What's your workout/supplement routine? Here's my key to greatness.

Hey guys. I'm 19 and am currently a Finance student. Goal is a solid IB gig. That's not the topic of this discussion. I wanna know what you bankers do to stay in shape! Let me know anything and everything.. share your routines! This is simply out of curiosity and is just for fun guys.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a health expert nor do I think of myself as one at all, this is just my personal routine. I hired and used a personal trainer for 4 months; after that I let him go and have been doing my own thing. I believe that personal trainers are not needed once they have taught you everything they know, and would never have a trainer for more than 6 months.

Upon waking up, take one scoop of BPI Glutamine with 16oz of water. First thing I do.
Fun Fact: Drinking 16oz of water upon waking up will increase your metabolism up to 110%.

Next is cardio, on an empty stomach.
I add 1 scoop of BPI CLA + Carnitine, blend into my water for my run. (sno cone flavor kicks ass).
HIIT training.. I sprint a minute for every minute I spend jogging.. Usually end up running for 25 min. I run on a treadmill with a slight incline, on good days i'll run outside!

Get home, shower, breakfast. I take a multivitamin and fish oil after breakfast. Any multivitamin and fish oil that you do your research on is sufficient; it's hard to go wrong with those.. just grab the GNC blend if you aren't sure! I use "Klean Athlete" Multivitamin & Omega fish oil pills.

Breakfast usually consists of 12oz egg whites and 2 full hard boiled eggs with 1/2 cup oatmeal.

So my mid-day is really just me eating, I like to do my lifting at night.

Meal 2: 7oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup white rice
-90 min later-
Meal 3: 7oz salmon, 1 cup of greens. (I eat broccoli and asparagus, sometimes I bake some zucchini.)

Meal 4 (Pre-Workout):
-1/2 whole avocado
-1 slice of ezekiel bread
-25g cashews

IMO: Meal 4 is a perfect pre workout meal, you don't get full or bloated but you have a great amount of energy.

Evening Workout
-Bare Performance Nutrition Pre-Workout (15-20 min prior gym)
-BPI Best BCAA's (sip while working out)

I have a pretty complex workout schedule, but I gym 5 days a week(mon-fri) and my current routine is 16-20 working sets and between 6-10 reps/set.
Day 1: Shoulders/Calves
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Chest/Calves
Day 5: Arms/Forearms

I don't know about you guys, but I have to do arms/forearms last before my 2 day rest period. They're too burnt to go into chest with full power before 2 days pass by.

Post Workout/Final Meal
Meal 5: Bare Performance Nutrition Milk'n Cookies flavored whey isolate, 2 scoops; mix with 1/2 cup of oats. (Don't give me shit for using a flavored protein. It's fucking awesome and only has 2% DV of sugar, the rest is straight isolate protein)

Meal 6: Romaine salad w/ 4oz chicken shredded

I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water daily.

What do you guys think? This works really well for me and I have seen tremendous gains, it's perfect for my body and leaves me with a clear mind and tons of energy at all times!

*P.S: Any of you guys actually go to Equinox? if so is it worth it (lol)? I live in Northern Virginia and go to a pretty nice local club called Sport&Health and also Gold's. *


I don't really dabble with broscience or any of that GNC stuff. What has worked for me is eating healthy, getting extra carbs/protein if you are trying to get bigger, and being consistent with going to the gym.

I will say, when I was in college I experimented with creatine and gained 15 pounds of mass in 3 weeks. It was incredible, but it was all water weight. Still looked great for spring break though.


Kup. Keeping it simple is honestly the best way imo, I agree. My current routine is really in depth because I hired a personal trainer to get me where I want to be in the best way possible. Used him for a few months and now i'll never need guidance again!

Best Response

Dude you’re fucking 19 you don’t know shit from sugar you can eat dick for breakfast and pussy for lunch, wash it down with malt liquor, sleep on a bench for 3 hours, every day for 6 months and look and feel great. I’m glad you’re enjoying your bodybuilding.com subscription.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

If you are going to end up in S&T you'll need to be able to rage quit and smash your keyboard into tiny pieces at least once during your first year. This is a must. If you are able to break the keyboard in half after the first hit, more points to you.

