6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

Let's say that the person you love the most has just been shot. He or she is lying in the street, bleeding and screaming. A guy rushes up and says, "Step aside." He looks over your loved one's bullet wound and pulls out a pocket knife -- he's going to operate right there in the street.

You ask, "Are you a doctor?"

The guy says, "No."

You say, "But you know what you're doing, right? You're an old Army medic, or ..."

At this point the guy becomes annoyed. He tells you that he is a nice guy, he is honest, he is always on time. He tells you that he is a great son to his mother and has a rich life full of fulfilling hobbies, and he boasts that he never uses foul language.

Confused, you say, "How does any of that fucking matter when my (wife/husband/best friend/parent) is lying here bleeding! I need somebody who knows how to operate on bullet wounds! Can you do that or not?!?"

Now the man becomes agitated -- why are you being shallow and selfish? Do you not care about any of his other good qualities? Didn't you just hear him say that he always remembers his girlfriend's birthday? In light of all of the good things he does, does it really matter if he knows how to perform surgery?

In that panicked moment, you will take your bloody hands and shake him by the shoulders, screaming, "Yes, I'm saying that none of that other shit matters, because in this specific situation, I just need somebody who can stop the bleeding, you crazy fucking asshole."

So here is my terrible truth about the adult world: You are in that very situation every single day. Only you are the confused guy with the pocket knife. All of society is the bleeding gunshot victim.

See the full article here

I encourage everyone to read this article, its funny and rather insightful. Advice is really universal and can pretty much be applied to the pursuit of jobs, woman, etc.

Especially the first one. Everything is about what you do, IE the results. I think it gets at why results on your resume are so important for example. Because it's one thing to say you're smart, driven, etc. but without concrete results it's hard for a random person to believe it.

Was wondering if you monkeys perhaps with more life experience had any thoughts on the contents.

John Daggett:
Good article. I would like to add that women don't fall for nice guys. They fall for bad guys that dress nicely.

I thought Bane killed you?

Anyway, the article is great. It's not saying anything original or new, but it's definitely on point with great delivery.

The thing that resonates most with me is his spiel on how most people are haters who will basically trash anything that others create as a defense mechanism. It's much easier to bash the work of others than it is to create things of your own. Unless you get over the fear of other people disliking your work, you'll always hold yourself back and find reasons to not do things.

No matter what, people will hate on things you do. If you're putting yourself out there, someone will knock it. Either to your face or behind your back or behind a computer screen. You can bank on that.


Refreshing to see all you bros going gaga over this lovely article, but the simple fact of the matter is that Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic, which is confirmed by the fact that it compels the everday characters of Glengarry Glen Ross to commit crimes, who previously would not have done such things. That speech absolutely did not make any of them a "better person". This leads me to question the legitimacy of this entire article.

Going Concern:
Refreshing to see all you bros going gaga over this lovely article, but the simple fact of the matter is that Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic, which is confirmed by the fact that it compels the everday characters of Glengarry Glen Ross to commit crimes, who previously would not have done such things. That speech absolutely did not make any of them a "better person". This leads me to question the legitimacy of this entire article.

You question the legitimacy of this article because of how those people misinterpreted the motivational ass-kicking they received? Do you blame the creators of violent video games for the misdeeds of those who go out and try to recreate the action in real life?

Best Response
Going Concern:
Refreshing to see all you bros going gaga over this lovely article, but the simple fact of the matter is that Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic, which is confirmed by the fact that it compels the everday characters of Glengarry Glen Ross to commit crimes, who previously would not have done such things. That speech absolutely did not make any of them a "better person". This leads me to question the legitimacy of this entire article.

You question the legitimacy of this article because of how those people misinterpreted the motivational ass-kicking they received? Do you blame the creators of violent video games for the misdeeds of those who go out and try to recreate the action in real life?

That is a terrible comparison because the purpose of video games is to entertain not guide real life behavior. The purpose of Baldwin's speech was to motivate them to become better salesmen, in which it was an absolute failure. Compare this to Russell Crowe in Gladiator, where his pithy "what we do in life echoes in eternity" speech compels his Roman soldiers to fighter harder, by tapping into a positive aspect of their inner core. All Baldwin's speech does is threaten their jobs and make the real estate agents feel like little pieces of poo stuck to the side of a gas station toilet. It inspires them to commit crimes, and drives them to madness. In other words, it is an absolute failure in terms of accomplishing its objective, which is not a function of the audience but the method and message of the speech itself.

