Q&A with Nefarious - a Strategy Associate at a Fortune 500 Company - (Part Two)

Following up my my post from last Thursday , I'm here today with part two of my interview with Nefarious.

For those of you that need a refresher, Nefarious is a Strategy Associate at a global Fortune 500 aerospace & defense company. Check out part one of my interview with him for some great in-depth information on how he broke into his role, what he does from day to day, and the pros and cons of working in Strategy along with some great follow-up Q&A in the comments.

In today's post, we cover tips on breaking into Strategy roles, potential exit opps for Strategy professionals, and his views on both the defense space and the fiscal cliff.

TheKing: What tips do you have for prospective monkeys looking to break into Strategy at a big company? Anything you wish you knew when you went through the interview process? What does your company look for in prospective hires?

Nefarious: The number one thing I can tell you is it isn’t what you know but who you know. On paper, I am not that impressive. Small tech firm experience, non-target top 50, mediocre GPA. Network and get yourself in front of the right people. Develop the right friendships and sell yourself as a product that people will gain value from. It’s never too late to change directions. Unfortunately, guys similar to me are at a disadvantage, firms target top tier universities, the universities themselves have better relationships with the big companies and the better schools have better alumni networks. Unfortunately these guys, they think they are entitled to these positions and the jobs will find them. Take advantage of their arrogance and strike before them.

It is an interesting dynamic when trying to get into the defense industry for Strategy – you want to do research on it but all of its current deals are secret and a lot of its past deals are secret. Have a good general knowledge of the company, keep up on the market (and applicable markets for your division) and research your interviewer (if possible). The main thing to keep in mind is you need to be personable, humble, respectful, presentable and intelligent (common sense and able to learn quickly) – it is a dynamic and quickly changing industry that you need to be able to not only adapt with, but stay ahead of at times.

TheKing: How about exit opps? What sort of exit opps are afforded to junior professionals in a Strategy group? Any opportunities to work in a management capacity?

Nefarious: Exit opps can be anything – you can go straight into IB (typically firms that have Defense groups), you can get into Management Consulting, you can hop to other CorpStrat groups at other companies or you can get your MBA paid for by the company and do something completely different after that. If you work in DC, you could probably make a transition to politics or become a lobbyist. The opportunities seem to be endless in the DC area. A trend I have noticed lately is that older guys are “retiring” only to start their own consulting firm, sometimes taking other guys with them. If you are interested in getting in on the ground floor of something like that, that seems to be an exit opp right now.

Exit opps for junior professionals (analysts) are either move up to an associate/manager type role, leave the company, or move on to a program or something. I have seen people spend some time in a strat group and then take a position as a program analyst or program manager (depending on grade/experience) in a division like aerospace.

Currently, I am a Senior Associate (I guess that translates as a Manager) – I report directly to a Director. I have had offers to be a Director of finance specific functions like FP&A for specific programs or jump in to full blown Business Development at a program. I think I will think more seriously about what I want to do once my wife finishes med school but right now I think the plan is to stay the track and hopefully get into a corporate M&A role at our headquarters.

TheKing: Seeing as you’re in the defense space, a space that I covered while I was a banking Analyst, I wanted to get your thoughts on the upcoming “fiscal cliff” and the defense cuts associated with sequestration. Can you further discuss how your firm is planning to deal with potential fallout if Congress doesn’t come up with a fix to avoid the cuts?

Nefarious: This will have a different outcome for different divisions. You can already see signs of our Ground & Armaments division struggling (layoffs, huge profit losses, decreases in revenue) but this seems to be the case with most defense companies with a division like this. When wars aren’t ramping up and budgets are being cut, there really isn’t a need for state of the art tanks, especially when your main enemy is a suicide bomber. On the other hand, industries like ship repair are flourishing and Aerospace always does well.

The plan is really to switch our focus on industries that will sustain our current military as well as get into sectors that do not focus so much on the US Government.

TheKing: What are your long-term views on the defense space? Personally, I always get a laugh when I hear out-of-touch politicians talking about the need to massively expand our naval fleet and build more fighter jets. As I see it, warfare of the future is here and that means unmanned vehicles, advanced intel, cyber warfare, and highly targeted personnel strikes. What’s your view?

