Significance of Bain On-Campus Representative (OCR)
I am from a T10 b-school. For FT recruiting, post having a coffee chat with Bain OCR, I did not receive contacts from him to connect with more consultants/managers. Typically OCRs are the guys from whom you receive information about your Bain network. My question is, if the OCR has not asked for my resume or has not paid heed to my request of providing me contacts of other Bainees to whom I could reach out to, to build my network, does that mean Bain has rejected me and I should stop trying if my case doesn't seem like it is going to get any momentum from the OCR level who is typically a 1st year consultant?
Or should I keep reaching out to other Bainees over LinkedIn? Can someone shed light on the Bain recruiting process and how it goes about since recruiting always seems like a black box to me. Felt like the OCR was given a checklist from upper management and his role is more of a gatekeeper to filter out the candidates, and I did not check-off his list probably because I did not land an internship in consulting.
What do y'all think?
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