it's an investment banking analyst internship. And by the way, this, this, this internship you're doing with us is like the exact thing that you need on the resume to actually probably get looks from those boutiques and middle market firms. But like, don't throw those out thinking like, oh, if I don't get bulge bracket, it's over. Like the reality is like it's so easy to lateral once you get that first job. So like just getting your foot in there and don't, don't turn your nose up at like a good middle market.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:18] Bank.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:18] Because it's oftentimes better.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:21] Like you get paid as well and.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:23] Work like 20 hours less a week.

Rob: [00:26:26] You're not killing yourself.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:28] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:28] So I mean, almost all of them are tough, but what I would say is like, how many connections are on your LinkedIn right now? Like how many people are you knocking out?

Rob: [00:26:37] Like, I'm almost at like 400. I have like I reach out to like I've, I reach out to a lot because we have like a decent amount of alumni and like Morgan, like, we do have like a lot of like presence in the big banks and like it's kind of growing a little bit. So like, but.

Rob: [00:26:50] Front office.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:51] Front office IB.

Rob: [00:26:53] I know. Like I spoke with someone recently in TMT at UBS. We have like capital markets is big and that's like, like equity capital markets. Something I was kind of interested in. Like I just kind of like I.

Rob:  [00:27:08] Spent you.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:09] Approaching those like, yeah, so, okay, so that's great. But like, that's a tiny fraction, like 400. It's nothing, right? So like, you should be sending out 100 LinkedIn invites.

Rob: [00:27:17] Not know. I was like every time I like apply something or just do something I just like even if they're not alumni because even I get like random response to it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:25] Even before you apply, even the people you're not applying places you're not applying to because like again, what you're applying to and what you're dropping your resume at, that's like 10% of the actual jobs available, right?

Rob: [00:27:39] I've done a lot of like yeah, like kind of those calls like a lot in the fall too. And then I kind of follow up. Yeah. So I just like just trying to like kind of build a presence. So when like now that it's starting to like apply kind of leverage the connections I've made. Yeah. So that's just kind of like where I'm at.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:57] Are you doing middle market though, too?

Rob: [00:27:59] Oh, I honestly haven't looked into metal market yet. I, I literally like the past month is when I kind of just started sending out the big apps because like now everything starts like even even in like the middle market banks like there those apps are also coming out now like everything's coming out like now for year.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:17] And that's why I say, like, it's so hard even as a sophomore, it's like your sophomore year is not even over and you're already like forced to like for junior summer, right?

Rob: [00:28:26] It's crazy. Yeah, it's crazy. It's like you have to know what you want to do.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:28] Yeah. So people are always like, Oh, you have time, your time. I'm like, Don't follow that advice. You don't have time. I'm like.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:35] I'm like, if you're a freshman and you know.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:37] What you want to do, like, you're at a huge advantage.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:39] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:40] So. For the younger crew that's in here. It sounds like some of you are older, but what I'd say, Rob, is, like, just. Don't like put in the legwork now, or even if it's like even if you miss this cycle.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:55] Put.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:55] In the legwork now because wherever you end up this summer, whether it's just only working with us or whether it's doing something, it gives you a much better chance. Like, Come, even if you don't get pulled for an interview and you want to be interviewing at boutiques and you want to take is every single interview you can get, especially if it's banking specific because like your first few times you're going to be, you're just going to suck at interview. It's just like no matter how many mock interviews you do, it's a different thing when it's like a real, real deal, you know what I mean? And so, like, you want those reps when it doesn't necessarily matter as much. So I'd say just like, yeah, don't, don't get discouraged. But, you know, the. It's got to switch. Like, let's say it passes, this whole recruiting cycle passes. You don't get to say you get one or two interviews and you strike out like your whole next like the whole summer, the whole like next. You got to be like. It's like a full time job.

Rob: [00:29:48] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:49] It's to break in from Fairfield, like, it's going to be a full time job. You got to keep your GPA up. It's not easy.