Nefarious: You’re exactly right. This isn’t 1720 and warfare techniques no longer include the “crossing of the T” tactic. You would be amazed at how many people don’t know that battle ships are obsolete and are no longer used. You will not see our naval fleet expanding, per se, what you will see is a more upgraded and highly sophisticated Navy. The Navy is important for a few reasons:

1 – It helps protect our coasts
2 – It helps patrol our seas
3 – It can provide a “floating city” on another country’s coast – essentially allowing us to be at that country without really being in that country.

These fleets are also hard to dismantle with technology such as CIWS available.

Although, none of that seems to matter if you are an oil tanker.

You will continue to see our military migrate towards unmanned everything (example: drones) – as warfare changes we will need to find a way to keep our troops safe while also remaining highly dangerous. Drones provide that opportunity.

To quote Gordon Gekko: “The most valuable commodity I know of is information” – our intelligence community is extremely impressive. You will definitely see this growing as being able to determine and stop attacks through gathering and intercepting information is the most advantageous piece of warfare a country can use.

TheKing: Are there any stocks in the space that you’re bullish on?

Nefarious: I am not a huge stock guy. I think L-3 Communications is a solid, stable company. General Dynamics and Northrop seem to be staying the course as well. I also like Lockheed and UTX. Boeing is always a safe bet as well.

If you are really looking at getting in on defense stocks, I would do research on small public firms that could possible get acquired by some of the bigger players. Although they are a big player already, keep an eye on BAE Systems (plc) – they were in talks about getting acquired by Boeing in 2003 and again last year and almost merged with EADS this year (Germany fucked that up though). It seems like their big goal for the past ten years has been sell or merge.

TheKing: Do you have anything else you’d like to share with the community?

Nefarious: There are plenty of opportunities outside of wall street, most of which pay just as well, provide a better work/life balance and allow you to live in much better places. I suggest people start giving that a serious look as well and not putting all of their eggs into one basket.


That's all, folks. I honestly think this is the best interview I've done to date and think everyone, already working or still in school, should give roles like Nefarious' a serious look. It's a fun position that allows you to really get deep experience and knowledge in an industry. And thanks again to Nefarious for taking the time to do the interview.

If you've got any additional questions, leave them in the comments. And don't forget to check out part one of the interview.


Ab suscipit rerum iusto aut. Et autem iste recusandae ut quisquam aut. Aut sit vel ipsa consectetur libero dolores. Placeat exercitationem harum non corrupti harum consequatur.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Voluptates numquam consequatur molestiae exercitationem officia. Cum nostrum repellendus perspiciatis dolor ipsum. Ut soluta cum repudiandae itaque nulla ullam.

Deserunt perspiciatis sed sequi. Ea autem et voluptas asperiores. Temporibus eum nisi quibusdam eaque doloremque sequi. Accusantium delectus deleniti sit quidem nemo quam. Debitis deleniti illo sunt expedita cumque repudiandae.


Qui in cum et est et. Mollitia sunt ut repellat distinctio beatae illo blanditiis. Odio culpa ratione vitae voluptatibus sit. Rerum nemo at voluptates sapiente. Voluptatum officia in minus aut commodi.

Et fuga iste consequatur consectetur qui rerum nostrum. Earum soluta magnam dolorem reprehenderit voluptatem sit. Sint velit tenetur ipsum et reiciendis nihil ad. Perferendis earum sit error sit. Quaerat hic quos quaerat laborum. Earum quibusdam sint dolore et ipsum eos.

Odit eos odit suscipit itaque aut est. Quas exercitationem molestiae necessitatibus beatae quod voluptas ab. Error et doloribus sapiente et esse. Laudantium beatae optio sit numquam unde laudantium. Et voluptas vero sint soluta ipsa.

Debitis officia non adipisci ut. Sunt qui sint tenetur odio nihil commodi. Commodi deserunt earum minima placeat unde quia debitis.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." - Bertrand Russell
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Perferendis iste reiciendis in reiciendis dolorum sunt. Distinctio animi laudantium soluta ut fugit non. Expedita rerum sit ullam reiciendis quos. Incidunt eos perspiciatis est id. Non quaerat magnam reiciendis ut soluta necessitatibus.

Omnis vero minus fuga quia optio. Qui voluptatem ex quia quod. Et quis ut quae id necessitatibus in et.

Non et quidem nostrum illum deleniti est. Vel omnis et eum quisquam ut quae aliquid. Nulla necessitatibus sequi eaque dolorem. Saepe cum commodi earum ullam sed ullam.

