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WSO Podcast | E223: More Resume Reviews (Weekly Intern Meetup #19)

WSO Podcast

Another fun chat with our interns! To apply for the WSO Finance Research internship, go here:…

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WSO Podcast Episode 223 Transcript:

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:06] Hello and welcome. I'm Patrick Curtis, your host and chief monkey. And this is the Wall Street Oasis podcast. Join me as I talk to some of the community's most successful and inspirational members to gain valuable insight into different career paths.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:20] And life in general. Let's get to it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:25] Another interesting chat with the interns. If you're interested in applying to the internship, please check out the show notes. There's a link right there.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:31] Enjoy.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:38] The Mirror is asking me what's with the swag? I was just saying that you have a sales call right after this call. I can't. I can go for about half hour today. Not too long. So if you guys want me to review your resume or anything, please shoot it through the chat word versions better. But I know we had some from last week. I don't know if anybody that was on last week has the resume, if they could resend it. So I'd have to dig it out. If they do want me to review that or we can I can answer questions specifically about the internship itself or anything else career related. So anybody want to kick it off? Any questions, any any thoughts?

Intern 1: [00:01:19] I a question regarding Patrick. Sure. So, yeah, so two weeks ago I just started and the thing is like due to some problem in my academic things and I stopped it to work on it. So last week I did only one article on it and I just want to know like, can we delay like one more week like that? Because from coming more Monday, I'm going to be get free time to properly engage into the internship.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:45] Yeah, I think we have, we give a leeway of about two weeks on it If you start if you start delaying more than two weeks, it ends up being tough to finish in time for the four to be successfully completed. So I think.

Intern 1: [00:01:56] We give yeah, because I think I tried to contact but I'm not getting a reply. So from coming Monday I'm going to be get more time. I can spend 40 hours, 35 hours. That's not a problem from the next week.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:08] Okay, that's fine. Yeah. It's there's not like a requirement, a weekly requirement. It's just a requirement through to get through by a certain amount of time. So if you can put in more than 15, then you should be able to get there. You could do it theoretically. You could do it in three, four weeks, the whole internship. It'd be really hard. You have to put in a lot of hours, but you could do it.

Intern 1: [00:02:28] Yeah. Thank you so much for that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:31] No problem. I'm on. Has a question.

Intern 2: [00:02:33] Hi, Patrick. Thanks for taking out the time. You reviewed my man last week, and I made some of the changes, so thank you again for that. Cool. Essentially, I had a question for someone who was not that much experience in finance. I was wondering what your thoughts were on writing an equity research report to kind of display that kind of experience and maybe sending that out to people when you connect or publishing it on LinkedIn or something like that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:03] Are you applying for equity research roles?

Intern 2: [00:03:06] Yeah, I'll be looking to apply for equity research, but then just to show like some kind of in-depth financial knowledge with modeling and all that. I've been told that it could boost your application a bit.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:18] So yeah, no, I think it's a yeah, I think it's a good idea. I think you just want to make sure you have somebody maybe review it. That's in the industry first.

Intern 2: [00:03:24] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:26] Because you don't want there to be like an error or a bad assumption to somebody does look at it and then they're like, It could be hurting you if there's. So the good part about that is it shows a lot of initiative. It shows the finance knowledge and the skills. The bad part of it is that it potentially exposes you to harder questions if you do get interviews right, and it exposes you to like if there is an error or if it's not done really well. You know, if it's like base level report, then that's not very good. But if you're able to build a super detailed model, put it together and a really nicely formatted report. I mean, just to give you a sense, you saw how picky I was on the one page resume, right?

Intern 2: [00:04:04] Right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:04] So imagine now having a four page, five page equity research report. There's a lot of room for error. So you need to be like you need to make it really, really good, right? The other hard part about that is it gets out of date from time to time, right? So you have to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:20] Like.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:21] Write it, update it, rewrite it, write. So. But yeah, I think it's a good idea. If you can put in the time to do it, it can make your resume, make your application stand out for sure, especially on like the networking, as you can ask almost more for like feedback on it rather than always being like, Hey, do you have a job? It could be like, Hey, I've written this report on I see you cover this industry, or if there's like a sub industry cover, I see you cover this. I wrote a report on, you know, let's say, let's say you're like looking at media companies, like I wrote a report on Netflix and the new the new lower ad tier, for example. Right now I think this is going to impact their subscriber growth numbers. Would love you to get your thoughts in terms of how I how I back into it in the model and. Blah blah blah.

