Weird Classroom Experiences: Classes, Professors, & Grades

I was wondering if you guys wanted to share some school experiences - specifically, instances where you had strange classes, professors, and/or grades.

e.g. I once took a class that was heralded as the toughest finance class at my school. The professor was a former VP at a BB bank, started and sold a couple companies, drives a $200k car, and is now retired but still young enough to mack on students at the local bar. I was really nervous about taking his class but ended up getting what I believe was a relatively easy A.

e.g. I took a supposed easy religion class as part of a general requirement. I did all the work and drilled the final...and got an A-. I probably shouldn't have disagreed with him so much...

I hope you guys contribute because it will be interesting to read about some of your experiences!


Sociology 101, discussing social deviance and how it's becoming more accepted

random kid: "ohhhhh, is that why creampies and bukkake are OK things to discuss in public nowadays?"


I got 25% off of an exam because I had t take it late since I missed the first one...for my Dad's funeral...wanna talk about ridiculous professsors

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Missing the first college midterm I ever had because I stayed up 'til 5 studying for a 10:30 exam and overslept. Absolutely panicking because of how immature I was. Ended up being able to reschedule because the professor was so nice, but still.

Having a TA in one of my gen-ed classes say he would've given any other student a perfect A on that paper except I got a B because he 'expected more of me'. I ended up getting an A in the course, but I had to develop a relationship with this guy that turned out being really chill. Some random black guy who went undergrad at Harvard and wound up TAing where I go while working on his Master's.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

The topic was "Should oil drilling and use of strategic petroleum reserve be allowed to reduce oil shortage and U.S. dependence on foreign oil? What are the other alternatives/substitutes?" Posted on blackboard

Student A: Most people agree that we should stop consuming oil and use alternative energy. Same people think that the reason why we are not doing this is because we don't have the technology yet. This is not true! Stanley Meyer invented water powered engine over 20 years ago. The problem is that nobody ever used that technology. Someone just bought his patent, and never used it. Someone might ask why would anyone do that? We all agree alternative energy is good for a society. There is a simple explanation. Oil companies are powerful. They don't want people to use alternative energy because it reduces their profits. Stanley Meyer died suddenly after dinning at the restaurant, and nobody can explain what actually happened. I think oil companies bought his patent, and then killed him, to make sure that he won't invent anything else.

Does anyone else think that we don't use technology that we already have because of the influence of oil companies?

student B: I think you need to double check your facts before you lose points.
Student D: So, who makes these ridiculous prices of our gas for our cars? "The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) controls over 40% of the world's oil production and around 65% of the planet's oil reserves. The OPEC is the market leader, it sets its own price for crude oil"(1). "These prices are based on supply and demand" (1).

Then student Q comes in and is like wtf ownd

Student Q: OPEC isn't a market maker for oil just a supplier, they only impact supply ~40%. In your source number one your author is wrong.

I'll quote from OPECs website, "One of the most common misconceptions about OPEC is that the Organization is responsible for setting crude oil prices. Although OPEC did in fact set crude oil prices from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s, this is no longer the case."1

in the fit of rage student D writes

Student D: Ok then tell me who does then? You can't tell me I'm wrong and then NOT say who actually does set the crude oil prices...So tell me?...Who does?

student Q gets the on!

Student Q: Reread what I wrote and you will clearly see I said your source is wrong. Are you too lazy to copy and past? I'll do it for you "In today's complex global markets, the price of crude oil is set by movements on the three major international petroleum exchanges, all of which have their own Web sites featuring information about oil prices. "- OPEC1

student D is like wtf hoe and replies with

Student D I didn't say I was right when I replied to you, I SAID tell me who does set the prices then...and now you said CME set oil prices, that's all I wanted.

And technically, I wasn't wrong because at one point and time, they DID set the prices.

Student D being defeated not knowing what to say gets the last word in and says

Student D: How old are you? Because I feel that you are five and I have to repeat myself to get something through to you. But obviously I had to tell you over and over again to tell me who does control the gas prices until you actually did and I didn't expect too much from you because from the way you respond to people on every discussion (childish and rudely), I already assumed that your intelligence was at a low level to being with. So no apologies here from me.

In world religion, our professor spent a day telling us what he expects from our papers. He told us to give him examples of what to write on a paper so he could show students how to narrow in on their topic rather than generalizing on the topic.