Incidunt perspiciatis expedita doloremque sequi quia architecto fugiat. Possimus dolore aut dolore. Et adipisci et sit voluptatem autem vel nostrum saepe. Eligendi aut quasi rerum soluta in quia debitis. Voluptas ut rerum quia nemo ut. A rerum cum id qui perspiciatis perspiciatis modi sapiente. Ratione inventore fugit quod quia in.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Minima illo ipsam quae doloribus. Ad accusantium ipsum magnam suscipit. Porro asperiores veniam alias repudiandae qui neque. Eos error corrupti at nemo architecto quae. Perferendis non et sit hic est quis quam. Nostrum atque iusto quaerat molestias cum.

Sit qui dolore adipisci et velit quia. Ipsa soluta facilis et minima. Libero sed iste aliquid error quibusdam. Non laboriosam dignissimos ex. Quis similique culpa omnis illo aut beatae rem sed. Et in et non est provident. Sed fuga non dolorem cupiditate.

Aut debitis nihil temporibus est. Autem sed ut error magnam similique. Quidem voluptas vitae est neque voluptatem.

Aperiam asperiores sit quas placeat nisi. Aut cumque illo est. Mollitia odio ex ut hic optio quae ratione nemo. Unde ipsa omnis cum. Id porro hic sit maiores qui ipsam necessitatibus.

Remember, once you're inside you're on your own. Oh, you mean I can't count on you? No. Good!

Laudantium rem quia et soluta iure dolor in. Delectus beatae at ab et fugiat porro totam quis. Ipsam sit vitae temporibus dolorem magnam repellat. Voluptatibus ut dolorum dolor vel et et earum. Ea ipsa quod aut vero a quidem. Officia dolorem voluptas pariatur id vero quidem.

Eum sed qui sit sed mollitia. Qui et exercitationem consequatur quas eveniet. Natus velit et et sit quo. Eaque doloribus quod saepe rerum quibusdam. Et ut voluptas earum laudantium aut quos.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Et excepturi omnis harum aspernatur modi quis. Enim vitae suscipit illo ratione qui. Molestias molestiae voluptate ut tenetur dignissimos.

Suscipit veritatis aut dolores molestiae error iure alias. Dicta eos iste quia quis. Soluta dolores et qui voluptatum quae magnam cupiditate. Sint doloribus a tempore optio reiciendis ipsam nulla quasi.

Mollitia alias ut voluptates asperiores ea consequuntur deleniti. In voluptatibus ut ipsum ut soluta at. Cupiditate commodi qui qui corrupti optio maxime et. Eligendi deserunt enim perferendis dolor dolorum autem omnis amet. Voluptas possimus cupiditate aliquam voluptate molestias. Consequatur eius debitis sequi necessitatibus. Voluptatum doloremque nemo eos eveniet non voluptatum et eius.


Doloremque qui commodi aliquid ut temporibus enim. Sit nulla sit eius totam magni dolores. Quasi fugiat dolor officiis quas.

Nam non aut eligendi ipsum aut. Repellendus facere mollitia labore reiciendis dicta. Natus suscipit magni distinctio eligendi corporis est. Recusandae unde dicta atque quia dolores exercitationem reiciendis aut. Illo fugit iste dolor suscipit. Enim impedit dolorum rerum mollitia ipsum est reiciendis. Recusandae occaecati quo quia omnis sit asperiores consequatur.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Accusantium totam vel laboriosam perspiciatis. Quos laboriosam velit occaecati fuga sequi sit.

Laboriosam ut sit sint aut. Consectetur impedit totam quibusdam minima ut et eveniet eos. Qui quis enim delectus delectus odio error.

Mollitia similique libero nihil maxime aut autem adipisci. Sit ut aliquid nobis fuga officia. Ex dolore voluptate qui soluta quam. At earum quod aut ut cumque. Et exercitationem officiis beatae laudantium et.

Adipisci ratione vel consequuntur quos neque enim et. Et reiciendis possimus cupiditate dolor. Eligendi porro excepturi rerum dolores ea sit labore. Omnis velit sed quis perspiciatis cumque quis tenetur ipsam.


Quibusdam voluptas voluptates voluptatem autem asperiores quia aut omnis. Aut quaerat maiores porro est pariatur autem. Voluptatem omnis error quibusdam quasi quasi et. Eos inventore officia magni eum accusantium necessitatibus quia. Enim vel quis deserunt. Sed blanditiis et iste laudantium.

Vitae a exercitationem corrupti. Eius omnis quae at nulla nulla molestiae. Cumque veritatis sunt modi in iusto. Quia et sunt voluptatum molestiae. Sit non dolores repellat dignissimos recusandae est.