You killed the Greece spread goes up, spread goes down, from Wall Street they all play like a freak, Goldman Sachs 'o beat.

when I was 19 I had a disciplined regimen as well:

7am - wake up in a daze, figure out whose house I crashed. lament that I got too drunk to close chelsea who was all about it last night

8 - class starts, we have a test today

815 - arrive at class, professor doesn't care, just points me to my seat and tells me to shutup. I manage to hit every chair as I find my way to my seat

825 - the scaries are wearing off, ready to start the test

9 - holy fuck, I finished the test, but now I think I'm gonna ralph...

12p - see chelsea at the dining hall, she's with that cheesedick from TKE. go over there and blow up their little lunch pow wow, tell them about the party tonight, making it clear it's at my house and therefore corbin (or whatever cheesedick name he has) is not invited. could tell she's still into it, must've not made a huge ass out of myself last night

3 - fuck math class, time to start things off with a nice busch latte

7 - bros are out of class, charlie is in a particularly aggressive mood, fires off a text "have a beer ready, I want to shotgun one before I step out of the car," it's gonna be a good night

9 - people start trickling into the house, no more than a couple, 5-10 tops, get the obligatory bong rips out of the way before the party shows up

12a - great night, except chelsea is FUBAR. being the gentleman I am, I can't try to close. oh shit, is that megan? daaaaaaamn, option 2 lookin real good.

8am - sleep through charity event I was supposed to host, get angry call from Sorority Council prez, accidentally answer to her screams, thank god our VP is her fucktoy, he'll handle it. go back to bed and try to convince megan to ignore the spilled beer on the floor and general mustiness of the house and get onboard with round 2.

9 - she refuses, leaves but not in a bad mood, roommates make their way downstairs to kibbitz with everyone who passed out, debating between gatorade and mimosas to fend off the shakes.

wash, rinse, repeat.


Bought out all the Craze from GNC the day the news broke and sold them on ebay for $120 a pop. Made about $700 after everything in like 3 hours. Dead serious.

Some have been going for $200+ depending on the availability at the time on ebay. I bet there are still small vitamin/supplement shops that are not franchises selling it in NYC where you can grab some for the normal $38. Most GNC stores have removed it from shelves though but it is in the backroom if you really push them.

It's pretty insane and brings back memories of the Jack3d with DMAA in it that got banned. Difference is DMAA helps build muscle, meth destroys muscle. It does help you pumped though.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

I still have probably 1/3 of a tub left, I'm definitely making some in-store GNC run to pick up the last of the inventory. Sounds like a good way to cash out. This stuff is amazing tho, too good to be true.


Ive been using this for almost 2 years now. Not consistently, but on and off. While it does work well I notice nothing even remotely close to any "meth like substance". No euphoria, etc. Just increased focus. And it only lasts for 2 hours or so. Then you crash and feel like crap. Despite all of this I continue to use it lol.

Plus considering the owner's history with problems with substance tampering I'm surprised he's even allowed to continue making products. I guess that just shows how unregulated the supplement industry is.

Anyway I have 1 tub left and will not use it or sell it until I see how this situation plays out.

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

@Bobb I believe it was suspected of having the illegal ingredients but after denials from the company and no FDA movement it never gained any ground. Finally shit is hitting the fan about it.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

When it has a meth-like compound in it and is going to be banned aka never be sold again. Lots of people... same thing with Jack3d with DMAA the original formula.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

I tried various approaches to this and I must say that the one that I personally found the easiest is as follows: In essence, I switched my diet to an intermittent fasting approach, which means that you fast 16 hours a day and have an 8 hour eating window. This in essence allowed me to go all day without eating, until later at night, when the bank paid for my meal. Given that the "rule" is that you are allowed to eat Carbs when you lifted weights, I made sure that I would go lift/train during lunch break and then eat at night. Of course, you have to work with what ever's going on that day.

Another approach I have seen people follow was to adhere to stuff outlined in 4h-Body by Ferris. I have no idea if anyone really ever managed to follow all the micro details, but I think that I works quite well in general.

I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing. See my Blog & AMA

I've actually managed to focus better on bodybuilding since I've started working - I'm just more disciplined with my time on weekdays. I try to get two workouts on the weekdays either early morning before work or late night after work. The remainder of the two workouts are done on the weekends or Friday (our group is mostly gone by 7).

For meals, I just order water and snacks from Seamless. I like counting calories exactly (with macros) to know precisely where I'm going with my weight - either bulking or cutting. Estimating calories for food that you didn't cook is nearly impossible and almost always leads to massive errors. Bottomline, if you're concerned enough you can definitely pull it. Don't let a corporate suck health out of you.


