
Intern at
Mergers and Acquisitions
Los Angeles
May 2010
Overall experience

General Interview Information

Accepted Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
Less than 1 month

Interview Details

Please describe the interview / hiring process.
The Interview at Harvey and Company was very logical and typical of a Mergers and Acquisitions firm. Beginning with a phone interview, the process progressed into a standard in-person interview with their human resources. The types of questions that were asked were a mixture of non-technical and technical questions relating to the industry, my previous experiences, and goals that I wanted to achieve through an internship. All in all, the process was very typical without any major curve balls. The company culture at Harvey was very laid back, yet focused and very goal-oriented. I would recommend this company to a friend.
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Associate (Vice President)
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Vp (Vice President)
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Vp (Vice President)
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Quantitative Strategist (Vice President)
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