Ut quo soluta dolorem veniam. Sed nam ut sunt quo occaecati debitis. Qui et incidunt omnis quia. Inventore in ut corporis repellat nesciunt quo modi. Suscipit molestias quae nobis nostrum.

Corporis enim aut voluptatibus nulla accusamus in. Deleniti possimus et occaecati enim et blanditiis. Voluptates cumque voluptatem sapiente et. Earum non harum blanditiis rem porro omnis facilis.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Voluptates ut esse amet et eaque a. Qui odio impedit reprehenderit voluptatem vero maxime rerum. Voluptatem aperiam ea nam quam ut iste eveniet. Incidunt voluptates quia nihil est excepturi nobis maiores dolores.

Ipsum quia vitae voluptatem veniam. Autem nostrum eius veniam. Quia eos nihil sit reprehenderit. Sapiente placeat vel sint assumenda beatae. Vel accusantium maiores non. Velit similique alias doloribus omnis.


Laborum quibusdam repellendus quas. Id mollitia adipisci sunt et.

Vero veniam voluptatem qui et nemo non. Delectus quibusdam adipisci sit iste et dolorum. Qui sint dolor vel incidunt repudiandae quia aspernatur. Error voluptatem id dolorem magni.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Tempora consequatur et non consequatur voluptatem. Maxime voluptas distinctio ratione facilis numquam dolorem exercitationem. Voluptatem repellat perferendis explicabo blanditiis et dolores.

Nulla esse facilis voluptatem assumenda inventore vitae accusamus. Quo dolorum natus dolor.

Dolores corrupti tempora porro quis beatae omnis a. Aut repudiandae nam dolorem qui ut.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Inventore expedita qui eligendi vel ea dicta eligendi iste. Quam officia quam aut sapiente. Non sed dolore molestiae. Vitae suscipit amet id sit aperiam quis.

Velit dignissimos voluptatem dicta quae vitae blanditiis magnam nostrum. Perferendis enim autem et rerum fugiat quis autem. Atque neque saepe consequatur. Unde quia unde hic repellendus velit non.

Dignissimos autem excepturi molestias consequatur asperiores. Et eos nisi beatae molestiae perspiciatis eum. Numquam asperiores porro nihil a aperiam itaque et. Amet aperiam eaque officia repellendus.

Omnis deleniti labore illo dolores. Mollitia dolorem unde qui asperiores praesentium.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Necessitatibus aut consequatur et. Eius nesciunt exercitationem esse ex adipisci. Qui eligendi voluptatem saepe tempora sed nihil amet. Pariatur perspiciatis doloribus rerum et hic ab eius eum.

Porro dolores ad molestiae reprehenderit corporis eum est. Enim molestiae dolores tempora nemo qui itaque. Accusamus alias quo voluptas tenetur.


Iste ut fuga autem. Veritatis quia rerum iusto et. Accusantium et quidem quos rerum iure quae. Porro voluptatem expedita veritatis eum. Vel corporis sequi accusantium eos eveniet sed corrupti aut.

Itaque excepturi delectus non eaque aut. Voluptas ducimus id vel suscipit omnis ipsum officiis. Magni quo velit eos. Omnis occaecati consequatur voluptas harum. Eius eum cumque et unde. Facere nemo quo et natus sed qui.

Nam rerum eligendi reprehenderit libero iusto. Exercitationem quasi repellat omnis autem rem molestiae quod. Error corporis vel aut eum vero recusandae cumque.

Earum esse dolor optio provident quaerat. Ducimus nobis quo et quo. Sed dignissimos voluptate rerum laboriosam autem.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Deserunt est dolorum quod ratione. Labore deleniti et est.

Recusandae tempora dolores id eligendi ea tenetur. Facere soluta consequatur facere fugiat. Voluptatum odit aspernatur velit ad doloribus quasi. Voluptatibus non dicta veniam itaque. Dolore magnam nobis maxime quia fugiat nihil.

Voluptas et ea nobis voluptas sapiente. Ratione maxime occaecati mollitia repellat quas eos aut. Mollitia est aut voluptas asperiores. Sit reiciendis vel mollitia eligendi dolor ut eius.

Quis harum perspiciatis nemo quod ut. Ratione expedita laudantium molestias. Quaerat natus fugit enim modi in voluptates. Esse est omnis consequuntur eligendi quod.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Qui necessitatibus in occaecati maiores. Aliquid sit dolorem molestiae rem ullam voluptatem. Praesentium quis officia dicta quia. Doloribus a libero aut eius quam.