This is going to be controversial but I don't eat lunch. I drink tea with two "packets" of oatmeal in the morning for breakfast, and then I eat dinner (which I order from seamless) at around 7 or 8 PM. That usually holds me through the entire day until 1 or 2 AM. Then, if I have to stay at the office longer, I'll eat a cliff bar and I'll be good. The only time I have to work out is on Sunday, so I'll bike and do a whole-body workout which takes me about 1.5 hours. So during the weekday I eat about 1500 calories a day, and at 150 lbs that's sort of a deficit, but counteracts the fact that my metabolisms is slowly decreasing. During the weekends I eat closer to 2000 to 2500 calories a day. (Because of alcohol lol)

Everyone has a different approach, but most people I know need to eat three times a week, whereas I'm taking an unorthodox approach to a rather unorthodox job.

Disclaimer: I work in ER, but I work like 70-80 hour weeks. ( Don't argue with me, every industry team is different).


I've drastically become less of a meat since graduating college. Granted I live w my gf it makes sense to eat normal food. That being said, the days of crazy cutting diets are over. The amount of stress it puts on your body is unbelievable. Anything under 10% isn't maintainable for a real human lifestyle.

You throw in beer drinking, children, wifey obligations and one can become obese quickly. I personally like to go insane at the gym on weekends.

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold. I'll be fine once I get it

I try and aim for 4 days per week. 2 weekday/2 weekend. I get up at least 30 minutes earlier to make breakfast and make 2 meals to take with me for the day (something small). It holds me over and doesn't keep me absolutely starving. I usually have a bigger breakfast/bigger dinner and then small meals in between.


It's a big problem, but sacrifices have to be made. I used to be ripped in hs, 6 pack and could run a 4.6 40 yard dash, 200+ bench etc and my fitness has completely deteriorated after multiple finance internships, eating crap all the time (no time to cook) and while trying to enjoy college while pulling IB worthy grades. Some people are genetic freaks and can remain ripped, but I just workout 3 times a week and try to maintain my fitness (body fat %) and get stronger little by little


Best way to do it IMO is have healthy snacks at your desk. Having something healthy to snack on in between large meals will help prevent you from gorging yourself on heavy fatty foods. Things that I keep: - Almonds - peanuts - bananas -apples -granola bars -protein bars - LOTS of water.

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.

When I first started I didn't realize how freaking easy it is to gain weight. If you sit 12-14+ hours a day at work, then go home and sleep, you're just doing nothing.

How I'm coping with it: I do Crossfit from 6am-7am. I go anytime I get to bed before 12:30am. My goal is to make it 3-4 days a week. I also eat better. A lot of chicken, fish, greek yogurt, granola, Quinoa, bulgar, salad. If you have a whole foods next to you, you can get some really good tasting stuff.

Also, diet soda vs. regular soda barely makes a difference because you body doesn't know how to brake down artificial sweeteners. Numerous studies have shown if you drink 2 sodas a day (diet or reg) there is some hefty weight gain. I've thus mostly cut out soda, trying only to drink it 1-2 days a week.

That may be an extreme way to fight the weight gain, but two months into this new routine and it is still working.

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."

I'm trying out that DAA + Erase Pro stack that everyone seems to like. Supposed to be good for recomp. Doing well so far.

Other than that...gold standard whey, multi vitamins, fish oil, flax seed oil, ZMA...Nothing exciting.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Creatine, Protein, Multi, Fish Oil, Biotin, Green Tea Extract and the occasional pre-workout if needed, usually CL White Flood.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

SizeOn from Gaspari is by far the best supplement I have ever tried. Used creatine monohydrate a lot but the effects wore off after the first few cycles. Switched to SizeOn and it felt like reintroducing my body to creatine. Other than that it's just the basics; protein, flex seed oil, glucosamine and MSM.

It's hip to be square!

Pre-workout: c4 Supps: protein, multi, fish oil, creatine.

If you're bulking - EAT a ton of food, but clean. Might want to use a weight gainer/mass type of protein as a post workout shake.


If your taking anything like C4 or creatine pre-workout, you better be someone that lifts hard or your just throwing money away. Especially with creatine, make sure you drink water and workout hard, some people also look like bloated fish after taking creatine for for a couple weeks. I keep it pretty simple, vitamin tablet with breakfast in the morning, I lift hard and drink a protein shake right after. Then take a fish oil tablet with dinner. You don't need all those fancy horse pills and stuff. Workout properly, eat well, make sure you hit those macros, and keep a good protein intake.

