Opinions on boutique, sector-specific firms
Just curious about your opinions on opportunities with a boutique management consulting firm with a heavy sector specialization, but with clients across several industries. I recently recieved an offer from such a firm, aerospace and defense focus, and was curious about the potential exit ops, and whether or not i will be pidgeonholed down the line for choosing such a firm.
Basically, the pay is perfect, the location is great, the firm is newly international- but what does accepting the job mean for my career prospects
Apologies for the punctuation\spelling- im in mexico and cant figure out the damn keyboard.
If the pay is perfect, location is great, and assuming you like the industry that the firm specializes in, then all-in-all it sounds pretty good. Are you weighing it versus other consulting offers?
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Consectetur nisi minima voluptas ut quod repellendus. Rerum aut odit officia. Et id est nobis et labore. Ea enim odio optio consequatur explicabo voluptas. Non corrupti autem rerum quasi qui blanditiis eius.
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