Reputation of Lehman, Credit Suisse?
I'm a college junior at a target-school, and I'm in the process of applying to summer internships at various BBs. All of their firm presentations seem to blend together, and despite meeting many people at nearly all the firms, I have no idea how I'm realistically going to choose between one firm and another.
Does anyone know the specific culture or reputation of these banks? I'm looking for Wall Street insiders with information that a typical college student would not have. Info related to the subprime crisis isn' t really what I'm looking for, because I figure in 2-3 years most of that will have passed anyway.
I'm pretty focused on i-banking, but I did apply to S&T internships too. Right now, I'm leaning towards Lehman Brothers. My second choice is Credit Suisse or Morgan Stanley. And then would be Goldman and Merrill.
I really appreciate any advice that you can lend!
All great banks, depends what you want IMHO. Goldman you will work your butt off, and if you are the kind of person that is HIGHLY competitive, then it is the place to be. Morgan Stanly I really got so much bad vibes from the people I have met in that company. Merrill mmmmm, bleh? Lehman I don't know much about them, they are a good bank but they denied my buddy to enter a PE team in the final round, so I don't like them. Credit Suisse this is where I met the most fantastic people, and if you like a good team environment this is where I would go.
In sum I would favor Lehman, GS or CS.
Remember, you will always be a salesman, no matter how fancy your title is. - My ex girlfriend
Oh and by the way this is for the London offices I was talking about. Culture varies GREATLY b/een continents.
Remember, you will always be a salesman, no matter how fancy your title is. - My ex girlfriend
They’re both top tier hehe
Damn i thought this was a troll shitpost but then i saw the date
I just accepted my SA offer on Lemans CMBS desk last week
“Info related to the subprime crisis isn't really what I'm looking for, because I figure in 2-3 years most of that will have passed anyway.”
Oh brother... it sure did pass... it sure did
le debit suisse (baguette) (baguette) ;-)
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