Rob: [00:29:55] That's what, like a lot of the alumni I've talked to that have like broken. Like they've said the same thing.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:59] It's like you got to be like you got to be a little bit crazy. Like, you have to be like 400 connections. Like, no, you got to be sending out 100 connection requests a day. A day. Like. And then that will lead to like one people, like 15 people accepting and then maybe one person getting on the phone. So then you're having a call every day of the week with a new person and you get so comfortable just talking about like asking questions. You get so comfortable that that just becomes a crazy, crazy skill for you. And then when you're in the interview, you're like, you're so comfortable talking about like making asking the right questions. You just seem more knowledgeable and it helps you so. But. Yeah. Yeah. And in terms of presence, like little things, like matter. So like a person who's going to go to bat for you, they want to see like that. You're like, you're serious about it because they don't want to like put their neck out there for like you if you're just like waffling or whatever. So I'd say when you're doing those calls, I try to look presentable, like have a you don't have to have a tie on, but like try to have a button up shirt and a blazer on.

Rob: [00:31:04] Yeah, I usually go I usually just go like shirt and tie with a jacket.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:07] Perfect. Perfect. Just making sure in that little those little things can make a difference because it shows like you respect their time and stuff like that. So. Yeah. What are your thoughts? You think you're going to make it this year?

Rob: [00:31:23] I think I think I'll have a good shot. Well, for next summer, I think I'm going to have a good shot this summer. It's like because I applied to a bunch of stuff I have, like, something lined up just do like like a family connection.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:35] So for sophomore, for sophomore summer.

Rob: [00:31:37] For the. Yeah, for this upcoming summer.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:39] Good. What is it?

Rob: [00:31:40] Well, it's it's wealth management. I'm like, working with a financial advisor, so it's like. It's better. It's like, better than nothing. And it's.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:47] Nothing. Nothing.

Rob: [00:31:48] A lot of stuff. But I think I'm going to be I think I'll be pretty good for for junior year because we and like here, like they kind of have a lot of events. Like we have something in a couple of weeks that they kind of told us about that like they're have like a bunch of Wall Street guys are coming up to like talk to us and it's like kind of like a networking event. So they do a lot of stuff like that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:08] It's awesome. So you're close enough where you can go into the city, right?

Rob: [00:32:11] Yeah, I'm like an hour train ride even. I'm from New York, so I'm like from like an hour north of the city.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:17] From a huge advantage like you should be. Instead of even getting on calls, you should say, I'm going to be in New York on these from this time for this time to do that and try to stack like a bunch of coffee chats.

Rob: [00:32:28] It's a good idea. I honestly never.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:30] Actually, like, meet people face to face. It's much more powerful than Zoom. So like, have your resume there, don't shove it in their face. But they'll probably ask, right? But more about just like putting a face to to name and then like for sure when it comes time for recruiting next year. Like literally your whole summer should be like, Hey, I'm coming to New York. I'm in New York. From here to here, you can make it up like just know you can get there. And if they say yes, then you just.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:56] Go.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:58] And then try to stack whatever it takes, you know, and try to try to stack them notes. It's more efficient. So try to have three or four coffee chats each time you go into New York.

Rob: [00:33:07] So you're there. So you're making the most.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:08] Yeah, yeah. You mean if you have to stay like a couple of hours and, you know, do whatever.

Rob: [00:33:13] That family that worked down there too. So that kind of works.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:17] So do that. Go, go and go in person if you can.

Rob: [00:33:20] Yeah, well.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:21] Huge advantage being so close to New York. Even even to the point I've heard people go like. Like they'll have like a list of 20 to 30 people. Like, let's say you get crazy good at like just you start just blasting out network or connection requests on LinkedIn. So you just have this huge you just end up having like several thousand bankers that are in New York as your connections to the point where I've seen people go down to like near the Wall Street area and just start paying, you know, like, hey, I'm here, I'm actually in I'm in town. Do you have 5 minutes for coffee? They send it to 100 other people.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:57] They wait.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:57] And then a couple of them are like, Actually, yeah, I'm headed down here, meet me here, and then boom, you run and like you're there and you get it. You got a coffee chat. Even to that point, I've seen people go and it tends to it tends to work. You just want to get as many conversations as you can.