Intern 2: [00:05:04] Yeah for sure. No, because you're right. Because I do have like a mentor kind of person who's in the industry. Yes. So he said he would look all that perfect, like once I'm done. I was just getting your thoughts.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:17] Yeah. No, I think it's a great idea. Anything to show you can already do the job or you're already like decent at the job is a good idea for sure.

Intern 3: [00:05:28] I have a question regarding the internship. So. On average, how many articles do we need to do per week?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:41] I think it's.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:42] Three.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:43] Every 24 hours or every 24 or 25 hours. So it's like one every 8 hours. So if you're doing a 15 hours a week, which is kind of, I think what's recommended, it's about two.

Intern 3: [00:05:56] Okay, great. Because initially I started last week and it took me a little time to get into the whole process. And even though I actually do love writing, it's a very different thing from what I'm used to. I'm used to writing, let's say English paper is a lot of papers.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:21] It's very different. Yeah, it's very.

Intern 3: [00:06:24] It is very different. So I was a little behind in that sense, but I'm still catching up. The thing is that so the article that I'm currently working on is not that long. It's basically model color formatting and the articles that have been written about that are not lengthy at all. But in the internship guide, it says that it should be 2000 words or more. So is that like a requirement or is that a suggestion based on question?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:04] This is a this is a very frequent question. So when you say the other articles that have been written on that, they're not very long, how long are they? Are they 1000 words? Are they 500 words?

Intern 3: [00:07:15] I think they're probably around 5 to 700 words.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:07:20] So in that case, I'd want to try and aim for at least 10 to 20% longer. And then. And if you're thinking, well, how do I do this? It sounds like such a very it is a very niche topic, right? In terms of like, Oh man, how do I write? So color formatting and modeling. So like there's there's like color for inputs, right? There's color for linking in between sheets, there's color for referencing outside of sheets, right? There's all of this stuff. But then there's also you could say something like what? What happens if you don't do it? Like, what are the doubt? What are the down list of downfalls or like negatives? If you don't use color formatting and you can like list a bunch of these, right? What happens if you this this ties into like assumptions on pages like being able to see where there's blue and inputs and making sure your assumptions are all on one page. So like you could theoretically write a 2000 word article. I don't think in this case you wouldn't necessarily need to, as long as it's longer than what the other the other competing articles are going to be at. Does that make sense?

Intern 3: [00:08:28] Yes, it does.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:29] Thank you. Yeah. So I think I think we have in there if like if it's really, really niche or really like all the other top articles are like 1000 words and you don't need to read 2000, but writing to 500 would be a good idea. And if you need, you can always do examples to example of color formatting. You could show examples of different models and how they did it and like errors. And you can like have images or graphs of that, but not graphs like a screenshot of like showing the different color codes and stuff.

Intern 3: [00:09:00] So for example, say I, some of the articles that I saw actually do include screenshots and like model templates. I was wondering if for you.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:12] Should get our Excel modeling course and go in and use that model. And there's a whole lesson on modeling color formatting that should be embedded into that article.

Intern 3: [00:09:25] So should I. Then for the images and screenshots that I'm going to Nvidia?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:32] Yeah. You can ask Josh for access to that. Be like, Hey, I really need access to Excel modeling course so I can embed some of these videos. Or the Wistia is our video hosting. You could say, Hey, can you give me access to the Wistia videos or let me know where I can get the modeling color format video that's in the Excel course? And then that would be a great one to have in there.

Intern 3: [00:09:52] Okay, Great. Thank you so much.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:54] Yeah, no worries. And then it leads beautifully into the Excel modeling course. You can have the the banner on that and that helps increase the length, stuff like that. So, Sunny, you have a question.

Intern 4: [00:10:05] How about the one question regarding the same that I have? So when I was writing the article, like I started, as I explained yesterday, two weeks back because of some of my academic things, I was quite busy and when I was writing my first article it was on top Global Banks. So do you also have some criteria so that there's no plagiarism? Things exist? Plagiarism. There's a reason. Yeah, there's checks.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:33] Yeah, there's checks. The editors are checking to make sure that it's not too similar to anything else out there. Yes.

