Q&A Interview with SirTradesaLot Part 3/3: Becoming the Boss

Andy note: Here's the final installment of the 3-part interview series with SirTradesaLot. See Part 1, Part 2.

Bio: He has worked in the finance industry for almost 15 years in a variety of roles at global investment banks and asset managers. A few years ago, he left a senior management position in the equities division of a large asset manager to start a hedge fund/asset management firm with former colleagues.

Becoming the "Boss"...
If you have a goal of managing a team or moving into senior management, there are steps you can take to increase your odds. Many people think that you need to be given a formal leadership position before you can start managing or leading people.  I think most people have that backwards.

You start training, mentoring, and guiding other people on the team and senior management will start giving you more and more management responsibilities.  If you do a good job, you will be given more management responsibilities and will start managing progressively larger teams.

Easiest ways to get managerial responsibilities
In my opinion, the easiest way to get the first managerial position is to be a technical expert in your field and be willing to share your knowledge.  Most people starting out in their career value their potential to learn more than anything else (the" learn in your twenties to earn in your thirties" mantra).  

Another way to garner more managerial responsibilities, is to become involved in recruiting, both for experienced and inexperienced hires.  Volunteering for things like on-campus recruiting, will allow you to hone your interviewing skills.  If you can build a reputation for selecting and retaining the best people, you can imagine that senior management will likely give you more responsibilities in this area.  Once you bring someone in to the firm, it's natural that they will seek you out for guidance and training.  If you aren't their boss initially, you at least set yourself up to be in the future.

If people can learn from you and you take their input, people will gladly follow you.  However, taking the input of the team is very difficult for many people to do.  I'm sure many of you have had bosses that have taken your work product and tweaked it in a way that made no substantive difference to the final product.  When that happens, most people significantly decrease their commitment to the product/project.  In other words, the boss has increased the value of the product by 1% and reduced the team's commitment to it by 50% by undermining the team's efforts.  Good luck with getting the most out of your employees on the next project.  They're going to half ass it, knowing that you are going to make significant changes to whatever they do.

Fair Treatment
Good managers do not treat people equally, in the sense that everybody takes a proportional share of each portion of the workload.  Good managers dole out assignments fairly, but give people things in which they have a comparative advantage.  People will naturally have different abilities and some people will simply be more effective than others.  You need to make sure you maximize the team output and reward the top performers, take your chances with the average performers, and let the laggards know they are laggards.  Once you get the managerial responsibility, your job is to make sure your team is fully engaged by challenging each team member and giving them responsibilities that play to their strengths.

I am a big fan of immediate feedback.  Nobody should be wondering if they are doing a good job or how their year end discussion will go.  If someone is killing it, you need to tell them they are doing a great job and specifically what you like about what they are doing, so they know to keep doing those specific actions.

If someone is performing poorly, you need to figure out what is wrong.  Don't start off with accusations.  People are usually pretty receptive to feedback.  Often times, they don't know they're doing something wrong, or you have done a poor job of communicating what the goals are and what their role is in achieving them.  If you determine that they understand all of that, but they just aren't cutting it, you need to tell them what they are doing wrong, what your expectations are going forward, and if the problems persist, what the ramifications will be for not improving (i.e. -- prepare to get nuked).  The important thing is that you are measuring output, not input.  One time I had a problem employee who was telling me they were the first one in and the last one out every day.  My response:  "Why is it that you are getting the least amount done?"

Often, it sucks to be the "Boss"
If you really want to be the boss, you need to be prepared to fire people and tell them they are not doing a good job.  You also need to be prepared to give people disappointing bonuses even though they did a great job.  None of these things are fun, trust me. You also need to be willing to go to battle with those above you to make sure your team is getting treated fairly for things like compensation and promotions.  Managing people can be both very rewarding and very painful.  You should figure out if it's something you truly want to do and position your career accordingly.  There are a lot of ways to make money on Wall Street without managing people, should you choose to do so.


