Bain Hiring by Office
Hey, just wondering whether anyone has information regarding how many ACs Bain hires for the big offices (think NYC, Chicago, SF), got my first round coming up and lowkey stressing that they’re gonna hire like 1 person lol
Hey, just wondering whether anyone has information regarding how many ACs Bain hires for the big offices (think NYC, Chicago, SF), got my first round coming up and lowkey stressing that they’re gonna hire like 1 person lol
Career Resources
At Bain London, rather than the US, but I also know how big those offices are compared to us
With that said, there’s no way they’d make 1 offer (or even fewer than 5). They’ll make however many offers is typical for their size, however some may / may not be differed, depending on needs
The only reason to make 1 offer (or a handful) is that genuinely only this few candidates had what it takes, which can’t possibly be the case (we usually make sure our # of candidates is high enough to ensure we’ll hit our targets)
I'm at Bain in a large NA office and somewhat disagree with this. Given the slowdown in the consulting market, we are expecting most of our full-time headcount needs to be filled by returning ACIs. Will large offices only make 1 additional hire? Of course not. But I would expect competition for full-time to be way tougher this cycle.
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