Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Intern at
Investment Banking
New York
Overall experience

General Interview Information

No Offer
Interview Source
College / University / On Campus Recruiting
Length of Process
Less than 1 month

Interview Details

What did the interview consist of?
1 on 1 Interview
Please describe the interview / hiring process.
I had participated in a program for underclassmen my sophomore summer at Credit Suisse, and initially made contact with the recruiting team for my university while I was there. Throughout fall semester, they held multiple networking events both on my school's campus and at the New York office.

They really give a lot of consideration to who shows up to these recruiting events as it reflects the candidates' interest in the company, and it's absolutely crucial to fully participate and reach out to the recruiters. Each school has its own application deadline, and shortly after applications are submitted are the first-round interviews. These are conducted by two people - for me it was a VP whom I hadn't met before, along with a first year analyst (an alumni from my university) who I'd met at an earlier networking event.

Since I'm at a target school, the first-round interview was 100% behavioral and fit questions. Very typical questions, nothing unexpected. You find out later the same day if you made it to the super day. I didn't do very well in the interview because of nerves and lack of preparation, so I didn't make it past the first round.
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Other Interview Data

Associate (Vice President)
Goldman Sachs, CHICAGO, 2016
Trader (Vice President)
HSBC, New York, 2022
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Quantitative Strategist (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, NA, 2020

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