never took the time to find 1 rep maxs, dont see the point in knowing what you can do once considering theres no reason to do something once. but i know this bench- 225, 12x squat- 315, 10x deadlift- 405, 8x

never took the time to find 1 rep maxs, dont see the point in knowing what you can do once considering theres no reason to do something once. but i know this bench- 225, 12x squat- 315, 10x deadlift- 405, 8x


never took the time to find 1 rep maxs, dont see the point in knowing what you can do once considering theres no reason to do something once. but i know this bench- 225, 12x squat- 315, 10x deadlift- 405, 8x

strong e stats

BW: 190lbs Height: 6"1 Squat: 340 lbs Deadlift: 400 lbs Bench: 250 lbs

10lbs away from 1000lbs. Fuarkkk, I'm crushing this life game. You brothers jelly as fuarkkk brother.


BW: 190lbs Height: 6"1 Squat: 340 lbs Deadlift: 400 lbs Bench: 250 lbs

10lbs away from 1000lbs. Fuarkkk, I'm crushing this life game. You brothers jelly as fuarkkk brother.


hahahahahahahhhahahaha @ i miss zyzz

I weigh a shade under 160 lbs, and at the moment I'm at:

Squat: 110 x 10 x 2 Bench: 121 x 10 x 2

Just getting started with lifting, so I'm still trying to get the form down pat. I feel like my squat can go a lot higher, but am taking it slow to avoid injury, heh.

The benches make me feel like that's about my 10RM, though. Thing is that I'm not really feeling anything in my chest, and that it's more my delts or shoulders which are feeling the burn. Any pro tips <_>_>


2 problems with threads like this.

1) They are fucking retarded

2) There is no way anyone will give an honest answer as people that suck won't chime in and people that do inevitably inflate their stats.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
2 problems with threads like this.

1) They are fucking retarded

2) There is no way anyone will give an honest answer as people that suck won't chime in and people that do inevitably inflate their stats.

i didnt inflate my stats

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

i don't squat or dead-lift, so i dunno.

i can bench 240 lbs on the smith machine because i'm too much of a pussy to do real bench press without a spot. regular bench is prolly 70 lbs less than that maxing out when i'm in shape lol. oh, and i weight 140 lbs.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
i don't squat or dead-lift, so i dunno.

i can bench 240 lbs on the smith machine because i'm too much of a pussy to do real bench press without a spot. regular bench is prolly 70 lbs less than that maxing out when i'm in shape lol. oh, and i weight 140 lbs.

If you lift on consistent basis why don't you squat or deadlift?

i don't squat or dead-lift, so i dunno.

i can bench 240 lbs on the smith machine because i'm too much of a pussy to do real bench press without a spot. regular bench is prolly 70 lbs less than that maxing out when i'm in shape lol. oh, and i weight 140 lbs.

If you lift on consistent basis why don't you squat or deadlift?

yes i know it's not ideal.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
i don't squat or dead-lift, so i dunno.

i can bench 240 lbs on the smith machine because i'm too much of a pussy to do real bench press without a spot. regular bench is prolly 70 lbs less than that maxing out when i'm in shape lol. oh, and i weight 140 lbs.

If you lift on consistent basis why don't you squat or deadlift?


What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

for da bishes.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

you just wanted to tell everyone you played D1

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk
What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

Ok buddy that's probably because basketball is a pussy sport. I wrestled D1, and we max tested each month. It's a way to measure progression.

My school's basketball team won the national championship while I was in school, and even they were a bunch of fags in the gym. So I don't want to hear about your "high major D1" shit.

What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

Ok buddy that's probably because basketball is a pussy sport. I wrestled D1, and we max tested each month. It's a way to measure progression.

My school's basketball team won the national championship while I was in school, and even they were a bunch of fags in the gym. So I don't want to hear about your "high major D1" shit.

This. I use to lift for sports (rowing), got top 3 at nationals, then took up lifting full time because I was sick of rowing

come at me brah

u mad?

What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

Ok buddy that's probably because basketball is a pussy sport. I wrestled D1, and we max tested each month. It's a way to measure progression.

My school's basketball team won the national championship while I was in school, and even they were a bunch of fags in the gym. So I don't want to hear about your "high major D1" shit.

So like I said, what's the point if you're not an athlete? I get wanting to be fit, but lifting 300+ lbs when you work a desk job? Don't see the point, that's just me.

And wrestling? Rowing? Bros, they aren't sports if nobody cares about them.

Best Response
What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

Ok buddy that's probably because basketball is a pussy sport. I wrestled D1, and we max tested each month. It's a way to measure progression.

My school's basketball team won the national championship while I was in school, and even they were a bunch of fags in the gym. So I don't want to hear about your "high major D1" shit.