Going Concern:
Refreshing to see all you bros going gaga over this lovely article, but the simple fact of the matter is that Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic.

True, I only watched it for 2 mins and that's it. I prefer Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room. But 'the patient is bleeding in the street. Do you know how to operate or not?' is definitely classic.

The Auto Show
Going Concern:
Refreshing to see all you bros going gaga over this lovely article, but the simple fact of the matter is that Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic.

True, I only watched it for 2 mins and that's it. I prefer Ben Affleck's speech in Boiler Room. But 'the patient is bleeding in the street. Do you know how to operate or not?' is definitely classic.

The 'patient is bleeding' line was just another piece of Baldwin's collage of psychosis. If the patient is bleeding and you're not a doctor, help tend his wounds until the ambulance arrives.

Going Concern:
Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic, which is confirmed by the fact that it compels the everday characters of Glengarry Glen Ross to commit crimes, who previously would not have done such things. That speech absolutely did not make any of them a "better person".
The article is not about being a good person, but about kicking ass. It even explicitly addresses the people who say "i'm a good person" and think they deserve more.
Going Concern:
Alec Baldwin's speech is borderline psychotic, which is confirmed by the fact that it compels the everday characters of Glengarry Glen Ross to commit crimes, who previously would not have done such things. That speech absolutely did not make any of them a "better person".
The article is not about being a good person, but about kicking ass. It even explicitly addresses the people who say "i'm a good person" and think they deserve more.

Then perhaps the article shouldn't have been titled "6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person". Assuming that "kicking ass" and being a "good person" are mutually exclusive, if you really want to "kick ass", maybe just expunge all emotions and be completely singular in focus. Of course then you turn into a machine.


So, I guess I'm the one who has to talk about the elephant in the room? That scarf that Lenny Kravitz is wearing at the beginning of the article, I mean, seriously? At what point does a scarf stop being a scarf and is simply a blanket you're wearing around your neck? Like, when does Lenny Kravitz stop being stylish and starts being an old cat woman who leaves the house with pjs, slippers and a blanket?

Good looks though, great article.

"My caddie's chauffeur informs me that a bank is a place where people put money that isn't properly invested."

Going Concern. It was fuck, or walk. Baldwin advised Mitch and Murray to fired their asses, because a loser is a loser. As it turned out, he was right. The douchebag tries to take the easy way out like most people, because he WAS weak. Nobody forces you to commit a crime. He can't claim duress as nobody had a gun to his head.

Going Concern. It was fuck, or walk. Baldwin advised Mitch and Murray to fired their asses, because a loser is a loser. As it turned out, he was right. The douchebag tries to take the easy way out like most people, because he WAS weak. Nobody forces you to commit a crime. He can't claim duress as nobody had a gun to his head.

The Levene character was weak because he was being given garbage leads and forced to sell, leads so garbage that the one sale he did make was to a couple that was both bankrupt and delusional? What a laugh! It's like being given a 2 and 7 on the poker table and being forced to win the pot or get thrown out of the game. That's not a way to run a business, that's a way to run a madhouse. And coercion isn't limited to a firearm - it can also be accomplished through a big helping of psychological abuse.


I love Cracked. They come up with great stuff like this all the time

Because when you're in a room full of smart people, smart suddenly doesn't matter—interesting is what matters.

I think you're looking too much into the plot of the actual movie which isn't really relevant. I've never seen the movie, and don't have much context for the scene, but the message is self-contained within that 7 min clip, whatever happens after is irrelevant.

The author uses that video twice and the point is the same both times. Society doesn't care if you're a 'good person', in their minds there is no difference between a shitty salesman who is a kind person and a shitty salesman who is an asshole. There is a difference between someone who closes (IE gets actual results) and someone who doesn't. Doesn't matter either way if the shitty salesman is a good person and the guy with results is an ass.

