Project Sequencing

Sequentially organizing your tasks might help you improve the outcome and sustain productivity while you carry out your processes. 

Author: Ely Karam
Ely Karam
Ely Karam
Ely Karam, I hold a bachelor's degree in pure mathematics with a minor in business administration at AUB. Currently, I am finishing my master's degree in finance at AUB. As for my experience, I work as an investment analyst full-time and as a financial consultant part-time. I tutor mathematics, financial accounting, and corporate finance as well.
Reviewed By: Hassan Saab
Hassan Saab
Hassan Saab
Investment Banking | Corporate Finance

Prior to becoming a Founder for Curiocity, Hassan worked for Houlihan Lokey as an Investment Banking Analyst focusing on sellside and buyside M&A, restructurings, financings and strategic advisory engagements across industry groups.

Hassan holds a BS from the University of Pennsylvania in Economics.

Last Updated:October 26, 2023

What is Project Sequencing?

As a project manager, you may organize the workflow of tasks for a new workplace initiative. Team members must start and end activities in a particular fashion according to the project sequence. 

Sequentially organizing your tasks might help you improve the outcome and sustain productivity while you carry out your processes. Employees must do activities according to a defined sequence as part of the project sequencing procedure.

The project's precise chronology makes it possible to produce a high-quality end output. Professionals ensure the project's first phase is efficient before moving on to the second. 

For instance, while creating a perfume, the base notes are put together first, then the middle notes, and ultimately the top notes. As a result, the perfume will smell exactly like you meant it to because of the sequence.

Project managers frequently use sequencing to give more precise instructions on the objectives of their initiatives. The process of sequencing activities identifies the relationships between the assignment's tasks.

Project managers decide what they want to achieve with their work and then plan a logical sequence of actions. They assign numbers that determine when workers begin a task during manufacturing.

For instance, once the task with the number "1" label is finished, the task with the number "2" label follows. Managers can also draw a flowchart to show the flow of the project. The steps are enclosed in shapes in the picture, and the arrows between them show how they relate to one another.

Project sequencing falls under one of the categories. In some circumstances, initiatives can only be carried out in a specific order. The decision to carry out the second project becomes available once the first project is completed and is determined to be lucrative. 

In other words, the second project won't be started until the first one has been completed and is lucrative. Only then will the third project be started.

What Does A Sequencing Diagram Look Like?

Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), a technique that describes the principles for moving through a project, is frequently used in diagrams for sequencing tasks.

It designates which tasks are predecessors, those that come before subsequent steps, and successors, those that come after the earlier activities. 

There are four different kinds of relationships between the starting and finishing obligations. They consist of:

  1. Finish-to-start: The preceding task must be completed before the subsequent activity may start. For instance, team members can begin building individual web pages after the HTML code for the homepage is finished.
  2. Finish-to-finish: A job cannot be completed until the employee has completed the previous task. For instance, until the team completes the website code, the building of the web page is not finished.
  3. Start-to-start: Only when the predecessor has started can the successor start. Professionals, for instance, can begin web page configuration after the coding process has begun.
  4. Start-to-finish: The subsequent work cannot be completed until the earlier task goes. For instance, the team can finish the website's layout after starting HTML coding.

Benefits of project sequencing

Project sequencing is one of the best approaches to breaking down the steps of your project and can lead you to the desired output. It has several benefits, including:

1. Improving The Quality of Your Output

Sequencing a project can enhance the outputs of your tasks. For example, you may confirm that each task is being done as you meant it to be by regularly reviewing and checking on its performance. The effort you've previously made will then be effective enough to continue developing, giving you confidence. 

The outcome can be an effective product that meets the customer's needs. The order prioritizes quality throughout the production process, not just at the conclusion.

2. Recognizing and Addressing Problems

For long-term tasks, it might be crucial for managers to assess their progress with ease, thanks to structuring a project sequence. 

They might check the timeline to identify the practical production elements and those needing improvement. For instance, the television's audio cannot be adjusted using the remote's buttons, so clearly, a problem exists, and the remote's buttons need improvement. 

Engineers may assess the caliber of the preceding and next activities since they know that the volume features were implemented in the middle of the sequence. You can identify the issue and come up with a workable remedy.

How to conduct project sequencing

Each of The following steps is a wonderful action you can take right away to help you divide your enormous work into smaller chunks, leading to a better structured and more robust project.

1. Create A Project Outline

Consider the scope of your assignment as a first step. Consider how large and long it could take you to finish. You may choose where to begin and terminate the sequence by considering the project's scope. 