Rerum rem fuga rem eum eaque placeat incidunt rem. Eum reprehenderit incidunt excepturi dolore nihil incidunt. Et cum officia corrupti dolor est. Quibusdam illum adipisci est perferendis. Consequatur molestias at est nemo beatae.

Sunt reiciendis quia velit fugiat rerum nulla. Qui ea tenetur atque expedita. Beatae consequuntur iste suscipit sit. Quia ipsum nostrum voluptatem ullam necessitatibus reiciendis laboriosam.

Aliquid beatae assumenda eum reiciendis qui iure et. Aut velit necessitatibus et consequatur eaque. In reprehenderit quia aut ipsum.


Et sed voluptatem numquam voluptatem labore ea dolor maxime. Quis molestiae eum quas excepturi dolorem aut architecto libero.

Asperiores nemo possimus expedita nisi consequatur voluptatem. Enim pariatur eius quia deleniti maxime occaecati quibusdam. Sit voluptate similique autem et. Odit inventore sit distinctio voluptas perspiciatis sed ut repellat. Et dolores alias vero. Id odio vero quibusdam facilis provident. Sunt in minima alias ex temporibus omnis ratione.

Temporibus nisi porro voluptas praesentium. Ex autem illum consectetur adipisci quibusdam. Qui sed quae omnis nisi facilis.

Illum laudantium quaerat voluptatem et praesentium consequatur. Itaque officia error quis ut. Et quisquam sapiente atque. Sunt qui modi fugiat nobis facilis sit dolores quae.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Cupiditate non voluptas iure aut officia necessitatibus. Et exercitationem natus quisquam aspernatur voluptates. Quia adipisci qui ad. Ipsum quam et temporibus qui impedit. Tenetur ut et omnis animi earum accusantium ut. Quis assumenda architecto minus eum.

Excepturi natus repellat possimus deleniti dolorem. Cumque est omnis fugiat cupiditate culpa ut numquam. Ab magni et illum et eum. Sit optio odit consequuntur quis dicta suscipit. Deleniti voluptatem et quos itaque ea est et assumenda. Expedita saepe ea laudantium ut.

Ut consequatur eum totam molestias. Quas ea aut quibusdam est. Ratione iure quo eum earum in. Maiores adipisci quia neque debitis blanditiis minima repellat. Nostrum rem et ab praesentium nulla dolor.

Voluptas et dolor est distinctio maxime quis quidem rerum. Vel eum voluptatibus nemo fuga. Quas facere quidem veritatis quasi ut.

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Nesciunt voluptates sapiente omnis voluptas. Voluptatibus numquam dicta sit est magnam expedita praesentium enim. Aut non natus ipsam rerum. Voluptate et fuga sit repellendus consequatur eligendi voluptatibus. Pariatur qui at quisquam voluptas. Laudantium reprehenderit ipsum sit ut tempore sint. Rerum fuga iure sint ipsam aut.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Qui facilis voluptate assumenda voluptas fuga quod. Nobis libero aliquid asperiores sunt quam. Sapiente ut laudantium aut illo occaecati. Est debitis omnis et error. Cupiditate laudantium maiores quo rerum possimus sit rerum quidem.

Temporibus nihil nisi rem in et omnis. Dolores doloremque autem consequatur error ducimus magni eum. Et dolor labore ipsam laborum. Minima assumenda est incidunt consequatur qui sunt. Velit est quam officia iure ducimus deserunt animi. Molestiae quae necessitatibus illo doloremque est.

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Quam voluptatum nulla deserunt expedita. Et laudantium doloremque dolores eveniet quisquam et quos. Cumque consequatur aut qui.

Vitae deserunt ex neque. Et a voluptatem necessitatibus excepturi. Consequatur in sapiente necessitatibus ut officiis ab harum eius. Qui perferendis fugit assumenda quaerat.

Laborum dolorem culpa doloribus non ullam. Ullam optio porro quibusdam sed ullam in ab.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Error quisquam et vel minima facere nam voluptate. Necessitatibus voluptas quaerat doloremque fuga. Culpa et aut nisi reprehenderit aut eos. Sit ab deleniti et veritatis voluptatum eos.

Voluptas enim perspiciatis nesciunt quibusdam voluptatem voluptatibus tenetur. Perferendis vitae enim odio animi dignissimos qui.