One kid yells out "Praying". Professor writes praying up on the board. So he goes "let's be more specific". Being the smart ass I am, I yell out "praying on your knees". He acknowledges that as different religions do that and writes it on the board. Then he goes "can we be more specific?". Sitting beside me was my friend Mike so I yell out "ask Mike, he spends a lot of time on his knees". Everyone laughed except the professor. The professor acted like he didn't hear me and goes "What was that?" I said "I think Mike might have a suggestion" and he goes "oh".


My micro professor used to climb over desks and do all kinds of crazy stuff when he asked people questions and they didn't know the answer. He would stand in the aisle holding himself up on a desk pretending to be about to collapse and begging people to give him the right answer to save him. Really weird guy.

"Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on 'income distribution', the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: it is earned." -Thomas Sowell
In world religion, our professor spent a day telling us what he expects from our papers. He told us to give him examples of what to write on a paper so he could show students how to narrow in on their topic rather than generalizing on the topic.

One kid yells out "Praying". Professor writes praying up on the board. So he goes "let's be more specific". Being the smart ass I am, I yell out "praying on your knees". He acknowledges that as different religions do that and writes it on the board. Then he goes "can we be more specific?". Sitting beside me was my friend Mike so I yell out "ask Mike, he spends a lot of time on his knees". Everyone laughed except the professor. The professor acted like he didn't hear me and goes "What was that?" I said "I think Mike might have a suggestion" and he goes "oh".

SB, priceless haha.
I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
A Posse Ad Esse:
In world religion, our professor spent a day telling us what he expects from our papers. He told us to give him examples of what to write on a paper so he could show students how to narrow in on their topic rather than generalizing on the topic.

One kid yells out "Praying". Professor writes praying up on the board. So he goes "let's be more specific". Being the smart ass I am, I yell out "praying on your knees". He acknowledges that as different religions do that and writes it on the board. Then he goes "can we be more specific?". Sitting beside me was my friend Mike so I yell out "ask Mike, he spends a lot of time on his knees". Everyone laughed except the professor. The professor acted like he didn't hear me and goes "What was that?" I said "I think Mike might have a suggestion" and he goes "oh".

SB, priceless haha.


A Posse Ad Esse:
In world religion, our professor spent a day telling us what he expects from our papers. He told us to give him examples of what to write on a paper so he could show students how to narrow in on their topic rather than generalizing on the topic.

One kid yells out "Praying". Professor writes praying up on the board. So he goes "let's be more specific". Being the smart ass I am, I yell out "praying on your knees". He acknowledges that as different religions do that and writes it on the board. Then he goes "can we be more specific?". Sitting beside me was my friend Mike so I yell out "ask Mike, he spends a lot of time on his knees". Everyone laughed except the professor. The professor acted like he didn't hear me and goes "What was that?" I said "I think Mike might have a suggestion" and he goes "oh".

SB, priceless haha.


Silver Banana


Had a sexy TA for my accounting class sophomore year. I didn't know the answer to one of the questions so I wrote in, "Ashley [her name] is so hot". When she returned our papers, she was blushing big time, gave me a big smile and handed me the paper. She made some cute comment on the paper. If she hadn't been in a committed relationship, there's a decent chance I could have slept with her (I was 20 and she was like 23 or 24).

Junior year, my real estate finance professor was a guy who kind of ran the town--he was the richest guy in Blacksburg and he owned several large pieces of real estate, including the Macado's restaurant in the town. He spent pretty much the entire semester rambling about his successes, how much he hated his wife, the fact that he was rich as crap and was only teaching so that his wife (whom he hated) could collect his retirement benefits. I got a C in his class because there wasn't one damn thing on the test that he covered in class (there was no textbook). That was almost 5 years ago and it still pisses me off even today.


Similar to A posse's story, kind of, at least in the beginning heh

I was taking a fairly easy gen-ed history class this spring. Our grade consisted of a multiple choice midterm, final paper, and multiple choice final exam. I scored a 99% on the midterm and a 98% on the final exam. Throughout the class I argued with my teacher (person doesn't warrant being called a professor) for at least 10 minutes every day as she continuously gave the class the wrong information on current events and I like a good political debate. Lucky for me, I read the material and new the right information and when she graded the tests she apparently got smart and knew the correct answers as well.

