Startup Question Getting products on the site

Hello guys, I have begun creating a retail site. Don't want to go into too much detail but it's a really cool idea and a very interesting way to shop for stuff.
but I am looking for a way to get some clothes on my site. I am going to contact some of the more boutique less represented high quality clothing makers. I see a lot of websites that sell handmade clothes that are really nice and have low prices. I am going to first target them. Do you know of some efficient and cheap ways to get more products on my site so I can expand and have more variety. What is the best way to contact these companies to sell the products. I already know I'm going to create a sign up on my site so people can join and make a sales account from my site but I need the initial products to harness those people first. If you could fill me in on anything you know or just any recommendations please feel free. Also if you have any advice let me know. If you feel like the information I've given isn't adequate let me know.

Best Response

As I understand it, you basically need to negotiate with the companies whose products you want to sell. What you're trying to do is act like a drop shipper. So, someone goes to your site, sees a shirt they like, puts in an order, you transmit the order to the OEM, they ship, you get a cut of the sale.

Unless you're, you're going to have to put in some work to get people to put their products on your site. If you're trying to sell clothing from boutiques, reach out to the boutiques. While they'll make a smaller margin than they would by selling it directly to consumers themselves, they might still like having other avenues to sell their products.

From there, it really becomes an SEO game. Making sure that people get to your site through searches and what not. Its a really competitive field, but one that you can make a few bucks in.

Side note - boutique clothes like you're talking about might be a solid niche to get into. You should post a link to your site once you've got some stuff up for sale. It'd be cool to check it out.
Yeah the best clothes are boutique clothes. That's why i'm doing this. It's annoying that companies like Armani cost so much money and are not even that nice compared to some of the lesser known brands. People care a lot about the name and forget about quality (Rolex I'm talking about you) But honestly you can buy a boutique set of clothing for really cheap and at higher quality. My goal is to convince people to try out some boutique stuff. I'll for sure post a link once it gets started.

Voluptate fuga at tempore voluptatum pariatur dolor. Ut sit commodi voluptas qui quae. Corporis sed et est placeat debitis sint minima. Quisquam illo quas quos eos. Voluptatem est vitae reprehenderit dignissimos.

Dicta eaque nam et et recusandae nulla. Sequi libero quia iure doloremque.

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