Intern 4: [00:10:40] So as far as like when we write academic papers, so we used to check like the minimum criteria is 18%. So what are the best possibilities in our article.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:52] I'd have to add ask Josh that he he's more familiar with the Grammarly and what's what the editors are told to do. But we have we have a whole group of editors that will go back and say, Hey, this is too similar change. Like definitely for examples, there should be no similar examples, like they should be all unique numbers. I mean, the examples can be similar, but the numbers need to be unique. Right. And then the wording should be structure. It should be your own words. Right. So you don't want to be trying to grab somebody else's article and like, just rewording the whole thing. I would try to read all the other articles that are relevant and then put it in your like without looking at it, put it in your own words such that there's less likelihood of that triggering a flag.

Intern 4: [00:11:33] Yeah, because I was when when we used to write about some institution like Europe Union or like that. So we cannot write on our own words. We, we need to write whatever the reality is. So that's why my question like is any minimum requirement that we can add at least 18% and that's not a problem with a controversial thing.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:53] I would ask Josh Yeah, that's Josh that question. Yeah, because he'll tell you like where it's at. But I would err on the, on the side of making it all your own if you and that honestly doing that you're going to learn more if you actually read and study it and know the topic really well and they're able to write on it, that's when you're really going to learn more. Not not if you're like copy and paste and rework it.

Intern 4: [00:12:15] Yeah, because when we go, when we write an academic. So I had a habit to erase from the journals, publications like that. So that's why I just got in mind. Yeah, okay. Thank you. Thank you for your question

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:33] Thank you for your question. To go De Matteo Yeah. So anybody have any other questions about the internship? Let's see for free. Greg asked for the free courses to cover the CFA. Um. Currently have bank. The only CFA courses we have are like affiliates. So we don't have that. It's. But we have. Yeah. If you go to slash course at the top, you can see the ones that are like you'd be able to check out specifically on Wall Street. So those are the courses that are in house in our star affiliate courses that we don't have access to that we can't give you guys. I think there is a. Cfa. I can't even remember the company who was doing Oh, Bloomberg exam prep. Yeah. So there's a discount through us. It's like $100 off, I think, for a CFA exam prep for Bloomberg. But that's not a that's not our course.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:35] There's.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:38] Sachi. So actually welcome. We've got a couple other people joining here. Amir has his hand up. Go ahead. Amir.

Intern 5: [00:13:47] I actually have three things to address right now. Sure. First thing, you're already speaking about it, about the plagiarism thing. One of my articles, I included top backs at top banks in Jordan. And I wrote I wrote in my own words, like. When did the bank when has the bank established one by who was founded and etc., etc.? And then the the the editor's market marked it as a pleasure. And then I had to change it again. So there are certain facts where you can change it. And then and then I was like, There is something wrong. There is no way the other editors are reading it. So what I did throughout the article, I left the space just to check if actually the other editors are reading it. So I included a pasta ingredients.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:42] Here's the thing. They're not the ones who flag it for plagiarism. They're not. There's there's tech that's flying in. It's plagiarism that's scanning millions of sites. So if you're grabbing it from somewhere else and pasting it in, it's not the editors that are saying it's plagiarism. It's it's a percentage score based on tech that we use.

Intern 5: [00:14:58] But look, for the second thing I need to address. I think I'm about to finish now 17 articles and then I need to finish like 23 more. What is what do you think is the best step to take after that?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:17] After what? After the 20. After you're done.

Intern 5: [00:15:20] Yeah, actually, I'm aiming for 40 articles now. 21, 30, 30 articles in one month. That's my goal, just to finish it and gain experience. So what do you think is the best stuff to do after finishing those 40 articles?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:34] In terms of what?

Intern 5: [00:15:36] I and to how do I say this to endorse my skills. I have I have the skill of doing quick research and having a very, very thorough and enticing content in my article. So I want to take a big step after this. What do you recommend me going?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:55] More to recommend you going, I think. I mean, first off, you need to get it on your resume or your CV properly, right? The other option is if you're doing an excellent job and things are going well, there's potentially a role for you here at Wall Street Oasis, Right. So if you want to continue that, I don't know what your situation is, where you are or what your what country you're in or anything like that, or what type of roles you're looking for. So it really depends what you're looking for.

Intern 5: [00:16:23] No, the thing is.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:25] A big step. I don't know what a big step means. Big step towards a career in finance. Big step towards getting a job. Big step in your landing. An internship? I have no idea.

