One of the best prop traders I know was a total gamer through high school and college. He literally asks those who come in for interviews how many hours a day/week they play video games. Those who say something like, "Almost never, I spend my nights and weekends studying." are immediately dinged. He is convinced that skills playing video games are transferable to the prop shop he now is a partner of.

Most Helpful
One of the best prop traders I know was a total gamer through high school and college. He literally asks those who come in for interviews how many hours a day/week they play video games. Those who say something like, "Almost never, I spend my nights and weekends studying." are immediately dinged. He is convinced that skills playing video games are transferable to the prop shop he now is a partner of.

Sure they can be, but what a stupid thing to ding someone for. And what a stupid thing to build an echo chamber for yourself to gamble in.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
One of the best prop traders I know was a total gamer through high school and college. He literally asks those who come in for interviews how many hours a day/week they play video games. Those who say something like, "Almost never, I spend my nights and weekends studying." are immediately dinged. He is convinced that skills playing video games are transferable to the prop shop he now is a partner of.

Sure they can be, but what a stupid thing to ding someone for. And what a stupid thing to build an echo chamber for yourself to gamble in.

I don't tell him how to run his shop. This is how he explained his hiring process to me which has yielded posted tangible results. He's killing it in Chitown so who I am to critique from my shanty in Queens.


What the fuck do you mean ten years ago there were very few who played? Like 15 years ago, I was sitting in my mom's basement playing Halo 2 on Xbox 1 with millions of people. 13 years ago, I was sitting in the upstairs playing World of Warcraft with millions of people. Like 17 years ago, I was sitting on the bus reading Game Informer, plotting how I'd be a video game designer. They had IGN too and I didn't even get that! What. the fuck. Are you smoking. Sure, they've gotten bigger. But your statement is false as fuuuuck.

To answer OP - I sort of wish I could get into video games because I have such fond memories and feelings of nostalgia. But I can't. I have an Xbox One and a PS4. I used to work with this guy who's really into video games. We still text now and again. He'll text me about the hottest shit, like when that God of War came out, I also got the new Mass Effect because I enjoyed the originals, I got Ratchet & Clank out of nostalgia and it disappointed. That's the only game I've beaten in many years.

Right, so GymBro tells me about the hottest shit, I watch a review and get excited, I buy it, sit down to play, and I just can't take this shit seriously. For starters, it takes so long to get into it and learn the controls and get past the intro shit. Like three hours. I can do a lot of other shit in three hours. And that's just to get going. But I also just can't get into the stories. I'm too into real shit. When these little animated people start talking in the cutscenes about their made-up lives, I'm just like 'yo this fake as fuck.' My mind just starts to wander. I think about shit I'm gonna do in real life and lose track of what's happening in the game And forget about playing online with how these kids are these days. You gotta play offline if you suck.

I used to love playing vidya when I'd drink. But I don't drink anymore. It was always fun in the moment, but if I was drinking, I was blacking out - so I never remembered what was going on with the story, why my little character was now on some cloud level fighting monsters, etc. But it was fun. Disappointingly, when get high, I become even more disinterested in video games.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
What the fuck do you mean ten years ago there were very few who played? Like 15 years ago, I was sitting in my mom's basement playing Halo 2 on Xbox 1 with millions of people. 13 years ago, I was sitting in the upstairs playing World of Warcraft with millions of people. Like 17 years ago, I was sitting on the bus reading Game Informer, plotting how I'd be a video game designer.
I meant the people I asked. More than half of my old friends started playing games. I don't mean what you think.
What the fuck do you mean ten years ago there were very few who played? Like 15 years ago, I was sitting in my mom's basement playing Halo 2 on Xbox 1 with millions of people. 13 years ago, I was sitting in the upstairs playing World of Warcraft with millions of people. Like 17 years ago, I was sitting on the bus reading Game Informer, plotting how I'd be a video game designer.
I meant the people I asked. More than half of my old friends started playing games. I don't mean what you think.

It's not what I think. It's the case. What you described is a tiny anecdote.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
So you must not like fictional books or movies either if it all seems fake as fuck? You should appreciate the creativity a bit more than the realness of the story and characters.

I'm conflicted on this. I see value in fiction for sure. But most of it is bad and I try to go to lengths to avoid putting garbage info into my brain. For me to enjoy it, it has to be done really well. If it's not believable, I lose interest. Part of me feels like fiction is an old man's game. I'm 27. There's so much to learn and do in the real world. I'm on a self-prescribed accelerated path for the past few years and I don't see it slowing down for 10 or so. Fiction is for when you're living in the mountains. I'm not in the mountains yet.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
Sounds like you need to get into WoW Classic mate.