So like I said, what's the point if you're not an athlete? I get wanting to be fit, but lifting 300+ lbs when you work a desk job? Don't see the point, that's just me.

And wrestling? Rowing? Bros, they aren't sports if nobody cares about them.

Isn't wrestling a big thing stateside?
What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

Ok buddy that's probably because basketball is a pussy sport. I wrestled D1, and we max tested each month. It's a way to measure progression.

My school's basketball team won the national championship while I was in school, and even they were a bunch of fags in the gym. So I don't want to hear about your "high major D1" shit.

So like I said, what's the point if you're not an athlete? I get wanting to be fit, but lifting 300+ lbs when you work a desk job? Don't see the point, that's just me.

And wrestling? Rowing? Bros, they aren't sports if nobody cares about them.

They aren't? Because I am fairly confident I got into college and got my offer because of rowing

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise
So like I said, what's the point if you're not an athlete? I get wanting to be fit, but lifting 300+ lbs when you work a desk job? Don't see the point, that's just me.

it's fun being strong and stronger people are harder to kill.

What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

so the only reason to lift heavy is for a sport? Not sure what you are trying to get at

Most recent lifts: 5'9 ~180lbs Bench - 265x5 Squat - 315x6 Deadlift - 415x3

Bench really improved big time this winter. Squat i also go ATG, no point in squatting if you don't get low and deep. Deadlift I have been stuck on this number for what feels like years, I just can't get past it.

What the hell's the point of being a juicehead gorilla who can bench 400lbs when you're not an athlete? What's the point? To the guys who are benching 300+, guarantee you're under 6' tall.

I played high major D1 basketball, and we never max tested. Why? Because it doesn't matter at all.

I'm over 6' and I can max over 300 on bench.


old maxes:

bench: 245x1 squat (ATG): 325x1 deadlift: 380x2

was like 3 years ago, then I had to stop lifting for a while (2 herniated discs that still hurt like hell, can't really squat/dead anymore).

been lifting again recently though trying to acquire aesthetics, gnome sayin?

reasonable doubt:
old maxes:

bench: 245x1 squat (ATG): 325x1 deadlift: 380x2

was like 3 years ago, then I had to stop lifting for a while (2 herniated discs that still hurt like hell, can't really squat/dead anymore).

been lifting again recently though trying to acquire aesthetics, gnome sayin?

mirin brah, especially dat dere ATG

lettuce bee cereal, many people do not do ATG sqauts

Angus Macgyver:
So... yep. It looks like everyone else is lifting anywhere from 2 to 3x what I lift.


You will find most people that can actually lift post in here

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise
Angus Macgyver:
So... yep. It looks like everyone else is lifting anywhere from 2 to 3x what I lift.


Who cares? Stick with it, stay consistent and your numbers will increase.

Yeah. So far I'm only on my... 6th week in. Can't say that I can see the difference, but I can certainly feel it. Not sure if it's because of growth, or just because of form, though. My first day squatting 88 lbs (yes, 88) I felt it for a week afterwards.


Sophomore year college:

Body weight: 210-220lbs Bench: 365 x 3 Squat: 405 x 8 Deads: 455 x 3


Body weight: 190lbs

All lifts: divide all those weights by like...2.

Trying to get back into it again, 5-6 weeks in.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

im 6' about 220 btw. ^for some reason the only times i get really sore (i'm talkin like can't lower my ass to the toilet w/out ripping out the towel rack sore) is after the first lifts after i havent lifted in a while. When im in a routine i dont really get sore afterwards. Not sure if theres some science behind that or if its just in my head. Also, as far as cardio- i am absolutely horrendous. I dont get it, i rode my bike on the bike path for 23 miles the other day with no problem yet i can only run a 3/4 of a mile around the track. i understand running and biking r completely different but c'mon, 23 vs. 3/4....i dont get it


I do know of zyzz, bummer he died so young. definitely a legend.

i am far too lazy to lift, I can do about 145 bench and that's about it. I might do some basic stuff to tone up but I do not have the discipline to get in the gym and go hard for an hour 5 days a week. even if I did lose bulk up I would lose it all because i would stop lifting. and i hate having a super high protein diet and i hate protein shakes (even though i'm doing a watered down keto diet now to burn some fat). do any of you have any routines i could use to gain muscle, i'm looking for definition not size and preferably it would be something i could do at home with a pair of dumbells, not a gym membership.


thats what i was thinking. I definitely have the discipling to do plyo and cardio stuff and some basic lifting/resistance training. p90x sounds good because i'm 5'10", 140lbs but all fat and no muscle, i probably look 170. shit sucks yo.


i dont know and i still look fat. whenever fitness comes up people guess my weight and they usually say 160-180, but i'm fucking 140.

also I have wide hips and a very wide back, i'm bulky and not a beanpole or anything, just a generally large frame, I have absolutely no idea how I can be so light but look so big. I started out looking quite fat last summer at 165lbs and dropped about 15 through HIIT cardio. then I lost another 10 through calorie deficit.

but my 14 inch dong makes up for all of that.