For instance, if you're creating a line of cookware, you already know that the process starts with assembling the components. It ends once you've evaluated the product's performance and durability while cooking food. 

The actions that occur in the sequence's middle can also be considered. Think about everything you and your team can do to provide customers with a high-quality finished product.

2. Put The Stages in Order of Time

Once you have outlined your phases, the next step is to indicate where each one should go in the chronology. Give your employees identifying numbers so they know which duties are predecessors and successors. You can add tasks using a well-organized framework when carrying out your stages. 

For instance, the sequence you've previously set can readily advise you where to add the second testing procedure if the customer requires further troubleshooting before the release.

It could be beneficial to think about how you want to assign the steps to the experts in your team. For example, if a separate person is assigned to each task, you may make the steps particular so they can understand which step they are responsible for. 

You could make the stages more generic if the project is smaller in scope or if you want to offer the team more leeway to select their contributions.


3. Set Guidelines for Finishing Each Step

Setting up guidelines for working on predecessors and successors is the third phase. But, again, depending on the size of your project, the connections between each job may change. 

For instance, you choose to work on many tasks at once to fulfill the client's deadlines. After that, you may utilize the order to decide how to check for quality before proceeding to the following stage. 

If your project is simple, you might only need to start and finish one action at a time. Instead, choose a sequencing connection that helps your staff to remain productive and guarantees the quality of your job.

4. Put The Outline Into A Diagram

The fourth step is to draw a diagram after you have outlined the connections between your jobs. Place the tasks in the correct chronological order, and include the task identification numbers. Finally, choose forms and patterns to help your team decide when to begin and finish each activity.

For instance, they can tell a relationship is finish-to-start if there is just one arrow connecting two forms. Employees can begin the following tasks if the arrows are circular, but they must first finish the preceding tasks. Set deadlines to let workers know how much time they have for each assignment.

5. Send The Team The Diagram

Promoting the project's goals to your team is the last phase. After you assign the jobs, please encourage them to consult the diagram to comprehend the sequence sections for which they are accountable. 

If you say, for example, that they must finish steps two and three, the assigned members will understand that their task covers the first half of the assignment. Sharing the list of tasks with your team might be useful as well. 

Employees can notice the individual working on the assignment before or after their own when they identify their responsibilities. Then, when they have completed their jobs, they can use the diagram to contact the appropriate person.

Tips for Project Sequencing

The following are some tips you could follow to make your project sequencing tasks easier for you: 

1. Make A Thorough Plan

While it may not be feasible to foresee every activity your project will require, ensuring your initial plan is comprehensive can still be useful. 

Build explicit and quantifiable objectives using all available resources, and decide on the assignment's best flow after doing your research. To learn about the industry norms, you might look at related activities. 

A different alternative is to analyze the successes and failures of your rivals, which may help you plan how to outperform them. Then, before you begin the job, put a thorough strategy to make it simpler to modify as you go.

2. Pay Attention to The Work Schedule of Your Crew

Workers' time to commit to their joint efforts is one factor in a project's success. How available your team members are to help with the task may depend on their existing work schedules. 

They could only be partially available to commit to your project if they are currently involved in another significant task. Create feasible objectives, given how your team members operate.

Setting achievable goals will help employees feel less anxious and stressed, inspiring them to work hard and overcome obstacles. Additionally, if your team perceives that you are concerned about their mental health, it will be easier to win their trust as the project manager.

3. Explain The Project Sequence

The project chronology may impact the success of your project; thus, it may be crucial for your team to comprehend the significance of the sequence. Consider holding a meeting to review the links between the various tasks and how the sequence results in a successful outcome. 

Before moving on to the subsequent stage, you might stress the formal process for ensuring quality in the previous assignment. A picture illustrating the procedure would be useful to your employees as well.

To improve communication and collaboration, people can understand how their particular duties contribute to a more significant undertaking and discover whom to contact about upcoming chores.

4. Purchase Project Management Equipment

Using project management software, you could find it simpler to create and distribute your sequencing activities to the rest of your team. 

You might be able to enter your notes from brainstorming sessions and the reading you did on the subject using the programs' capabilities. You may also include the project's timetable on a calendar where you can get alerts about approaching due dates.

Make your sequencing diagram easier to understand by using the program, which may also add recognizable colors and shapes for your team. Additionally, the tools may break down the diagram into smaller groups of stages so that workers can concentrate on one job at a time

Researched and Authored by Ely Karam | LinkedIn 

Reviewed and edited by Tanay Gehi | Linkedin

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