I pop only a private WotLK server (Warmane) like once a month

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

It seems to be going the opposite way for me and my colleagues/friends/acquaintances. If you ask anyone in their mid-20s if they played COD, Halo, SuperSmashBros, or Pokémon on Gameboy, alllllll of them would cut you off to say how obsessed they used to be. Nowadays? Barely anyone I know has played anything outside of Fortnite for a few months when the fad peaked.

There is more than one way to get there. I'd rather have 30 chapters than 3000 pages.

I mean I'm still an undergrad but I play video games a lot. I've been trying to grind Modern Warfare but I've never been so pissed off at a new COD in the first month like this game. And shit even 10 years ago I was grinding those early COD's and Halo's on 360 all the time.

Please nerf the 725 :(


Apparently they just nerfed it today so I'm praying to GOD I stop getting 1-shot sniped 20+ feet away by it, shit was ridiculous. Also apparently they kinda fixed foot steps too so I'm hoping that means SnD will be a lot better since everyone just sound whores when they don't have Dead Silence on. And yeah, it was like the models all over again with absurd damage and range.


I wish. I used to love video games. My personality doesn't lend itself well to them though (or maybe it does but the social norms kept it from being a good thing).

I used to love all kinds of games. I loved Watch Dogs multiplayer. I got into the top 10 in North America on Xbox Live. I used to make some small cash playing Gears of War (1 & 2) in tournaments with a team. Forza was also my game. COD, Halo, BattIefield, so many more. would wake up at 6A and stop playing at 9-10P at night just playing games. I'd sit with a box of granola bars next to me and play all day, only using the restroom between matches/ races.

Now that I have very limited free time, I completely abstain from them. I try to gamify life itself. Haven't succeeded at that... yet.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

This 100% - some friends back home and I are back on the WoW Classic grind for an hour or two a week just because it brings nostalgia.

Otherwise a quick game of FIFA or something like that is always enjoyable.


I used to be a heavy gamer 10-15 years ago.

Now, I barely play even though I can afford to get any game and have a PS4. My interests have shifted quite a bit with age to other hobbies.

Authored by: Certified Corporate Development Professional - Director

I play CSGO whenever I have the time, as it fuels my competitive side. I can't play a single player game for more than 5 minutes - I get bored and feel the urge to play against real people.

I really really like the fact that games are mainstream / normal nowadays. You have people like Neymar posting his CSGO clips on Instagram. That's laudable.


Yeah back when I was growing up, I would be immersed in singleplayer storylines. Nowadays, I'd rather crush some noobs and feel good about myself or be crushed by some pro and stand in awe of them. You can't replicate these emotions against a script / AI.


Anyone know of chilled out RPG mobile games? Been using dragonsky to kill boredom and it requires Low attention maintenance so pretty cool IMO


Used to be really addicted so had to quit. Still enjoy watching competitive League of Legends and if I have a hangover I will play some fun thinking games like Portal, online poker, Total War, Europa Universalis


Never have... I wanted to when I was young but my parents deemed it a waste of time. Now that I am older and have friends that play video games, I can now agree it THE biggest waste of one's time..


Video games is basically my childhood. My uncle bought me a computer when I was 3 and installed some games for me to play. It was just mindlessly pressing the buttons on the keyboard without understanding what was happening lol.

But it grew on me and since I turned 7 I played fighting games (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter). Roamed around the city, destroyed stuff left and right and caused absolute mayhem in GTA. Also got hooked on Counter Strike when I got into 3rd grade. Got my ass whooped by my mom once because I was gaming at a cyber cafe and didn't come back home until 9PM, I didn't have a cellphone by then so she was real pissed. Then when I was in 4th grade I started to enjoy real time strategy titles like Age of Empire, Starcraft and Warcraft. And I also played online chess with my dad against random stranger on the internet.

Used to be hardcore player in MMORPG (Diablo 2, Runescape, WoW, you name it) back when I was in junior high. 12+ hrs everyday, skipping class was not unusual. I had a gang in my class who played together, great time!

When I entered high school, I was still a video game addict. Often joined my friends in some FIFA games. Did play MOBA games a bit, around 1-2 match per day. And spent hundreds of hours on Skyrim, Far Cry, Bioshock, Battlefield and Fallout.

I cut down on gaming when I enrolled college though. Become more into storyline and only played in single player and campaign mode. One game I have tremendously enjoyed was Spec Ops: The Line. Also occasionally joined battle royale games with my mates.

Currently I'm about to graduate, looking back at all the memories I had with gaming, I'd do it again, for sure. Not only did I enjoy the games itself but also the companionship I had.

But I dont think I can continue my gaming in the future, it has become saturated for me though. Now I can no longer sit in front of a monitor and spend an hour straight playing a game, all the missions/quests/boss has lost their appeals to me. Another reason is that I have other priorities and cannot find enough time to allocate to gaming anymore.


My video game controller is my keyboard, my video game system is my laptop and my video game screen is Excel.


