I completely bombed an interview with a commercial mortgage brokerage once, the principal literally said to my face that I had no useful skills to his company. I ended up accepting a job with another firm a week later only to have the same principal email me during my first week offering me the position. Then he tried to convince me to leave my current position to join his firm. I think he was desperate, but that was definitely the worst interview I had but I ended up with an offer so I wouldn't get too bummed out about it if I were you, weird things can happen. And you have probably already heard this but the more "no's" you get, the closer you are to a "yes"!


I was the interviewer and not interviewing, but my first job out of college was in REPE and our group was pretty small so they had analysts that had been there for a couple of years interview new hires, and probably for only 15-20 mins. So just remember: interviewing to be an analyst at a real estate investment firm. The guy wasn't great overall but when we got to the do you have any questions for me part he asked me how much math would be involved. When I said nothing too complex like you don't need to do multi-variable calc or advanced stuff but you should be able to hold your own in basic business math, some algebra, be quick at numbers and be efficient at excel and the math involved with that he said "I was under the impression there would be no math involved in this job." I didn't know what to say after that. Just silence.



Interviewed with a large multistrat fund and everything went well initially. Sent a research report in, which they loved. Also nailed all of the technicals and brain teasers. Ended up getting a second round with a managing director but was not told a definite date. A day before finals week I was told that they wanted to interview me during the same time as an exam. I told the MD I would let him know if I could get out of it and suggested other times that might fit if I couldn't, which yielded no response. A day later I was given permission to get out of my test after haggling with my professor. I told the managing director about being able to interview at his suggested time and was still not given a response. Waited a few days to follow up, and he finally responded in a six word, chat-abbreviated sentence telling me that they picked another guy in the mean time. The dick head wrote something to the effect of, "Pickd othr prsn, thx for interst."

Wow! What an unbelievably self-centered bitch! That guy should have been beaten with a pipe!

EDT: Why the hell am I being monkey-shitted for this? I'm saying the hiring manager is a self-centered jerk.


Second time posting my worst experience: i recently had a final round interview with the ceo of a small data analytics provider. the guy was 15mins late, ok, fine, its an entry level role, youre time is more valuable than mine. he sat down and made a point of conveying that it was his first time looking at my resume. he then, out of the blue, asks me “where would you go if you could go anywhere”. he proceeded to interrupt my answer and said he was unable to proceed with the interview until his secretary could find the initial application i filled out when i first came in. now, bear in mind, this fucking thing took me 15 mins to fill out the first time and all of it was redundant.

, i fill out the form again. he comes back into the room, looks it over and then exclaims “you were a manager at your previous position?!?!?!” as if he had caught me out incorrectly filling in a field. and i correct him, graciously, that i was indicating my supervisor’s title. he then continues looking over the form, and all of a sudden asks me if i realize i am wearing brown shoes with a dark suit. he gave me several other fashion tips and then told me i come across as “spacey”. when i asked if he could describe it better he recommended i google the word ‘spacey’ and see what comes up. i said i think kevin spacey will probably come up. that was about the end of it.


A year or so ago I had an interview with a sector specific micro boutique in the City (these are very different to US advisory boutiques). Let's just say that the 80s / 90s finance scene was alive and well at this place. I'm going to be so easily identified as I told everyone who would listen about it after but saw the thread and had to create an account to share.

Travel up the night before and realise I didn't bring a shirt so go to HoF (only place open) and pick one up in the right neck size without really thinking. Get up the next day, put it on - it requires fucking cuff links. It's 07:30 and the only place open is Primark and their only cuff links have huge fake diamonds on. Going well so far.

Get there. Walk in after hanging round in the lobby and its a 2 Vs. 1 interview. Emphasis on the Vs. Told to take off tie and cuff links as I look too formal (they're both wearing ties) - he looks at these fake diamond things and just straight up laughs. Questions ranged from what was the genesis of western thought - nicomachean ethics or the republic? How does "the Prince" influence my daily life? I then lost a £5 bet to the lead guy (had to pay up) and bombed a few brainteasers, nailed technicals.

Then it got really weird.

They called in one of the guys below them and tell me to stand up and insult him as best I can. I thought I had bombed it due to brainteasers and was convinced they were just fucking with me. At this point I thought it was best to just go for it.

Then, they asked how much my hotel was because they pay expenses but, "if you got lucky, I'm only paying half". I explain that Tinder didn't serve me well last night and that leads to me, tie-less and cuff-linkless swiping away to show an ageing director how Tinder works in an interview.