  • I take Orange Triad as a daily multivitamin.
  • Optimum Nutrition Whey with milk as a mid-morning snack. I'll also add a banana to this and consume immediately after working out.
  • Casein with milk before bed.
  • Up Your Mass before working out.
  • Purple Wraath mixed w/ water during my workout on hard training days.

I recently added the UYM since I'm struggling to maintain my weight, and it seems to be working well so far.


I'm 25 now and I played tennis when I was younger and I've lifted since I was around 19, but I could use more information on properly deadlifting, squatting, and plyometrcis. I have a few routines I follow but I've never used a trainer.


ScottHermanFitness and Athlean-X are great youtubers for lifting. Try to find a program that works for you and watch videos from credible youtubers on how to do the exercises.

A few general pointers I have in case you have any interest in lifting:

1) half the battle is fought in the kitchen. Calculate your macros (protein, carbs, and fat) based on what your goals are (whether you want to bulk, lose weight, build strength, etc) and calories and follow that generally to maximize results.

2) before you lift, warmup dammit. Take it from me, I just pulled a pec a couple weeks ago BC I never warmed up -- rookie move I know :(

3) learn the lift before you do it. Lifting with improper form can cause injury. On that note, don't swing weights when you lift. In most if not every exercise, you should have control of the weight throughout the entire lift. That means on bench press you bring the barbell to your chest, don't bounce it off your chest, and push it back to the top.

4) don't ego lift. Don't worry about trying to do as much weight as possible. You seem to have a good grasp of this as you're here asking for info on the matter. Make sure you do the lifts properly (following guides from credible people).

5) breathing is a big part of lifting. As you go through the negative phase of a lift (slowly and in control), breathe in. As you go through the positive phase, breathe out. Watch a video on it, it helps with lifting in general.

6) partners are great. You hold each other accountable and they can tell if your form is wrong in any way. I lift alone in college right now, but I sure as hell wish I had a partner.

7) Getting into lifting, running, plyometrics, calisthenics, or whatever floats your boat is an excellent thing to do in your life. Spend like 30-45 min looking at a chest program/how to do the exercises and dive right in. Do that 6 days a week (that's my personal recommendation as I have a harder time forming the habit if I take more days off), and it will eventually become a way of life for you. Best of luck!

Also r/bodybuilding is a great source of info on lifting in general.


+1sb for the info

Check out r/advanced fitness too, I spent more time reading research reports on nutrition and physiology toy than than most of my non-finance classes put together.

Look up videos from Omar Isuf, threes one with that guy Alistair that does a great video on low bar squats. Unless your able to record yourself and compare you may not improve as much as you'd like too. That from T-nation, that big bald one, I love watching that guy too. There's also a bunch of other videos.

You probably get most bang for your buck with personal trainers if you just use them to learn the big lifts.

**How is my grammar? Drop me a note with any errors you see!**

Sorry man...this is just plain wrong, and dangerous as you get to heavy weight.

"5) breathing is a big part of lifting. As you go through the negative phase of a lift (slowly and in control), breathe in. As you go through the positive phase, breathe out. Watch a video on it, it helps with lifting in general."

The correct way to breathe for ANY LIFTING is to inhale to your diaphragm and into your stomach AND BRACE. The opposite of this is breathing through your chest shoulders like you are shrugging. You want to take a breath, brace on the eccentric part of the lift, then only breathe out on the concentric part of the lift when you are half way done. This way of breathing, done by ALL olympic lifters and and powerlifters, will enable you to lift more weight and get more muscle. If you preform a squat with 315lbs on your back and inhale on the way down..how do I say this delicately: YOU WILL HERNIATE ALL YOUR DISCS IN YOUR LUMBAR SPINE. I SH*T YOU NOT.


Two guys I follow on Youtube are Steve Cook and Calum Von Moger. The only thing though is these guys are more about entertaining than strictly teaching through their videos. While most of their training is bodybuilding style, they are part of the newer movement to achieve the best aesthetic rather than just get Ronnie Coleman huge.

For pure coaching, you might want to check out Mark Rippetoe. He's a very opinionated coach however and I don't agree with everything he preaches. He also doesn't care much about the aesthetic side. Having said that, he's super knowledgeable and respected.