I've been playing videogames since I was like 10 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I have far less time now between work and family but I still try and get some time in. Anecdotally, I don't think anyone in my office really games. Which is yet another sign that I need to gtfoh.

Yes, PC games, BF V mainly. I find it more entertaining that watching tv, which I barely watch at all. Only multiplayer, I enjoy the competitive nature of it. I would play single player way back in the day, but I find single player now so boring.

Funny, I'm only into single player games - I've actually been like this since a kid. I don't really care for the repetitive nature of FPS games and don't want to make the time commitment to get "good" at them either.


Started playing video games at a very young age - Pokemon, N64, Diablo 2, PS2, and then went into the online multiplayer rabbit hole - SOCOM, Runescape (first experience with virtual economies), Counter-strike, WoW, TF2, then put a pause on that cause college... casually played some League. Lately, I've only played super casual games (very rarely at that) – 12 year old me would be like what the f....? I've occasionally loaded up CSGO and I've attended an eSports event (also CSGO) and I must say... the atmosphere, the skills, and the pace of the matches were awesome. I'd recommend anyone go check it out - went to ESL NYC at the Barclays Center the other month.


Same here, CSGO is the only game I play casually nowadays (mostly just DM haha). On a random note, idk how into the old CS scene you are but did you know that one of the 1.6 EG players became a banker at JPM?


I used to play video games all the time into High School. Kingdom hearts was the last game I played from start to finish. Then I picked up online poker during the Moneymaker boom and that took away all the time I previously spent on gaming. And once Black Friday hit and online poker dried up, I started playing DFS.

Now DFS takes up a lot of my free time I previously spent on games/poker. While there is a ton of action, definitely haven't found the success I did with poker. At the end of the day I view it as a hobby where I can make a little money with a chance of a nice payday to help fund some vacations/golf/etc.

If there are any big DFS players on this site, shoot me a DM. Would love to talk strat.


SB for age of empires - was a Persian expert player back in the day

Star wars Battlefront 2 for PS2 was amazing, if they just remade that exact game with online play I'd happily buy any console/platform just to play that a few hours a week.

The first one was a really great game too. I recently found my old BF2 copy at my mom's house and played it with my brother. It was glorious. I was so disappointed by the third one they made for PS3. It wasn't even a half-finished game.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

My gaming progression:

Super Nintendo - Super Mario, Mario Kart, MLB

Gameboy Color - Pokemon, Zelda

Nintendo 64 - Smash Bros, Pokemon Arena, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, NFL Blitz, Zelda

Gameboy SP - Pokemon, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun

Computer - Age of Empires 1/2, Army Men, Tzar, Online Flash Games (Addicting flash games or something was the name of the site?)

Gamecube - Madden, NBA Live, Super Smash Bros, Custom Robo, Mario Kart, James Bond Nightfire, Dragon Ball Z Budokai, Monkey Ball, Sonic Adventures, Mario Party, Soul Calibur, Call of Duty, F Zero GX, Animal Crossing

Playstation - GTA,

XBOX - Halo 2, Star Wars Battlefront

PSP - SOCOM, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Midnight Club

Back to Computer - Runescape, WoW (TBC)

XBOX 360 - Halo 3/4, CoD4, Elder Scrolls (Oblivion/Skyrim), Gears of War 2, NBA 2K, Madden, Soul Calibur, Fable 1/2, Mass Effect 1/2, Left 4 Dead, Borderlands

Back to Computer - Runescape, WoW (WotLK/WoD), League of Legends, DotA 2, Total War: Rome/Attila, Age of Empires 2, Diablo 3

XBOX One - Overwatch, Madden, PUBG

Nowadays just play a bit of WoW Classic with the girlfriend on weekends (level 46 currently, though unfortunately on a PvP server so I might be quitting as I'm about to get farmed hard), don't own a console. Have many fond memories of staying up late playing with friends without a care in the world, which didn't help me academically, but oh well. Funny reading the comments on this post and seeing so much overlap with games I used to play.


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Veritatis ut quasi quibusdam velit. Vitae iusto laborum nesciunt ex. Repudiandae impedit numquam et dolores ut molestiae. Voluptatibus odit et recusandae. Eum sit neque qui provident. Natus ut totam ea blanditiis placeat aperiam. Quia dolor eveniet nemo a quia.

Incidunt vero voluptatum est. Sit ut voluptatem et nam. Blanditiis qui aut inventore ab totam sunt.

Et sapiente dolorem sunt corporis ab alias quis. Aspernatur nemo itaque debitis odit soluta. Sit quam non numquam dolores incidunt.

Temporibus quae totam sed molestiae rerum. Maiores et qui beatae in. Est voluptatem iste et ea autem. Animi vel et aut perferendis. Placeat dolorum odit aperiam vel. Sed enim voluptas sit rerum.

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

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