Rob: [00:34:12] Yeah. So I kind of always say it's like, just knock on 100 doors, just keep knocking. Something's got to fall eventually. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:17] And I would change that to, to several thousand doors.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:20] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:22] But yeah, that's right. I mean it's a numbers game, right? I'd say. I'd say online applications dropping from a Fairfield without a connection. You're looking at like a 1% response rate.

Rob:  [00:34:31] Yeah, that's why I'm like. That's why I like whatever I, whatever I do, I'm trying to get a couple connections, especially I'm just like to, I'm like kind of just start like because now it's like I'm just looking ahead to next year. So like, that's kind of where I'm at. Like, I'm just.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:44] Yeah, and that's fine, that's good. But just yeah, if you had the internal connection, obviously it dramatically increases to like 10%, right. Yeah.

Rob: [00:34:55] Cool, man. Well, goodbye.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:00] Anybody else want to talk. To their situation? Applications? Guy is a guy.

Intern 1: [00:35:08] I guess I'll go. I mean. Yeah, go ahead. I'm really happy for Rob. You know, he's he's a young buck. You know, he's he's he's kicking.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:17] He's going after it. It's good. He's got time. You graduated.

Intern 1: [00:35:21] So what are we going to do to you? He's he's I feel like for homework he watches Wolf of Wall Street, you know, back so it's nice. It's nice I love it. I love it. Well, I already graduated, so, you know but you know, we all get our own deck of cards in this life, so. You know, so basically the situation in Saudi Arabia is the market is very hard to get into, especially for entry level jobs because of Saudi ization. And Salinization is basically Saudi Arabia incentivizing, right. All the companies here, you know, you're big for BWC, blah, blah, blah, any and every company to hire Saudis at entry level positions.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:05] Because what happened in Saudi.

Intern 1: [00:36:07] I'm not Saudi.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:08] Oh, shoot.

Intern 1: [00:36:09] Yes. Yeah. What are you. I'm sorry.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:13] What? Where are you from or what you done? So that's tough.

Intern 1: [00:36:17] That. Yeah, it's not tough. It's a real challenge.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:21] But why are you there?

Intern 1: [00:36:23] My father works here. He works in freight forwarding. He's like works in a company part owner type thing. So I wanted to start with him. But, you know, operating agreements, you can.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:33] You have to stay there. You have to stay in Saudi or you don't.

Intern 1: [00:36:36] Have to stay. I can go anywhere, you know, Dubai, Qatar, like, you know, come, come with you guys. You know.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:43] You got to go talk to Nabeel Network.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:46] Because.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:47] It feels pretty well connected there, especially TWC and stuff like I.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:52] Would.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:36:52] Use, I don't know, it's going to be LinkedIn on.

Nabil: [00:36:55] And I couldn't connect with you for sure. You know, your support would just mean. Yeah, I mean, if you if you're in the UAE for sure, man, I can I can connect you with people. Yeah. Yeah. If you're willing to even.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:37:07] Move, like you should just be getting on call. You should be networking, like on LinkedIn. Same thing I said to Rob. You should be like, Yeah, and I have a target of like, okay, I'm going to actually go for a transaction advisory services, for example, because eventually I want to go banking. So this is a great place to start in the Big Four. So let's say you want to go, you're like, That's my target. Like, that's going to be my first foot in the door. That's what I'm going to go for. Then you could literally go start just networking with all the big four people in UAE, in Qatar, wherever, any, any region near you or any city near you that you'd be willing to move to.

Nabil: [00:37:40] Yeah, yeah. Got it. Have you talked to people from the API, by the way? They've got like a lot of money going in. Right. And I think that they're onboarding quite a few people, from what I hear at least. But like most of the big full stuff goes from UAE to Saudi to work on projects. So yeah, a lot of stuff happening. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, you could probably go and talk to people there and see if because they're aggressively recruiting now. So I'm pretty sure like, well, someone's going to listen, but yeah, you could try. You know, you've got to try always. Yeah. Yeah, I treat it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:38:16] Like a job. I mean, if you're doing this, you're going to have time. This is going to take a week. So you should be doing this and networking like a maniac.

Intern 1: [00:38:24] Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I'm doing. I'm a manic, you know, I have like, you know, between 30 to 50 every day. I'm just on LinkedIn, you know, I got Middle East logged on, somebody supplying everywhere. But I'll actually do this.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:38:37] Because I'm not even applying. Not even applying.