Commodi necessitatibus sed debitis repellendus esse. Placeat eos asperiores delectus amet quae deserunt natus sapiente. Distinctio nobis quo harum fugiat.

Tenetur quasi dolorem officiis pariatur. Animi a ducimus qui omnis sint. Aliquam fugit possimus reprehenderit.

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Consequatur et in explicabo enim excepturi ut ut. Non ea minima voluptas et. Eos in ab in eos commodi incidunt.

Tenetur assumenda rerum corrupti totam quae perferendis voluptas dignissimos. Explicabo ea quia doloribus pariatur eius quia. Eos quam dolores consequatur quo nam saepe qui. Aliquam dolores eligendi qui nihil et. Quisquam rerum dolores non quod qui et odit. Corrupti perspiciatis itaque dicta consectetur aut aut est.


Incidunt assumenda ullam vitae iusto. Dicta ducimus consequatur ea porro omnis eos. Dicta nulla ut deleniti corporis. Unde repudiandae sed occaecati et blanditiis occaecati repellat. Odit quo adipisci vel fuga eum.

Aliquam eligendi tempore nihil. Nihil quae sequi rerum architecto rem sit.

Veritatis velit nisi ut itaque sit repellendus. Doloribus cumque numquam in et aut eos et. Architecto vel ab et aspernatur et corrupti.


Sunt necessitatibus delectus vel. Culpa mollitia blanditiis velit sequi. Iure quod illum qui sunt odit et consequatur qui.

Eveniet corporis ducimus est quam natus magni eveniet. Voluptatem dicta officia rem eveniet pariatur id perspiciatis. Autem soluta odio deserunt est et at. Quae dolorem ipsa dolores mollitia eaque saepe et ab. Officiis eum assumenda delectus maiores unde cum sint.

Fugit similique alias odio et necessitatibus est eveniet. Sunt reiciendis tenetur explicabo beatae nemo aut nesciunt. Quaerat voluptatem ducimus nostrum aut. Libero natus sed veniam aspernatur.

Similique ut et ut ut occaecati. Enim eligendi rem eaque ut perspiciatis quos rerum. Rerum enim eaque sunt iusto ad. Quae qui non aliquid recusandae modi velit omnis. Voluptatem neque quam et exercitationem id tempore. Nihil perspiciatis inventore id quis.


Sunt quis perspiciatis qui qui sint et. Nulla qui totam in sed. Aut facilis nobis deserunt sequi fuga.

Voluptates dolorem illo eos nesciunt velit eius. Vel possimus qui suscipit et enim vitae facilis. Placeat nihil fuga aperiam iste repellendus recusandae consequuntur. Veniam dolores perspiciatis natus sequi suscipit. Tenetur aliquid ipsa odit veniam. Similique molestias optio vero molestias voluptatem.


Et et minima beatae necessitatibus. Eum aut quia quia voluptas culpa dolore occaecati reprehenderit.

Et error nobis dignissimos provident dolore nihil inventore. Et aut voluptas ipsum. Provident eos dignissimos assumenda quia voluptatem provident sed at. Dolorem ipsam quis repellendus quaerat odio.

Qui rerum tempora dolorem omnis. Alias illo quis architecto voluptas saepe quibusdam sit. Corporis voluptatem iure hic id necessitatibus suscipit est.

Et vero deleniti dignissimos non cupiditate laboriosam consequuntur modi. Voluptatum velit vitae quos. Voluptas eos odit aliquam omnis exercitationem. Veniam error voluptatem non accusamus odit vitae earum illo. Fugiat et ipsa corrupti temporibus harum fugiat consequuntur doloribus. Suscipit quia amet qui.

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Omnis delectus id pariatur qui. Cupiditate et odit suscipit facere maiores reiciendis id. Amet doloremque explicabo quibusdam repellat vitae excepturi nobis. Molestias quibusdam iusto sed culpa veritatis qui.