P90X as soon as I get home. Hopefully I will at least maintain 140 and turn the remaining fat into muscle.

i dont know and i still look fat. whenever fitness comes up people guess my weight and they usually say 160-180, but i'm fucking 140.

also I have wide hips and a very wide back, i'm bulky and not a beanpole or anything, just a generally large frame, I have absolutely no idea how I can be so light but look so big. I started out looking quite fat last summer at 165lbs and dropped about 15 through HIIT cardio. then I lost another 10 through calorie deficit.

but my 14 inch dong makes up for all of that.

P90X as soon as I get home. Hopefully I will at least maintain 140 and turn the remaining fat into muscle.

dawg scew p90 you need to eat a bunch and lift HEAVY.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

I'm not skinny fat though, I'm fat fat, at least I look fat. moobs, love handles, you name it. Like I said before way too lazy to do heavy lifting and I would lose it all anyways when i went back to school. thats the thing, i need something where i can get in shape but then it would be possible to STAY in shape with a busy college schedule. there is no way i would have enough time or patience to be calculating protein/fat/carb macros and drinking raw eggs in college.

I'm not skinny fat though, I'm fat fat, at least I look fat. moobs, love handles, you name it. Like I said before way too lazy to do heavy lifting and I would lose it all anyways when i went back to school. thats the thing, i need something where i can get in shape but then it would be possible to STAY in shape with a busy college schedule. there is no way i would have enough time or patience to be calculating protein/fat/carb macros and drinking raw eggs in college.

SS 5X5

lift, eat, multi, creatine

there ya go

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise

you sound stupid

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

only mirin if you got moves like this:


The due dilligence is weak with him. >Post link to Skinny-Fat Definition >Rebuttal: I'm not skinny-fat, I'm insert-defnition-of-skinny-fat


I do cardio before work and lift after work 5 or 6 days a week.

Blastoise, am I going to have to buy you beer this summer since you'll be in my neck of the woods?

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

"Everybody, one day will die, and be forgotten. Act and behave in a way that will make life interesting and fun, fuck a mundane predictable life working monday to friday with something you derive no pleasure from; just living life out till you grow old and wither away. Find a passion, form relationships, dont be afraid to get out there and fuck what everyone else thinks, trust me its alot more fun that way.

Dont ever pay people out or put people down. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing. Id rather be a person thats hated on, than a person that does the hating. A wise man one said...

Haters gonna hate!"

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise

i hate tools like this zyzz guy. he reminds me of one kid I knew back home. kids 23, lives in his parents' basement, has NEVER had a job, only lasted a semester in some community college then dropped out, has his 13 y.o. brother take pictures of him posing with his shirt off in his bedroom every nit b4 he goes out, and thinks hes god's gift to women.

i hate tools like this zyzz guy. he reminds me of one kid I knew back home. kids 23, lives in his parents' basement, has NEVER had a job, only lasted a semester in some community college then dropped out, has his 13 y.o. brother take pictures of him posing with his shirt off in his bedroom every nit b4 he goes out, and thinks hes god's gift to women.

You're just mirin his aesthetics

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise
Why are any of you deadlifting? This isn't the NFL.

Because noone wants to be a little bitch like you.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

If you think the deadlift is a football player-only exercise, you are mistaken. All of the "big 3" have tremendous carryover into numerous athletic activities.


thinking deadlifts is only useful for football is like thinking squatting is only useful if u wanna get big legs. it's a common misconception and a big thing that holds ppl back. Muscles burn fat, and considering your legs are one of your biggest muscle groups, by turning them on you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. Let alone the test release working them out causes, which also results in muscle growth. Same applies to deadlifts and bench. Theres a reason those r the big 3 and not forearm curls, neck raises, and cock pushups

thinking deadlifts is only useful for football is like thinking squatting is only useful if u wanna get big legs. it's a common misconception and a big thing that holds ppl back. Muscles burn fat, and considering your legs are one of your biggest muscle groups, by turning them on you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. Let alone the test release working them out causes, which also results in muscle growth. Same applies to deadlifts and bench. Theres a reason those r the big 3 and not forearm curls, neck raises, and cock pushups

When I do cock pushups, they become part of the Big 3, if you know what I mean.

bench: 275 wide chest (decline machine): 400 leg press: 425

weight: 150

LOL please go - 150 pounds?

Strong e stats, my brother powerlifts at that weight and can't get that up.

Your brother is not very strong then. There are plenty of merely "pretty good" powerlifters in that class who post much higher totals.