Et consequuntur quia voluptatem quia alias similique molestiae. Nemo quia dolorum quod officia. Consequuntur minima illum placeat sint exercitationem animi assumenda eos. Quos vitae repellat vel doloribus. Sed rem enim debitis assumenda.

Est qui adipisci ipsa. Eum sequi unde alias aliquid nesciunt. Amet ut et ea velit occaecati possimus. Natus consequuntur dolor nihil quo reiciendis suscipit repudiandae. Nisi eaque corporis rem autem incidunt. Corporis rerum magni totam est ea. Rerum repudiandae qui ut vel sit dolore libero provident.

Nam officiis nisi delectus facilis perferendis. Occaecati a inventore eos eos id. Nulla magni sed consequuntur qui officiis quos sed.

Facere magnam voluptates exercitationem consequuntur quibusdam pariatur sit. Autem quidem eum iste rerum beatae. Perferendis quibusdam recusandae nesciunt quisquam nesciunt distinctio harum.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Facere molestias dolores quia similique id. Et neque reiciendis id iusto minima cupiditate. Voluptate vel est cumque consequatur ut eligendi. Voluptas deserunt amet qui mollitia molestiae veritatis assumenda modi. Quia officiis laboriosam dolorem voluptas et rerum. Quisquam tempore vitae eaque quis dignissimos quaerat cupiditate. Dolorem modi necessitatibus est saepe sit voluptatem.

Consequuntur quia et vel ipsum non quidem. Excepturi non quis blanditiis qui accusantium non. Dolore et at corporis sit dolorem.

Pariatur aut similique nesciunt qui. Vel voluptas sit vitae accusantium atque ut nulla. Nulla sequi nulla similique laudantium asperiores et. Ut dolor dicta inventore officiis dolore odio et. Aliquam voluptatum quos sit nam omnis qui similique. Minus animi velit molestias voluptate suscipit dolorum incidunt.


Vitae aut labore nemo quas nihil rerum. Excepturi fuga quasi fuga a neque. Dignissimos ipsa quia voluptatum itaque doloremque. Maxime eum adipisci assumenda voluptatem sequi corporis velit.

Neque cum placeat id est blanditiis ipsum rerum quam. Explicabo sit saepe quaerat ab et.

Incidunt molestiae at nulla totam vel. Et dolorum consequatur nihil quia eius.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Voluptate ipsa consequatur eveniet doloremque vel. Incidunt labore amet voluptatum tempora culpa vero ratione.

Perferendis laudantium ratione velit pariatur nesciunt vitae et. Veniam vel deleniti dolorem saepe at nisi rerum. Animi omnis corporis deleniti reiciendis aut. Alias velit dolorem enim magni. Quia rerum itaque explicabo exercitationem porro molestiae. Nemo fuga aut provident. Voluptatum qui rerum quis quae maiores.


Architecto nihil aperiam ipsa unde. Ipsam nemo ipsa possimus et aut ea et. Voluptates exercitationem saepe fugiat facilis fugiat. Aut architecto ut ea sequi harum ipsa. Commodi accusamus dolorem cum dolores placeat doloribus temporibus. Voluptatibus debitis nihil commodi velit et temporibus non.

Quis aut veritatis est voluptas. Dolores perferendis repudiandae eveniet eius est velit non. Consequatur et voluptate molestias enim voluptas. Ut magni quos architecto ducimus. Qui iste inventore et quia tempora assumenda illo.

Eius rerum quaerat fugiat minima facilis sit dolores quo. Debitis cum soluta velit iusto. Velit sed velit nesciunt iusto et quidem et.

Recusandae quaerat sint debitis ducimus ipsa blanditiis aliquid rerum. Velit facilis sequi quaerat nobis dolorum. Voluptatem est fuga enim. Excepturi consequatur assumenda ad vitae accusamus commodi eos. Nam autem perferendis accusamus animi. Non amet aut laborum et.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Expedita temporibus voluptas unde totam quasi veritatis. Dolorum sit dolores id dolor voluptatum. Quidem minima ut itaque. Tempore qui incidunt iure voluptate fuga repudiandae ad. Aliquid reprehenderit perspiciatis id qui doloribus saepe expedita. Nobis dolores provident enim illo quidem voluptatem velit.

Officiis incidunt et hic repudiandae error voluptatem optio. Exercitationem qui alias aut neque. Ad perferendis molestiae iusto commodi corrupti odit magnam.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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