New York Fucking City

Hey, look, I post this not as an attack on the city - but I have to figure out why people are still so fcking determined on working/living there(I also work here). I'm originally from outside the city (15 mins from penn) and am confused why people out of undergrad are killing them selves to get jobs/live in the city.

To me, it's work island. The only reason of being there is for B2B. I know of MULTIPLEx people who make $$$$ and live in other cities, and they're living the life.

*I'm trying to get out

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Having lived / worked in NYC and other cities, here are my 2c:

I think it all boils down to nightlife and opportunity.

Outside of work, for anyone in their 20s, NYC offers an unparalleled opportunity for nightlife. The best bars, restaurants, clubs, (women)... It's all here. I've lived in other cities outside NYC and can say that so far, no city (in the US) comes close to what NYC offers for someone young and ambitious. There is so much here, you will never get bored and will constantly find new places to go to. Bars are open until 4am so you end the night when you want to, not when the lights come on. There just aren't many restrictions and you can be free to do what you want. Everything is here, so close and easily accessible.

On a more professional note, I think people go where the jobs are. The best (finance) jobs are in NYC because NYC has has solidified itself as the finance capital of the country (and maybe the world). The city is filled with smart, ambitious people who want to go the extra mile and get ahead. Smart people want to be around other smart people. It's a young city and it's fast paced.

That being said, NYC isn't for everyone. I hated my first 6 months here. The noise, the smell, the homeless people and the cost. But after a while you get used to it. And you start to see the city for what it really has to offer, not just for what bothers you.


This. I was in NYC for two years and then moved away to a smaller city in the midwest (closer to home). The reason I went to NYC was to get the life experience and the professional experience. I think that's what a lot young professionals are planning to do.- get great experience on the resume and then move away and build their life somewhere a bit more conducive for family life.

I don't understand people that want to live there for their entire life, but different strokes for different folks.

Ditto. I never had a job outside of NYC that I really liked. It always felt like I wasn't "really working". The pace of NYC, the intensity, the top clients, the great eats and activities, are all worth whatever extra expense and inconvenience. For some of us, NYC is just in our blood. I went to school here, deliberately - back then Washington Sq Park was smelly and fully half of it you could not walk through - and I still wanted to make that my "campus." Zero regrets, best college experience (read: nightclubs with celebrities, Broadway/Lincoln Center/museums/Central Park, massive professional opportunity).

I meant I'm good on NYC as in I'm perfectly fine outside of NYC. In fact, I prefer it.


As someone who moved out to the west coast ~2 years ago and has spent some time in a good number of major cities around the world, nowhere else on the planet has the energy that NYC has.

Whether it's the weekday or weekend, you can just feel the "fuck you, let's get this bread" energy. The people, the pace, and the opportunities make it perfect for someone to be successful and keep his/her motivation.

That sort of big dick energy is missing everywhere else, especially in CA where we lethargically get out of our cars and crawl to the bi-level sex dungeon we call an office.


Repellat accusamus aut velit sit. Est error molestiae quis voluptas in. Voluptatum maxime autem quae dolores.

Itaque ex occaecati veniam nam maiores est sint. Eligendi sit qui eius ad esse facilis. Iusto non repellendus est et. A fugiat officia animi.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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