Weird day.


I had an MD ask me to answer a complicated math question in the middle of the interview. After running through the math on paper, I gave him my answer. He then asked if I was willing to bet my job offer on my answer. After I said I would never bet something that important on a question I may or may not have gotten right, he said that I came off as too risk adverse which was not good for the job. After quickly going over my math again I said, "Yes, I would bet my job offer on my answer". He said my answer was right but the company could never hire someone who was willing to take such high risks. He then ended the interview.


I think my interviewer was looking for any excuse to kill the interview. His very first comment was how the other applicants were much more qualified than me and mainly came from ivies (I was coming from a very non-target).

His first question was, "How would you have fixed the economic crisis in the 1970's?" I gave three different suggestions. After I offered each suggestion he said, "You're wrong. Try again." Finally after the third time I said, "I'm running out of ideas. What would you have done?" His reply was, "I don't know. There is no right answer." His next question was the question I mentioned earlier. Needless to say, I never got the job which is a great thing b/c I never would have wanted to work for that guy.


I went on a few interviews in college for jobs I didn't want at all to practice interviewing and one guy was just a douche bag like some of the above mentioned stories so I decided to screw with him. I think it was the third or fourth person interviewing me in the day (and I thought I was only going for a normal ~hour interview so I was already kind of pissed off that I was still there) and he started grilling me in a dickhead way and saying I was wrong when I wasn't so I started answering questions just to fuck with him and see what he'd do. He'd ask a qualitative question, one was one of the typical what's your greatest weakness or something like that and I answered 7. Another was a quant question where the answer should have been a number and I said red. He turned beet red and I thought he was going to jump across the table and hit me. I just walked out after a few minutes and said I had to be somewhere else.


I was 1 year out of UG at a decent shop. While at a cousin's birthday party, I struct up a conversation with what turned out to be a senior VP for a respected REPE shop. We ended the conversation with intentions of getting coffee in a few weeks.

2 weeks later, we have coffee and the SVP conveys they have an opening in the acquisitions team that he thought I would be a perfect fit for. The following week I come into their office and interview with 2 associates & 1 VP (round 1, total of 2-3 hours). The interview went really well & I was asked to come in for a 2nd round. The 2nd round consisted of meeting with 2 VP's & 2 SVP's for a total of 3 hours. Things went well again, so they asked for me to come in once again to meet a Principal and to take an excel test. The 3rd round took an additional 3 hours, for an all in total of 8-9 hours of interviewing, with 8 different people.

I did everything right, arrived 5 minutes early to every meeting, wrote thank you letters, and related on a personal level to pretty much everyone I met with. I heard back from my contact, who then stated everyone loved me & he even threw out numbers for the offer & stated that the last thing before they wrote me the offer would be for me to meet with the founder of the firm. I was really nervous for this one, so i took the day off for the interview just to make sure nothing could come up last minute before / after work that would come in the way of getting to their shop on time.

I was on the train commuting home the day before the interview when i get a call. The call was from the founder of the firm and he asked where I was at (which was 40 minutes away from downtown). I told him that the interview was tomorrow, and he asked if I was sure. Simultaneously I check my emails while on the phone with him, and confirm I misread the email. I apologized, but the damage was already done.

TLDR - spent 9 hours interviewing with 8 different people on 3 separate days. Everything went great, last step was to meet the founder of the REPE shop. Ended up standing the guy up. Did not get the job.

Best Response

My first PE interview, I had no business being there. I was interviewing with a fund that basically only hired consultants, and the interview format was case study based. I had never done a case study in my entire life up until that point but I figured what the hell, an interview is an interview and I'd be foolish to pass this one up.

The initial email underlined and bolded "You do not need to bring anything with you to the interview" so I didn't bring a folder or pen. I show up and the secretary gives me a case study packet and shows me to a room where I have an hour to complete it and answer some questions. There are already 4 kids in there working on it and it's dead silent, so I couldn't ask them for an extra pen or scratch paper. So I quietly exit the room and scramble for a pen. Couldn't find paper anywhere so I walk around the entire floor and finally find the printer room and take a stack of computer paper before heading back to the room.

At this point I have 45 minutes to do the case study, so I work through it quickly, answer all the questions, but skip the bonus question at the end feeling pretty good about my work. Get called into my first interview to discuss the case and the first thing the guy says to me is "Did you steal that computer paper?" and I was like Yeah took a few sheets because I didn't bring anything with me. He then asks if I completed the bonus question because "everybody else has today" and I tell him I didn't. Strike 1.