Intern 5: [00:16:32] Yeah. The thing is, I'm still in high school. I'm not I'm not an investor. So most companies don't accept workers that don't have a degree. But still, my my, I believe that with all due respect to everyone here, I think that my, my, my potential is too big. So I want to take a big step. But at the same way, I don't want a company to look at me. He doesn't have a degree. We don't need them. You know, You get my point.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:02] I get your point. I mean, I think the only thing that I'll say is that there's a lot of startups that don't care if you have a degree, if you put in good work and you can show them that you'll do good work. It's the larger companies that have a lot of proxies in place to help screen thousands upon thousands of resumes. Right. So, like, you got accepted to this internship theoretically, because you wrote something good in the in the application, Right. We don't accept everybody. I think we only accept about 10 to 15 people that apply. So you clearly cross that hurdle. So what I'd say is, you know, taking a big step, you know, you're really young. I think I think it's good that you're hungry and you're motivated, I think. Don't limit yourself. You don't have to limit yourself. But at the same time, are you planning to go to school?

Intern 5: [00:17:50] You mean.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:51] University? University? Yeah.

Intern 5: [00:17:54] No, no, I'm still in grade 11. I still need to finish grade 12. So it's still. I still have time. So, no, I don't have any plans for it now, especially that I'm living in Abu Dhabi and the university like I have my eye on as the New York University. Nabil knows it. Yeah, but still, they require a lot of things, and they're confused. I'm really, like, interested in this, The thing I'm doing the research. Nyu, You want to do NYU? I'm keeping an eye on it.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:27] Okay well, I think given that you're going from grade 11, you're going to be starting grade 12 soon.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:34] I think you need to be in one year. No.

Intern 5: [00:18:38] I'm starting.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:39] By 11. You just started grade 11?

Intern 5: [00:18:41] Yes.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:42] Okay, so you have a little bit of time, but not that much time, actually, because college applications are due right in March.

Intern 5: [00:18:52] Think not here. The I think it started now because they have marketing campaigns out for the university.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:59] Yeah. So my point is like, you actually don't have that much time. So you may feel like you don't need the university. I mean, NYU is super expensive. I don't know what your financial situation is, but if you're okay like. Yeah. And Abed says, I'm. I'm at NYU Abu Dhabi. Let me know if you need any assistance. So you could speak with. Sorry if I'm butchering your name. Obey. Um. But I, I think yeah, I mean I think speak to speak to Obaid, speak to anyone who is already there and that has similar background to you. I don't know what I didn't know There was an NYU in Abu Dhabi, a branch of it. So look into it, see what you need to do. See how you get in, what scores you need to get. If there's like an SAT or whatever you have to take, I would focus heavily on there. I think this internship is great for your CV, but I think, you know, also trying to make sure you have the requisite scores and your essays are really good. That makes sense.

Intern 6: [00:20:01] I know a little bit about NYU Abu Dhabi. Some of my friends went there, and if you have good grades, they actually provide you with a one 20% scholarship. So they pay for the whole thing and then they give you like a monthly stipend or something. So I think that's the only NYU that actually does it.

Intern 5: [00:20:21] But yeah, and then they send you two years with a job to New York paid. Yeah, exactly. So it's two years in Abu Dhabi and then two years in New York. That's amazing experience in both countries.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:39] That's great. It sounds amazing.

Intern 5: [00:20:41] So one last thing.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:44] What are your what are your grades? Are they high enough?

Intern 5: [00:20:46] Yeah, really high.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:48] Okay, good. So apply.

Intern 5: [00:20:51] Just one last thing I wanted to ask you. It's just really simple. Course on Slack. I want to make it fun. I really like part of my hobby making meets. May I get your permission to make me a little on Slack? Just add it to what?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:06] Every permission to do what?

Intern 5: [00:21:09] Add a meme channel on Slack.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:11] We have one. Heck yeah. If you go under, random people are posting memes in there. Do you see the random channel? Oh, they have in the past.

Intern 5: [00:21:21] I know if you want to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:23] If you want to help us with our Instagram and our social, that's something that's cool for the resume too.

Intern 5: [00:21:29] We do. I would love to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:31] Our Instagram. Our Instagram is is mostly memes, so you can take a look there, see if it's something you could add.

