Proud Boys - Stand Back and Stand By?

Tbh, I have never even heard of the Proud Boys but now my understanding is that it is some type of white supremacist group.   It is not clear to me what Trump's comments, "Stand Back and Stand By " even mean.  Is this a Proud Boy expression or is Trump telling them to let the police do their jobs but get ready to take matters in your own hands?  I would like to know why he used this phrase. 

Anyone have any insight here?


I'm not replying with my account, but I don't understand why this user is getting MS'ed for inaccuracy... almost none of these groups are organic (same with some of the prominent individuals of the "alt-right" ... (Richard Spencer, milos yiannopoulos)

It's also not a far-off assumption that every political faction/ movement is embedded with agent provocateurs, both on the right and the left (Antifa, BLM, etc). This same shit happened at the Occupy Wallstreet Movement 10 years ago, where you had random people at demonstrations start shouting "f**k white people/f**k jews" or try to get the crowd to attack police, then just disappear once things got heated. 

Tried and perfected methods by our own agencies (CIA, FBI) and various foreign agencies throughout history (KGB, Mossad, MI6, various Chinese Dynasties, Roman Empire, sengoku-jidai era Japan, etc)


all these groups are controlled. if you want to know what's not controlled look at what's banned. for example National Action in UK. Anything else is infiltrated or run by government security / intelligence agencies and / or their snitches. It's a tried and tested method going back hundreds of years. Senior Consultant missed out the good example of Okrana for the Romanoffs during the Russian Empire. It's even believed that Stalin was originally an Okrana agent who rose up so high he eventually became the leader of not only the movement but of the country itself. 


The Proud Boys would tell you they aren’t at all racist. Anyone in the overall left category would tell you they’re white nationalists. Full-on explicit racists would describe the Proud Boys as “civnats”, a snarl word meaning a group that’s nationalist but believes nationalism is based on culture, not race/genetics.

Trying to be as neutral as humanly possible: the Proud Boy oath asks candidates to declare themselves “Western chauvinists” who “refuse to apologize for creating the modern world”. They will and do sign on men of all races willing to swear such. So, actual Nazis think they’re degenerate for allowing non-whites, while anyone on the left would say that “Western chauvinism” and the like is a dog whistle for white supremacy, and fundamentally the Proud Boys will enlist other races as long as they accept that “Western” (white) culture is superior.

In actual practice, the Proud Boys engage in street brawls with groups (such as Antifa) that they see as undermining the “Western” identity of the/a country (there are some foreign branches). While you can certainly get in to “who hit who first”, I think one can objectively note that Proud Boys have a history of grouping up and driving to downtown Berkeley, Portland, etc where they expect to find leftists to face off with, while I think the vast majority of the time Antifa and the like don’t wander out to suburbs or rural areas to look for conservatives to brawl with.


I think you're looking for a far deeper meaning than the simplicity in the words. "Stand back and stand" is akin to saying "stand back and stand by." It is something a leader or group member would instruct fellow party members to cease what they are doing and await further instruction.


We can resolve this very quickly... Are there any hispanic/black/asian or other minority races in their groups? I'll answer that for you, the answer's no. They're agenda is progressing/advancing life for white nationalities solely, and are thus white supremacist groups. You can also look on the Southern Poverty Law Center website, but it won't say much differently.


I don't remember Biden saying Proud Boys caused the damage? He condemned any violence during protests. I'm really trying to remember so I can validate your point, a lot of shit went down last night lol. And don't discount the fact that police and conservatives at these protests are provoking a lot, if not all, of the corresponding chaos. Not saying protestors are right for the damage caused, but don't pretend that nobody is provoking them.


That’s an interesting point. Remember when trump got elected there were the people screaming and crying people in the streets. If Biden wins, I wonder if we’ll see the same reaction from the right. Probably will, and the left will do their version of this classic.“L


They're not even white supremacists is the funny part, one of their leaders is literally Afro-Cuban, but they're definitely right wing trolls that antagonize leftists whose opinions they view as "anti-western." This is just another classic example of "this disagrees with my leftist ideas therefore it must be racism/white supremacy" in action. These are the same people that call Jordan Peterson a white supremacist which to anyone who's actually listened to him speak for more than 30 seconds knows is a blatant lie.

