Valoren Number

It is an identification code used in Switzerland for securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives. 

Author: Oorja Mahajan
Oorja Mahajan
Oorja Mahajan
I am a keen and a positive professional finance enthusiast. I am currently working for Deutsche Bank AG and have been part of this WSO internship programme. I have authored 11 articles during a span of 3 months that have reached a wide audience and have proven to be very insightful!
Reviewed By: David Bickerton
David Bickerton
David Bickerton
Asset Management | Financial Analysis

Previously a Portfolio Manager for MDH Investment Management, David has been with the firm for nearly a decade, serving as President since 2015. He has extensive experience in wealth management, investments and portfolio management.

David holds a BS from Miami University in Finance.

Last Updated:October 24, 2023

What is a Valoren Number?

Valoren number, also known as Valorennummer, is a unique identification number or a code used in Switzerland for securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives. 

"Valor" is a Swiss-German term meaning "security." It may include paper money and coins. In Switzerland, when referring to the code, it is always referred to as the "VALOR Nummer," i.e., the security number.

Understanding the definition and representation of Valoren numbers is essential for accurately identifying and tracking securities within the Swiss financial landscape. 

The Valoren number was developed to streamline the trading and settlement processes by providing a standardized identification method for securities. The representation of these numbers follows a specific format, combining both numeric and alphanumeric characters. 

The length of the number may vary depending on the complexity of the securities being identified. The format ensures consistency and compatibility across various financial systems and platforms.

Converting these numbers to and from other identifiers may be necessary for compatibility with international standards. 

For example, when interacting with global financial institutions or systems that use alternative identification methods, such as International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) or CUSIP numbers, conversion tools and mappings can bridge the gap between different identifiers.

The use of Valoren numbers brings several advantages to the Swiss financial markets. They enable accurate and efficient tracking of trades, settlements, and post-trade activities by providing a unique identifier for each security. 

Moreover, this code facilitates transparency and risk management. Market participants can access detailed information about a specific security by referencing its Valoren number. 

This information includes the issuer, security type, currency, and trading status, providing investors with crucial insights for making informed decisions. 

Ongoing efforts are made to enhance the code's capabilities, improve interoperability with international identification standards, and address evolving market needs.

Their unique representation and standardized format enable efficient trading, settlement, and regulatory compliance. The Valoren number significantly ensures transparency and facilitates risk management within the Swiss financial landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Valoren number, also known as Valorennummern, is an identification code used in Switzerland for securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives. 
  • It was developed to streamline the trading and settlement processes by providing a standardized identification method for securities. 
  • The number itself may vary in length, depending on the complexity of the securities being identified. 
  • The information includes the issuer, security type, currency, and trading status, providing investors with crucial insights for making informed decisions.
  • Converting these numbers to and from other identifiers may be necessary for compatibility with international standards. 

How Do Valoren Numbers Work?

The numbers play a critical role in accurately tracking and distinguishing different securities. Let's delve into how the number works:

1. Structure of Valoren Numbers
The VALOR number follows a specific structure, combining numeric and alphanumeric characters. The length of these numbers may vary depending on the complexity of the security being identified. 

The format typically includes a country code, a numerical code for the exchange, and a unique identifier for the security itself. This structured format ensures consistency and compatibility across various financial systems and platforms.

2. Unique Identification
Each number is unique to a particular security. Market participants can rely on these numbers to precisely identify and differentiate securities from one another. 


The uniqueness of the numbers is crucial for accurately tracking and referencing securities in trading, settlement, and reporting processes. 

3. Assignment and Usage
Authorized entities, such as exchanges or regulatory bodies, assign the numbers to securities. When security is listed or issued in Switzerland, a Valoren number is assigned to establish its unique identity. 


Market participants, including traders, investors, and regulators, then use these numbers to refer to specific securities in their transactions, communications, and reporting.

4. Accessing Information
Valoren numbers serve as gateways to comprehensive information about securities. 

Market participants can access detailed data related to a specific security by referencing its number. This information typically includes the issuer's details, security type, currency, trading status, and other relevant attributes. 


Accessing information helps investors make informed decisions, evaluate risks, and assess the suitability of securities for their investment strategies.

5. Conversion and Integration
While these numbers are primarily used within Switzerland, there is a need for compatibility and interoperability with international securities identification systems. 

To address this, conversion tools and mappings are available to facilitate the integration of Valoren numbers with international standards, such as International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs). 

How a Valoren Number is Used

Valoren numbers have a wide application in trading and market operations within the Swiss financial market landscape. Let's explore the key applications of Valoren Number.

1. Trading and Market Operations
These numbers streamline the trading process by facilitating efficient order routing, matching, and settlement, ensuring smooth and timely transactional flow within the Swiss financial markets.

These numbers serve as essential references for matching and reconciling trades in the clearing and settlement process. 

2. Clearing and Settlement 
Clearinghouses and settlement institutions use these numbers to identify and accurately validate the securities being settled. By referencing them, these entities can efficiently allocate trades, reconcile positions, and ensure the timely and accurate transfer of ownership and funds.

3. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting
They also play a vital role in regulatory compliance and reporting requirements. Financial institutions, including banks, asset managers, and custodians, rely on such numbers to meet regulatory obligations such as trade reporting, transaction monitoring, and risk management. 

