She is more qualified and fit for the office than Trump so....

I like Oprah a lot and have a ton of respect for her. Is she smarter than Trump? Yes. But ultimately, we vote for the person who we believe will implement the policies and vision that we support, not necessarily the smartest and most knowledgeable person.

She is more qualified and fit for the office than Trump so....

True. But so is my 3 year old niece. That's not saying much.

I personally don't think Oprah is tough enough for the job and I don't want to see one amateur replace another

I'd rather write in a WSO Chimp than check her box.

I’d like to do a lot more than just check her box. Yeah, I said it.

Also, this:…

“When Terrence Howard sat down for an interview on his latest film Dead Man Down, no one expected him to ardently profess his love for a certain body part of Oprah Winfrey's, but the talk show queen doesn't seem to mind the attention her girls are getting.

"I do have big breasteses." Winfrey told Steve Harvey while appearing on his own talk show to discuss her forthcoming film The Butler, which co-stars Howard and is from director Lee Daniels.

Howard praised Winfrey when talking about the film with Movie Fanatic and was more than pleased that he got the chance to romance her. "To be able to make out with Oprah and to have love scenes with her and those tig ol' bitties... I mean she's very, very, very beautiful," he cheekily admitted.”

God I hope she does not run. What a nightmare that would be. She peddled psuedscience for decades on her show. Nice lady, good philanthropist but stay the hell away from the oval office.

Wasn't she also super cozy with Harvey Weinstein? How much did she know about his behavior? If she did know, why did she stay silent?

God I hope she does not run. What a nightmare that would be. She peddled psuedscience for decades on her show. Nice lady, good philanthropist but stay the hell away from the oval office.

Wasn't she also super cozy with Harvey Weinstein? How much did she know about his behavior? If she did know, why did she stay silent?

This is exactly why I (as if I ever had a chance) would never run for a major political office, let alone president. A person can be popular and well liked until he or she endures 6 months of brutal negative advertising that delves into--and often manipulates--events and associations throughout one's life. Just not worth it.


It rarely works this way where the person who is being hyped years in advance ends up winning a major party nomination, Hillary Clinton being a rare exception as the DNC was literally (not even figuratively) working for her. Just looking to recent history:

  • GOP

Trump: no, Romney: maybe, but not really; McCain: no; W Bush: no; Dole: yes, more or less; HW Bush: yes; Reagan: no.

  • Dems

Clinton: yes; Obama: no; Kerry: no; Gore: yes; Bill Clinton: no; Dukakis: no

In the cases where a candidate was a foregone conclusion, in each case they were major elected officials.

In other words, we are so far out right now that there really can be no front runner for the Dem nomination at this juncture.

Ignoring the obvious "Planet of the Apes" troll, I'd vote for her over Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or The Donald.

If someone put a gun to my baby nephew and told me I had to vote for either Oprah, Kamala, Warren, Bernie, I would go with Oprah. I love her self-made story, her intelligence, savvy, and work ethic. She is pretty liberal, so her policies will suck, but I like her as a person. I cannot say the same for the others.

She is more qualified and fit for the office than Trump so....

I like Oprah a lot and have a ton of respect for her. Is she smarter than Trump? Yes. But ultimately, we vote for the person who we believe will implement the policies and vision that we support, not necessarily the smartest and most knowledgeable person.

I'm pretty sure this was the first time in American history that a major broadcast network explicitly endorsed someone for the Presidency even before he/she announced the candidacy.

I saw "The Post" this weekend, a stunning movie. It reminded me of how far the media has fallen. Back then, although the reporters were liberal, they took their jobs seriously as guardians of the truth, giving accurate objective news to the public. They were unafraid to criticize Democrats and Republicans alike. Now, the media is a farce; they have become glorified political pundits, explicitly waging a war against the current President after giving the previous President a pass for 8 years, worshipping him as a messianic figure. The media has reported countless inaccurate and downright hysterical stories regarding the current President. It's truly shameful.

She is more qualified and fit for the office than Trump so....