The fact that was even a question was total bullshit. Upon review it definitely seems like Chris was running interference for Biden by moving on to the next set of questions any time Trump actually managed to say ask something meaningful so that he didn't have to answer. The one time he actually challenged him on something, the SCOTUS packing and filibuster removal question, Biden got off scot-free while literally refusing to even attempt an answer. Moderator with the goal of being invisible my ass.

If Biden can't muscle his way into a conversation with Trump then how is he going to lead negotiations with Russia or China? Is he going to ask the supreme international leader court moderator to step in and make sure they play by the rules too? I'm not saying I thought Trump did an amazing job, I think he acted like a complete asshat when he wouldn't shut the fuck up and was an embarrassment to the office. But if Biden can't hold his own in a one-on-one off-the-walls verbal slug fest with the Chimp-in-Chief unless a moderator steps in how can he be taken seriously as a leader? Getting shouted down and only firing back with a weak little "Will you shut up man?" was pretty representative of how I imagine him as a leader, timid and ineffectual. Meanwhile Trump, while a colossal asshole, dominates conversations and won't shut up unless you give him something in return. Annoying? Yes. Effective? Jury's out on that one, seems more appropriate for one of his appearances on WWE, but definitely better than Biden's approach.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

It's not effective for negotiation at all. People don't want to talk, they just nod their heads and wait for him to leave. In sales, forcing your way to Yes isn't good on long term deals, most countries it's just short for 'get out of here.' People who think Trump was winning are the people who think screaming in an argument until the other person leaves is winning. 



Dude, international agreements are not about who blusters the most , they're made and negotiated by huge teams of people who meet with each other. It's about understanding the stressors that apply to the other side and applying pressure in the correct areas. It's knowing intimately the political situation and using it to your advantage. The US has been incredibly advantaged from a corporate perspective for a long long time because our leaders KNEW that. They KNEW about soft power and how to give a little to get a lot. Trump and Kushner know no such thing - That's why everything is so fucked up with the chinese trade agreement - we haven't actually gotten anything! just...agreed to agree in the future. The trump team got their shit run because they are fucking trash at doing anything. Real Estate investment in NYC is the easiest fucking thing in the world and Kushner and Trump still manage to fuck it up because they rely on bluster - which works if you're buying a fucking mini-mall or a condo in Hoboken, not a negotiation that's actually difficult. That's why the only "peace" agreements they have are between countries which already do business together and have never fired a shot against each other. Yea he won't shut up, and he gets the *bare minimum* it takes to shut him up, nothing more. 

Biden's approach is to find the pressure he needs and apply it. Collect favors and then spend them accordingly - that's how you coalition build. That's how you rebuild our torn up soft power throughout the world. 

This is how you judge effectiveness? The loudest voice? Jesus...


Anyone who has followed the protests/riots knows that 99%+ of the property damage/violence has been done by Antifa/Leftists. Even if the Proud Boys are a white supremacists group, to say that they are causing this chaos is so disingenuous on Biden's part.   

Try again. WSJ recently wrote about DHS and the FBI's finding that the biggest threat from violent agitators were white supremacists.


I think both fringe groups on the left and right are worrying. I’m starting to be genuinely concerned about skirmishes breaking out, much like Ireland experienced with IRA v British soldiers or something of that nature.

What you are saying is true in some senses- the far left has allowed opportunists to torch buildings and do a lot of stupid stuff. They have been the main culprit of the recent unrest. My concern is the far right is notoriously heavily armed. I’m worried that if Trump loses, there will be both fringe groups fighting and then people caught in the middle. We haven’t truly seen a concerted effort of far right people in America (that I can think of off the top of my head). We do see the results of ultranationalist racists- a Walmart in El Paso is a prime example of this.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

The proud boys are on the same level of sus as that dude in among us who is probably not the imposter because you see him a lot but he always is just running around and you never actually see tasks get done.