Nabil: [00:38:39] Yeah, I think the thing is you probably shouldn't apply because in these phases, if you want to get noticed, you got to know someone in the know.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:38:46] Otherwise going to link is a waste of time. Guys, I'll just keep saying this. You're dropping your resume into an online portal that it may it will likely never get seen. You need to know somebody. And inside, then when they say, Oh, yeah, let me see, did you apply? Then you can be like, Oh yeah, click, click. Yeah, I applied.

Nabil: [00:39:02] You know. So it's impossible, like especially in this part of the world. Like, you know, Patrick we are noticing with the applicants do right? Like it's crazy everyone's just applying so like recruiters just hit with a bunch of things, right? So a bunch of applications to just go with people they know already. So chances are going to like drastically improve. If you talk to people like get in there, talk to people, see who you can meet for coffee. And the best part is like people are really open here. Like they'll meet you. Maybe not like a few people. Like they might be rude, but that's fine. Like, I guess it's the ones who who you get to meet that matters, right? So that's what I would do probably. And it's the same over the Gulf, right? The culture is the same. It's not a lot different because we have this amortization thing here too. But then you still get people going in.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:39:45] Yeah, yeah, we're spending the same. It's really actually really insightful. We're spending the same amount of money promoting this internship on LinkedIn across like 20 different countries. And I think the biggest ones are Brazil and UAE. Right. In terms of the number of applicants.

Nabil: [00:40:01] Yeah. I was like, Yeah, what's going on?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:40:04] But now I have two full time employees from UAH.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:40:06] Awesome.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:40:08] These guys are awesome. So, like, you're up against some pretty tough competition.

Nabil: [00:40:12] Yeah, that's that, too. Like, a lot of people just come in and then you have people with a lot of qualifications. So yeah, that's that too. But then networking goes a long way. Linkedin applications like I've never got like a call from them, maybe one like long back but shit. So yeah, the big ones are like follow the people network at least of big jobs. Yeah. So yeah, like ping me like I can, I can help you out.

Intern 1: [00:40:33]I'll do that. I'll do that shortly and yeah, I'll definitely look around, talk to some people I know I've got a few family connections here and there, so let's see, they all help you until the time comes. And then they're like, Oh, like, you know, this is OC. Thank you, uncle. Like, you mean a lot to me.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:40:51] Well, yeah. Don't even rely on the family. Just, like, rely on just. Yeah, yeah, just. Just tough work, hard work and meeting people. And sometimes it's enough just to get on a phone call. Literally, if you just get on a phone call, you can. The phone call alone is enough to get your resume pulled out for the interview like it just dramatically increases your chances of landing an interview. Applying online like you clicking and sending your resume online to many different places is going to keep your like is going to keep your response rate below 1%.

Intern 1: [00:41:27] So you mean like recruiters reaching out to the recruiters on their, like, high up people?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:32] No, I mean I mean reaching out specifically to the people who who work there in the same job that you're targeting.

Intern 1: [00:41:37] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:38] I mean, talking to those people, like, you know, those people maybe one tier higher that are maybe helping hire for that job.

Intern 1: [00:41:45] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:41:45] Yeah. Because HR Yeah. Hr matters. But like, if they if HR if somebody goes to HR or sends them a quick email, like, hey, make sure you interview this guy Shahrukh. He had the he showed the initiative to actually, like, reach out and get on the phone with me. Yeah. Boom. Suddenly that online application and went from, like one or 2% chance of getting an interview to, like, a 90% chance. Like, as long as the HR doesn't forget, you know.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:42:10] Which kind of happened.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:42:12] But then, more importantly, you're building up this funnel. Think of it as like sales you're selling yourself, right? So if you're talking to 20 people, it's this big. If you're talking to 50 people, it's this big. You're talking to 300 people talking meaning you've had a phone call and you've you follow up with them every 3 to 6 months. You have this huge, wide net of like across hundreds of companies. What's going to happen is a lot more email you tiny tiny part will email you actually start even wider. Say you reach out 2000 people on LinkedIn that are in the exact type of role you want right. Only about out of those 2000 people, it probably only have 100 calls. So much more narrow out of those, probably only about ten will go to bat for you. And out of those ten interviews, you'll land to 1 to 2 jobs. Right. So you have to go super wide at the top. But guess what? A link to the connection literally takes 10 seconds.