Intern 5: [00:21:39] I would love to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:40] Yeah. So some email. Send me an email. I'll put you in touch with our social person, maybe finish this internship. We can talk about potentially another after. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks, Amir. Anybody else? Am I missing somebody? Adrian, go ahead.

Intern 7: [00:22:03] Can I send over my resume for review?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:05] Yeah, let's do it.

Intern 7: [00:22:06] All right. Perfect. What?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:08] Give me some of your background. Oh, I know you.

Intern 7: [00:22:12] Of course. Of course.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:13] Change your name in here.

Intern 7: [00:22:15] No, no. It should just say Adrian, right?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:18] It says your full name. That's it. Threw me off.

Intern 7: [00:22:20] Oh, yeah, of course. What email should I send it to you?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:25] Just put it in the chat, or you can directly. Just to me if you want.

Intern 7: [00:22:28] As a as a word dog.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:30] Yeah, if you have it. Yeah, that'd be easier. I can open up. You remind me are you at like we spoken before non target.

Intern 7: [00:22:40] Well, no, because I just graduated.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:41] Oh, you're looking to apply? That's right. You're looking.

Intern 7: [00:22:43] And I'm on a gap year. So, like, obviously, my resume isn't going to be like, something that I'm sending to, like, you know, an investment bank, you know, within, like, a month or two. But, you know, it's something which we'll be sending to like a couple of schools. And then, you know, once I'm in college, you know, a lot of like finance clubs ask for like resume.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:01] So. Okay, cool. So let's look at this. This is a good example for I have about 10 minutes. That's perfect. Perfect. We'll wrap up the call with this. Let me share my screen. But they did get it almost all set up. Here we go. On the left. Let me jump in a little bit. It's a little bit too far. For those of you so you can actually read it. Okay. And then the left. This is too big.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:33] You zoom.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:37] 150. Let's go to 150. Let's go to 150 here. So just real quick before I even dive into the content. Um. I like our template better than this is very bold. And this this LinkedIn link is really ugly up here. Your name is really tiny for a resume.

Intern 7: [00:23:58] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:00] So maybe just bring it over to our format.

Intern 7: [00:24:02] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:03] Like this Spacing is ugly. I'm starting off with just the easy stuff in terms of like, spacing. Like this spacing is little weird. Like, you always want to have, like, in terms of, like, design. Like, there's lots of horizontal lines here. So it's, it's good for division of my eye. It's bad for like, aesthetics, right? So I'd prefer something like this where when you when you have a big header, the other stuff is tucked underneath it so that the space between sections here isn't the same. So, like, this makes it hard for me to like, see that this is a break. You've got to give me visual whitespace more whitespace here than here.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:42] Right?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:42] So the stuff tucked underneath the section should be tucked up underneath it closer than what a new section would have. So like the space between here, Between here, between here and between here should always be larger than the space right below it.

Intern 7: [00:24:55] Now that definitely makes sense.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:56] And that's just like that's just basic design stuff. But let me see here. Education. So that's good. You have education up top, which makes sense. Um. So let's just go start from the top. So summer immersion program is this for like one semester?

Intern 7: [00:25:19] Yeah, it was so yeah, it was for it was like a summer course for five weeks except for credit. So like which I did through.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:26] What's the main purpose of this resumes if we're applying to colleges or is it for like eventually, once you're in to applying to the domestic banking.

Intern 7: [00:25:33] It's it's for both. It's mainly for both.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:37] Okay. So I'm not as well versed like prepping people of high school resumes.

Intern 7: [00:25:45] Right? No.

Intern 7: [00:25:46] Yeah. Yeah, I get that.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:25:48] So I think all this is good. Showing your GPA is great. Ap Stats World History. Macron Honors Scholarly Distinction in College Park Secretary. Scholastic Achievement Award. Okay, great. You might be able to get this onto one line here. So like this award, you might want to section for awards. I'll have to see, like, what other awards you may have.

Intern 7: [00:26:13] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:13] But it might be good to list them down here as, like, a separate section of, like, awards. I've seen that before, and it looks nice. All right. Yeah. Honors achievements. Do you know what I mean?

Intern 7: [00:26:26] Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:26] So you already have a whole section for that. So it's kind of weird that you're putting.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:30] This.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:31] Up here. I guess it's related to your. Your academic.

