Summer Analyst and Masters on Resume
I am recent grad (July 2024), currently doing gap year to gain more IB experience. I have completed 2 IB internships at LM and MM banks, and one in FSI consulting so far.
Since my uni was non-target in Europe, I am planning to pursue 1 year masters degree. Atthough intake application process starts in September/October.
Since banks predominantly require graduation date 1yr after SA, should I indicate my plans to pursue masters with name of university? If no name, what shoud be included?
Thanks for any advice!
Bump. Going through same process, I’ve kept the undecided masters off for now, and indicate it however I can (cover letter, application questions) that I am planning on doing a Grad program. I figure most grad year requirements are for undergrad only anyways, so I’m not sure what difference it would make. Note: American not European
I've heard various opinions suggesting that one shouldn't indicate a master's degree unless an acceptance letter has been received. I don't understand the fuss about it, though. What’s wrong with mentioning the school you plan to apply to, as long as you clearly emphasize that it’s just a plan and you are a recent graduate after all?
Idk it seems presumptuous to put a school you plan on applying to, bc you’re assuming you’re getting accepted to that specific school. Maybe if you put a bunch of different schools it’s wouldn’t be the case, but I imagine that’s hard to convey in a concise way on a resume
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