I like Oprah a lot and have a ton of respect for her. Is she smarter than Trump? Yes. But ultimately, we vote for the person who we believe will implement the policies and vision that we support, not necessarily the smartest and most knowledgeable person.

I'm pretty sure this was the first time in American history that a major broadcast network explicitly endorsed someone for the Presidency even before he/she announced the candidacy.

I saw "The Post" this weekend, a stunning movie. It reminded me of how far the media has fallen. Back then, although the reporters were liberal, they took their jobs seriously as guardians of the truth, giving accurate objective news to the public. They were unafraid to criticize Democrats and Republicans alike. Now, the media is a farce; they have become glorified political pundits, explicitly waging a war against the current President after giving the previous President a pass for 8 years, worshipping him as a messianic figure. The media has reported countless inaccurate and downright hysterical stories regarding the current President. It's truly shameful.

NBC ✔ @nbc Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference to a joke made during the monologue and not meant to be a political statement. We have since removed the tweet.

She is more qualified and fit for the office than Trump so....

I like Oprah a lot and have a ton of respect for her. Is she smarter than Trump? Yes. But ultimately, we vote for the person who we believe will implement the policies and vision that we support, not necessarily the smartest and most knowledgeable person.

I'm pretty sure this was the first time in American history that a major broadcast network explicitly endorsed someone for the Presidency even before he/she announced the candidacy.

I saw "The Post" this weekend, a stunning movie. It reminded me of how far the media has fallen. Back then, although the reporters were liberal, they took their jobs seriously as guardians of the truth, giving accurate objective news to the public. They were unafraid to criticize Democrats and Republicans alike. Now, the media is a farce; they have become glorified political pundits, explicitly waging a war against the current President after giving the previous President a pass for 8 years, worshipping him as a messianic figure. The media has reported countless inaccurate and downright hysterical stories regarding the current President. It's truly shameful.

Love, honor, beauty has been replaced by power and greed. These are just things our society has come to value.


This narrative presenting most news organizations as lacking journalistic integrity just isn't representative of the truth. The media as a whole has some issues but you're grossly overstating the amount of inaccurate and hysterical Trump stories. While most major orgs are imperfect they do have standards. It is also important to understand that being fair is not the same thing as being objective. Trump is objectively worse than other presidents by every metric. Trump objectively lies more than other presidents. So the notion that Trump should be covered like other presidents is just absurd. You can not be objective and pretend that his administration is anything but chaotic, incompetent, abnormal, and honestly dangerous....and empirically so. Other presidents may have been wrong but they were at least respectful of the office and thoughtful in action. Trump is reckless in speech and action. That recklessness combined with an inability to understand details and complex issues makes him worthy of negative coverage. That is without mentioning his obvious narcissism, shitty management style, and constant disrespect/mistreatment of others.

This narrative presenting most news organizations as lacking journalistic integrity just isn't representative of the truth. The media as a whole has some issues but you're grossly overstating the amount of inaccurate and hysterical Trump stories. While most major orgs are imperfect they do have standards. It is also important to understand that being fair is not the same thing as being objective. Trump is objectively worse than other presidents by every metric. Trump objectively lies more than other presidents. So the notion that Trump should be covered like other presidents is just absurd. You can not be objective and pretend that his administration is anything but chaotic, incompetent, abnormal, and honestly dangerous....and empirically so. Other presidents may have been wrong but they were at least respectful of the office and thoughtful in action. Trump is reckless in speech and action. That recklessness combined with an inability to understand details and complex issues makes him worthy of negative coverage. That is without mentioning his obvious narcissism, shitty management style, and constant disrespect/mistreatment of others.

What Nixon did was significantly worse than Trump, as Nixon actively tried to cover up a federal crime and committed obstruction of justice. Bill Clinton also committed perjury and obstruction of justice by lying to a grand jury. Trump has done neither. To say that he is objectively the worst POTUS, displays a shocking ignorance of American history.

The media is not supposed to take partisan sides. They should report the news as accurately as possible, regardless of whether it will make a certain politician or party look bad.