Intern 7: [00:26:35] Yeah. Yeah, Because for the. For the arms and achievements, I put more like, things. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:41] Which I. Yeah. I don't like, I don't like calling it an experience of virtual experience where you just attend something an achievement or award.

Intern 7: [00:26:48] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:26:49] Now what's the, you know, unless like what's the percentage of people that have like get into this do you know.

Intern 7: [00:26:57] Well, it's like you don't really apply. Like, yeah. So I don't know if you know what forage is like. It's just like a site where you like, you create an account and then it makes you do sort of like things like the investment banking, virtual experience, like to do like a SWOT analysis, to do like Excel work.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:14] So I would prefer if you don't have a whole honor and achievement section, I'd prefer if you had something here, additional information you had something like. Know instead of certifications you had like a like. You had something like not awards, but. Finance, finance or something like that. And you have like for Jp morgan, did it ever experience this, this you get those in there and then the competition. And. This stuff. It's almost like honor. Or you could say honors.

Intern 7: [00:27:53] Right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:27:54] Let's do a whole section here with that. And do you have a second language besides English or. No?

Intern 7: [00:28:00] Yes, French. I have that all the way at the bottom in the skill section.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:04] Yeah. So, like, yeah, you could have skills fluent in native French speaker, proficient in Spanish. Perfect there for modeling. I would try to get some stuff in there.

Intern 7: [00:28:14] Okay, perfect.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:28:16] Rather than just generic, like Microsoft Excel, you could do that here on the computer in Excel PowerPoint. But I actually prefer to be skills modeling. And then like, you don't need to repeat your proficient Excel PowerPoint instead instead of computer, you can have awards there. So for honors, rather honors. And then you kind of lay out your honors of shorten this a little bit. So AP Distinction, a College Board or Rotary Club, you have this third place for global research and consulting case competition, right? I think that would go well there. Try to get it on one. Either one full line or two full lines. Don't like have it wrap one word over.

Intern 7: [00:28:58] Right? Definitely.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:00] Because you want to eventually get good at using your space here internship experience and one that you ed or something or.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:08] 30 to.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:10] 60000. So put a comment here.

Intern 7: [00:29:14] Uh.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:15] 6000 words. You have a bolded parentheses. Looks odd here. The format.

Intern 7: [00:29:22] Oh, sure. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:24] You don't hear doo ta dah. Yeah. Instead of by the internet, just say 200 hours of self studied at us. Since it's going to be by the time somebody looks at this.

Intern 7: [00:29:34] True. Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:35] Or just say over 100 hours if you haven't done the full 200 hours.

Intern 7: [00:29:40] That sounds good.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:29:40] Yeah. Subtitles articles for many of the search engines. You have an extra space here. The resulting in an extra space there. Little these little things. These little things are like a big deal, but it's like collectively, like the header not being the spacing here, the spacing there. This little bold thing here, this little space here, like look for a high school resume. This is really solid. Like, really solid. Like one of the one of the better ones I've seen. But my point is, like. By the time you start applying for jobs, you want to have everything like really dialed in on all of these little things like the design, the the language. So let's look. I mean, these I like. Um. I kind of like this other bullet here. Research appropriate subtitles and develop examples. I kind of like you have it here. Edited 60,000 words. This is good. This first one. Right. This one's too long. You could shorter with just the 200 hours. Like I said, this just feels give me like, give me more around which articles you edited and where it is. Including including financial modelling, whatever it is.

Intern 7: [00:31:00] Right? Right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:01] Give me some keywords. Like you use that space right there to give yourself more buzzwords. Did you. Did you edit it stuff on discounted cash flow? This, that. That. Right. Right. So that way it's like you sound even more financing. Right?

Intern 7: [00:31:16] Right.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:18] Final research project here. Sorry, I'm jumping around a little bit, but like, how many pages? What was it done? Like, I don't know if that's worth a whole bullet.

Intern 7: [00:31:26] Good point.

Intern 7: [00:31:27] Good point.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:28] Unless you just give me more specifics. Was there. What was the outcome here? It's just a four week thing. I don't know if we need two full bullets here. Right. Unless you feel like it was a really good experience and interesting and maybe it's a good thing to discuss. Overall, like, really solid man. Like, Yeah, I think all this stuff I'm telling you is like.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:49] More.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:51] Around the edges, right? It's formatting.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:54] Potential members research and publish.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:31:56] Three economic articles. How long?