Guys, just re watch the clip.....

Please don’t fall for the media, read the transcript and you will completely understand.

Wallace said “are you willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups?”

Trump “sure”

Wallace “and say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we have seen in Kenosha, and as we have seen in Portland”

They go back and fourth for a little and then trump says the now famous quote.

He used the exact language that Wallace did. The only reason this is a sound bite or being questioned by the media is because it’s trump.

Also, Wallace is a complete hack. They had this same discussion in 2016 where Trump then, as he did last night, asked Wallace to name the groups he would like him to denounce.

This is sooooo annoying. I hate politics so much. At least pretend to be objective.

Edit: Here is a clip for you guys....


Good memory, I believe Wallace in 2016 asked this question and Trump denounced white supremacists, David Duke, KKK.

Weird since the other week Trump was vowing to declare the KKK a terrorist organization (alongside Antifa).  Also noticed that Wallace didn't ask Biden to denounce Antifa.


Very simple..... 

Wallace knows who he is up against. The left owns the media, that's not an opinion that's a fact. He knows that one false move and he will move from fair moderator and on their side, to being the enemy. Which would hurt his pocketbook..... since he isn't all that highly regarded at Fox or other right wing circles. 

But beyond that, what incentive does he have? Does he really want to be hard on Biden and get death threats and the like from everyone on twitter? 

People forget that it's easy to be "on the left" in today's day and age. It's the cool thing to do. It's the "moral" thing to do, don't you know? 

You will not see a single fair debate, and I feel terrible for the lashings that Pence is going to take after his debate with Kamala.


Yeah that is a sticky situation. 

I don't know that we will ever have all the facts.....

1) Kyle should have been at home, and should not have had access to those types of guns

2) His parents should have done a better job of level setting him, and telling him what behavior is and is not appropriate (I haven't done a ton of reading on the subject, but my guess is that he comes from a rural county where he did not know any better)

3) I have seen many, many videos of protestors destroying cars, berating people sitting at cafes, intimidating people walking home etc. 

4) Joe Biden's campaign tweeting the image of Rittenhouse and furthering that rhetoric last night was wrong, I don't care what you say, that was flat out wrong. He has not had a chance to go through the judicial system yet and to have a presidential nominee have his account post that sort of thing is appalling. 

Long story short, lot's of bad things happened that I wish didn't. Kid shouldn't have been there, people should not have attacked him and brandished weapons at him. Hell, the guy who had his arm shot off was on CNN saying he wishes that he killed Kyle. That is flat out wrong. We do not need to have that sort of rhetoric on our news stations. 

It's going to be a bumpy road for the next month or so. As much as I don't like the outcomes of either candidate winning, I am almost to the point that I am willing to bend the knee to Kamala and let her take over. Then at least, we can hopefully get back to some since of normalcy instead of another 4 years of blaming anything and everything on Donny. 


He gave the most non-committal response and "stand down and stand by" is not the same as what Wallace asked him. Even the language "stand by" implies to wait for new orders. EVEN IF we assumed it was just a blunder in his language choice, clearly the Proud Boys heard different and celebrated the shout out and adopted the slogan.


Dude...... holy moly. How many times do I have to answer the same question. 

Here is the transcript once again.....

Wallace said “are you willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups?”

Trump “sure”

Wallace “and say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we have seen in Kenosha, and as we have seen in Portland”

Are you that dense to realize that when someone asked you to SAY something that it makes sense to repeat back what they asked you to say?


Check this link for further proof against what you say.....

It is seriously terrifying how many people read WaPo, NYT, etc. headlines and take them at face value rather than doing actual research. 


Also watched this live – that clip is laughably unrepresentative of what actually happened. He said "sure" he would denounce racists, but you can see as soon as the Proud Boys come up he starts rambling to avoid directly answering the question. I don't see how you can spin "stand by" to be a message of condemnation. 