Resident Bro here Chris Duffin Mark Bell (Supertrianing) Elliot Hulse (Strength Camp) Cali Strength Jim Wendler T-Nation.com Elitefts.com

Stick to the basics. 5/3/1 or 5x5.

Boring but big.


Short Simple Answer for ultimate muscle growth.

Train four to five times a week (Day 1: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders; Day2: Legs, Abs; Day3: Biceps, Back; Day 4: Weak Muscles I + Abs; Day 5: Weak Muscles II

Include one of four essential exercises: bench press, squats, military press, dead lifts - in every workout

3 Sets (excluding fatique set and warm-up): first set: 10 reps; second set: 8 reps; third set: 6 reps This way your gaining muscle and strength at the same time.

Consumption: Whey Protein and Creatine (also increases cognitive ability)


I really like the TRX. It comes with an instructional video. I rarely lift these days, and when I do it's lighter weight. Got enough lifting from my military/college sports days. So many people have shitty form and/or try to throw up way too much weight too quickly. You can build lean muscle and strength with the TRX without f-ing yourself long-term.


I love exercise but this is not bodybuilding.com

just because people share a common interest in finance doesn't mean they know shit about exercising. I don't watch exercise videos unless I'm doing yoga, learning a new move or trying to improve my form.

coming from someone who played high school athletics but not college, has tried a lot of different stuff, and knows a few guys with advanced degrees and have been strength coaches at major college & pro programs, the best thing you can do is get yourself a good foundation then do whatever you want.

if you love lifting, 5x5 & 5/3/1 are great foundations, but do NOT neglect form. lift much lighter weights with perfect form before you move up. there's a video floating around instagram of a dude "benching" 315 just because he arches his back up so high. form is key if you want to prevent injury. if you don't like 5x5, do your own thing, do crossfit, do OLY, whatever.

if you don't wanna lift, that's fine, there's plenty of other stuff you can do. calisthenics, boxing, MMA, 9round, martial arts, swimming (rob case of xswim is who I'd recommend), yoga, etc.

the biggest problem I have with these types of questions is people are going to try to make you believe their method is the best and if you don't do it, you're a fool. you usually find this with rippetoe disciples who don't want to let you believe there's any kind of squat other than a low bar squat, the proper way to OH press is that weird hip move rather than a strict press, etc. you can also find this arrogance in the crossfit community, if you don't know your fran or murph time, they look at you like you're a plebe who doesn't deserve to own compression shorts.

I realize this wasn't very specific, I just think you should try a bunch of stuff, focus on technique not how heavy the weights are, and you'll be alright.


I think you will get a lot of helpful suggestions here - to be clear, there is no "correct" or "universal" solution here. Eventually, you have to find a program that works for you, and that will come down to, well, what works for you personally. I think a big piece of the puzzle is consistency - you have to stick with something that will get you to the gym and keep up your momentum. Something that motivates you to keep going. As the brofessor noted, this thread runs the risk of devolving into heated arguments about what is right and what is wrong - as in other areas of life, too many people take the "my way or the highway" route and think they know best.

My personal recommendation would be to sample a few workout routines. I can also tell you what has been working for me personally (without claiming that it's the right solution for you, though I'd love it if you gave it a shot). I've been doing Athlean-X for 18 months now. I found Jeff Cavaliere to be a highly credible source of information on athletic training. It's not a body-building program - the guy is a physiotherapist by training, and was the assistant strength coach for the Mets a few years back. I would characterize the program as focused on building lean muscle through short, HIIT workouts 5 times a week (but they are only 30-40 minutes each if you don't slack off). Big focus on training through failure and exhausting your muscles in a minimum amount of time to get you in and out of the gym as efficiently as possible. I have made significant gains through that program - mainly verified through a lot of my friends commenting on my body (since I see myself in the mirror every day, the incremental change day-to-day is not noticeable, but I do see it pop out when I look at old pictures).

