Is my Low GPA Salvageable?
I'm currently a freshman at a semi-target university (20th-30th in terms of U.S IB recruiting). My goal is IB in NY at a BB/EB. Unfortunately, my grade currently sits at around 74% (not sure what this translates to in GPA). A lot of this grade is due to factors that won't occur again and my grade is way below where my understanding of any of the material is (I'm a first year business student so none of my courses are even hard I just managed to completely fuck myself somehow). I will definitely be able to raise my grades but I'm not sure if its too late to get it up to BB/EB levels. Was wondering if my goal was still feasible. Thanks for any input.
I intend to:
Completely grind my courses for the rest of the year (Obviously)
Take summer courses to boost my GPA
Network extremely hard with older students (especially 3rd/4th years who will be working when I'm recruiting)
Attempt to land a remote, unpaid search fund internship during the school year (Starting cold emailing this week)
Land a summer internship in finance
Continue to be heavily involved at the finance clubs in my school
Continue to keep up on business news
Continue to learn finance technicals
Also, if anyone has anything to add to this list that I should be doing, it would be extremely helpful. Thanks
Heavy networking can make up for a allow gpa, and it’s what I’d recommend doing
What types of people would you focus on networking with in 1st year? (Aside from older students)
In a similar situation. bump
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