Is it interesting and what are the opportunities to be auditor ? And what about being auditor in London ?
Hi everybody,
I'm a french speaker student in Banking & Asset Management at a not so well known university. I'm going soon to do an internship at the Big4 audit department focus on banking sector in Brussels. I choose this kind of internship as I don't feel comfortable with the pure field of Asset Management and all subject related to financial market and so on. By the way, I have to admit that I'm not the "best student model".. I'm really interested in finance but maybe not enough to perform at the uni and apply in a position with high responsibilities.
I heard that being auditor is a very good foundation in finance if your are interested in corporate finance, private equity, M&A which is my case. However, I've noticed that too much students in finance are applying in audit whatever their finance specialization which make me perceived audit as a too common way to start a financial career.
What are the opportunities after being senior auditor ? Is it possible to move to a Investment Bank, Hedge fund, Investment, fund, etc ? I clearly don't want to do a career in audit but integrate something more "sexy" as soon as possible.
Then, I would like to ask how are perceived auditor in London ? Are there more opportunities for a student who just looking for his way in Finance ?
Jones3424, hey, look at the bright side, at least you didn't get a ton of monkey shit thrown at is my best guess on threads that might be helpful:
Fingers crossed that one of those helps you.
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At sequi molestias iure. Soluta sit commodi non nemo ipsa voluptatem. Aliquid molestiae commodi odio nisi voluptatum et unde omnis.
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