28 y/o with a 23k net-worth, how fked am I?
Grew up in a fatherless household, had no guidance in regards to schooling, graduated late (at 26), ended up figuring shit out, making 100k now with an investment portfolio of 92k (earning 10% anually on avg) but still have 68k of student debt ( currently on standby, so i dont make payments). WTF do I do? My parents still live on rent, I have no future inheritance as they live hand to mouth, so im trippin hard about life rn as I know ill have to take care of them eventually. Plus i really want to get married but in our culture i dont got the funds to do that.
Is there anything i should or can do to better my situation? all thoughts welcomed.
I would focus on finding new/better/well paying employment and then pay off all existing loans.
If you are sticking around one region, check whether it may make sense to buy rather than rent.
Save money, as much as you can. No need for flashy expenses like cars, branded leisure wardrobe, shoes, or things nobody really needs to survive.
Delay family/kids as long as possible but make sure you are not out of the dating arena:
- Keep your friends close. Remember how much fun we had as kids and young teenagers, when we had nothing? Real friends can still give you that, you don't have to be rich to have fun in life.
- Get introductions to the right girls. Right here = no gold diggers, no social media influencers who want to show off their bfs Ferrari. A real woman believes in your potential, not your bank account. Make sure she is a good person and fits to your overall values (family, religion, future goals, kids, ..)
- Get/Stay in shape. Eat healthy. Cardio. The last thing you want is some form of a medical issue right now.
I think you can make it, believe in yourself.
Oh, and not everyone gets a big inheritance. Regardless of country or culture.
positive intent, but think you missed the mark here.
You have a positive net worth. You're already ahead of most graduates these days. Just make more money (somehow) and you'll be fine.
You look fine to me. It's not like you must retire within the next 5 years.
Pay down the rest of your debt, and with that level of earnings you will be way above the average if you control your spending.
you have a point. thank you
Bro you are super fine. Sure, high debt, but this does take time. Just relax, have fun, and get a good girl. We're all gonna make it, brah.
fuarkkk. u mirin?
You bet your juicy ass I'm mirin' as fuaarrk, brah
I don't have any good advice but I think you should remember to be proud of your accomplishments so you can keep a healthy perspective as you figure things out.
Agree with others, you are fine. This forum makes it sound really easy to earn $300k and live a baller lifestyle... it's not.
You are 2 years out of school and way ahead of most people at that stage. Keep doing what you're doing, pay down the debt but you're not really behind
The average person in the US has $1k in savings.. think you’re doing fine 2 years out of school
You’re not fucked, focus on paying off debt (don’t pay minimums) and always seek out better paying positions. I was in the same shoes 10-12 years ago (arguably a little worse) you’ll get there just focus on the long haul and on keeping increasing your pay every 2-3 years. Seek out new things you can learn to differentiate and grow. The one thing I wish I did better was save more (and automatically increase savings by 1-2% of salary a year, unless getting a big jump)
thank you. was trippin because i felt like 28 is when people should have made it in life
I wasn’t too far away from your situation. At 26 I had lower net worth, by 30 I had 100k net worth, by 35 i had 800k net worth. I brought property recently. Stick to the plan, stay impatient in the short-term and patient in the long-term plan. Growth is not linear it is exponential. The early years are a slog, if u can figure out the VP+ thing then things grow quickly. You can make it happen
thanks for your input, glad to know im not the only one who was in this kinda situation.
You're in a good spot. Don't fret. Keep making your payments and don't make dumb investments and don't buy dumb things.
Only on this board would your position not feel like a good one. Is it as strong as some of your peers (who likely received more financial aid, free college, etc.)? No. But you are by no means 'fucked'.
100k at your age is a top 7-10% income. Your net worth is also positive, which for many college grads that isn't the case at 28. You also likely have better personal finance, spending, and investing knowledge than vast majority of population. Trust me, many are not being as aggressive with investing as you are. 20s is about setting a good foundation for your life - and you are there. You have money, you have a great skillset to build on, and you want to do better. Your income and assets will likely grow tremendously over your 30s to the point that you will scoff at ever being so fucking stressed about something so dumb.
My advice below:
- the aging parents thing is tough for anyone. I think about it too. My parents were gambling degenerates with nothing to their name, I dont care about inheritance but tbh I refuse to pay top dollar for nursing home coverage years from now unless I can financially afford it COMFORTABLY. If not, tough beans. Some here may disagree and call that heartless, but my parents bad decision making wrecked their life financially - I will not let it wreck mine, my wives, or my children.
- Enjoy your 20s dude. You need to get out of your head, there are things that you can do now (like travel globally for cheap) that you will not be free to do so later in life. Do it
- If starting a family is important then start focusing on dating, and start it asap. You have a solid runway left (~7 years) where you can date women who are still young, normal, dont have baggage, etc. These years can fly by if you fuck around though, and you dont want to be a 38 year old dude who is single and looking at leftovers (almost any woman who is single and into 30s has issues, men too for that matter but just a heads up). Doesnt mean rush into a relationship, but take the time to make yourself an attractive partner (doesnt mean just your income, but your hobbies, values, passions, fitness, etc.) as well as understanding what you want in a partner. It's absolutely ok if you want your wife to also be career minded as well. Assuming she is, and has a similar income to you, then your future HH income is doubled. Congrats
- Seriously, on that 3rd point, your selection of spouse is the most importance financial decision you will make after your job. Hell, it may even be number one. Dont take it lightly. So many guys just end up with the first woman that says yes to going out with them without spending an ounce of thought on what they actually want in a partner. Dont be that guy
great answer, thank you for sharing!
How many wives do you have?
Not to wax philosophical, but everyone has their own timeline. I know it sucks to see others beyond where you are now, or with achievements at a younger age, but really you craft your own journey and story. What a bland world it would be if we were all on the same path.
Am/was in a similar boat. Decently well-off grandparents, but parents who don't have a dime and will live off what they eventually inherit. I don't expect to inherit a red cent. Graduated on time with $30k in debt, making ~60k. Became more or less a budget nazi. Heavily limited dining out, kept groceries as low as possible, entertainment was 100 or so a month. Used the right credit cards to max points, literally clipped coupons. Laser focused on saving.
Saved about 12-13k/year for the first two years, and with student loan payments I got to zero net worth at that point. After the 3rd year I got a new job at roughly 90k but used that as a chance to increase my savings and keep my expenses almost flat. I did get my MBA and pay for it out of pocket, so all my savings during that time went there.
Now that I'm done (and have a new job), I save 35% of my gross income either through my 401k, HSA, IRA, or taxable accounts. I have gotten significant raises and keep this same percentage. Got an equity grant and just save it, not counting it against my 35%.
Bottom line- when I was making in the 60s and later in the 90s (until I was 28) I was saving 12k and 20k, respectively, not including 401k contributions. It requires discipline, patience, and not living on the coasts. I'd see friends and family getting nicer apartments and cars, taking nicer vacations, dining out more often. But the money you invest in your 20s and early 30s is worth so much more than money invested later. Keep your eye on the prize.
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