The leg press is an exercise for gays. Not worthy of inclusion.


For those of you who are in banking, can you still find time to train hard? I know it's impossible to get enough sleep, but can you still find 60-90 minutes a day to hit the gym? Do you keep a tub of whey at your desk and use your meal allowances to order chicken, tuna, etc?

Curious if it's absolutely required to give up the bb/powerlifting/athletic training lifestyle once you get into banking.

Johnny Ringo:
What Protein do you all use?

Don't worry about the protein.

The best tasting imo is myofusion cookies and creame, that with 5g of creatine a day is what you should start up

btw I don't know if any of you guys use jack3d but it is getting banned. got myself 3 tubs :)

Whats the matter? Scared of my little red fuzzy anus? Don't be shy,let me show you the way, give me your hand and I will take you to paradise
Johnny Ringo:
What Protein do you all use?

Don't worry about the protein.

The best tasting imo is myofusion cookies and creame, that with 5g of creatine a day is what you should start up

btw I don't know if any of you guys use jack3d but it is getting banned. got myself 3 tubs :)

Jack3d gives me some real weird Loads. Do you agree

Eventus stultorum magister.
Are cock pushups real? Does anyone know anyone that has done one?

It is possible but one must be one with thy self. Buddhist Zen Priest are known to do them.

Eventus stultorum magister.

Quos non ipsa minus velit ratione enim dolore. Delectus atque sit rerum iste et maiores. Ipsam aperiam unde consequatur quod assumenda pariatur. Aperiam voluptates occaecati rerum omnis voluptas minima recusandae. Sed id corporis sapiente voluptatem qui. Sit sequi aut cumque et qui nisi dolorum.

Aut quia sed aliquam quae et. Et architecto rerum aut quasi. Quo quis omnis nemo quasi explicabo sed consectetur. Sed iure consectetur dolores fuga reprehenderit aspernatur vitae. Sunt tenetur quia enim.

Aperiam veritatis rerum ut ut temporibus nemo tenetur. Aliquam repudiandae dolores quidem sed et corporis. Quos non sint hic corrupti. Quo consequatur ea deserunt aut non rem. Sapiente esse autem excepturi ipsam nihil et maxime quia. Cupiditate molestiae sed magni minima eveniet omnis.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Velit inventore ipsa qui maiores consequatur neque. Alias cumque eius quia.

Magni ut adipisci perspiciatis temporibus incidunt sed sunt. Repellendus possimus aliquid expedita eaque. Sit doloribus voluptatum assumenda sequi. Ut et culpa harum impedit nobis nisi.

Blanditiis ab quo soluta ut ut. Et repudiandae perferendis suscipit reprehenderit expedita sed. Voluptatem amet ut distinctio et. Dolor dolores impedit exercitationem quae.

Asperiores nisi repellendus ut voluptate aliquam beatae corporis. Quos iste eos tenetur. Ut quam aliquid nihil nihil. Autem aut magnam dicta quia. Placeat labore aliquid natus ratione voluptate. Quos debitis labore distinctio. Nemo quasi nobis recusandae cumque error doloremque debitis.


Omnis eum eligendi quam aut repellendus facilis alias qui. Temporibus autem voluptates animi commodi. Aut aut sunt sit quod facilis fugit. Ut placeat esse deleniti. Commodi illo debitis facere maxime voluptate suscipit sequi.

Et iure eos et cumque voluptas recusandae. Quos aut accusamus culpa aspernatur. Natus fugit ut laudantium debitis. Animi vitae aut et recusandae consectetur voluptatem. Consequatur vero sint iusto quisquam aut iusto.

Sed sunt id recusandae consequatur unde ea. Debitis et iusto vel aliquam alias aut. Consequatur optio officiis tempora nulla. Provident tenetur sit assumenda aspernatur ut atque quasi. Harum ratione eaque ut delectus tenetur.

Dolor labore error quia ut. Quis deserunt ut necessitatibus a quia ut facere. Et sed omnis reprehenderit doloremque ut excepturi sit illo.

Eventus stultorum magister.

Mollitia similique nesciunt accusantium iure animi earum officiis. Culpa sed eos facilis nesciunt hic. Id quas eius expedita ipsa in ut. Cupiditate omnis qui unde numquam rerum neque doloremque.

Blanditiis ullam totam culpa quod reprehenderit quia aut. Perspiciatis exercitationem quia quia omnis quod dignissimos neque. Neque deleniti voluptatem ex et. Quis modi odio maxime. Occaecati delectus repellat ea qui. Sed est sed consequuntur natus sed incidunt sit veniam.

Asperiores pariatur aut nisi earum rerum. Totam ex fugit eaque velit id non. Fugit eos et enim officiis quasi non corrupti.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Career Advancement Opportunities

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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