Folks living in NYC -- how bad is the migrant crisis really?

Hey monkeys -- how bad is the NYC migrant crisis really? I haven't been to NYC in 1+yr and the media is going to have massive biases. Lib media will pretend it's not a problem (just like they do for the dystopian city of SF) and while conservative media is going to go the other way and blow it up into a bigger crisis (maybe that's true and maybe that's not)

For folks who are currently living in NYC and have seen the change over the past year or so, how exactly is the city doing? Is it extremely dire or is it generally fine? Is there any end in sight for all this or are we just going to see many hundreds of thousands or millions of migrants go to NYC through the current administration? Would be curious if any of this has affected your day to day lives (or not)

Edit: Kind of ridiculous that this post has garnered MS. I just asked a simple question, offering that both sides are biased and wanted to hear fact separated from biased reporting. Please continue with the MS if you are this triggered by a basic question, just know that life is going to be rough if this is all it takes to anger you lol


It’s definitely starting to catch up. Just in my commute around, the city’s starting to feel more third world. Migrant kids walking around asking for money. Migrant families sleeping on the floor of port authority. It’s not good man. I feel horrible seeing these people just so lost and fucked. I haven’t seen the large swaths of people all over the sidewalks like you see on the news but it’s happening. It’s pretty much a full on humanitarian crisis starting to boil


I feel worse for those that are educated and have applied for citizenship through the proper channel and are getting nowhere. Women and children are one thing, but these “men” need to start a revolution and make Mexico a halfway functioning country. 

Texas has been absorbing this bullshit for years and nobody gave AF and the federal govt has even stopped attempts to try and prevent illegal invasion. NY only getting a small taste and on verge of budget crisis. 



Bad.  There's a huge amount of illegals hanging out on motorbikes waiting for seamless orders (like packs of 100 guys) on 8th and 7th Ave.   Then the wives and kids are literally in the street crawling around.

I saw a mom selling candy with 2 kids under 3 literally crawling around the gutter of 6th Ave right in the heart of finance midtown.  A baby...crawling in the filthy ny streets....

Tons and tons of them everywhere.  Queens is a total nightmare now too.   I'm planning my exit in a few years to somewhere more civilized(srs).  


Bad.  There's a huge amount of illegals hanging out on motorbikes waiting for seamless orders (like packs of 100 guys) on 8th and 7th Ave.   Then the wives and kids are literally in the street crawling around.

I saw a mom selling candy with 2 kids under 3 literally crawling around the gutter of 6th Ave right in the heart of finance midtown.  A baby...crawling in the filthy ny streets....

Tons and tons of them everywhere.  Queens is a total nightmare now too.   I'm planning my exit in a few years to somewhere more civilized(srs).  

Yeah, Alex, I'll take "Things that Never Happened" for 400


I got laid off due to my firm over hiring shortly after pandemic. Been applying for some nyc based roles, but seems that I would hate to relocate back there in the future after masters. I’m originally from Nashville and use to living in a city that’s actually decent but not necessarily large. As someone who’s from a diverse background, the migrant situation is out of hand and can be worse if there is political change in 2024. They’re not gonna leave without a fight just human nature.


Haven’t noticed it at all. The only thing I can attest to is lots of people waiting to pick up up seamless orders but it’s always been like that.

I am by midtown area so it might be different in different areas but I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary


What are people talking about here.. what happened? 

Been exploring around midtown/ downtown all summer long, didn’t encounter or notice any new migration developments. It’s possible I’m not seeing or noticing stuff that others are seeing, but NYC seemed the least appealing during Covid, absolute cesspit. But now the streets are just packed with regular tourists.


Take a walk on The Roosevelt's block (which is by the Colombian consulate)

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

Thank God for the rain which has helped wash away the garbage and trash off the sidewalks. I'm workin' long hours now, six in the afternoon to six in the morning. Sometimes even eight in the morning, six days a week. Sometimes seven days a week. It's a long hustle but it keeps me real busy. I can take in three, three fifty a week. Sometimes even more when I do it off the meter. All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets


I'm latino and my whole life through family members or friends of friends from our community have been around undocumented/illegal immigrants living and working in the US. The massive shift that has happened more recently is that illegal immigration spanning back to the 90's was overwhelmingly associated with migrants from latin America/Europe or other third world nations coming to the US with some support network, even if minimal. My girlfriend's father crossed the border in the 90's and was received by a friend of a friend, someone he had never met before, but agreed to house him in his living room for a fee for a couple months until he was able to rent another apartment with a roommate. The father also had a minimum wage job waiting for him as a dishwasher through the extended network of friends/family. 

What is happening now is not just instances of the above, but more and more are people that literally do not know anyone here, come with no money, and have no network for jobs. They are coming and just laying on the streets expecting a handout. Ultimately, even if you are the most right conservative, you should judge the macro decision making of our leaders and not the individual migrants. The cartels are making this a money making enterprise. There are large groups of East Asian immigrants making the long journey to the Mexican border, and more and more Africans as well. I can wrap my mind around Central Americans bussing their way through El Salvador and into Mexico to cross to California to meet up with an extended family, but how on Earth the human trafficking networks spread to Africa or China is beyond me. 