The other resonating point the author makes is that people will watch that same scene and arrive at difference conclusions. Half think ""Wow, what must it be like to have such an asshole boss?" and the other half think, "Fuck yes, let's go out and sell some goddamned real estate!". It's a matter of life perspective, I think one of the main points he is making is that those who think the latter are resting on their laurels of being the nice guy rather than going out there are making actual things happen.

The author uses that video twice and the point is the same both times. Society doesn't care if you're a 'good person', in their minds there is no difference between a shitty salesman who is a kind person and a shitty salesman who is an asshole. There is a difference between someone who closes (IE gets actual results) and someone who doesn't. Doesn't matter either way if the shitty salesman is a good person and the guy with results is an ass.

Why should anyone give a damn about what "society" cares? "Getting results" isn't everything. What about the way results are obtained? Does that not matter in the slightest? Also sometimes there are no results that can be realistically had, and trying to force something from nothing is just madness.

The other resonating point the author makes is that people will watch that same scene and arrive at difference conclusions. Half think ""Wow, what must it be like to have such an asshole boss?" and the other half think, "Fuck yes, let's go out and sell some goddamned real estate!". It's a matter of life perspective, I think one of the main points he is making is that those who think the latter are resting on their laurels of being the nice guy rather than going out there are making actual things happen.

I think it's these same "let's sell some goddamned real estate" people that are so hungry that they're ripping people's faces off and not even blinking an eye. See: Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Yeah, I think this message really resonated with the people that were selling NINJA loans. Ya know, loans made to people with No Jobs, No Income, No Assets. These subprime mortgage lenders were definitely making actual things happen, even though all those "nice guys" were babbling nonsense about the pool of feasible home buyers being saturated.

Going Concern:
The author uses that video twice and the point is the same both times. Society doesn't care if you're a 'good person', in their minds there is no difference between a shitty salesman who is a kind person and a shitty salesman who is an asshole. There is a difference between someone who closes (IE gets actual results) and someone who doesn't. Doesn't matter either way if the shitty salesman is a good person and the guy with results is an ass.

Why should anyone give a damn about what "society" cares? "Getting results" isn't everything. What about the way results are obtained? Does that not matter in the slightest? Also sometimes there are no results that can be realistically had, and trying to force something from nothing is just madness.

The other resonating point the author makes is that people will watch that same scene and arrive at difference conclusions. Half think ""Wow, what must it be like to have such an asshole boss?" and the other half think, "Fuck yes, let's go out and sell some goddamned real estate!". It's a matter of life perspective, I think one of the main points he is making is that those who think the latter are resting on their laurels of being the nice guy rather than going out there are making actual things happen.

I think it's these same "let's sell some goddamned real estate" people that are so hungry that they're ripping people's faces off and not even blinking an eye. See: Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Yeah, I think this message really resonated with the people that were selling NINJA loans. Ya know, loans made to people with No Jobs, No Income, No Assets. These subprime mortgage lenders were definitely making actual things happen, even though all those "nice guys" were babbling nonsense about the pool of feasible home buyers being saturated.

I agree the people with tangible results aren't always the 'good' people. But that's not the point, the point is that for better or worse society will and already does judge people ONLY on the results. For example, I really like Christopher Nolan movies. I have no idea what his personal characteristics are like and whether or not he's a good guy but compared to some other guy who only critiques his work, I think he's a way better person because he actually does stuff.

If you see a chick with a guy who's a total asshole or douchebag, you're natural instinct is to think "wow that guy sucks, I would never do what he does just to get a girl". Yet at the end of the day he is the one walking out of the bar with a hot chick, that's results.

Sure you can have the attitude that you don't care what society thinks. But that is exactly the type of person the author is reaching out to in this article. When you think about it, who wouldn't want to be the guy with the hot chick or the movie director who has thousands of people looking over their work. Not caring what society thinks is a defense mechanism. There are lots of good people out there, the author is challenging those people to get out there and make something of that rather than putting up walls. Until then the closers will continue to sell shitty assets to people while the good guys will always be only the critics, shaking their heads and saying "wow how stupid were those ideas those 'closers' came up with" They need to get out there and DO SOMETHING. Instead of standing on the sideline and saying that's a bad idea they need to show why it is and come up with something better. They need to go up to that chick and not only tell her that that guy is a douchebag but also become the better alternative.


