Fox Business is a Joke

I deplore Fox Business News. It's almost a joke in my mind and its website and columnist, Liz, perpetuates my view.

Check out this very short op-ed piece written by Liz Claman about Lehman (I own a few shares so I follow the fundamentals).…

The op-ed piece is almost a joke with cliche's such as "supah-stah" and "pushed off the Bounty" used.

I then progressed to check out their main site at and did find some useful information albeit mostly sensational, as to be expected. The blogs are even more comical.

Thought I'd share my perspective.

I wonder where they'll be in 5 years....


Personally I wouldn't watch fox Buisness because I prefer CNBC and Bloomberg too much. While I love Fox News Channel, I think the analysis and observations on CNBC and BB are far superior.

So what do you do? -I work for an investment banking firm. Oh okay; you are like my brother, he works for Edward Jones. -No, a college degree is required in my profession

Reality hits you hard, bro...

From what Ive seen, Fox Business is pretty poor compare to CNBC and Bloomberg. I have had to watch it recently though because my satelitte at home is not picking up CNBC for some reason.

However, Fox News is the best news channel out there, but maybe that is because I am conservative and hate watching CNN and all the other leftist news reports.


liberals suck.

oops did i say that?

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

I had a vision. Of a world, without Fox News. Network TV liberals ground out a little profit, and the CNN liberals tried to shut them down block by block. And it was all....sooo boring! I've had a change of heart. I don't want Keith TOOLberman spoiling the surprise, but why should I have all the fun? Let's give one of WSO's other citizens a chance. If Keith TOOLberman isn't dead in 60 minutes, I blow up MSNBC.

(Just to be clear, Im kidding. Im not gonna kill anyone and I don't want Keith Olberman dead.)

Fox News is the worst channel in the world. I mean that, in the world. I've lived in several countries, and it's that bad. It doesn't even pretend to be unbiased.

Yeah, to say it's "unreliable" would be pretty charitable. Fox News is indeed a joke. I've also lived in several countries and still hold that Fox News is the worst I've seen.


Fox news is very biased-whenever you see Billo's bias and his unrealistically prejudice, he will always compare his ratings to the other tv shows, and he would even have a beef with snoop dogg, the demeanor of his show is very nasty, he would even go and compare himself to Larry king.

The other day he was so happy that it turns out that 81% of his watchers are educated or something of that sort while The Colbert report scored 77%, he was so happy that his ratings is better than Steven Colbert's,, what kind of mentality does he have?? and it's only by 4% better than a comedy show. lol what a jer

P.S the women on CNBC are much hotter!!


It surprises me whenever I see anyone refer to Fox News as a "bad news network"

How can you call Fox

I mean come on, if it weren't for the hilarious incompetence, ridiculous bias, and comically overt agenda of Fox News, Jon Stewart wouldn't have a job.

Not to say that CNN is any better, really... half the time their main news story is Paris Hilton, Madonna, or a particularly fat cat.

I don't know where the supposed "liberal media" is though. MSNBC maybe? Because the only media I see with any regularity is the neocon media and the hollywood media


When it come to bias I think CNN does a pretty good job themselves, just depends on what type of bias you prefer listening to. Come on, listen to Lou Dobbs for just 5 minutes!!! I mean, if that's not biased, then what is? And at any rate, if you just want to hear the facts on anything, go look it up online....or listen to certain European countries' evenening news, they do a pretty good job in boring you to death by just reading the facts from a piece of paper in a monotone voice. I think what both CNN and FOX are doing is not just giving you the news, but rather commenting on whatever direction they are geared. So I don't mind it, it's entertainment.

Best Response

OK, Conservatives have Fox News. Liberals have:


Sorry O'Reilly doesn't get chills up his leg when he hears Obama speak, like a certain MSNBC anchor. Sorry Hannity wants to know why Obama is friends with unrepentant terrorists instead of whether he likes hamburgers or steak better, like a certain NBC nightly news anchor

John McCain has been to Iraq ten times. B. Hussein Obama goes once and all the evening news anchors go with him. But that's fair and balanced.

You think Fox News is biased? At Palin's intro, MSNBC had under the headline "Breaking News" "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" Are you kidding me? Now, MSNBC has every right to be a far left lunatic organization. But when Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams are sitting next to Olberdouche and Matthews NBC loses all credibility. Everyone except for Fox is in the tank for Obama. And people wonder why the top 2 rated cable news shoes are "The O'Reilly Factor" and "Hannity and Ratface".