This narrative presenting most news organizations as lacking journalistic integrity just isn't representative of the truth. The media as a whole has some issues but you're grossly overstating the amount of inaccurate and hysterical Trump stories. While most major orgs are imperfect they do have standards. It is also important to understand that being fair is not the same thing as being objective. Trump is objectively worse than other presidents by every metric. Trump objectively lies more than other presidents. So the notion that Trump should be covered like other presidents is just absurd. You can not be objective and pretend that his administration is anything but chaotic, incompetent, abnormal, and honestly dangerous....and empirically so. Other presidents may have been wrong but they were at least respectful of the office and thoughtful in action. Trump is reckless in speech and action. That recklessness combined with an inability to understand details and complex issues makes him worthy of negative coverage. That is without mentioning his obvious narcissism, shitty management style, and constant disrespect/mistreatment of others.

I sort of agree in some respect, but the amount of focus on him personally is ridiculous. Swipe left on your iPhone to the news section and 2 out of 3 articles are anti-Trump articles (the other one is covering some other topic). I think a study found that something like 96% of press Trump coverage has been negative. 96%? Seriously? Even if you hate Trump, half the country likes his policies. Do they not actually cover policies anymore?

Even if 96% is an exaggeration, Pew Research says it's 62-5%. 5%? Seriously?…


What news? It doesn't even exist, it is purely opinion. No one actually wants news, they just want people to agree with them. This is why Fox is successful, instead of going after the same demographic that your competition is they went after a new market. There are legit small youtube news shows that get more views on a regual basis then Megan Kelly does on NBC.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I agree. It’s just sad to see that every single news organization outside of fox beligerently makes articles about their dislike of Trump. They don’t even try to hide their bias anymore. I don’t even like Fox, but CNN, Washington Post, etc. have become straight up liberal propagandist platforms so I don’t read or watch their stuff anymore. The media in our country is tearing us all apart.


Setting Oprah aside, Trump is in the driver's seat for re-election--if only he would control his absurd behavior. All he has to do is relinquish control over his goddamn Twitter feed and he would be odds on favorite for re-election. I cannot believe Trump's continued self-infliction of political wounds. It boggles the mind.


It has become painstakingly obvious that the republicans foremost cater to whites and the financially well-off. The fuck is your point bro? I love how people act like identity politics are something new, politicians have been doing that shit for generations and because people coined a new word it's become something new lmao. If you prefer the policies of the dems then vote for them, if you prefer the policies of the conservatives then vote for them. That simple.


No, not really. My point is, BRUH. Whites in general are a lot less in-group bais than e.g. blacks. Whites thus have a greater adherence to meritocracy, objectivism and similar virtues. While blacks - as evident by Obama and Winfrey - need to be persuaded by a black candidate in order to even consider to vote. More importantly, you need to view politics from a metapolitical perspective.


I suspect most of the respondents here have never watched Oprah's show or traveled Trump country. Oprah has managed her brand exceptionally well (ownership, reputation, endorsements) but she's not demonstrated real economic savvy. Her network OWN is still losing money and nearly all wealth gains are related to media syndication and the Weight Watchers stake. She's admitted lacking decision conviction and demonstrated disinterest in significant "black" issues.

I also can't recall president who is unmarried and/or has no children. Subconsciously, voters are skeptical of who diverge so fr from traditional hetero normative standards. I grew up watching Oprah (I was raised by black single mother). She doesn't have the temperament to campaign in red states and would become less likable when shifting from interviewer to interviewee.


As popular as Oprah is her status alone won't propel her to the White House anytime soon. I'm sure if she's serious she'll have time to craft a campaign message but what does she stand for? Is she going to give out free college education, homes, etc like she gives out cars and other prizes (which she isn't paying for out of her own pocket)?

People can hate President Trump all they won but he ran as a candidate for the Reform Party and even in 2016 had a specific goal in mind and a consistent message. He ran because he had serious concerns about the direction of this country and was quite vocal about it.

I haven't heard much from Oprah until now with the #MeToo and I can't see her being taken seriously on the world stage.