The article is great when it comes to accomplishing something with your life, to make it one worth living. Where he lost me was when he started talking about being a "nice guy" with regards to women.

I know a ton of men that this columnist would approve of in terms of accomplishment. Coming from a science background, I have known computer programmers bordering on prodigious, top-notch medical students, and incredibly good scientists. To put it bluntly, I know a lot of accomplished nerds. And these nerds aren't loners. They're relatively sociable, likable, funny, sociable and charming, more or less, to the point where they can play office politics to their favor.

But NONE of them gets laid or gets any attention/respect from women. They are perpetually friendzoned. And in my brutally honest opinion, it's because they're relatively ugly. Probably the harshest truth is that, in regards to women, looks are probably the most important thing. Hey, even Bill Gates said, "Life isn't fair."

But still, they have accomplished a lot. And they are extremely motivated, so good for them

I know a ton of men that this columnist would approve of ...But NONE of them gets laid or gets any attention/respect from women.

The columnist is a guy.

Probably the harshest truth is that, in regards to women, looks are probably the most important thing. Hey, even Bill Gates said, "Life isn't fair

The main point behind the example you just gave is the same as the rest of the article- you're entitled to nothing. These guys got these great jobs, made money, and got some people to clap their hands. So what? You're still not entitled to anything, and never will be for that matter.

Getting grades doesn't entitle you to a good job; having said good job doesn't always entitle you to being good at said good job and making good money; said good money doesn't entitle you to getting laid; and getting laid doesn't entitle you to happiness and long-term fulfillment. Anyone that tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something.

I know a ton of men that this columnist would approve of ...But NONE of them gets laid or gets any attention/respect from women.

The columnist is a guy.

Probably the harshest truth is that, in regards to women, looks are probably the most important thing. Hey, even Bill Gates said, "Life isn't fair

The main point behind the example you just gave is the same as the rest of the article- you're entitled to nothing. These guys got these great jobs, made money, and got some people to clap their hands. So what? You're still not entitled to anything, and never will be for that matter.

Getting grades doesn't entitle you to a good job; having said good job doesn't always entitle you to being good at said good job and making good money; said good money doesn't entitle you to getting laid; and getting laid doesn't entitle you to happiness and long-term fulfillment. Anyone that tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something.

You pretty much just summed up my own opinion and framed it as an argument against my points.

First, I'm aware that the columnist is a man. What I meant is that he would agree that my friends have followed the advice in his article.

Second, my entire point was exactly what you just wrote. These are well-accomplished friends who have done the world quite a bit of good, even when they're still young. What I didn't understand about the article is the inclusion of attraction. Attraction is a bit mysterious. It just happens and can't really be controlled like the columnist assumes. Sure, things like money and good personality help. But often, in my experience, attraction really boils down to physical attraction first. No one, including myself, argued that my friends deserved or were entitled to hot women because of their accomplishments. I'm simply saying that even though these friends were accomplished, they don't get women, which is something the columnist implied would happen if they produced, were valuable and were not entitled.


the ends are all that matter, you are free to redefine your end as only using moral means.

this article was reasonable, its fairly fucking obvious to be honest lol, I paraphrased this to myself a long time ago to "Nobody gives a fuck".

author comes over as too arrogant /self-righteous considering he some random writer on the internet but whatever

to the guy talking about what society thinks, what society thinks is completely irrelevant since 99% of society is completly fucktarded and useless. I would only worry about what the 1% thinks (and define that 1% for urself...)

the ends are all that matter, you are free to redefine your end as only using moral means.

Oh really? So you're saying it's fine to forge leadership activities/awards to get into Oxford/Cambridge? Fine to fabricate your resume to get a job? Only problem is, if every single person did that, society wouldn't function.

See: categorical imperative.

"We first have a perfect duty not to act by maxims that result in logical contradictions when we attempt to universalize them. The moral proposition A: "It is permissible to steal" would result in a contradiction upon universalisation. The notion of stealing presupposes the existence of property, but were A universalized, then there could be no property, and so the proposition has logically negated itself."

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:
the ends are all that matter, you are free to redefine your end as only using moral means.