Valoren Number provides a standardized identification method that enables accurate and consistent reporting of securities activities to regulatory authorities.

4. Portfolio Management and Performance Tackling 
They are widely used in portfolio management systems and performance-tracking tools. Investors and asset managers utilize these numbers to associate securities with specific portfolios and track their performance over time. 


By referencing VALOR number, investors can accurately monitor their investment holdings' value, returns, and risk profile, facilitating effective portfolio management and decision-making. These numbers serve as a reference point for investor communication and accessing information about securities. 

5. Investor Communication and Information Access
Investors can use Valoren Number to inquire about specific securities, obtain prospectuses, or access corporate actions and announcements. 

The VALOR number provides a standardized method for investors to interact with issuers, financial intermediaries, and market data providers, ensuring seamless access to relevant information.

6. Integration into Financial Systems and Databases
Such numbers are integrated into various financial systems and databases, enabling efficient data management and information flow. 

Market data providers, trading platforms, and investment management systems incorporate this VALOR Number as a key identifier, ensuring accurate and consistent securities referencing across different applications. 


The integration supports seamless data exchange, enhances interoperability, and promotes efficient data aggregation and analysis.

Significance of Valoren Numbers

Valoren numbers offer several key benefits to market participants and the financial industry. 

These benefits contribute to efficient trading, streamlined settlement processes, and enhanced transparency and risk management. Let's explore the advantage of the VALOR number:

1. Accurate and Efficient Identification
It provides a reliable and precise method of identifying securities. Each number is unique to a specific security, allowing for accurate tracking and differentiation among various financial instruments. 

2. Standardized and Consistent Approach
It establishes a standardized approach for securities identification. This uniformity enables seamless communication and interoperability between market participants, exchanges, clearinghouses, and other entities involved in the financial ecosystem. 


By adhering to a consistent identifier, the Valoren numbers facilitate efficient data sharing, reporting, and compliance across the Swiss financial markets.

3. Streamlined Trading and Settlement
It plays a pivotal role in expediting trading and settlement processes. Market participants can quickly identify and process securities using their associated numbers. These identifiers provide immediate access to crucial information about the securities, such as issuer details, trading status, and relevant market data. 


By eliminating the need for manual search or cross-referencing, these numbers contribute to faster decision-making, execution, and settlement of trades.

4. Enhanced Transparency and Risk Management
The numbers promote transparency and facilitate effective risk management in the Swiss financial markets. 


With a Valoren number, investors and market participants can access comprehensive information about security, including its characteristics, performance history, and regulatory compliance. 

Transparency helps investors make informed decisions, assess risks accurately, and evaluate the suitability of investments. Additionally, regulatory bodies can monitor and oversee securities transactions more effectively, promoting market integrity and investor protection.

5. Interoperability with International Standards
The VALOR number provides a bridge between the Swiss financial markets and international standards for securities identification. 

While it is primarily used within Switzerland, conversion tools and mappings allow for interoperability with international identification systems, such as International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs). 

This compatibility enhances connectivity and facilitates cross-border trading, ensuring seamless integration of Swiss securities into global markets.

Valoren Number and Investor Information

Let's explore the relationship between these numbers and investor information:

1. Access to Detailed Security Information
The VALOR number provides investors with access to detailed information about specific securities. By referencing the number associated with security, investors can obtain comprehensive data such as the issuer's details, security type, currency, trading status, and other relevant attributes. 

This information allows investors to understand the security's characteristics, enabling them to make informed investment choices.

2. Facilitating Due Diligence
The numbers are invaluable tools for conducting due diligence on securities. Investors can use these numbers to research the historical performance, financial health, and regulatory compliance of the securities they are considering. 

3. Evaluating Market Data and Trends
It is also a reference point for accessing market data and tracking trends. Investors can leverage these numbers to analyze historical price data, trading volumes, and other market indicators associated with specific securities. 

This analysis helps investors identify patterns, track market trends, and evaluate their investment choices' potential profitability and risks.

4. Streamlining Investor Communication
It facilitates effective communication between investors and various market participants. Investors can use these numbers to inquire about specific securities, seek additional information from issuers or financial intermediaries, and communicate with their brokers or advisors. 


The streamlined communication process enhances transparency, reduces information gaps, and enables efficient investor engagement within the Swiss financial markets.

5. Supporting Portfolio Management
Valoren Number is integral to portfolio management activities. Investors can associate Valoren numbers with specific portfolios, enabling efficient tracking and performance measurement of their investment holdings. 

By using these numbers, investors can monitor their portfolios' value, returns, and risk profile, facilitating effective asset allocation, rebalancing, and overall portfolio management.

6. Integration with Financial Tools and Platforms
These numbers are integrated into various financial tools and platforms, enhancing investor access to information. 

Market data providers, investment platforms, and financial portals incorporate the Valoren Number as key identifiers, enabling investors to search, analyze, and compare securities easily, supporting seamless information flow, and empowering investors to stay up-to-date with the latest market developments.

Researched and authored by Oorja Mahajan | Linkedin

Reviewed and edited by Parul Gupta | LinkedIn

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