Real Estate Investment Analyst

1st Year Analyst at
Real Estate
Overall experience

General Interview Information

No Offer
Interview Source
Employee Referral
Length of Process
1-2 months

Interview Details

What did the interview consist of?
Phone Interview
Please describe the interview / hiring process.
I was referred by a family friend to the opening as I had experience working for a real estate developer and brokerage firm through high school and as an intern. Their call time was set up for CST and I hadn't figured for that being in EST, so I figured something must have come up and sent them an email ~45 mins after to reschedule. It was my first interview with a huge company, so I chalked it up as one of those things that happens and went on a run. They called mid run and without looking at caller id I picked up and walked into a bloodbath. Long story short make sure you have the time scheduled properly.
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Other Interview Data

Associate (Vice President)
Goldman Sachs, CHICAGO, 2016
Trader (Vice President)
HSBC, New York, 2022
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Vp (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, New York, 2021
Quantitative Strategist (Vice President)
Morgan Stanley, NA, 2020

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