Intern 7: [00:32:00] Okay. Right. So putting. Yeah. So when you talk about like length, I assume like word count is probably the more important one is like subjective. Okay. Yeah. I'll put a client in there.

Intern 7: [00:32:11] You say like. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:18] Something like that. If it's impressive, if it's only 500 words, it's not that impressive.

Intern 7: [00:32:22] Right?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:23] But if it's something like that, that'd be cool. Yeah, definitely. Some definitely highlight. Give yourself some more stuff because what you didn't do is like. Look at here a detailed financial evaluation, Excel account, economic topics, including cash converters, data. Right. We really like we like just say this is called like keyword stuff. We're stuffing the resume with like, like really valuable, like cash flow from finance. It's just, you know, what this is doing? It's like, oh, he knows about all this stuff now.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:52] We actually.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:32:53] Right. So it's like a way to kind of brag in a more subtle way. Honest conversations. And I don't know if we want to say. Ap, ap, AP Why don't you just say Honors Convocation or its AP classes included colon statistics, environmental sciences, world history and macroeconomics.

Intern 7: [00:33:11] Good point.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:13] A little cleaner, right? Right. This is good. I mean, yeah. Other than that, this I don't like tiny name and bolded like across it's it's not it's not giving me like a thing it's just and you don't need this space man. Like if you just bring it over to this format, you won't need it, right. You have pretty good margins. You have pretty thick margins right now, too.

Intern 7: [00:33:36] Yeah. And either way, at the bottom, I think there was still like two kind of lines which I could have added stuff on. Yeah.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:33:43] And so like, I think beefing up this bullet, getting it to a full second line is cool. Maybe this might actually reduce it, but don't worry about reducing it because then you can maybe have an extra section here. So like, maybe you have skills, maybe you keep, you keep the modeling, but maybe you keep like computer in there. Right. And then certifications, you could mention the certifications from the Wall Street Oasis courses you've taken already. Yes, you could again hit them again over the head with like certified and discounted cash flow, PowerPoint finance valuation, LBO modeling, M&A, three statement modeling, Excel, you know what I mean? Then it's like, boom, you're just like, once again, just slamming them over the head with the fact that you're a modeler.

Intern 7: [00:34:23] Definitely.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:24] That's it, man.

Intern 7: [00:34:25] All right. Perfect. Yeah. And then I guess one last question. So like, I assume like this, like, might not apply for, like kind of more finance things if I've done sort of like internships or, like, experience more in like, like journalism, you know, even if it doesn't have to do with finance. We're just saying that like, you know, I've gone into like an internship like that. Would that help at all or would that just be wasted space?

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:34:49] I think you may have room for it right now because you're still in like, I think that's the first thing you'll remove once you start in college. But I think now having maybe under the tokenized commodities internship, right. Having another one there with two bullets around like what you wrote, the topics I think is a good conversation starter and just shows that like you probably have better writing chops than most kids going into school.

Intern 7: [00:35:12] Okay.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:13] And that's important for financing. You need be able to write well.

Intern 7: [00:35:16] Definitely.

Intern 7: [00:35:17] Definitely.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:19] Was that helpful?

Intern 7: [00:35:20] Yes, absolutely. And just to make sure now do all the meetings are up to now. And so.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:24] Yeah, unfortunately, yeah, because I have something now in the afternoons here and in California.

Intern 7: [00:35:29] So no worries. No worries.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:32] Just sorry about that.

Intern 7: [00:35:33] An alarm next time because I'm still waiting on three and then the email just call me by surprise.

Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:35:38] But yeah, so yeah, we're going to we'll be running it at this time from now on. But yeah, let me know if you want me to take a look at it again. If you want us to review it again on here, we're happy to do that. All right. When you make a lot of changes, sometimes there's other errors that are introduced. So if you want to review it again, we can we can do that. And. I think I have to call the guys. I have an important call. In ten, 15 minutes, we're going to hop off and prep for that. But thanks, everybody, for joining this week. We will see you again next week.

Intern 7: [00:36:08] Course. Thank you so much for the review.

Patrick (CEO WSO): of [00:36:09] Hi, everybody. And thanks to you, my listeners at Wall Street Oasis. If you have any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to send them my way. Patrick at Wall Street Oasis. And till next time