So then it is fair to say that no media network has credibility?

If your claim is that these have none due to their overtly liberal stance, then you cannot, under any circumstances, even begin to assert that Fox News has an ounce of credibility.

I lose brain cells any time I summon enough strength to listen to these fools. Even this week just tuning in, Steve Doocy's comment on Palin being an expert on national security due to Alaska's proximity was laughable, pathetic, and indicative of the intelligence of the viewers that swear by some of Fox News' programs.

Also, I find it amusing that Hannity, of all people, even has the audacity to comment on people's ties knowing damn well his past personal connection/relationship with Hal Turner, a white supremacist.


So Joker defends Fox News as a a news outlet SOLELY by attacking other news outlets for their supposed bias rather that arguing anything substantive about his preferred channel.

How's the Kool-Aid?


you belligerent boy Bill O'Reilly doesn't know what "play us out" means lol. he was a racist when he went to an african american restaurant and said he was surprised that no one used the the f word

and you saw in the video how many times he use the f word, what an indecent person he is.....

Hannity doesn't even have a college a degree.. because he is an idiot


I never said Fox News didn't have a Conservative bias. It is a conservative alternative to the leftist crap on the other networks. I find it humorous that people are so outraged at Fox News, yet MSNBC, CNN, the network news, etc. all get a pass.

Second, Hannity got into NYU, so he obviously isn't an idiot. I'd say his decision to leave school paid off pretty damn well. If I could get my own talk show and cable news show, I'd be out of college tomorrow.

MSNBC gets lower ratings than the tomato channel. CNN's ratings are about half of Fox's. The evening network news ratings are at all time lows. Fox's ratings are through the roof. Coincidence? Or maybe the average, Conservative American is fed up with all of these left-wing elitists bashing the greatest country in the world every chance they get. I mean after all, we are such a "downright mean country."

But what do I know? I'm just a bitter American clinging to my guns and religion.


"Hannity got into NYU, so he obviously isn't an idiot"

Did you seriously just use someone's enrollment at a university at some point in time as evidence that he is not a moron? Please see George W. Bush, Yale Undergraduate and Harvard MBA Alum. I'm ashamed to say this man is an alum of my university.

And NYU? Seriously?

And ignoring Bush, I run into a number of fools at my supposed top-tier Ivy, who are fucking morons. Certain schools grant social prestige, and may be indicative of intelligence but are not the absolute test.

I don't give MSNBC a pass; however, as I recall the main topic of this thread is Fox, not MSNBC. I watch BBC, as it is the only way I can escape the lunacy that is American corporate media.

And Fox News having higher rating does not surprise me, given the number of right-wing social conservative lunatics (and I'm a fiscal conservative by the way) that plague this country and keep it in a perpetual state of stupidity. (See Palin and abstinence only programs).

But what I do I know? I'm just an overprivileged tree-hugging and Peta-loving liberal softie athiest.


So what you're saying is Hannity got into NYU because his last name is Hannity?

If George Bush is an idiot, that doesn't speak too well for the Democratic leadership, considering that even with a 30% approval rating Bush got the exact budget he wanted and all the war funding he wanted. Pelosi and Reid go off bashing him every chance they get, and Bush simply smiles for the cameras and hands their hats to them. It is truly wonderful to watch.

"And Fox News having higher rating does not surprise me, given the number of right-wing social conservative lunatics (and I'm a fiscal conservative by the way) that plague this country and keep it in a perpetual state of stupidity."

That doesn't explain why all of the networks evening newscasts are getting destroyed and why once MSNBC/NBC (because there is no difference between the two) went far left they lost all of their viewers. Maybe it has to do with the fact that most Americans have been proud of their country many, many times in their adult lives.

Oh and you can't talk about Fox News being slanted without talking about NBC and CNN being slanted. It's the same issue.

"I watch BBC, as it is the only way I can escape the lunacy that is American corporate media."

BBC? You mean the station that refused to cut to Iraqi's pulling down Saddam's statue because of their personal opposition to the war? I'm glad to see Liberals love America so much that they want to turn it into Europe.


"So what you're saying is Hannity got into NYU because his last name is Hannity?"

Did my point seriously just fly over your head?

Re-read. Your entire assertion is that because Hannity attended NYU, which was not even an exceptional university in the 1980s, he must not be an idiot.

