What is an attractive industry to invest in today and why?
Hi guys - preparing for PE interviews (sector agnostic fund) and came across the question “which industry would you invest in today and why?” Curious to hear other people’s opinions
Hi guys - preparing for PE interviews (sector agnostic fund) and came across the question “which industry would you invest in today and why?” Curious to hear other people’s opinions
Career Resources
Do your own homework. You are interviewing to be an investor - if you can't be bothered / have the ability to figure it out (it's not rocket science), you're not a good fit for the role.
I said “curious to hear other people’s opinions”. I did my own research, but thanks for the (useless) response
Stop pretending as if private equity is some highly specialised role… no one (with a life) truly gives af about investing
Death care
Had this on my list! Thanks
We goin to war? Invest in some nuclear bombs.
Natural gas
Anything remotely related to electricity / supporting infrastructure (grid, etc.)
What do you think about the industrial/manufacturing/production space, in the context of AI / Industry 4.0? (Leaving Trump/US elections asides)
Probably pimping hoes
your mother
AI, Space industry, Hydrogen, industry 4.0 technologies
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Illum quia corrupti voluptas consectetur assumenda quas nulla. Officiis modi laudantium nihil soluta recusandae quod quos. Qui exercitationem et facilis quo in quos magnam.
Dolore quis sint quibusdam pariatur. Perferendis sed fugit totam sapiente. Facilis veniam rerum doloribus quibusdam iure voluptatem architecto.
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