Well, we turn in our final paper two weeks before the class is over and get it back in our second to last class. Thinking I aced it, I just flip to the back to take a look at the grade. She gave me an F, and this was not just any old F, it was a 10%. Not 100, 10. I look through the paper for her edits, and she has noted 4 and 1/2 errors. In the entire paper. One was a run-on sentence (because I accidentally used a comma instead of a semi-colon), one was mistakenly writing now instead of know, don't remember the other 2, and the last "half error" was missing a period in the Works Cited.

So I'm wondering wtf and go up to talk to her about it. She literally said that because I seemed to think I was so much smarter than her and did so well on her tests that she was grading me harder than the other kids.

Here's how the rest of the conversation goes (not word for word, but I definitely did not censor myself when talking to her): Me: Is this a fucking joke? T: No, you seem to think you're smarter than everybody else and know everything, and I'm teaching you that you don't. And you canNOT talk to me that way. Me: Actually I think what you're trying to say is "you may not talk to me that way" as I technically CAN talk to you that way. T: I'm a professor of history, I know how to talk right. Me: That sentence wasn't grammatically correct either, care to try again? T: It's time for you and your incorrect ideas to leave. Me: What the fuck does that mean? T: You Republicans all think you're always right, and I showed you that you were wrong. Take your grade and leave. Me: uh... (ended up not responding when she brought my political beliefs into it, even though at the time I was identifying as a Libertarian)

So I went to the department head's office the next day to meet with him about the grade. This one grade took me from an A to a C-. I tell him the deal and he says it's up to the professor to determine what grades they give their students. I ask him to just look at the paper, just glance at it to see if by the professor's editing he can tell why I got an F. He takes a look, sees the mistakes, looks at the grade and says "what the fu" and then cuts himself off. I was like, "let me take care of that: what. the. fuck." He then actually takes the time to read my paper, changes the grade to a 97.5%, signs it, copies it, gives me a copy and says he'll take care of it.

So, I ended up getting an A, which was awesome. Fast forward two weeks. I'm a vindictive son of a bitch, and don't have a problem fucking with someone if they do the same to me first. So I drop my other history class and do a search for her to try and get in her next class. >:D Sadly, she is no longer teaching at the school. One of my friend's was in her class (he did the standard, "oh I know, youre SOOO right" and got an A despite having Bs on both his papers) and he said a notice was sent out a week before saying his professor for that class was being changed for the upcoming term. Did I get her fired? Don't know, but if I did, suck it bitch.

Of course, she got the last laugh. In the 6 minutes it took me to realize she wasn't teaching there, someone scooped my seat in the other history class. I'm not a big fan of 8 am classes and the only available one for that class started at 730. Not cool.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

One of my professors illustrated all the examples taught in class on an "Old Hag". I.e: A helicopter flies over the field and precisely at time X an Old Hag is pushed out of the cabin. What is the time X, if the Old Hag hits the ground at time (X+y) and the helicopter's elevation is YYY feet ? He eventually explained that the old hag is his mother in law.

I was taking a summer course at JC, and the English prof showed up to class on the first day 10 min late and with a cup of Starbucks. Her classroom rules were: if you are even 2 min late, attendance grade is 0. No food or drink in the class, not even in a covered container. When everyone looked at her Starbucks cup she said: I have a Phd in English, therefore I get to have a drink if I want to.

Now I think that she probably just didn't want to grade a ton of papers and decided to reduce the class size by acting psycho the first day.

More is good, all is better
Best Response


Prof: Explaining how her husband is a pre k teacher and loves his job for about 30 mins (while i google nonsense and pay no attention)

Prof: Proceeds to start a discussion on why an adult male who desires to be around toddlers all day is sometimes viewed in a negative light.

Me: (Throwing in my 2 cents) "Any guy who wants to be around little kids all day is seriously creepy and must have an alterior motive. Why else would they not want to compete with the rest of society for a respected profession, i mean if your going to be a teacher come on, atleast be a professor. I just don't see how a man can be content playing with legos all day... just me"

Prof: "Wow"

Classmates: Just stared at me like i had 3 heads.

Me: "What"

I ended up with a C but took the class Pass/Fail so joke was on her.


Ipsa iusto amet a. Tempore maxime sint et iste aut eveniet soluta.

Ut explicabo soluta tempore nulla enim consequatur. Officia beatae consequatur et reprehenderit ut et at. Doloribus debitis consequuntur aut perferendis accusamus. Ut dignissimos veniam sint omnis. Sunt molestias omnis ratione et.

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