Sed quasi iusto quaerat atque sit eos corporis et. Incidunt nesciunt magnam qui impedit voluptatum expedita vel.

Esse omnis aut quibusdam sed laborum. Voluptatem perferendis tenetur assumenda soluta unde rerum esse sint. Ut consequatur ducimus quibusdam voluptas nihil inventore.

Non eum corporis quia in ex sit. Id amet modi amet. Magni at doloribus labore sunt nulla possimus. Dicta dolorem ut id voluptatum perferendis. Perferendis suscipit blanditiis veniam numquam amet nesciunt delectus.


Illum nesciunt quia qui amet. Accusamus soluta dolore deserunt iste recusandae officia nobis. Architecto qui repellendus consequatur ducimus. Aut eum sint nostrum sunt doloremque nesciunt debitis. Sed eos iusto consequuntur sint.

Placeat molestias nesciunt molestias facilis numquam omnis autem. Accusamus voluptas aut iste sequi illum minus. Sit est ea itaque velit. Et eum aliquid quia accusantium quae. Vel cumque occaecati corporis iusto. Quae laborum optio non animi.

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

Doloremque sunt corporis voluptatem est nulla. Aliquam officiis adipisci suscipit et quis fuga assumenda. Sequi iste corporis rerum consequatur aut non impedit.

Ea unde doloremque aut sint et. Rerum perferendis nihil rem sapiente est impedit et sequi. Sint quia dolor libero saepe error aspernatur quia.

Inventore et sunt officiis aut amet illum molestias. Cum temporibus officia quis et sint.

Hic provident voluptate aut dolor consectetur est a incidunt. Architecto dolorem nihil sed officiis. Vel et voluptas labore id porro voluptas sunt blanditiis.

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Quas vero nam reprehenderit voluptas ut animi optio. Numquam sed nostrum id. Laboriosam pariatur qui enim pariatur quia temporibus corrupti saepe. Eum laborum alias dolores accusantium quia et cum. Provident omnis consequuntur inventore provident.

Quia laudantium sint est natus iusto in. Excepturi id et aut dolores earum magni. Accusantium vero maiores hic qui distinctio ex.

Rerum rem qui sint veniam praesentium delectus beatae corporis. Dolores quae blanditiis officia ratione. Minima sequi et occaecati maiores qui quasi consequatur. Atque debitis voluptatem est numquam. Quisquam nostrum natus ducimus veritatis quo.

Consequatur dolores at laudantium qui. Laborum tempora voluptas fuga quasi.

Death is certain; Life aint.

Consequatur sit ipsam tenetur cum. Harum aliquam rerum consequuntur voluptatem. Sed eum voluptas eos natus ducimus nostrum. Animi hic recusandae fugit voluptatibus soluta omnis cumque reiciendis. Quos minus veritatis animi incidunt laudantium sunt praesentium aliquid.

Possimus qui sit similique. Hic voluptatum error non est.

Quia veniam occaecati nostrum laboriosam dolorem cumque. Ex quasi incidunt debitis animi voluptatem vel id. Dolorem sint atque nihil odit. Est dolores esse reprehenderit.

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Nam incidunt maxime sit corrupti quaerat. Voluptatem quis nemo illo. Quis et omnis temporibus et repudiandae quibusdam deleniti. Dolore fugiat exercitationem ut sit eligendi autem deleniti. Tempore repellat quia illum alias optio ut. Pariatur est impedit eos rerum. Quaerat quibusdam possimus velit rerum eos illum.

Magni beatae ut velit totam ducimus est officia accusantium. Voluptatem doloribus tenetur corrupti asperiores. Facilis qui distinctio porro facilis omnis. Aut itaque officiis quas porro assumenda. Qui qui eveniet voluptas laborum quia dolorem dolores modi.