We're not lawyers. We're investment bankers. We didn't go to Harvard. We Went to Wharton!

No, it’s really not prevalent in the areas I explore in Manhattan. 

But what’s wrong with migrants? Migrants are by definition, people who move to nyc to improve their lives through work opportunities, education, family reunification or other reasons.

One could say I migrated here from Central Florida to study, and eventually found a job opportunity in IB. I went to a better school and found a better job than what I was able to get in FL. 


No, it’s really not prevalent in the areas I explore in Manhattan. 

But what’s wrong with migrants? Migrants are by definition, people who move to nyc to improve their lives through work opportunities, education, family reunification or other reasons.

One could say I migrated here from Central Florida to study, and eventually found a job opportunity in IB. I went to a better school and found a better job than what I was able to get in FL. 

I'm sorry the word migrant must have you confused. We're talking about the illegals from Central America who hopped the border, have nowhere to live and came to nyc knowing it's a sanctuary city with right to live laws 


Sanctuary cities and border hopping aren’t really relevant here. Sanctuary basically just means that local police won’t turn you over to ICE because you filed a report when someone rear-ended you. These guys could walk into ICE themselves and wouldn’t be deported. 

The majority of these groups get to the border and claim asylum, which if accepted gets them a valid, legal admittance to the country on a temporary basis. At that point, they go before a judge who formally adjudicates the asylum claim to decide if they can actually stay permanently. In the interim, they aren’t actually allowed to legally work in the US (no work visa) and the courts are backed up for years, so they get here and get stuck in limbo. 

It’s fully legal, technically… there are certainly open discussions to be had about what constitutes a valid claim, how much vetting should be done upfront, and where they should reside in the meantime - but sanctuary isn’t it


In the 2 years I’ve been in the city it hasn’t been that noticeable beyond people selling candy in the subway. Most of my time is spent in Brooklyn around Dumbo and midtown. The crazy people that have always been in New York are still a much bigger annoyance to me than migrants. 


I hope it's worse than the news implies and I hope the NYC voters don't let their elected bureaucrats insert systematic racism into the issue and stop any of this migration. All these young men just need to be shown the wonders of liberal democracy in a progressive city-state and they'll fall right into line to become doctors, lawyers, and firefighters. They're just here to give themselves a fighting chance and want to give back to this amazing country for giving them a home. It's definitely not because virtue signaling a-holes keep giving them free stuff and pawning off any of their actual needs to government so someone else can bear the burden. It is hilarious watching the mayor cry about how mass migration is going to destroy NYC by tearing up the city's ability to function, completely fake news and clearly white supremacism adjacent. He is literally running the only locality in the state that is declared a sanctuary city by its own government.

Now to all the open-border Democrats and Libertarians alike I ask - now that you can see what happens on a city-level with a high profile example like NYC, try to imagine what this does to the rest of the country when you scale up the number by several orders of magnitude. Particularly smaller cities and towns that only have a fraction of the resources but see much more migration due to their proximity to the border.  

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I just saw a headline that the city is now planning on cutting overtime pay for NYPD to make up for some of the cost of hosting all these illegals. As if the city needs any more constraints on law enforcement. Absurd


In this thread a bunch of people who barely leave their bubble I'm west village to midtown back to lower Manhattan for nightlife.

Go anywhere outside those's honeslty really bad.


It’s nowhere near as bad as SF, and obviously nothing like a city in Africa or India.

Some places are definitely bad however, a few parks tend to get over run around night time, port authority is always awful, lesser frequented subway stops can be a little sketchy.

But if you go to the fancy restaurants and live in expensive areas of Manhattan, you really don’t see the dregs of society any more than you did in the past. I think the pendulum will slowly swing back to law and order and the city will find a way to get rid of these people.


Well that can be said of every social issue, right?

I also think if it does start to really impact the elite, rather than fixing the city, they could flee. Similar to what a bunch of companies / ken did with regards to Chicago.

Nyc also has a lot of good things still going for it. Tough gun laws, much more semblance of law compared to a place like San Fran, good mix of right and left wing still here. Even though it is a democratic city, there’s a healthy amount of right wingers, whereas a place like cali or upper north east is Bernie central and a place texas or Alabama is trumper land.


I am a NYC native and have never seen the city this down bad.

I go to the Dominican Republic quite often (not the resorts, but actually venturing around the capital city), and every day NYC looks more and more like a 3rd world country (e.g., all the guys on illegal motorcycles and mopeds, grown adults not working and loitering the streets en masse, increased crime, public drug use, rapid increase in homelessness, etc.).

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

I am a NYC native and have never seen the city this down bad.

I go to the Dominican Republic quite often (not the resorts, but actually venturing around the capital city), and every day NYC looks more and more like a 3rd world country (e.g., all the guys on illegal motorcycles and mopeds, grown adults not working and loitering the streets en masse, increased crime, public drug use, rapid increase in homelessness, etc.).

