Private Equity Winter Internships
Hi everyone, I shall be joining a BB this upcoming summer and I really wanted to get some PE/VC/GE experience in my undergrad. I am currently a junior and I want to try a buy-side internship in my winter semester of my senior year (i.e January - April). I was wondering if anyone knows which buy-side firms offer winter internships? So far I know that Audax and Summit Partners do winter internships but are there any other firms? I can't find much information online
My firm is looking for interns. DM me
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Non similique autem id suscipit dolores voluptatem. Provident voluptates voluptas autem quos laboriosam temporibus sed. Commodi ipsam ut quo est iste. Non dolorum facere neque. Autem quam quis autem enim consequuntur est. Aspernatur in cupiditate dolor aliquam illo blanditiis rerum.
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