Summer Analyst

Investment Banking
November 2013
Overall experience

General Interview Information

No Offer
Interview Source
Length of Process
Less than 1 month

Interview Details

What did the interview consist of?
1 on 1 Interview
Skills Test
Please describe the interview / hiring process.
I was fast tracked to the assessment centre. It was held at the marriot Hotel in Canary Wharf and lasted a whole day.

First we were placed in a room to have breakfast and given a list of our interviews throughout the day and presentation groups.
Then HR and some of the interviewers walked in and we watched a video based on the group presentation.
The video consisted of a sporting goods CEO based in the UK who wanted to expand his business into Europe and our jobs were to advise him on the best way to do this through a merger.
The CEO had a certain list of needs; not too much debt to buy the company, keep 50% of the equity of his business in Europe, relatively already established presence and a target company which sold the same quality of goods i.e. not high end and not bargain goods.

We were then split into our groups and had to create a presentation for the "company" board of directors. We had a number of companies to choose as a target some public some private. Then we had to decide on the financing options. We had 20mins to do this.

We first presented to some of the Barclays employees as if we were presenting to the Clients board. Then they asked questions as if they were the clients board. Then they asked questions as to why we did certain things.
After we had a series of interviews 3-4 in total over the course of the day with lunch in between being provided.

The interview questions were prepared before hand and the interviewer would ask from a sheet of paper. None were technical they were more fit questions.
In more than 1 interview you get asked the same questions and the only time a question was off script was when I gave an answer and the interviewer wanted to follow up.
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Other Interview Data

Associate (Vice President)
Goldman Sachs, CHICAGO, 2016
Trader (Vice President)
HSBC, New York, 2022
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Quantitative Strategist (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, NA, 2020

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