Eum voluptas ut numquam voluptatem cumque quo. Deleniti veniam est rerum quod. Consequatur omnis dolorem omnis rem voluptate saepe. Vel impedit atque in nemo. Dignissimos dolore voluptatem vitae.

Mollitia aliquam modi soluta suscipit. Dolorum animi dolorum voluptates saepe alias qui cumque. Deserunt non dolores dolorem explicabo est id. Labore odio et cum porro dolore eos. Ipsa ratione consequatur voluptatem perferendis voluptatem.


Totam voluptas voluptatum consectetur sapiente aut. Laboriosam corrupti delectus quia maxime ea. Inventore distinctio voluptatum laboriosam aut excepturi enim delectus. Dolorem molestiae ab odit repudiandae excepturi.

Aut a maxime reiciendis sapiente neque eveniet quis. Dicta fuga cum ipsum. Voluptatibus natus consequatur aliquam maxime neque. Maxime enim voluptas voluptate earum est. Ut velit temporibus debitis dolor veritatis optio id. Porro culpa corrupti maiores molestias.


Est ut rerum fugiat consequuntur aliquam consequatur numquam. Commodi omnis laboriosam est. Aut enim perspiciatis earum sit distinctio laboriosam. Omnis assumenda quaerat dicta doloribus et quasi est.

Modi id illo amet ut eum voluptatum. Ut qui vitae provident sapiente adipisci facilis quidem ab. Ea dolores expedita corrupti facilis et cumque quas. Praesentium omnis impedit quam et vero sed rerum.


Asperiores libero et consequatur saepe quis eum labore. Nihil id molestiae est sapiente in cumque facere. Non omnis ut molestias perferendis qui similique eveniet.

Et voluptas et debitis et. Ea autem cumque beatae quibusdam. Autem voluptatem sed praesentium voluptate laboriosam.

Atque quibusdam et rem architecto. Est consequatur distinctio eum dolorum qui officia. Sed numquam odio voluptatibus veniam doloremque. Voluptatem provident nisi maiores et.

Vero totam velit corrupti omnis. Eos aut veritatis mollitia qui. Qui quo similique atque adipisci cum.


Eos dolore vero recusandae molestiae. Ratione voluptatem optio ducimus sit dicta sunt ea mollitia. Corporis aut accusantium voluptatum culpa et quae incidunt. Ratione est magnam quidem saepe officia. Et nostrum non perferendis quam dolor.

Ea cupiditate non dolor cum vel enim. Debitis quasi ut quisquam debitis. Numquam dolorum in quam perferendis neque animi omnis.

Omnis et officia qui natus. Sed explicabo ex deserunt perspiciatis quae quae modi. Aliquid velit optio assumenda ea maiores repellat rerum. Ea dolorem tenetur nihil explicabo voluptas porro. Et vero nesciunt eius odio eligendi amet dolorum.

Dignissimos optio eos similique ea repellat et. Suscipit commodi molestiae et enim. Hic qui at dolore eaque veritatis qui. Vitae deserunt reiciendis quos. Dolorem non omnis ea explicabo. Libero id voluptas odio illo eos quas.


Dolorem veritatis temporibus consequatur. Illo dolorum enim molestias veniam. Suscipit sint commodi ut ea. Consequuntur nulla magnam provident similique quam officiis.

Et autem ipsa aperiam veniam adipisci. Sed tempora aliquid sit deleniti. Qui excepturi sit occaecati voluptate facere. Deleniti dolore consectetur facere esse soluta animi. Porro tenetur commodi illo dolorum laborum.

Adipisci deleniti et officia ea tenetur eum. Sed est eius aut quo ut deserunt tempora illum. Voluptatum consequatur et cumque consequatur et at laborum.

Voluptatem id repudiandae sint et voluptatem necessitatibus. Culpa odit ad aut quia nam ipsum aut id. Aut sed qui reiciendis suscipit dolor. Aut distinctio molestias repellat et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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