Intern 1:  [00:43:03] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:43:05] Like 10 seconds. And you can have like you can tailor the message in the one line subtly to be like, Hey, I noticed that you work in these advisory services that I'm looking at starting out my career here, boom. And then just like send that to like 300 people in like a day or two days. But yeah, it's about I go through I go through a lot of this advice in the podcast that I have a monkey to millions where I'm like mentoring people. I'm like, No, what are you doing? Like you're wasting your time. Stop applying and start actually reaching out and getting phone calls because the phone calls lead to interviews.

Intern 1: [00:43:42] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:43:43] The applications don't lead to interviews. The phone calls lead to interviews. And that's it's like, all backwards. It's like people are like. People like to think they're being busy and trying to get a job by clicking apply online. When that's not how you land a job, you land a job by building a relationship, by meeting somebody and then saying, Oh, I like that guy. And then be like, Hey, hey, make sure you interview him. And then suddenly your odds of landing a job just, like, dramatically explode. You get the difference.

Intern 1: [00:44:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like skipping step.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:44:14] It's not like you're afraid to get on the phone. Like you seem comfortable. You're talking here, so.

Nabil: [00:44:19] Yeah, you know, I'm. I mean, I've sent emails to partners like and, and I've got replies. So I think that works here. It doesn't work elsewhere off of big phones and stuff. So that that works to a place. I had no connection, like prior connection at a couple of others like Delite and BW. I don't know people, but the other two, I don't.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:44:42] You think the HR person will listen to a VP or partner when they say, Hey, interview this person, they'll make sure you're on the interview list?

Nabil: [00:44:48] Yeah. Like they don't.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:44:49] Know if it's like their cousin's like brother or something. They don't know.

Nabil: [00:44:54] Yeah, you got to, like, just try like just send an email. Like, it's easy to get email formats, right? Like, that's how you go about it. Like, this phone follows this format. Just send it in, like, fingers crossed, you know, something will happen. Most likely someone will send it to her, and then they'll help you. And yeah, that's and then like we have templates and also right like networking how to keep track and could use that like just use that toolkit and like. You know, like having a massive tool. Tool kit goes a long way, making sure you're following up with the right people again. Like some people just read it and they forget about it if you ping them one more time. Okay, I got to send this to a follow up is huge.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:45:33] Your response is super low on that first one. But like if you keep following up every like month or every like three weeks, they're going to be like, geez, this guy won't stop. Like, okay, fine. Like someone will be like, hey, you know, get away from me. Like, don't email me again, but whatever, that's fine. Like, are they actually going to remember or care about you if you apply later on in blacklist, you know? But the other people will be like, okay, yeah, fine, give me your just send me your resume. And they'll just they're so tired or sick of it. They just it to be like, Hey, we'll give this guy an interview. Or gal.

Intern 1: [00:46:03] Okay. Okay. I get it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:46:08] It's going to change it.

Intern 1: [00:46:08] Oc Good. It'll change your approach. I think that's going.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:46:10] To be a good episode to release. People need to hear this advice like a lot because it's yeah, it's hard because like for people who are especially people who are more introverted, it's much easier to go online and like put your head down and like apply to 300 places and then feel good. Like you've put in a lot of work that day. But it's actually what's really, what's really hard is getting on phone calls. Like having to make conversation and like asking intelligent and like doing a little research before the phone call to learn about like, what does this person actually do? What's their background? But then after like you've done 10 to 15 of them, you're going to be like, Oh, this is like it's like a walk in the park. You just got to make sure you don't sound arrogant.

Intern 1: [00:46:55] Yeah. On the call. So.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:47:00] Anybody else. Before we call.

Intern 1: [00:47:02] It, I have two questions. I'll go with the first one. I'm sure this is going to be covered in the video, but. Mm hmm. You know, tier one, tier two, tier three and four. What's. What's that exactly? Oh, the nesting.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:47:19] Oh, yeah. So that's just the URL structure.