Sincere question...... don't you think if Trump was truly a nasty, vicious, racist like you are making him out to be, that where would be a multitude of sound bites available where he was caught on tape? I mean the guy has been in the public eye for nearly 50 years. Many of those years being at points in times where people were far looser with their words.... 

Come on man. Have a better outlook on the world. Yes there are racist people out there. But most people want to wake up and mind their own business and live their own life. It is a very, very, very small percentage of the population and I am talking millionths of a percent who are actively trying to hold other people back on the basis of their skin. It really takes a cynical world view to think that the majority of people think or agree this way.

I hope by the time I die we ditch this attitude that all people are bad, people are good. People are freaking amazing and will help the average person more times than not. I know many of us live / work in NYC and that has us jaded. But in general, people really do care about one another. 



Sincere question...... don't you think if Trump was truly a nasty, vicious, racist like you are making him out to be, that where would be a multitude of sound bites available where he was caught on tape? I mean the guy has been in the public eye for nearly 50 years. Many of those years being at points in times where people were far looser with their words.... 

Come on man. Have a better outlook on the world. Yes there are racist people out there. But most people want to wake up and mind their own business and live their own life. It is a very, very, very small percentage of the population and I am talking millionths of a percent who are actively trying to hold other people back on the basis of their skin. It really takes a cynical world view to think that the majority of people think or agree this way.

I hope by the time I die we ditch this attitude that all people are bad, people are good. People are freaking amazing and will help the average person more times than not. I know many of us live / work in NYC and that has us jaded. But in general, people really do care about one another. 

Look, I don't know why you're talking about Trump here. Aside from him being the president, he isn't that big of a deal. The office he holds and the influence over people is a much bigger problem. Trump can suck a BBC for all I care.

Taking Trump's words and making them sound better is so disingenuous it'd be laughable if it wasn't such a serious issue. The best part about the people who do it the most, is that you guys will sit back and confidently call yourselves the most logical people n the planet. It's a joke.


White supremacy can easily be defined as people who believe white people are superior due to their genetic makeup. It’s in the name.

To your point- the line gets blurred a bit between “Being superior as a certain type of American” and “very nationalist with American culture”. There is a lot of nuance there. Imo it’s kinda like the definition of porn- I cant define it but I know it when I see it.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

They are not quite supremacists. They have people of all kinds of races and backgrounds. It's a men's rights group that was started by Gavin McGinnis, a married man

Money can purchase freedom, if you have the guts to buy it


a men's rights group 

LOL, it's funny every time I hear it. Incels, assemble!!

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

The "Proud Boys" are made up of incels, "men's rights" advocates, white nationalists, militia LARPers, and other alt-right sub groups. They are united by all being complete fucking losers. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer


They are united by all being complete fucking losers. 


Tbh, I think we need to let the left-wing (SJWs and what not) and the right-wing losers cancel each other out. It'd be like matter and anti-matter colliding with each other.

Just have them fight til death in a giant stadium. Modern day gladiators.


The Proud Boys are a distraction.

They have neither meaningful numbers in their ranks nor any impact on anything.  The question was simply a "gotcha" attempt at Trump meant to perpetuate this bizarre myth of rampant "White Supremacy", deflect blame from the Left for singlehandedly destroying 30 years of revitalization efforts across every major city in a matter of months, and give the Ibram X. Kendis of the world something to tweet about so 65 year old white clueless CEOs continue to pay him $20K / hour to come tell their employees they are all racists. 


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Voluptas aut dolores nulla quaerat rerum omnis. Corrupti aliquid omnis sequi quis.

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Vel autem dolorem maxime dolor fuga quaerat. Nostrum minima et est. At distinctio ex aperiam neque mollitia pariatur. Exercitationem sed blanditiis aut nisi. Maxime sapiente et occaecati adipisci. Optio provident deleniti veniam quis quisquam quia ipsa. Ut mollitia enim enim sit tempora.

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