Oh really? So you're saying it's fine to forge leadership activities/awards to get into Oxford/Cambridge? Fine to fabricate your resume to get a job? Only problem is, if every single person did that, society wouldn't function.

See: categorical imperative.

"We first have a perfect duty not to act by maxims that result in logical contradictions when we attempt to universalize them. The moral proposition A: "It is permissible to steal" would result in a contradiction upon universalisation. The notion of stealing presupposes the existence of property, but were A universalized, then there could be no property, and so the proposition has logically negated itself."

again you are free to include "using moral means" as an end, I am not sure how anything you said contradicts my statement...

I don't understand why everyone is tripping up on the point of women. It is exactly equable with the points of getting results in other areas of life. At no point does he define results as a static objective thing either, it's all relative. He also doesn't say that you have to give up being a good person or give up your morals. He says to do things IN ADDITION to being a good person to make yourself better overall. I'm not sure what HostileTakeOver's point is; his friends are getting results in other areas and not taking action to be better with women and those are exactly the results they are getting. The "nice guy" argument is full of logical fallacies / defense mechanisms and is a broader issue but is tangential in the fact that it leads to non-doing, which is what the author is addressing.


Loved it. The main point is that you're entitled to nothing, and I agree. Society (and everything, for that matter) values you based on your contributions; the doctor story illustrates that if you put in the time, effort, and sacrifice to earn the badge of doctorhood, you'll be compensated for it. What's wrong with this?

I think some of you are getting hung up the idea that some of these so-called "winners" might be huge douchebags in person, which might in turn make it seem like they don't really deserve their position. Or that being a douchebag is inextricably tied to success. Neither is the case.

Douchebaggery is an unneccesary byproduct of success, not an ingredient for it. And acting like a douche never ends well. Society might not care about your personal characteristics, but those in your inner circle certainly do. Trust me, everything catches up to you and ends up biting you in the ass. If you're selfish, callous and incapable of emphathizing with others, well guess what, no one's going to empathize with you when shit really hits the fan. And if you shamelessly flaunt your "success", you're only making yourself a target.


You have or don't have a job because you can or can't do something for someone else. Nobody will pay you if you can't DO something.

Results = Money

"Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."

Accusantium doloribus et magnam laboriosam enim et non. Nam ad dolore nihil quo temporibus. Consequuntur quia enim ad officiis eveniet commodi dolor.

Blanditiis iste ab doloribus corporis. Quaerat excepturi vitae cupiditate culpa asperiores. Eveniet nesciunt possimus aut est. Reprehenderit soluta in aut non sunt eos reiciendis.

Mollitia eos autem labore illum eum voluptas ducimus. Suscipit doloremque qui cum optio. Ea rerum magnam nisi blanditiis. Provident consectetur consequatur numquam quidem voluptatem.


Possimus et non dolorem odio incidunt. Officia voluptate perspiciatis voluptatem modi. Quam totam recusandae et voluptatem. Vero id vel debitis quia. Omnis ipsam officiis sunt illum.

Velit magni repellat voluptas porro. Dolore ea fuga adipisci a sit. Quaerat minima rem sequi et autem sunt.

Aut aliquam porro dolores nemo soluta. Dolorem non et vitae vitae enim aut dolor labore. Repudiandae et fuga voluptas.

Voluptatem cumque sit tempora molestiae et. Magnam explicabo reprehenderit ut hic eaque officia. Corporis reiciendis accusantium deserunt.


Alias temporibus ea repellat. Magni eum nam voluptates qui sint aspernatur vel. Ut accusantium voluptates eveniet non nostrum itaque.

Est vero asperiores est autem est similique. Enim sed reprehenderit et cumque neque magni labore voluptates.

Quia quis eaque nisi et enim voluptatibus. Provident recusandae assumenda aperiam ad. Laudantium assumenda voluptatem tempore odit. Exercitationem aut cumque suscipit tempore eius. Est ut tempore accusantium blanditiis adipisci cumque doloremque. Ratione consequatur et consequatur et tenetur sunt laboriosam. Explicabo nostrum magni perferendis voluptatum.

Quo sit unde nihil et rerum voluptatem magnam. Itaque sed quia reiciendis omnis. Ut adipisci quis aspernatur occaecati expedita consequatur voluptas omnis.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

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