My counter-argument is that it is a preposterous claim, because there are many morons at the most elite of fill find them at the MIT and CalTech (well maybe not there)...believe me I interact with some of these fools on a daily basis...

"If George Bush is an idiot, that doesn't speak too well for the Democratic leadership, considering that even with a 30% approval rating Bush got the exact budget he wanted and all the war funding he wanted."

Eh..yeah..I am not a fan of the Democratic Party...I'm a social liberal, fiscal conservative; given this, there is no party in this fucked up country for me. The Republican Party at one point was a viable option before these moronic right-wing social conservatives grabbed the party by its balls....again (See Palin).

See the problem with you neoconservatives is that you consider criticism of your country as not being proud of it, when in fact dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

Protest the Iraqi War? You're not being patriotic.

Protest the abuse and expansion of executive powers? You're not being patriotic.

Protest the destruction of every goddamn international relationship? Shut up and be an American.

You all drink the Kool-Aid and give into this hyper-nationalistic fever without realizing that your supposed love of small government is being shredded to bits and pieces and being turned into a goddamn theocracy.

"Oh and you can't talk about Fox News being slanted without talking about NBC and CNN being slanted. It's the same issue"

I already addressed this...the entire goddamn corporate media is fucked; however, this topic is focused on Fox, hence it is the target of frustration.


Clueless Wanderer, you might be the only sane person on the internet

Ok that's hyperbole but seriously, it's hard to read political commentary on the internet (or watch it on tv for that matter) without barfing. Both Democrats and Republicans have economic plans that make most economists want to jump out the window.

The Republicans are socially conservative (read: bigotry) The Republicans are no longer fiscally conservative. Many Democratic politicians have turned into wannabe populists..

Neocons are so scary and Democrats have so far had little to counter their crazy Orwellian ideas

Washington is just a huge headache right now. So I'm voting Obama and I'm hoping he can figure out how to pay for everything he wants to do and reduce the huge deficit Bush has so graciously left us with.

So maybe there will still be a Wall Street for me to work on by the time I get out of college in four years.

Oh yeah back to Fox News...


I have no problem with protesting the Iraq War. It is your right and I have no problem with that. But when you say stuff like

"this fucked up country"

Yea, you're damn right I have a problem with that! No nation has given more and taken less than the United States of America. Whenever freedom is threatened, we are there. I, along with the vast majority of Americans, love this country more than I love anything else and when I hear people call us a "fucked up country" then yes, I consider that unpatriotic.

"Protest the destruction of every goddamn international relationship? Shut up and be an American."

So go along with what is popular and not what is right? And in case you've forgotten, Bush has stood up for NAFTA and tried to sign free-trade agreements with Latin America. If Republicans had there way, we would have even stronger relationships with these countries.

And maybe it's Europe that was wrong and not us. Maybe that's why a Conservative is now the President of France! Oh and if Europe is ever threatened, guess who is going to be there to protect them.

"You all drink the Kool-Aid and give into this hyper-nationalistic fever without realizing that your supposed love of small government is being shredded to bits and pieces and being turned into a goddamn theocracy."

Yea, Im very worried that George Bush is going to listen in on my conversations with my family and friends. Im sure he's very interested on when I'm eating dinner tonight. How dare we want to foil terrorist attacks and save lives! What a weird idea!

Small government refers to fiscally small. I want a strong military. I want to know I can go to sleep at night without worrying if Ahmadinejad sold a nuclear weapon to Hezbollah that will end up in times square tomorrow. You Libertarians with your theory of stick your head in the sand and hope everything turns out okay are going to get us all killed.


"So go along with what is popular and not what is right? And in case you've forgotten, Bush has stood up for NAFTA and tried to sign free-trade agreements with Latin America. If Republicans had there way, we would have even stronger relationships with these countries." you understand that by pursuing a unilateral agenda, the Bush Administration has actually in fact jeopardized its agenda?

How do you pursue nuclear non-proliferation when the other side distrusts your action?

How do you build a coalition to ensure free trade through the WTO when you have no international political capital, because you pissed it all away for a war justified by blatantly wrong intelligence?

"How dare we want to foil terrorist attacks and save lives! What a weird idea!"

Lol right, because we all know that Saddam Hussein, a man who led a secular government in Iraq, was in collusion with Osama bin Laden, a man who detested Hussein for not instituting Sharia Law and prayed for his eventual removal.

Yeah! It all makes complete sense now! Let just ignore that even the 9/11 Commission has stated there was no operational link.