By all means the Democrats should run her so President Trump can all but be guaranteed another 4 years.

It's scary that we're even considering making the celebrity president a habit after the last two

True. Mostly Liberals who are lost and don't understand how their beloved HRC could lose to that big meanie.


PT 1

Kamala Harris will be the nomination. Oprah is a fucking joke.

1) Trump is lambasted for being a "reality TV star" - forgetting that he started and continues to be a real estate developer.

2) Trump, like him or hate him, has been involved with politics for a while, ran on a platform that was a combination of Republican and old school Democrat ideals.

3) Has experience as a negotiator and business man. He is also pragmatic and really just wants to make a deal and sign legislation.

Oprah is mainly a TV personality. She is now more business woman, but her evolution is basically the opposite of Trump.

1) What is her platform going to be other than liberal Democrat issues? 2) What is her economic plan?

Oprah also has a lot of issues that will alienate her from woman.

1) No kids 2) Bisexual 3) Prostitution admission when she was younger

So Oprah will effectively get the black vote and NYC and California.

This is a story that is driving the press who wants only to either shit on Trump or stroke fantasies of him losing.

Kamala is 1) educated, 2) experienced, 3) black, 4) a woman, 5) has actual political and policy stances.

Booker is 1) educated, 2) experienced, 3) black, 4) a man (gay?), 5) has actual experience

Who should Dems be focusing on? Yeah, I rest my case.

PT 1

Kamala Harris will be the nomination. Oprah is a fucking joke.

1) Trump is lambasted for being a "reality TV star" - forgetting that he started and continues to be a real estate developer.

2) Trump, like him or hate him, has been involved with politics for a while, ran on a platform that was a combination of Republican and old school Democrat ideals.

3) Has experience as a negotiator and business man. He is also pragmatic and really just wants to make a deal and sign legislation.

Oprah is mainly a TV personality. She is now more business woman, but her evolution is basically the opposite of Trump.

1) What is her platform going to be other than liberal Democrat issues? 2) What is her economic plan?

Oprah also has a lot of issues that will alienate her from woman.

1) No kids 2) Bisexual 3) Prostitution admission when she was younger

So Oprah will effectively get the black vote and NYC and California.

This is a story that is driving the press who wants only to either shit on Trump or stroke fantasies of him losing.

Kamala is 1) educated, 2) experienced, 3) black, 4) a woman, 5) has actual political and policy stances.

Booker is 1) educated, 2) experienced, 3) black, 4) a man (gay?), 5) has actual experience

Who should Dems be focusing on? Yeah, I rest my case.

I respect Oprah for being a self-made black billionaire and for her work ethic and savvy. She's undoubtedly very intelligent. But let's not fool ourselves. She's a diehard liberal Democrat, even moreso than Barry Hussein Obama. When she did talk about policy, it was absurd. For instance, she compared the vicious beating and death of Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin's case.

The Democrats will most likely never nominate a straight white male for the Presidency. They are no longer the party of JFK and Bill Clinton but the party of illegal aliens, radical Muslims, radical SJWs, socialists, and endless identity politics. To them, straight white men are the problem.

Best Response

PT 2

Take a look at the following links:………

Voting by groups - last 3 elections


Black Vote - 8% Hispanic -29%


Black Vote - 6% Hispanic - 27%


Black Vote - 4% Hispanic - 31%

So lets see. Trump got a higher % of the Black vote than Romney and McCain, all while being portrayed as a bigot, KKK member, etc. Trump got higher or the same Hispanic vote when maligned as calling all Mexicans rapists (misquote), build the wall, etc.


1) Hispanic =/= Mexican 2) Blacks care about jobs and have lower educational attainment and higher low income type job employment than other groups.

So if Trump gets GDP up to 4%. If wages increase. If marginal manufacturing comes back to the US (which lower taxes will help bring jobs on the edge back), if he continues with his policy issues which are largely economic focused, either he will win or another Republican will win.

Liberals freak the fuck out about everything Trump does, but outside of NYC and Cali people just want jobs. And the news ruined themselves to the point people just tune it out.

