FBI Announces Reopening of Clinton Email Probe

Huge news 12 days before election day. Does this mean Donald Trump is taking the election? He had already begun to recover his positioning after the tape scandal settled, and the race seems to have been tightening. Discuss.


Good day to you, too, Mr Trump.

adapt or die has it....get the popcorn out, shaping up to be a wild 10 days (if you like political drama).

Director of Finance and Corporate Development: 2020 - Present Manager of FP&A and Corporate Development: 2019 - 2020 Corporate Finance, Strategy and Development: 2011 - 2019 "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

This isn't actually true. They said they found emails in another investigation and this is the quote:

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your committees about our efforts," Comey wrote.

It's pretty clear this is political posturing for Comey to join the Republican party. Its more than a little calculated to write a message that essentially says nothing and indicates no wrong doing but to release press statements that suggest otherwise.

If she was running against someone who didn't come off as a functional retard who can't get laid without paying for it, then it might be different, but he's been losing drastically in all but one poll this week. Unfortunately for both parties, they can't seem to run actual good candidates.


Comey is a registred Republican who served under both Bush and Obama. Look up his record, he has not and never will care about what the parties think of him. When Cheney and Co. tried to get AG Ashcroft to sign-off on spying agreement. Ashcroft was then hospitalized and Comey, who was acting AG, refused to sign-off on parts of NSA spying agreement. Chief of Staff Andy Card went to the hospital to try and persuade Ashcroft to sign-off on the agreement, and Comey went and defended his refusal to Ashcroft who then sided with Comey. This guy does not care, he does what he believes to be right. This is in no way political posturing. Also, if he is forced out under Trump, he previously served on board of HSBC and Lockheed Martin. He has his ticket punched, both financially and politically.


Comey is a registred Republican who served under both Bush and Obama. Look up his record, he has not and never will care about what the parties think of him. When Cheney and Co. tried to get AG Ashcroft to sign-off on spying agreement. Ashcroft was then hospitalized and Comey, who was acting AG, refused to sign-off on parts of NSA spying agreement. Chief of Staff Andy Card went to the hospital to try and persuade Ashcroft to sign-off on the agreement, and Comey went and defended his refusal to Ashcroft who then sided with Comey. This guy does not care, he does what he believes to be right. This is in no way political posturing. Also, if he is forced out under Trump, he previously served on board of HSBC and Lockheed Martin. He has his ticket punched, both financially and politically.

He's looking to run for office and is 100% posturing. Publishing that letter 12 days before the election that says, essentially, there is nothing material as far as we know but we want to do a cursory review of these emails, and then acting as if they mean something, is undoubtedly nothing mroe than a PR stunt. It's human nature, he is looking towards the next part of his career and he's been getting killed by the Republicans since June.

Sure, trump supporters will want to hang their hat on this, but there is no new info at all in anything that was said today except the posturing of Comey.


let's look at the bright side ... election season is its own industry. campaign spend creates jobs. So really, no one should argue that the politicians dont create jobs, because the amount of campaign funds they have raised and used over the past 100 years have supported plenty of jobs



The race will tighten but I think Clinton still wins, simply because even if there is a "smoking gun" the FBI has found then it won't come out before the election. I find it hilarious that James Comey, whose credibility was questioned by the right, is proving to be as competent and unbiased as the director of the FBI should be.

p.s. Tim Kaine is probably praying she's indicted after the election, easiest path to president ever lmao


At the end of the day, Clinton supporters will say the emails aren't a big deal and vote for her. Trump supporters will continue to support and vote for Trump even if he gropes women on national team.

And America looses with these two nut jobs as the best candidates for arguably the most powerful leadership role in the world.


How about the email laying out the overlap between personal gain and their CGI. More and more damning evidence and information keeps coming out and we have another 20k podesta-emails to go. That's not to mention the deleted hillary emails that could be and probably are out there.

Even if Hillary wins this is going to be a vicious 4 years. She better start napping now cause she's going to need her energy.


Nothing is ever deleted in the digital age, those emails are out there and they're slowing leaking.

Problem w this new inquiry: FBI acknowledged there was TS/SCI going over unclass via her server and did nothing BC she didn't disseminate. I suspect they may have found emails to the contrary now and that she did disseminate, which will be an automatic red line of her clearance. Good luck running the country wout a security clearance.


One wonders what they found that was so damning in an unrelated email probe into Anthony Weiner, the soon to be ex-husband of a Clinton aide, that would warrant the immediate attention and allusion to wrongdoing--while simultaneously saying: "We have no idea whether any of this could possibly be related to Clinton's investigation or any wrongdoing on her part."

I suppose Trump die-hards will take solace in the words "email," "Clinton" and "FBI" dominating the headlines for the next few days.

I'm not inclined to believe there was a personal ambitious motivation behind Comey's release as any subsequent run for (any) office would raise that question.


One wonders what they found that was so damning in an unrelated email probe into Anthony Weiner, the soon to be ex-husband of a Clinton aide, that would warrant the immediate attention and allusion to wrongdoing--while simultaneously saying: "We have no idea whether any of this could possibly be related to Clinton's investigation or any wrongdoing on her part."

I suppose Trump die-hards will take solace in the words "email," "Clinton" and "FBI" dominating the headlines for the next few days.

I'm not inclined to believe there was a personal ambitious motivation behind Comey's release as any subsequent run for (any) office would raise that question.