Lol right, we all know the Iraqi War certainly foiled terrorist attacks, even though the majority of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi Arabian.

You want to argue that the Afghanistan Invasion was a necessity? Fine by me. I would actually agree with you, but if you honestly try to argue that a war predicated on false information has actually made us safer, you are out of your mind.

"Small government refers to fiscally small."

No, small (i.e. limited) government refers to clear limitations on the power of government due to its inherent nature to become tyrannical. Fiscally conservative is merely one fact of "small government." What it also does not allow for is for the out of control development of police powers (i.e. the Patriot Act).

Jesus is this what they are teaching on Fox News?


Saddam wouldn't ever sell a WMD to Bin Laden or Hezbollah. After all, Saddam had a moral line that he would never cross.

"No, small (i.e. limited) government refers to clear limitations on the power of government due to its inherent nature to become tyrannical. Fiscally conservative is merely one fact of "small government." What it also does not allow for is for the gradual development of a police state (i.e. the Patriot Act)."

The Patriot Act does not equal a police state. That's an insane exaggeration. But the Patriot Act is necessary. This isn't 1800 where the biggest weapons are cannons. Hezbollah and Al Qaeda need ONE bomb to kill hundreds of thousands of us, and make no mistake: they will not hesitate to do so. Sticking your head in the sand hoping we don't get attacked will get us all killed.

"How do you pursue nuclear non-proliferation when the other side distrusts your action?"

Do you trust the Russians? I don't want to sign a treaty with Russia! And in case you haven't noticed, the French are moving to the right! They are moving towards us! Somehow, I think we'll still be able to sign treaties with France and Britain and Germany.

Im sure on BBC, blame America first is very popular. Too bad it's extremely misguided.


"So maybe there will still be a Wall Street for me to work on by the time I get out of college in four years."

Not if capital gains taxes are doubled, more social security taxes are imposed, windfall profits taxes are imposed, corporate taxes remain higher than Europe's, we have to fund socialized health care, etc. etc.

"The Republicans are socially conservative (read: bigotry)"

That's a bold statement. Hope you can back that up.

"I'm voting Obama and I'm hoping he can figure out how to pay for everything"

Great plan!!!! Hope! Yes We Can! Change! Just say these words and all shall be healed!


Lol, I actually cannot keep going back and forth, as I actually need to do something productive and hope Morgan Stanley gives me an offer, so I will respond probably tomorrow afternoon....I've already wasted too much time...on here.

But I do look forward to seeing what other skeletons come out of Palin's closet.tomorrow.

This country is fucked. Democrats are giving into the populist fever, and the Republicans are being held hostage by social conservatives who fail to even adhere to their own standards. Palin is and will always be a joke -- and now McCain by association.

I'll respond to your post direct at me...prob in the afternoon I think...or when I have time tomorrow, Joker.

Clueless Wanderer:
Lol, I actually cannot keep going back and forth, as I actually need to do something productive and hope Morgan Stanley gives me an offer, so I will respond probably tomorrow afternoon....I've already wasted too much time...on here.

But I do look forward to seeing what other skeletons come out of Palin's closet.tomorrow.

This country is fucked. Democrats are giving into the populist fever, and the Republicans are being held hostage by social conservatives who fail to even adhere to their own standards. Palin is and will always be a joke -- and now McCain by association.

I'll respond to your post direct at me...prob in the afternoon I think...or when I have time tomorrow, Joker.

Obama gave into the populism into the primaries because that's what happened. Ever since then he's become increasingly centrist (to the chagrin of many liberals). Still, like half his economic advisors come from UChicago.

Honestly I was a big fan of McCain in 2000. Now he's just pandering to the religious right (people he used to call hate mongers) and tacking himself onto Bush. As the Economist said, "Bring back the real McCain".


And the alternative is John McCain, who's going to make permanent tax cuts that the US can't afford and that he actually argued against when Bush first proposed them.

Perhaps one shouldn't expect candidates' numbers to add up. Tally up Clinton and Obama's expenditures on health care and tax cuts and you will find that they both spend more than they raise. But McCain's numbers are out of whack by orders of magnitude beyond those of either Democratic candidate.

Here's the gist of it: Despite his earlier opposition, he now wants to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Price tag: more than $2 trillion over 10 years. He wants to repeal the alternative minimum tax. Price tag: "up to $2 trillion" according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). He wants to keep the war going ad infinitum, at a cost of between $100 billion and $150 billion per year, according to CBO estimates.