We start discussing the case and I bumble through every answer and get maybe 30% of them right. To make matters worse, I made some decimal errors so that all of my math answers are off by a factor of 10. That's what I get for forgetting a pen and not checking my work. I can tell he's getting more and more irritated as he's getting increasingly short with me. At the end, he was like "So was there any information you felt you were missing? What questions would you ask a CEO of the company?" and I respond "Nope thought you guys did a great job, it was pretty comprehensive." So he says "Nothing at all?" and I nod my head. He just stares at me for 5 seconds and finally says "Ok we'll move on." Strike 2

Last part of the interview is a verbal case study. Again, the first case study I did was 30 minutes prior and I bombed it. I can tell the second one will be even worse. We start working through market sizing, products, marginal cost vs. marginal revenue and I have no idea what I'm doing. For some reason I incorporate "fixed costs" into all of my answers because that's all I can remember from Econ 101. At first he gently tells me that fixed costs are irrelevant in this example and to focus more on the variable cost structure and break even points, but for some reason I can't give it up. Every answer I talk about the fixed costs and how they're not truly sunk costs (but they were). He finally cuts me off and says he's going to ask me (very tensely I might add) one final question about whether the company should enter the market based on the current cost structure. I thought I'd lighten the mood and I say "The fixed cost structure?" The guy absolutely loses it and slams his hand down and said "GOD DAMNIT THE FIXED COST STRUCTURE DOESNT FUCKING MATTER!!", gets up from his chair and starts pacing. Strike 3.

We sit in silence for about 15 seconds before I pulled the Billy Madison line "Okay, a simple 'wrong' would've done just fine." Thankfully he laughed at that, and was like "Let's cut the shit, it's painfully clear you're not getting the offer, but you're stuck here for the next 10 minutes so what do you want to talk about?" So for the remaining time we talk about fantasy football and that actually went really well.

"You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are." - Mister Rogers

Fun update Monkeys! My worst interview just turned into a full time offer working on a commodities trading desk. After 6 months of straight kicks to the face.... over coming a non target background.....low side of 3.0 GPA..... I finally landed a full time offer.


Straight up terrible interviews? Can't think of any.

Awkward interviews? Absolutely.

  1. I interviewed for a Client Services role at an Investment Management firm, and the Senior Vice President interviewing me literally pulls out a crumpled paper from his pocket with interview questions on them and starts reading them off one by one (I thought he was joking).

  2. When I was interviewing for an Internal Wholesaler position (one of my first full time jobs), the National Director of Sales happened to be in the office. He asked that I come in the office and interview with him after speaking with the two Sales Desk Managers. Everything was working in my favor up to that point. I walked into his office, and he stood up from his chair, and I proceeded to shake his hand and sit down across the desk from him. He froze while standing up and said "Don't you know it's common courtesy to sit down only after the other person sits down", and I replied "No, I've never actually heard that before" (LOL). Later on, we keep on talking, and he stops me in the middle of the interview and says "Are you chewing gum right now?", and I said "Yeah I am. I actually was meaning to spit it out before I stepped into the office, but I couldn't find a trash can, and I didn't want to spit it on the sidewalk outside" (Just ridiculous on my part). I thought I bombed that interview completely, but I guess honesty really works because I ended up getting the job, and the National Sales Director actually took a big liking to me (the Sales Managers on the desk would later go on to tell me he was my biggest advocate).

  3. I interviewed for an Investment Analyst role, and the head of Investment Research walks in and we begin the interview. Everything is fine, until about 5 minutes in, when his nose starts bleeding uncontrollably. This guy literally walks out the room, and walks back in with tissues shoved up his nostrils. When he removes them, his nose starts gushing again. Rinse, Repeat. He cycles back in and out of the room about 5-6 times with new tissues shoved up his nose. He apologizes numerous times and says it's the dry air. I think if by "dry air" he meant cocaine, then yes, it was definitely the dry air.


This wasn't even remotely as horrible as you're making it out to be. If you met with a Mike, Guy, and Aaron, the name Michael probably popped into your head because that was actually one of the guys' names you were going to be meeting with.

Plus, how did you learn a lesson if you were offered the job? I really don't think people on this site really know what adversity is. But good luck on the role and whatever you pursue later down the road.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”