"A senior law enforcement official said that tens of thousands of emails belonging to Ms. Abedin were on Mr. Weiner’s laptop, which the F.B.I. had obtained as part of its investigation into Mr. Weiner. About a month ago, a person familiar with the investigation said, F.B.I. agents seized the laptop as well as Mr. Weiner’s iPad and cellphone."

Apparently Mr. Weiner wasn't happy ruining his career, but decided to go for the trifecta and take out his wife and Clinton.

The ultimate issue the fact that Hillary is never fully honest. All the controversies that the Clintons have been involved in continue to have legs because this policy of deny, deny, then finally admit to the bare minimum.

Combine this with the the endless and increasingly damning Podesta emails and the possibility that the deleted Clinton emails could be released before or after the election and you have a candidate that is going to continue to be dogged for the rest of this election cycle and well into the first year or two of Clintons 1st term.

Best Response

Take the quote in your post above, for example, there's nothing actually pertaining to Clinton. Emails from Weiner's wife are on his laptop, my first reaction is: "Oooo no way? Emails from a family member are on a household laptop?! Incredulous."

Just more smoke and the circulation of "Clinton" "FBI" and "Emails" in the headlines. Further sowing distrust from anyone unwilling to take more than a superficial glance into the subject. I've yet to read anything damning in any of the Clinton email dumps, though I'm not surprised actually seeing the thought process of a pragmatist can be distasteful when everyone would prefer to vote on lofty idealism. I would argue that most of Clinton's distrust is similarly sown.

I'm not convinced she will be dogged down as much as the GOP would like. It's likely the Democrats will take the Senate and ultimately obstructionism has only sowed unpopularity for the GOP. Consider the pivot of Democrats toward fixing the gerrymandering that occurred and there are going to be a lot of seats up for grabs. One would assume temper tantrums and stomping feet won't win the day--we'll see.


It looks like James Comey, while working to set himself up for a republican political run, may have broken the law with his disclosures.


Relevant parts:

"In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.

By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible."

"Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another. I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law."

Also, Eric Holder takes him to task, as well: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/eric-holder-james-comey-is-a-go…

As we learn more and more about Comey's decision and the nature of the emails, it becomes more clear to the level of which Comey's decisions completely betray all DOJ protocols, are partisan for paritsans sake, and can seemingly only be to further his political goals.


Harry Reid and Eric Holder are two of the biggest political hacks alive today.

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell

When he closed the case because there was no evidence of her breaking the law, but then gave an unprecedented press conference, that violated DOJ policy, giving his political viewpoints and personal feelings about her, he was obviously angling for the party.

Or maybe he found additional, undisclosed emails while investing her closest aids pervert husband's computer.

But I guess the FBI should sit on relevant information to not damage the constantly investigated Democrat nominee.

Don't do grimy shit if you don't want to be investigated by the FBI.


He told both Republicans and Democrats. He could have just announced the reopening of the investigation and not said anything.

So wait. The FBI was cool when it didn't recommend pressing charges (although I thought they should have). Did the Russians influence that?

Now that they found emails that we undisclosed (honest mistake in sure) it's a political conspiracy?

What a joke. If all the emails were disclosed it wouldn't be an issue. But hillary is grimy, never just admits everything and moves on and now it got her.

Furthermore, trump is still down all over the place. Hillary is acting like she already won. Odds are this won't win it for Trump and now he's made an enemy of the dems.

Calling this political maneuvering is almost as clown as bringing up the forever boogeyman the Russians.


Your post actually highlights exactly what the issue is, you don't seem to know the pertinent facts BECAUSE of what Comey did, which was, again, violation of DOJ policy.

There is no reopening of the case. Repeat after me, there is no current case against HRC. The emails they found they DON'T KNOW if they are new or not, if they pertain to the state department, her campaigns, or if they are personal. They may be emails they already reviewed. That's the exact point, they found 1k emails pertaining to HRC and Huma, who are close personal friends and long time coworkers both in campaigning and at the state department.

Comey PURPOSELY went out of his way to make it seem, even to educated smart people like yourself, that this disclosure was something that it isn't. That's the point, even people like yourself don't know the facts and are up in arms about something that isn't true, because Comey is being purposefully misleading.


Your post actually highlights exactly what the issue is, you don't seem to know the pertinent facts BECAUSE of what Comey did, which was, again, violation of DOJ policy.

There is no reopening of the case. Repeat after me, there is no current case against HRC. The emails they found they DON'T KNOW if they are new or not, if they pertain to the state department, her campaigns, or if they are personal. They may be emails they already reviewed. That's the exact point, they found 1k emails pertaining to HRC and Huma, who are close personal friends and long time coworkers both in campaigning and at the state department.

Comey PURPOSELY went out of his way to make it seem, even to educated smart people like yourself, that this disclosure was something that it isn't. That's the point, even people like yourself don't know the facts and are up in arms about something that isn't true, because Comey is being purposefully misleading.

Bro, they closed the case because all the emails they thought they had showed her lying but they didn't think prosecution would take the case. They found these huma emails while doing another investigation.

They've looked at the emails and determined that they are relevant to the Clinton case and reopened it. This isn't a case of double jeopardy. Go hide information from the FBI and try that "bu bu but you already closed the case" excuse and see how far it gets you.

At this point I don't even care. Hillary will win and house Republicans will spend the next 4 years making every day miserable. Just wait till the "Russians" release her deleted and bleached "yoga" emails.


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