Then there is his health-care plan, which ends the employer tax exemption for the cost of covering employees, and uses the proceeds to subsidize the purchase of health coverage in the private market. The costly part has to do with the poor, the old, and the sick. As health economist Jon Gruber noted, "his plan will require huge subsidies he's not talking about."

Oh, and did I mention he wants to cut the corporate tax rate too, from 35 percent to 25 percent, and allow businesses to fully write off capital investments as soon as they make them?

Bob Greenstein, the director of the CBPP, is not prone to hyperbole. But he called McCain's program "one of the most fiscally irresponsible plans we've seen by a presidential candidate in a long time." According to Len Burman of the Brookings Institution's Tax Policy Center, McCain's tax cuts would shrink federal revenues by 25 percent over 10 years, at which point they would account for about 15 percent of GDP, compared to 19 percent last year.

John McCain is an idiot. Just look at his education record or his VP pick.

Honestly who needs entertainment outside of the news when McCain has managed to worst vice presidential pick since Eagleton? Palin is a fucking farce of a politician and the tiniest possibility that she could become president makes me throw up a little in my mouth.


Joker, I equate socially conservative with bigotry because that's what it ultimately comes down to. Fifty years ago it was perfectly reasonable for one to be a social conservative and believe that racial segregation is okay. Same thing with inequality for women.

Social conservatives are the ones who have historically kept the earth flat, slavery in place, persecuted science, etc. It's the same today, but instead of racists they're homophobes, instead of keeping the earth flat they keep climate change a myth and sexual education out of school.

I won't get into abortion because I respect both sides of that argument. I come from a socially conservative family this is a very personal issue for me. I hate bigotry and hatred. I hate it's okay to be a bigot and just call yourself "socially conservative"

Joker, I equate socially conservative with bigotry because that's what it ultimately comes down to. Fifty years ago it was perfectly reasonable for one to be a social conservative and believe that racial segregation is okay. Same thing with inequality for women.

Social conservatives are the ones who have historically kept the earth flat, slavery in place, persecuted science, etc. It's the same today, but instead of racists they're homophobes, instead of keeping the earth flat they keep climate change a myth and sexual education out of school.

I won't get into abortion because I respect both sides of that argument. I come from a socially conservative family this is a very personal issue for me. I hate bigotry and hatred. I hate it's okay to be a bigot and just call yourself "socially conservative"

Still it does lead to some hilarious situations. Take Sarah Palin for example, maybe if she wasn't such a huge fucking shill for abstinence only programs her 17 year old daughter wouldn't be knocked up.

Some of the stuff the religious right actually believes in and actually wants to see happen in government is just western sharia law.


"Honestly I was a big fan of McCain in 2000. Now he's just pandering to the religious right (people he used to call hate mongers) and tacking himself onto Bush. As the Economist said, "Bring back the real McCain"."

Amen to that. I remember about a year and a half ago I told my girlfriend that if this race ends up being Obama vs. McCain we shouldn't be worried, because both are good candidates. I don't know what happened to that guy.

I'm really glad Obama has shifted toward the center though. Why haven't people figured out that the extremes are bad no matter what? You do too little or too much of anything and you're fucked

The center is the place to be, in my opinion.


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Et beatae debitis omnis autem nobis. Et similique quis quasi laborum est impedit. Et soluta quia aspernatur saepe.

Reiciendis commodi vel numquam voluptatum molestias et veritatis. Voluptates repellendus aut earum commodi ea veritatis. Velit officia nemo non vel facilis laboriosam. Consequatur qui enim quis sit.

Corporis magnam aspernatur doloremque odit provident. Blanditiis consequatur rerum mollitia quos ullam omnis sunt. Est officiis sequi quia.

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Doloribus quia recusandae pariatur. Sit consequatur aperiam nihil delectus. Consequuntur asperiores aut accusantium possimus sequi.

Earum illo quaerat debitis numquam vero. Ea aut voluptatem maiores. Delectus labore ab sint explicabo labore culpa ipsum est. Nihil blanditiis ut corporis quia modi reiciendis et. Autem autem ut necessitatibus accusamus optio. Quae eos in dolore voluptatem et veritatis.

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Aut voluptas harum dicta. Quis voluptatem autem sint delectus. Voluptas explicabo labore natus non. Distinctio ea inventore autem consequatur. Esse et quis natus consequatur ratione ipsum. Occaecati non sint quo soluta.

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