Need Advice - Delay Graduation?
Hey y’all, I’m a junior at a target studying finance w w 3.8+ and I signed a 2024 buy side of offer at a decently well known firm but middle market still. I tried recruiting ib and had supers at a couple ebs/bbs but no offers. I really do want ib as I know optionality out of ug is extremely important but I think I’d have a really hard time recruiting ft given others will have ib exp. Is it worth delaying grad to re recruit for SA 2025 and will banks even be willing to give me another chance? Should I avoid anyone I chatted last year? I would really appreciate any advice!
No. Definitely not.
You‘d seriously risk your FT offer at a decent shop just for the chance of applying for SA positions, which - assuming you were able to land one - doesn’t even guarantee a conversion? Additionally, there is no guarantee for you to land a SA position in the first place. Huge downside potential with a low chance of success. You can make lots of money in MM PE, I‘ve seen people jump ships MM -> MF if that’s what you desire.
but please, don’t throw everything you‘ve worked for away just to have another shot…
Oh my bad, my offer is for a SA 2024 spot not a full time one. J yo clarify
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