Intern 1: [00:47:21] For the URL. Yeah. Don't worry about, you know, we're going to do like an article, right? And I notice some of them are being worked on. Some are already done. No one reads them. Right. It's just.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:47:34] No. Pick one that's not assigned.

Intern 1: [00:47:36] Right. And the second question, can we see the shirt? Oh. The W so shirt. Yeah. Oh, man, this is an old one. No, I don't have it running.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:47:51] I should go run and get it. Let me see if I can find it. One sec.

Rob: [00:47:54] Okay? Okay. If you actually had a quick question.

Rob: [00:48:03] How do I get signed up on Hubstaff? Because I haven't gotten anything for that yet.

Nabil: [00:48:07] Oh, you don't know. I'm going to check. Yeah, I'll have to send you a link. I'll actually write it down and then send us an email.

Intern 1: [00:48:10]  Yeah, yeah. I signed up for Hubstaff. Decided to get back to me like a couple of days before I start. I'm going to start Monday because Ramadan and everything starting right now.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:48:24] So. Oh, yeah. All right. So it looks like time is.

Intern 1: [00:48:28] Okay. Let's go. Great. Oh.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:48:33] Yeah. It's really soft. It's nice. It's high quality. It's. It's the next.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:48:37] Level. It's next level.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:48:38] Apparel. So it's. It's a nice shirt. It's not a cheap shirt.

Intern 1: [00:48:42] Yeah. Thank you for getting that. Yeah. I've got the visual lock and I'm locked in. I came for the swag. Yeah, you did.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:48:53] Awesome. Anybody? Sorry. Is anyone else asking questions?

Nabil: [00:48:57] No, they'll just ask. I just send a link to Rob, I think for Hubstaff. I'm going to do that. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:49:02] Okay, cool.

Nabil: [00:49:05] Anyone else? Any questions? You.

Intern 1: [00:49:08] A group for the interns would be great just so we can get everyone on LinkedIn and I'll go ahead and connect with you and your as well. Wall Street Oasis or it says that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:49:20] Patrick Curtis. Sorry, I should change my name. Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. And we'll put that, we'll put that link for like we'll call it a networking sheet. We'll put it at the top, we'll pin it at the top of the slack for everybody.

Nabil: [00:49:32] So yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:49:34] And then that way people, whoever wants to network or chat with other people, you can put like where you are and where you're potentially targeting. Hey, we have two columns maybe.

Intern 1: [00:49:44] Yeah, yeah. I think one thing I also learned is like I know, like Harvard, they offer online courses and, you know, you don't have to do the specializations, but, you know, just kind of getting that on your paper, you know, you kind of filter things out like, Oh, look at these keywords or something. So like having that on your resume, it kind of gives you an edge. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:50:11] Yeah. It's helpful though when people see like they're going to look at your an undergrad is it can get like this like oh it's the online course it's fine though it's not a bad it's not a bad move. But I think more important, the keywords to get on there are like financial keywords, especially for banking. So like having like three statement modeling, DCF comp, AI spread comps, percent transactions, that type of stuff is the real key to have on there.

Rob: [00:50:35] It's just so it's crazy how competitive everything is like when you really see it. It's like it's nuts.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:50:40] It's competitive. It's a lot more than a lot more than it was 20 years ago when I was recruiting.

Intern 1: [00:50:46] Yeah, you're going to need that template. We're going to be using it, you know, put it on our resumes. Wall Street Oasis.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:50:53] Yeah, no, I'll get it. Yeah, I'll get that out to you guys in terms of how to put it on the on the CV, in terms of the best way I'd say it kind of it depends. If you're like, if you need more space, I'll give like, hey, you need a lot of space, put this. You will have only room for like one bullet or whatever. Use this version. I'll give a couple of different versions.

Intern 1: [00:51:12] I had a great time. Thank you guys so much. Really.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:51:16] We're excited. Thanks for everybody.

Gaurav: [00:51:19] Everyone had a great time.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:51:22] Thanks, everybody. We'll talk soon.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:51:26] Cheers. Cheers. And thanks to you, my listeners at Wall Street Oasis. If you have any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to send them my way. Patrick at Wall Street Oasis dot com. And till next time

