Adams and Royer Overview

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Company Details

Adams & Royer is a consulting firm that provides topflight advisory services regarding acquisitions and divestitures to small and mid-size companies that are involved in domestic or cross-border transactions. Founded in 1985, the firm has offices in Paris, New York, Montreal and Sao Paulo and close working relationships with colleagues in many European and Asian capitals.

Our clients typically have revenues between 5-300 million Euros and are involved in high technology, industrial materials/equipment, mining, building materials, medical devices/services or business services. We advise on domestic transactions within France and the USA and frequently on cross-border transactions between France, the USA, the United Kingdom, the other principal countries of Europe and Brazil. We represent both buyers and sellers. In addition to these services we also assist smaller companies to finance early stage growth by finding new investors and undertake special studies related to either the acquisition divestiture or valuation process.

While we have specific sector expertise that we have developed during the course of work done for clients over the years, our most important knowledge base rests in the process of buying and selling a company. For many business owners either buying or selling a company is an unfamiliar activity, outside of the normal course of business. Even for those who engage in transactions frequently, selling or buying a business is a time consuming and complex process. We provide the needed skills to the former; we save time and reduce expenses for the latter.

The process we use is a carefully orchestrated, step-by-step methodology designed to minimize risk, protect privacy and insure that the right buyer is talking to the right seller at the right time. We like win-win solutions and 2x2 = 5 synergies because we think these make for the best deal for each side. We also believe in full disclosure and complete transparency both for legal and business reasons.

Adams & Royer is keenly aware that our clients entrust us with highly sensitive information. We make every effort to maintain the security and privacy of our client’s data and of the transactions we are engaged to execute. Discretion is our byword.

Adams & Royer belongs to the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) in New York and Paris. It is also a member of the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce in Sao Paulo and of the Association des Analystes Conseillers en Investissements Financiers (AACIF) which is registered by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in Paris.


1, rue de Stockholm, 75008, Paris
33, Harryswood Lane, 12029 NY
United States
Rua José Maria Lisboa, 825, 3° Andar-CEP 01423-001,

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Year 2017
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Operations
Location New York
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