You can watch hundreds of free videos on his YouTube channel. He usually posts 2-3 videos a week. If you decide to buy one of his programs (they span 6-12 weeks each, though he also has a monthly subscription program called NXT), you will get a detailed 5-10 minute walkthrough video for each day, detailed written instructions, individual videos for each exercise, a meal plan, access to his member forum and support. It's like having a personal trainer, but at much better economics (think $30 per month, and you own a given program for life so can repeat as many times as you want). I could go on and on about this, but the truth is that you have to find something for yourself that will allow you to be consistent - that's like half the battle. Good luck.


p90x and video programs are for beta males.

watch form for compound lifts you were inquiring about on the crossfit youtube channel and Elliot Hulse/ Strength camp channels. You can find programs ranging from 4-12 weeks for a variety of goals on bodybuilding.com and muscleandfitness as well.

regardless of goals start light and make sure you get form before increasing weights. "Lift light weights like they're heavy and heavy weight like its light"


This is one area where I can actually contribute. I have been powerlifting for a long time and have done various types of training in and out of the gym. The best resources and also trusted by many coaches is a book called Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. This will teach you the big 3 lifts and how to execute them safely. Use this to learn how to do it and then follow Mehndi's (or something like that - just google it) 5x5 program.

In addition, add some cardio but MAKE SURE you pick something that is fun. e.g. people who hike will find it fun and in a way is cardio/endurance. Also, after week or two, once your system gets use to 5x5, start adding in creative exercises from youtube channels such as AthlenX.

Remember, under this program, you might not think you are doing much and will want to "workout more" but trust me, DONT DO THAT. Because your nervous system will be overloaded under the 5x5 program. So only do little more of fun cardio / small exercises to hit the connecting muscles such as rotator cuffs. The 3 exercises in the 5x5 will hit all the major muscles so you only need to worry about maintaining the smaller, and very important, muscles such as hip stabilizers, rotator cuffs, grip strength, etc.

Hope this helps!


Facilis et placeat quo occaecati doloribus. Et voluptatem magnam qui debitis quae est. Ea itaque qui voluptas qui. Et sint sunt illum sed autem.

Modi ex voluptate et aut ut est. Assumenda eum rerum ipsum consectetur sed dolor. Facilis perspiciatis doloribus illum iste veniam dolor harum. Voluptatibus adipisci ipsam consequatur magnam quia consectetur maxime.

Minus illum rerum dolores totam. Necessitatibus eos aut ullam doloremque debitis quis quos. Voluptate doloribus ut aut ut voluptatibus. Illo quaerat voluptatem ut vero eius. Fugiat quia cupiditate quasi excepturi dicta sapiente.


Totam debitis dignissimos autem aliquam sequi optio culpa. Dolores voluptatum sed consequatur rerum illum accusantium et. Asperiores aspernatur nulla optio autem repellendus aut hic.

Odio quibusdam occaecati voluptate magni. Rerum officia animi eos eum. Quia perferendis rerum illo sit doloribus quo.

Eligendi voluptas est delectus tempore. Rem necessitatibus ex voluptatem. Sapiente necessitatibus exercitationem commodi omnis. Consequatur nihil est eligendi amet. Est mollitia quia autem quam.

Voluptatibus voluptatem quis suscipit est doloremque ea. Qui nulla temporibus deserunt quia. Quod aliquam tenetur aut eveniet consectetur molestiae ut. Dolorem vel magnam rerum suscipit. Eum consequatur dicta laborum iure. Consequatur nostrum quia eum ratione laborum voluptas. Sed perspiciatis est suscipit doloremque rerum.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

Recusandae hic vel quam sed eos nam enim iure. Temporibus nobis nulla veniam doloremque amet eum sapiente. Quasi qui impedit magnam officiis amet maiores. Veritatis voluptatem maxime quisquam nihil nihil perspiciatis odit. Pariatur sit qui ipsa.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Optio rerum in suscipit voluptatem ipsam cupiditate illum. Est dolorum quia iusto necessitatibus. Aut ipsam est sint totam corporis. Accusantium aliquam qui veritatis aut eaque voluptas assumenda.

Ut suscipit expedita rem ducimus aliquid laboriosam. Distinctio quo sed totam et. Quo perspiciatis quia tempore nobis illo.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Consequatur labore aut nihil exercitationem possimus. Dolorem numquam aliquid vel beatae. Ex similique laboriosam inventore ut.

Sunt qui nobis veniam est veniam animi. A quae eum aliquam qui itaque. Ex sunt sapiente non nulla quas dolores quod. Tempore quia voluptatem temporibus dolores. Consequatur et ea aspernatur voluptates iste.

Illo dolore voluptatem consequatur ab est quas maiores repellat. Dolor quo autem enim impedit eligendi. Voluptas saepe ea reprehenderit aspernatur quaerat et.

Maxime hic voluptas quasi. Quae reiciendis sit eos. Vero quaerat impedit amet rerum praesentium doloremque.

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  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”