So instead of pushing Oprah, instead of focusing on Russia, instead of acting like hyperbolic children, Dems should go back to their roots, talk to union works, work to bring jobs back, retrain people, help their old school base and develop an economic plan other than "raise taxes", and then they can win.

None of this will happen as the Democrats (I am shocked as I thought the Tea Party would sabotage the Republicans) have been kidnapped by the fringe right. They are focusing on social issues that matter to San Fran and NYC, but mean nothing to the massive voting blocks of this country.

In conclusion, no one will care, people will win and lose, and all I focus on and you guys should focus on is making money and paying as little to the government as possible. Who gives a fuck. Obama was a shit president and I made more money than ever before. I love Trump and the market might collapse. I am sure someone else will be elected and promise people the sun and the moon and deliver nothing. Oh fucking well.

PT 2

Take a look at the following links:………

Voting by groups - last 3 elections


Black Vote - 8% Hispanic -29%


Black Vote - 6% Hispanic - 27%


Black Vote - 4% Hispanic - 31%

So lets see. Trump got a higher % of the Black vote than Romney and McCain, all while being portrayed as a bigot, KKK member, etc. Trump got higher or the same Hispanic vote when maligned as calling all Mexicans rapists (misquote), build the wall, etc.


1) Hispanic =/= Mexican 2) Blacks care about jobs and have lower educational attainment and higher low income type job employment than other groups.

So if Trump gets GDP up to 4%. If wages increase. If marginal manufacturing comes back to the US (which lower taxes will help bring jobs on the edge back), if he continues with his policy issues which are largely economic focused, either he will win or another Republican will win.

Liberals freak the fuck out about everything Trump does, but outside of NYC and Cali people just want jobs. And the news ruined themselves to the point people just tune it out.

So instead of pushing Oprah, instead of focusing on Russia, instead of acting like hyperbolic children, Dems should go back to their roots, talk to union works, work to bring jobs back, retrain people, help their old school base and develop an economic plan other than "raise taxes", and then they can win.

None of this will happen as the Democrats (I am shocked as I thought the Tea Party would sabotage the Republicans) have been kidnapped by the fringe right. They are focusing on social issues that matter to San Fran and NYC, but mean nothing to the massive voting blocks of this country.

In conclusion, no one will care, people will win and lose, and all I focus on and you guys should focus on is making money and paying as little to the government as possible. Who gives a fuck. Obama was a shit president and I made more money than ever before. I love Trump and the market might collapse. I am sure someone else will be elected and promise people the sun and the moon and deliver nothing. Oh fucking well.

One of the most underrated stories from the 2016 election was Trump doing better with minorities and worse with whites than Romney. There was actually a massive shift from Romney to Clinton amongst college educated whites making $250K+year, a group that is highly concentrated in the big blue cities and their suburbs. This played a role in Trump doing worse in WA, CA, IL, VA, MD, MA, than Romney and hurt his national popular vote total. Trump, however, won non-college whites by 39 points, a stronger performance than even Reagan 1984.

Can't stand Oprah. Billionaire leverage, far left, feminist, black entitlement/african-american complex, etc. No thanks.

Oprah is not the typical African-American by any stretch of the imagination. I do agree that in general, blacks tend to blame whites and society for their failures and want the government to bail them out. It's one reason why they vote for Democrats by such wide margins.


I don't want Oprah as President but I would vote for her over the scumbag traitor that currently calls himself president. I'd even take most Republicans over the enemy of the American people living in the White House.


Democrats branded Mitt Romney a racist, sexist homophobe guilty of animal abuse, bullying and killing people by taking away their cancer treatment. Mitt Romney, one of the nicest and most honorable people in politics. Trump is Teflon Don because the left brands everyone of its opponents with hyperbolic bullshit and many people simply aren’t having it anymore.


Possimus vitae itaque enim perferendis praesentium in. Occaecati voluptas et blanditiis illum quia velit. Voluptatem culpa illo sequi maxime quia.

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