The motorcycles and moped thing is the most crazy to me. Why has this been allowed to fester? These things are all over bike paths (often going the wrong way) and sidewalks. They blow through every single traffic light to the point where you can't even cross the road safely without checking every single direction.

Where are the police on this? I never remember this being the case before COVID


I just visited the city. There were migrant vendors on trains and platforms setting up candy shops and whatnot. Now I don't mind poor people doing honest work for a living (vs selling drugs or becoming gangsters) but I just wonder if all that is legal?  


I walk from the port authority to avenue of the Americas for work and I always see a bunch of those moped guys around. I don’t see too many migrants sleeping on the floors of the port authority anymore, but they used to be everywhere.


It is fucking out of control.  It is impossible to walk more than a few blocks with out almost getting run over by the migrants on ebikes.  The trash has always been an issue, but I am seeing more and more people picking through it for cans.  I have seen groups of people fighting over trashbags to get the cans out of it.  There is truth that the city is being overrun.  Having lived in Texas I can tell you with 100% certiancy that it is worse there, but it is just way more in your face in NYC


Both, the people in NYC complaining have no fucking idea what a real crisis is.  My family owns land down there, and multiple times a month we hear from the ranchers or neighbors about dead migrants being found out on the ground or washed up along the river.  There are towns of a couple thousand people that have migrant populations that are constantly multiples of that.  The worst one is a town of ~ 200 people that had at one point over 10K migrants just hanging out in their town harassing everyone.  Don't believe the fucking media when they talk about "families".  I would say that makes up at most 15 - 20% of the people.  The overwhelming majority are single men of military age, I would guess 55 - 60% of the total. 


It is fucking out of control.  It is impossible to walk more than a few blocks with out almost getting run over by the migrants on ebikes.  

So... your complaint is about people with jobs?  Or just a general lack of civility by people who are treating public space as if it was private space and aren't facing appropriate consequences for that?  I'm confused about how this is a "migrants" issue, since you're basically just describing what NYC delivery people have been doing for decades.


Well its a "migrant" issue because 90% of the people I see on the delivery ebikes/scooters are migrants.  I also left out that I see on a nearly daily basis while out and about in the city these bikes and scooters are on sidewalks, driving the wrong way down streets, violating pretty much all traffic laws, and the icing on top at least once a week I see them crash into pedestrians.  People used to say it was dangerous to walk in NYC becuase the car drivers dont pay attention and hit people.  That happened less often per capita in NYC then I would guess anywhere in the US.  The ebike are 100x more dangerous to pedestrians, and don't even get me started on them running into cars.

As for the stuff aobut the trash, well its whole families out there and groups of people doing it as if it were a job.  I am all about the hustle, but they competely disregard everyone esle who has to live here.  Before the migrants started showing up in large numbers I rarely saw the trash piles competely ripped open and strewn all over the sidewalk.  Now I see that every day on my walk to the office, usually 4 or 5 times. It is fucking disgusting, if you are going to violate the laws and come here illegally at least have the fucking decency to not trash the city.  


This forum leans so right-wing. No, I haven’t noticed much. NYC is not a dystopia.

As others have mentioned, if you go near the Port Authority, you’ll see migrants. But as far as I’m aware, there’s been no visible uptick in people trying to sell me things, in crime, or in homelessness. If anything, it’s gotten better since Covid.

What did shock me, if we’re going there, is what much of red, rural American looked like when I visited. From Appalachia to Eastern Oregon, the poverty you’ll see is third-world. It’s in a much more dire situation than New York.

The fact remains that New York, despite its problems, is still the safest big city in the country, and is, overall, doing alright. The conservative media should focus on their own.


This is such a funny thread.  Lets see what the complaints are... lots of people of color waiting to pick up Seamless orders.  Whoa!  A bunch of people with delivery jobs, and the city must be in terrible shape.  Vendors on the subway... as if there haven't always been kids selling candy and women selling churros on subway cars/platforms!  The Port Authority is a hellscape... yeah, no shit, that has always been true, and it is hardly surprising that in a city of 8 million souls the bus station would be a tough area.

New York is fine in this sense.  Now, the migrant crisis is an issue, but not that is having an immediate, in-your-face impact for every day New Yorkers, because the places the migrants are densely housed aren't in the middle of the city.  More to the point, New York has been begging the federal government to ease right to work regulations so a lot of these migrants can enter the workforce and get off the government dole.  Due to a law passed in 1996 (shocker, under a GOP dominated legislature), asylum seekers cannot legally work until their application has been in for 6 months.  This isn't a zombie horde - these people would be happy to work if we let them.  Always amazing to me to see how thinly veiled the bigotry is in all of our right wing companions on this site.  I mean, how else to describe people who hate migrants for being dependent on the government but also refuse to allow them the dignity of honest work?  A handful of people on this very thread are mocking immigrants for having jobs as delivery people!

NYC has a pressing problem, which is housing.  Homelessness is an issue, and this is an area where liberal politics deserves equal blame as conservative.  My guess is most of the 22 year olds who are complaining about how "migrants" are everywhere and are selling candy on the subway are confusing the two.


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